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Uh-oh....I think I may have a problem, and it absolutely kills me to admit it. What I really want is for no one to agree with me and tell me it's all in my head.


I think I may have a problem with dairy. This makes me cry. I LOVE dairy. Love. I could eat it with every meal. But after doing the Whole 30 and easing back in some of the forbidden foods, the only one that I think may be affecting me is the dairy!


Yesterday I had cream in my coffee for breakfast, yogurt at lunch, cheese chips plus cheese and sour cream on my taco salad at dinner. I was pretty gassy most of the day, and the dry red patch that has been on my face forever, but that all but disappeared toward the end of W30, was staring me directly in the face last night.


I researched the symptoms of casein sensitivity and only the gas is applicable, even though that could be lactose, too, but I don't have any of the more common symptoms.


Someone please tell me it's something else.

A few weeks ago I did 3 days without dairy, except for butter. (I did meat & fat only for 3 days.) Although I did really well losing weight in those 3 days, I REALLY missed cheese! Although I do not have a sensitivity to dairy, I did recognize that I should probably cut back on it a bit. Do you think you could do that? Just cut back and not have it at every meal/snack?

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I think I'm struggling with dairy too :(

I've been LC/hf since last may. I've only lost 15 pounds total (plus the same 5 or so pounds for a few months). Starting to get really annoyed. I'm not even back to my prepregnancy weight- baby is 11 months and then I've got those 20 pounds I've been trying to get rid of, between pregnancies that is, since 2000 something...

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It could be that you went from eating it all the time, to not eating it at all, to overdoing it as you added it back in. Whenever you haven't been eating something, then add it back, you have to do it slowly. I had a massive reaction to gluten after Thanksgiving because I had several rolls, stuffing, and pie. Now that it's back out of my system, I can eat it in small quantities w/o a reaction. I remember this too from when I did WW years and years ago. After having gone nearly meat free, I had a burger and was in the bathroom forever after that. So my advice, take it back out and see if that patch clears up. Then, add it back in slowly. One thing in one day, not every meal.

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Uh-oh....I think I may have a problem, and it absolutely kills me to admit it. What I really want is for no one to agree with me and tell me it's all in my head.


I think I may have a problem with dairy. This makes me cry. I LOVE dairy. Love. I could eat it with every meal. But after doing the Whole 30 and easing back in some of the forbidden foods, the only one that I think may be affecting me is the dairy!


Yesterday I had cream in my coffee for breakfast, yogurt at lunch, cheese chips plus cheese and sour cream on my taco salad at dinner. I was pretty gassy most of the day, and the dry red patch that has been on my face forever, but that all but disappeared toward the end of W30, was staring me directly in the face last night.


I researched the symptoms of casein sensitivity and only the gas is applicable, even though that could be lactose, too, but I don't have any of the more common symptoms.


Someone please tell me it's something else.



I would say that instead of cutting it ALL out, just cut back and see what that does....especially if you don't have the common or multiple indicators of full on intolerance.


Really, I agree w/ other replies that anytime we fully eliminate something and then add it back full force, its generally a recipe for drama in the system. I can tolerate small amounts of off-plan foods- but not more than a little, else I feel terrible.


((hugs)) Sorry- i really hope you don't have to cut out dairy- I think LCHF isn't that easy or fun w/out dairy :(

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Q- I guess I'll be the voice of dissent. If you already had a rash before cutting it out then it just isn't a sign of being bothered due to the elimination. That is a common sign of intolerance. Different people can tolerate different amounts though and you might look at eating less and eating lower lactose items- like yogurt, cream and hard cheeses. However, if it is the casein that is an issue then it won't matter. You also have to decide how much it bothers you. Dairy can cause difficulty in losing weight in some. It seems to for me. However, you have to decide whether it is worth the both to eat it or not.

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Uh-oh....I think I may have a problem, and it absolutely kills me to admit it. What I really want is for no one to agree with me and tell me it's all in my head.


I think I may have a problem with dairy. This makes me cry. I LOVE dairy. Love. I could eat it with every meal. But after doing the Whole 30 and easing back in some of the forbidden foods, the only one that I think may be affecting me is the dairy!


Yesterday I had cream in my coffee for breakfast, yogurt at lunch, cheese chips plus cheese and sour cream on my taco salad at dinner. I was pretty gassy most of the day, and the dry red patch that has been on my face forever, but that all but disappeared toward the end of W30, was staring me directly in the face last night.


I researched the symptoms of casein sensitivity and only the gas is applicable, even though that could be lactose, too, but I don't have any of the more common symptoms.


Someone please tell me it's something else.





I'm crying with you. Seriously, as long as I had dairy, I thought I was just fine.


I started getting very rashy with blisters at the nape of my neck. Went back to all the old shampoos, detergents, and then started to realize it was after eating dairy. I just kept eating it, I got hives on my arms, my rear itching like mad....


So I got sick of itching and stopped eating dairy for three days. Itching and blisters stopped.


Ate cream cheese yesterday? Broke out in head to toe hives and had to take benedryl--which shot my whole day (but hey, it was nice to have the itching stop).


So today I'm back to no dairy and I feel like I've got nothing to eat for breakfast. I've been reading Paleo blogs all morning to get some ideas.

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So today I'm back to no dairy and I feel like I've got nothing to eat for breakfast. I've been reading Paleo blogs all morning to get some ideas.


Can you still eat butter or not? I'm getting into a groove with the bulletproof coffee for breakfast, but at the moment I cannot have carbs OR protein for breakfast or I'm starving by 10:30. So coffee with butter it is!


A question for those of you who eat grass-fed butter - do you think it smells a little gamey or something? I don't care for the smell right out of the fridge.

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Can you still eat butter or not? I'm getting into a groove with the bulletproof coffee for breakfast, but at the moment I cannot have carbs OR protein for breakfast or I'm starving by 10:30. So coffee with butter it is!


A question for those of you who eat grass-fed butter - do you think it smells a little gamey or something? I don't care for the smell right out of the fridge.


If you're having issues with dairy, you could use coconut oil in your coffee instead. I prefer the buttered coffee but if I had to get rid of it, I'd do the CO.

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I'm not strict carb free. I've gone to a LCHF diet for health reasons. I'm not looking to lose weight but dh is.


I'm going to ask for suggestions for my ds. He is underweight and needs to put on at least 10-15 lbs. His doctor wants me to add Duocal to his meals so I need to go buy some.


The thing is, and why I'm asking here, is that people, including the doctor, tell me to feed him high fat so he'll gain weight. Well, according to everything I've been reading it's not the dietary fat that makes one gain weight it's carbs. So, I will continue to give him high fat foods as they are needed for health and growth, but I need to give him a boost in carbs/calories.


The doctor told me to also give him a drink called Resource Breeze which is literally water, sugar, corn syrup, and whey protein. I really don't want to give him calories from sugar and corn syrup. Blech. I will make him a fruit smoothie each day with protein powder added.


Now, help me think of carbs I can feed him......not empty carbs. Should I go back to flavor almond/coconut that has added sugar? Sweetened yogurts?


I just switched to unsweetened products from our nut butters, yogurts, milks, etc. Now dh is arguing with me to switch back because ds needs the calories.


I can't do many grains for him. He has to be gluten free. He is allergic to oats, rice, quinoa, beans, and peanuts, and possibly nuts. He is allergic to bananas and avocados. He's actually allergic to a lot of stuff and we're seeing an allergist in a couple weeks.


So, while I'm feeding him protein and fats.....he needs to gain weight and needs carbs. Suggestions?

I haven't read all of the replies, but:


Try making his smoothies w/ ice cream and add some protein powder and if he can have nut butter or sunbutter, throw that in too. You can even add some additional powdered milk, too. Look for pasta made from corn only if he can have corn. Buy yogurt w/ sugar only for him. Full fat milk, rather than low fat. French fries, corn chips, etc for snacks. Doing the smoothies w/ ice cream and peanut butter really helped my friend's ds gain the 10-15 lbs he needed to gain over the summer.

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Can you still eat butter or not? I'm getting into a groove with the bulletproof coffee for breakfast, but at the moment I cannot have carbs OR protein for breakfast or I'm starving by 10:30. So coffee with butter it is!


A question for those of you who eat grass-fed butter - do you think it smells a little gamey or something? I don't care for the smell right out of the fridge.


I'm afraid to try it!


No, my butter has never smelled gamey? I use either Organic Valley or Kerrygold.



If you're having issues with dairy, you could use coconut oil in your coffee instead. I prefer the buttered coffee but if I had to get rid of it, I'd do the CO.


I DO normally have green tea with CO in the morning, so that's not so bad.


Right now I'm roasting a few sweet potatoes to have for breakfasts. That should help a bit.

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A few weeks ago I did 3 days without dairy, except for butter. (I did meat & fat only for 3 days.) Although I did really well losing weight in those 3 days, I REALLY missed cheese! Although I do not have a sensitivity to dairy, I did recognize that I should probably cut back on it a bit. Do you think you could do that? Just cut back and not have it at every meal/snack?


Yes, I can definitely do that. I'd also forgotten that I had a caprese salad for lunch, too. So a lot more dairy even than what I'd previously stated.


Maybe if I can keep to cream in the coffee plus maybe one serving I'll be ok. Oh, and the butter doesn't bother me. I never stopped eating it and never had any sort of reaction. Anyway, I hope this works.

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Q- I guess I'll be the voice of dissent. If you already had a rash before cutting it out then it just isn't a sign of being bothered due to the elimination. That is a common sign of intolerance. Different people can tolerate different amounts though and you might look at eating less and eating lower lactose items- like yogurt, cream and hard cheeses. However, if it is the casein that is an issue then it won't matter. You also have to decide how much it bothers you. Dairy can cause difficulty in losing weight in some. It seems to for me. However, you have to decide whether it is worth the both to eat it or not.



DON'T SAY THIS! Everyone was doing so well convincing me I can just eat less of it and be ok! (jk, of course)


I think you're right, and I do think it's going to cause me some difficulty losing weight. I'm not going to give it up entirely because I can moderate. I really didn't realize how much I ate yesterday until I sat there and really thought about it. I've been tracking my food but I didn't yesterday. Lesson learned.


Anyway, I'm going to keep the butter, and the cream in my coffee, but limit to no more than one serving a day outside of that and see how I do. Hopefully well enough. Life isn't worth living without cheese.

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lol, Yes, cheese is yummy and there is no real substitute for that.


My dh has rash issues as well but I'm not sure if his are dairy or gluten related. He did really well not hardly eating either for a long while and then started back eating both and is now having issues again.


Sorry to hear that justamouse. Considering how severely you were reacting to gluten I'm not surprised to hear it but I do know it stinks.

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Justamouse (sorry I can't quote ony phone ), I am using Kerrygold. I don't know what's up with my nose though, lol. If you can eat the butter without issue, you must try the coffee. I am totally converted! So far, most days I am carb free till lunchtime. Don't be afraid :)

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I think I remember reading years ago that alcohol gets burned first. So, even if I keep my total carb count at 50 (including wine), will I have a harder time losing weight because my body will burn the alcohol first before burning the fat?


Bite your tongue!

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Here's a gluten-free recipe is also LC. I've made them several times, however I found that too much caused a serious diverticulitis flair up, so I just have to forego them.




I made them without the butter/seasoning on top. I also made 1/2 the recipe since it was just for me. They were delicious. The next day I would cut them in half and warm them up in the oven.


Anyway, wanted to share it with someone who could enjoy them.

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I haven't read all of the replies, but:


Try making his smoothies w/ ice cream and add some protein powder and if he can have nut butter or sunbutter, throw that in too. You can even add some additional powdered milk, too. Look for pasta made from corn only if he can have corn. Buy yogurt w/ sugar only for him. Full fat milk, rather than low fat. French fries, corn chips, etc for snacks. Doing the smoothies w/ ice cream and peanut butter really helped my friend's ds gain the 10-15 lbs he needed to gain over the summer.



Thanks. He's gained 1.5 lbs this past week. Of course that's with his supplement powder from the pharmacy.


We haven't had low fat milk in this house in over 11 years. ;) Doesn't really matter though because he hates cow milk. He drinks almond and coconut milk.


I've increased his fruit consumption. He's not a fruit eater but I've got to get carbs into him some how. I've let him have ice cream every day, and while I cringe at the sugar it's what we have to do right now.


Here's a gluten-free recipe is also LC. I've made them several times, however I found that too much caused a serious diverticulitis flair up, so I just have to forego them.




I made them without the butter/seasoning on top. I also made 1/2 the recipe since it was just for me. They were delicious. The next day I would cut them in half and warm them up in the oven.


Anyway, wanted to share it with someone who could enjoy them.



Thanks! Those look so yummy!

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That is exactly what I was thinking.


When I have gone very low carb and then added in anything carby I had a stomach ache from hell. After awhile that stopped happening though.


I did another awful thing yesterday. Seems I'm on a roll.


I was hungry and needed just a tiny bite of something to hold me til dinner. The cleaning people were here and working on my kitchen and I didn't want to get in their way so I just grabbed the bag of banana chips so I could have a couple.


15 minutes later I'd eaten the entire bag. I think it had 66 grams of sugar in it. 15 minutes after that I had the most awful headache (of course) and my face almost felt numb. It was terrible.


Lesson #2: Don't keep that stuff in the house. Just don't.

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I have to. As I posted before my ds needs extra carbs to gain weight. So we now have the fridge/pantry stocked with carb loaded food.


Yep, I have almost zero self control.



I've been pretty good about exercising self-control, actually. We still have chips and peanut butter and ice cream and bread and all sorts of delicious things around, and I don't really give them a second thought!


My first mistake was actually letting myself get that hungry feeling. My 2nd mistake was bringing the whole bag out of the kitchen. If I'd left it there and just taken a few I may have been ok.


So, maybe I can keep the stuff around after all, but after yesterday I don't even want to. Blah... :ack2:

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I think I remember reading years ago that alcohol gets burned first. So, even if I keep my total carb count at 50 (including wine), will I have a harder time losing weight because my body will burn the alcohol first before burning the fat?

Any carbs you consume, including those in alcohol, are burned before stored fat is burned.

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Any carbs you consume, including those in alcohol, are burned before stored fat is burned.


That's what I thought, too. But I think I remember reading somewhere that, say, I consume 50g of carbs a day to lose weight. If 10 of those carb grams are wine, I will not lose as much weight as if 10 of those carb grams were veg (or starch?).


I'm not sure if I'm remembering incorrectly or if the science behind that statement even makes sense.

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Yummy little treat - I didn't have quite enough fat with dinner, so I made some Bulletproof tea. Gypsy Cold Care tea with grass-fed butter and a smitch of coconut oil, well blended. It was much tastier than I expected, and as far as I can tell, no carbs.

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I saw Atkin's frozen dinners at the store today. I don't generally buy stuff like that (no I didn't buy one today either). But hey it might be good in a pinch, as an occasional convenience item, or if someone needs a portable meal. They looked pretty decent.

I've bought a few to have on hand in a pinch. I really like the chicken pot pie and the other chicken one with broccoli.

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That's what I thought, too. But I think I remember reading somewhere that, say, I consume 50g of carbs a day to lose weight. If 10 of those carb grams are wine, I will not lose as much weight as if 10 of those carb grams were veg (or starch?).


I'm not sure if I'm remembering incorrectly or if the science behind that statement even makes sense.

There is a difference in calories from veggie carbs and alcohol carbs...not a lot when it comes to 10 g. of carbs, but maybe it could make a difference?? Carbs from veggies contain 4 calories per carb gram; carbs from alcohol contains 7 calories per carb gram.

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There is a difference in calories from veggie carbs and alcohol carbs...not a lot when it comes to 10 g. of carbs, but maybe it could make a difference?? Carbs from veggies contain 4 calories per carb gram; carbs from alcohol contains 7 calories per carb gram.



Ok, thanks. As long as I am keeping my total carb count around 50-60, I should be losing weight. I think I'm having too many days of eating out, where I don't know all the ingredients and there are probably hidden carbs.


This obviously doesn't include last night's 2 scoops of peanut butter/dark chocolate ice cream with a layer of salted caramel between them. I feel quite certain those carbs were not at all hidden. :tongue_smilie:

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This obviously doesn't include last night's 2 scoops of peanut butter/dark chocolate ice cream with a layer of salted caramel between them. I feel quite certain those carbs were not at all hidden. :tongue_smilie:



Oh, that's bad. Next time just have the glass of red wine already!

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Oh thar icecream sounds good. I'm doing a carbon refeed tomorrow and that might be going on the menu. I've been aiming for 30 net grams here although I've went over a bit some days.

Fwiw the kindle is autocrrecting- I do love carbon :)

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Ok, thanks. As long as I am keeping my total carb count around 50-60, I should be losing weight. I think I'm having too many days of eating out, where I don't know all the ingredients and there are probably hidden carbs.


This obviously doesn't include last night's 2 scoops of peanut butter/dark chocolate ice cream with a layer of salted caramel between them. I feel quite certain those carbs were not at all hidden. :tongue_smilie:


You could join me for Lent and abstain.... :)

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Ok, thanks. As long as I am keeping my total carb count around 50-60, I should be losing weight. I think I'm having too many days of eating out, where I don't know all the ingredients and there are probably hidden carbs.


This obviously doesn't include last night's 2 scoops of peanut butter/dark chocolate ice cream with a layer of salted caramel between them. I feel quite certain those carbs were not at all hidden. :tongue_smilie:


I know exactly what you mean. It's TOM time and I was making Turtle cake for my dd's dance tonight. I just couldn't resist the warm caramel sauce I made up. :glare:

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I've been completed addicted to chicken wings lately. I make them at home so I know what's in them, and they're better than any wing I've ever had at any restaurant. I think that's a lot better than eating the ice cream and drinking the wine that I really want!


Except.....I did have a small bowl of ice cream with two brownie bites the other night, and I'm going to hear my husband's band tonight and so I'll have a drink. But here's the thing.....the SMALL bowl of ice cream and tiny brownie bites were perfect, and didn't leave me wanting more. And the one drink I'll have will be fine, because the one glass of wine I had was delicious and had the exact effect I was looking for.


Does this mean I've kicked my sugar/carb addictions (or almost) and I'm actually enjoying things in moderation like I'm supposed to? If so, that's HUGE!


I'll be going to St. Louis in a couple of weeks and have no intention of not eating my beloved pizza there, or having a drink with my friends, but I have no desire to eat stuff I'm not supposed to just because it's Tuesday (or, Saturday, as the case may be).


I think I'm having a breakthrough.

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Does this mean I've kicked my sugar/carb addictions (or almost) and I'm actually enjoying things in moderation like I'm supposed to? If so, that's HUGE!


I'll be going to St. Louis in a couple of weeks and have no intention of not eating my beloved pizza there, or having a drink with my friends, but I have no desire to eat stuff I'm not supposed to just because it's Tuesday (or, Saturday, as the case may be).


I think I'm having a breakthrough.



That's awesome! I'd definitely call it a break-through. :hurray:

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Love this thread!


I went to the store today to get all the things that I need to start my first week of induction using Atkins. I'm so excited! I want to lose about 25 lbs. As other's have said, that last bit of baby fat just keeps on hanging on (and multiplying).


Thanks to everyone for sharing their snacks and dinners. I'm actually having a hard time with lunches. Any favorite lunches?

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Any favorite lunches?



Shrimp and avocado in a lettuce wrap.

Leftover chicken and avocado in a lettuce wrap.

Sauteed eggplant. Slice of bacon on the side.

Refried beans in a low carb wrap with avocado. (Yes, I LOVE avocado).

Cheese and olives and other raw veggies.


I forget where atkins breaks first and second levels so some of these might not be first level. With only 25 lbs to lose, you don't even have to start in Phase 1...so if it gets too hard, just slide in a couple Phase 2 foods to keep you going...

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I just weighed and I'm down another 2 pounds. I'm really happy with that, especially considering my banana chip binge, brownie/ice cream dessert, and a few other simple carbs here and there, including some alcohol a few times.


I've cut back on the dairy but not eliminated it. I don't feel like I'm sacrificing anything at this point, and as long as the scale keeps going down, I'm happy.


I do wish it would go down a bit faster, but then I'd have to cut all the simple carbs and dairy, like I did on W30, and I really don't want to do that.


I was going to do the Carb Nite thing, but I really don't think I can limit carbs to 30 per day and don't want to have to count them.

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Background...I'm obese, and it is not cool. I've been overweight since highschool. I am 4 months post partum and below my starting weight, but still at least 50lbs overweight. I started weight watchers a few months ago, and have lost about 10lbs with it, but my skin is dry, and (sorry for the TMI) I'm having horrid constipation. Not usually ever a problem for me, and it sucks. I'm eating lots of fiber, tons of veggies and still there. I'm hoping low carb/high fat will help with my skin, be better for my arthritis, help me lose weight, prevent diabetes (dad just had to go on meds and I'm built just like him), and fix the potty issue. A few random thoughts and questions:


1. For the person that doesn't like frozen veggies..try roasting them. Toss with lots of olive oil, put them in the oven at 350 or 375, and bake for 30 minutes or so. Until the edges are crispy and almost burn. The roasting makes them YUMMY! It is the ONLY way I eat veggies now. I actually find brocolli tastes GOOD this way, and I hate brocolli.


2. Anyone done this while nursing? How many carbs would you suggest? I'm nursing a 4 month old exclusively, and nursing my just turned 3 year old twice to three times a day. (yes, with all that nursing I'm still quite overweight).


3. Best way to track carbs? I just downloaded the atkins ap for my phone, is there a better one?

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Katie I'm nursing an almost 3 mo old and at about 30 g net. I did lc after #3 as well and kept to 50total for a good while- it took me about 4 mo. To lose my weight last time. I've been slowly going down after this pregnancy. I track on my daily plate. It really helper me last week especially to make sure my calories were high enough while transitioning lower carb. I'm aiming for at least 1800 calories-although some days I haven't made it that high.

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This is oh so random, but I found a great little coconut flour muffin recipe http://lowcarbdiets....nutrmuffins.htm and tried it out tonight- YUM! Great way to use up the coconut flour I have lying around :) This is the first coconut flour recipe I"ve ever recommended...have had a lot of blah/flops (if you have some nice ones to share, I'd love to try more)


I followed the basic recipe but instead of adding raspberries to mixture, I added & mixed 1.5 oz cream cheese, 1/3 cup raspberries & 1/8 tsp equal/sweetener, stirred it up till it was nice & pink and put a dollop on top of each muffin and then baked them. :) The muffin itself is pretty dry/coconut flour like, which I anticipated hence the topping...so really, I'm eating it for the topping- LOL


Nutrition facts: (using 15 drops stevia; 2 sweetener packets total) 157 calories; 4g carb; 2g fiber;13g fat;5g protein

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I'm so excited my hips are down 1in and my thighs .25 in! They have been so stubborn in holding onto weight, I was so excited to finally see some decrease! I'm due to weigh in on Thursday and hoping to just have 9lbs of weight to go then.


Yesterday I did a carb refeed- ala- Carb Nite Solution. I never let myself just eat like that. I ended up taking in 300g carbs and couldn't eat anymore(over a 6 hr period). I'm going to try 2 rounds and see how it goes. I'll have another refeed on Sunday. I'm trying to keep it consistently lower this week as last week I kept pushing the 30g (net) limit and going over some as well. I'm going to try to make it closer to 20 and not go over 30 at all.

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ktgrok, I started Atkins when I was still nursing a 6month old. I think I also kept it around 30grams at first. I can't really remember, it's been almost 12 yrs!


I can't believe the scale finally moved for me. I was watching it for the last 2 weeks and it just wouldn't budge. AND, I wasn't really eating totally on plan, but between Sat. and today(Monday) I lost 3 pounds! I know it's going to be harder this time around as I am closer to 50 yrs. But no movement was really discouraging.

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I'm so excited my hips are down 1in and my thighs .25 in! They have been so stubborn in holding onto weight, I was so excited to finally see some decrease! I'm due to weigh in on Thursday and hoping to just have 9lbs of weight to go then.


Yesterday I did a carb refeed- ala- Carb Nite Solution. I never let myself just eat like that. I ended up taking in 300g carbs and couldn't eat anymore(over a 6 hr period). I'm going to try 2 rounds and see how it goes. I'll have another refeed on Sunday. I'm trying to keep it consistently lower this week as last week I kept pushing the 30g (net) limit and going over some as well. I'm going to try to make it closer to 20 and not go over 30 at all.


Can you explain carb refeed to me? Do you mean you eat very low carb (20-30) and then have a night once a week where you eat a ton of carbs, like pasta and bread? Does this trigger weight loss by not having your body settle into a predictable pattern of low carb?


Thanks for any help.

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That's about right. There are tons of plans out there you can google CKD, cyclical ketogenic diet. For this one, carb nite solution, it is a 10 day prep then a 1 night refeed, then 5-7 days keto and 1 day refeed after that. There is also the anabolic diet as well. Dangerouslyhardcore.com is the home to the carb nite solution diet- heads up for cursing and scantily clad chicks. As I mentioned earlier I've noticed that I naturally tend to cycle so I thought I try some sort of structured planned based on cycling. We will see how it works.

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Ok...so today was my first weigh in since losing my first 20 lbs. This week I lost 6.6 lbs and ate around 20 to 25 carbs and 1300 calories daily. My dd is doing this and lost 9 lbs this week. We hope week 2 we get the same results. Also, my birthday is the 21st...can just for that day I have something I want to eat without kissing my weight loss goodbye?

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Congrats on your loss Tammy! IMO as to having a treat on your b-day. I don't think it will hurt in terms of loss from a physical/hormonal point of view. As I've read I think it can actually be helpful at times. However, it could be harmful in that it could start off lots of cheating and make it harder to go back to an lc diet afterwards. I wouldn't try it unless you were well established w/ lc. However, as well we work differently.


fwiw Debbi my mom is doing lc now with me. She is really cursing her age and has taken back every time before that she thought older women were just lazy when they said it was a lot harder to lose weight.

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Awesome results, ladies!!!


I seem to be holding steady with weight...no movement in a few weeks. However, I've lost 4 in. on my waist! I put on a pair of jeans the other day that I'd stopped wearing a few months ago because of tightness and muffin top and after a few moments, I just stopped and said to dh, "Daaaaaang, these feel good!" And within a few hours, they were slowly sagging off of me. :D


ETA: I've also started seeing some loss of belly fat. I think the steady weight is due to my muscles building. I began training again in early December (was in a holding pattern due to injury) and when we took my measurements last week, my calves were slightly larger. :)

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