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My carb intake was higher over the weekend, around 70 -90 grams, and I had less energy and felt very hungry all weekend. I had more energy below 60 g and didn't have the cravings and hunger pangs. I'm going to stay closer to that amount for the next week at least. I'm planning on roasting a bunch of chicken legs and thighs again today. That was a big help last week, and I love cold roasted chicken. I should have done that yesterday. Now I'm stuck with eggs this morning, and I'm really tired of eggs! Maybe if I can make them in a different way it would help. I've been mostly eating them hard boiled and mashed with butter, scrambled, and sunny side up. I made a spinach and swiss omelet the other day that was pretty good. Any egg ideas?

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. Any egg ideas?



I made Egg Muffins this weekend and they were a nice change. I used 1lb of pork sausage and a dozen eggs and it made 12 muffin tins full (Just beware that it can stick horribly if you cook them too long. If you google Paleo Egg muffins you will find lots of different ideas for things to add in.

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. Any egg ideas?



Scramble over low heat in butter. Right before they are done stir in some cubed cream cheese (Kraft is lower in carbs than some store brands). Finish cooking until cc is melted. Serve with half an avocado and bacon or sausage. I like to have a bite of avocado and egg at the same time.



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Did my dinner/breakfast carb relaxation (dreamfields pasta, heavy on the meat, and bagels heavy on the flax seed and cream cheese) and weight stayed dead even. Energy didn't change. So for me, I seem to get enough halo effect from my other 19 meals per week being HFLC. But obviously making this choice will slow my weight loss. Hey I'm 48 with a 23 bmi. Who am I kidding? I won't look like a supermodel ever. So if it takes me 2 more weeks to fit into some clothes while having a bit of a carb life, I'm good.

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Nono--thanks for the feedback on Dreamfields....I'm actually afraid to try it, so I got a spaghetti squash instead to get my pasta fix.


Today is weigh in day for me....this week I lost 4.3 lbs...I down a total of 31.4lbs with 20.6lbs left to lose by June 1st.


A big thank you to all of you on this thread...you're such an inspiration to me, and I greatly appreciate you all! :thumbup:

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fwiw I had some treats yesterday myself. I didn't eat enough Fri and Sat as I was way too busy. Anyway, today is a new day.


Congrats to all those who have lost weight this week!!!!


I'm weighing in on Friday myself. I have a feeling this month isn't going to be that great. I'm trying to go back towards Whole30, or at least that is my plan this minute. I've got to stay away from dairy. It doesn't work well for me and it seems to bother the baby.

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you fast losers make me frustrated, lol! I'm a pound a week girl, at best, no matter what I do. If I lose two pounds I'm sure to not lose at all the next week, averaging back out to a pound a week. So frustrating, but better than nothing, and safe for the baby I'm nursing I guess.


oh, and as far as weighing, I'm doing something I learned a long time ago. I am weighing daily, and entering it into a spreadsheet. I average each week's weights and then compare one week's average to the next week's average. That way I have a better idea of what is really happening, without freaking out over daily fluctuations. Otherwise I get annoyed when it seems my highest weight of the week falls on weigh in day :)

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Katie - I'm not a fast loser. I have been exercising 5 days a week and tracking my food on Sparkpeople for 3 stupid years. I have lost and gained the same ten pounds over and over in those 3 years. I've been losing more and more control over my blood sugars. That's what finally pushed me to go grain free - to try and get control over the blood sugar issue without medicine and without becoming totally diabetic. I'm happy that I lost the 5 pounds but as my dd noted, I did not come bouncing out of the bathroom to tell everyone this time. I'm not sure that I won't gain it right back again. I hope that I continue to lose but will be happy even if my blood sugar continues to be normal.

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Katie - I will slow down to 1.5 lbs a week now that I lost a lot of water weight. Last time I did low carb I did the same thing. Quick drop the first week and then averaged out to 1.5 lbs every week after that. It didn't matter if I was perfect all week or if I had a day where I went over my carbs I still lost 1.5 lbs a week.

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you fast losers make me frustrated, lol! I'm a pound a week girl, at best, no matter what I do. If I lose two pounds I'm sure to not lose at all the next week, averaging back out to a pound a week. So frustrating, but better than nothing, and safe for the baby I'm nursing I guess.


oh, and as far as weighing, I'm doing something I learned a long time ago. I am weighing daily, and entering it into a spreadsheet. I average each week's weights and then compare one week's average to the next week's average. That way I have a better idea of what is really happening, without freaking out over daily fluctuations. Otherwise I get annoyed when it seems my highest weight of the week falls on weigh in day :)


That's a great idea. I used a calendar for a while, and I think I do need to go back to daily tracking. When I stopped daily tracking, that's when I put the most weight back on because I'm not noticing the small fluctuation which inevitably turn into larger ones.

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I'm not a fast loser either. I've had a few weeks where I have lost 2-3 lbs but without fail then I won't lose any or gain back some. I always get excited but it seems to be the pattern. I used to be a daily weigher but with the way my weight loss has been going it is better if I don't this time. The past few months it seems I averaged around 1 lb a week lose, although as I said it was in spurts. I do not think this month will be as good though. I guess we will see come Friday.

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I weighed in today, and I'm down 6.8 lbs for the week! The last four days have been kind of rough for me though. I've been hungry, had lots of cravings and even some anger about not being able to eat certain things. I think my fat could have been higher for two of those days. My main issue is more of a mental one, I believe. I need to add some variety to what I'm eating. I'm trying to get an egg down right now, and I'm starting to feel a bit nauseous, lol. I'm going to reread the thread for some food ideas and maybe find some lc/hf blogs to read.

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I'm trying to get an egg down right now, and I'm starting to feel a bit nauseous, lol.


I like to put a whole lot of something - bacon bits or cooked yellow onions, whatever - in the pan with a lot of butter, crank up the heat and toss in the egg. So, the egg surrounds the other food but I don't have to taste only the egg texture. And/or, throw it in, cook over easy and put on an avocado half with salt.

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I must have a lot of adrenaline or caffeine going or something - it's unusual for me to be hungry at this time of the morning (I only had my usual bulletproof coffee). Maybe I'll have a tbsp of fat before I go running in a couple hours. It's tempting to have a sausage. I seem to lose faster if I'm not eating more protein than usual (so for lunch, I do better with one egg and some bacon bits rather than two eggs and some bacon bits, lol; I need to keep my burger normal-sized, which would not be large, etc). Maybe I'll have a link with some fat on the side...

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I must have a lot of adrenaline or caffeine going or something - it's unusual for me to be hungry at this time of the morning (I only had my usual bulletproof coffee). Maybe I'll have a tbsp of fat before I go running in a couple hours. It's tempting to have a sausage. I seem to lose faster if I'm not eating more protein than usual (so for lunch, I do better with one egg and some bacon bits rather than two eggs and some bacon bits, lol; I need to keep my burger normal-sized, which would not be large, etc). Maybe I'll have a link with some fat on the side...




This is a really good point. Often, I forget this because I'm so focused on not having carbs that I overdo the protein. I don't think I can stay full on one egg, though. The other day I had three to be satisfied.

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This is a really good point. Often, I forget this because I'm so focused on not having carbs that I overdo the protein. I don't think I can stay full on one egg, though. The other day I had three to be satisfied.


LOL, one egg only works if I also have a half avocado covered with some sort of fat (bacon or butter) and onions slow-cooked in fat or yet more costco bacon bits.

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LOL, one egg only works if I also have a half avocado covered with some sort of fat (bacon or butter) and onions slow-cooked in fat or yet more costco bacon bits.



That makes more sense! I just had 3 soft boiled for lunch. Delicious. Hoping I don't get the weird pinchy feeling in my chest that I've gotten the last few days every time I eat.

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Woo-hoo....I'm finally back in the zone- Finally registering higher amounts of ketones which means I'm fully back into ketosis, and today was proof! It was an unusually hectic day today that included 2 drs appointments, 2 workouts and 2 different kid after school classes, plus the usual. I had to go into the AM dr's appointment fasted (nothing but water) so I sat down to dinner tonight and realized the bunless cheeseburger & large ice water (roughly 250 calories) I grabbed at lunch, was all I had eaten the entire day! :thumbup: I had plenty of energy to get thru it all, including a combo spin/elliptical workout AND later in the afternoon, 30 minutes aqua jogging- WITHOUT awareness of flagging energy or hunger. I was so tickled. Nice to feel strong and centered again! Not bragging on me, bragging on LCHF- no other WOE of eating can do this!! Of course, this is not my ideal- my numbers are all screwed up for the day, but that's another struggle.


Another note that ya'll might be interested in...I got the lab work results from a comprehensive physical and after 7-8 months on LCHF, I am pleased (and relieved) to report that I have fantastic blood work- blood sugar, LDL, HDL, cholesterol triglycerides are all ideal (as per my dr). She was skeptical on lab day, but was very pleased today- LOL- and kept saying I was in excellent health. She also kept trying to say today that its not because of my WOE, rather in spite of it because I run so much etc...I shook my head. Obviously, conventional Dr. wisdom is continuously being disproved in this area- eating fat doesn't make you fat, nor do high fat foods = heart disease, and frankly all the exercise in the world cannot compensate for poor nutrition.


Just thought I'd share. :)

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Woo-hoo....I'm finally back in the zone- Finally registering higher amounts of ketones which means I'm fully back into ketosis, and today was proof! It was an unusually hectic day today that included 2 drs appointments, 2 workouts and 2 different kid after school classes, plus the usual. I had to go into the AM dr's appointment fasted (nothing but water) so I sat down to dinner tonight and realized the bunless cheeseburger & large ice water (roughly 250 calories) I grabbed at lunch, was all I had eaten the entire day! :thumbup: I had plenty of energy to get thru it all, including a combo spin/elliptical workout AND later in the afternoon, 30 minutes aqua jogging- WITHOUT awareness of flagging energy or hunger. I was so tickled. Nice to feel strong and centered again! Not bragging on me, bragging on LCHF- no other WOE of eating can do this!! Of course, this is not my ideal- my numbers are all screwed up for the day, but that's another struggle.


Another note that ya'll might be interested in...I got the lab work results from a comprehensive physical and after 7-8 months on LCHF, I am pleased (and relieved) to report that I have fantastic blood work- blood sugar, LDL, HDL, cholesterol triglycerides are all ideal (as per my dr). She was skeptical on lab day, but was very pleased today- LOL- and kept saying I was in excellent health. She also kept trying to say today that its not because of my WOE, rather in spite of it because I run so much etc...I shook my head. Obviously, conventional Dr. wisdom is continuously being disproved in this area- eating fat doesn't make you fat, nor do high fat foods = heart disease, and frankly all the exercise in the world cannot compensate for poor nutrition.


Just thought I'd share. :)




Congratulations!!! That's awesome.


Question: what exactly is ketosis and how do you find out if you're in it? I'm guessing that's where your body is running on only fat?

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Jean- sorry you are feeling sick. That sounds like a perfect dish for our family though. We do cajun sauce w/ leftover chicken and coconut milk and curry as well and it is one of our favorite meals- can you share your exact link?


Larla- congrats on the good report!


I weighed in today, I meant to wait until Friday but I got anxious. I'm down 3.4lbs for the month, not great but I guess that's progress. I'm now at 10.2 lbs to go. I'm so anxious to get under 10 lbs, ugh. Hopefully soon I'll get below that mark. My belly is down another .5 in and 1 in. in my hips. I'm right at 30 in for my waist, very anxious to get below 30 but of course my inches are dropping slower these days.


I stopped tracking this week. I was very anxious last week after having some bloating and my weight being up the week before. So, I'm not counting or measuring but trying to still keep it pretty low and just go by my hunger and how I feel. I know I'm so fickle :)

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Congratulations!!! That's awesome.


Question: what exactly is ketosis and how do you find out if you're in it? I'm guessing that's where your body is running on only fat?


Thanks- I'm very pleased to see blood work results and also to finally be back in the land that isn't controlled by carb cravings- LOL



Yes, ketosis is when your body is looking to fat first for energy- and as the body burns fat for fuel, it produces ketones. You can measure ketones by ketostix (urine sample- easy & inexpensive but not terribly accurate as hydration seems to hugely affect results).More reliably, there is a ketone meter... exactly like glucose meter, just w/ ketone testing sticks (about $1-$2 each, so I don't plan to test often). So a quick finger prick every few days gives very accurate feedback.

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Thanks- I'm very pleased to see blood work results and also to finally be back in the land that isn't controlled by carb cravings- LOL



Yes, ketosis is when your body is looking to fat first for energy- and as the body burns fat for fuel, it produces ketones. You can measure ketones by ketostix (urine sample- easy & inexpensive but not terribly accurate as hydration seems to hugely affect results).More reliably, there is a ketone meter... exactly like glucose meter, just w/ ketone testing sticks (about $1-$2 each, so I don't plan to test often). So a quick finger prick every few days gives very accurate feedback.



Where do you get the meters?

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Blew it over the weekend. It was awful. Like Carb-Fest 2013 :(



I, too, have been attending Carb-Fest 2013. It's been horrible...so many restaurants and social situations! I'm fine when I'm in my own house & kitchen and I can plan everything down to the sardine snack. :) But when I'm at a restaurant and they bring bread...or at a friend's house and she serves scones...agh! The last week has been a disaster for me.

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Another note that ya'll might be interested in...I got the lab work results from a comprehensive physical and after 7-8 months on LCHF, I am pleased (and relieved) to report that I have fantastic blood work- blood sugar, LDL, HDL, cholesterol triglycerides are all ideal (as per my dr). She was skeptical on lab day, but was very pleased today- LOL- and kept saying I was in excellent health. She also kept trying to say today that its not because of my WOE, rather in spite of it because I run so much etc...I shook my head. Obviously, conventional Dr. wisdom is continuously being disproved in this area- eating fat doesn't make you fat, nor do high fat foods = heart disease, and frankly all the exercise in the world cannot compensate for poor nutrition.


Just thought I'd share. :)



That's fantastic. My dh is low-carbing with me to lose some weight, but he's convinced it's going to raise his cholesterol in the process. I hope he's wrong!

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That's fantastic. My dh is low-carbing with me to lose some weight, but he's convinced it's going to raise his cholesterol in the process. I hope he's wrong!




I think he is :) Prior to my own testing, I read many reports from LCHF folks testing before/after, and without fail they all came into normal/ideal range for LDL/HDL/cholesterol etc.... However, I was still skeptical- LOL- and so seeing my own results has convinced me once and for all.

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I, too, have been attending Carb-Fest 2013. It's been horrible...so many restaurants and social situations! I'm fine when I'm in my own house & kitchen and I can plan everything down to the sardine snack. :) But when I'm at a restaurant and they bring bread...or at a friend's house and she serves scones...agh! The last week has been a disaster for me.



We sound like twins!


Today is a good day to start again :)

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Breakfast - scrambled eggs mixed with salsa, 4 oz. green smoothie


Lunch - a salad with protein (depends on what's in the fridge)


Afternoon snack - carrot or celery sticks dipped into goat cheese with some mango salsa on it


Dinner - not sure yet. I'm thinking fish?


But I'm not super low carb like some of you. I'm just Primal or is it Paleo?

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Breakfast - scrambled eggs mixed with salsa, 4 oz. green smoothie


Lunch - a salad with protein (depends on what's in the fridge)


Afternoon snack - carrot or celery sticks dipped into goat cheese with some mango salsa on it


Dinner - not sure yet. I'm thinking fish?


But I'm not super low carb like some of you. I'm just Primal or is it Paleo?


Looks pretty low carb to me--other than the smoothie? And the veg, I suppose. OK, lol....maybe not super low ;)

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Ugh, I had a bad day yesterday, and I ate a bag of Sun Chips and a few squares of milk chocolate. I gained a pound overnight. I know that I will still end up with a loss if I can keep it together for the next few days. I went right back eating lc/hf after this hiccup, which is a victory of sorts for me. Usually that would have led to a binge of junk food. I'm hoping MIL will take over dinner tonight. I'm having trouble coming up with my dinner, dinner for dh and the inlaws, and dinner for ds. At least ds has been making strides in what he will eat. He has sensory issues related to food, so he is challenging.

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Breakfast - coffee with 2 tbsp butter


no morning snack; plenty of water; usually two electrolyte tablets


Lunch - 1 egg tossed with costco bacon bits and 1 tbsp butter and maybe or maybe not a smitch of cheese, half avocado sprinkled with salt and topped with half yellow onion that I cooked in butter yesterday; maybe a few choc chips or a tbsp sunbutter for a dessert/snack/carb


Dinner - the kids will have tacos, so I'll have 1 taco (1 small corn tortilla 10g carb, fried in olive oil, ground beef, a little salsa or whatever, maybe a little cheese). Also, either a little more ground beef (with onion or guacamole or both), or a salad (lettuce and a couple baby carrots and red bell peppers with olive oil and a smitch of balsamic dressing)


Emergency snacks, which I try to avoid - 1 tbsp sunbutter (1.5g sugar) or 1 tbsp coconut oil. Truly, I do best when I drink a large glass of water, sometimes with electrolyte tablets, when I feel hungry. Then if that didn't quite take care of the problem, I'll consider an emergency snack.


If I eat too many carbs, like when I am tasting the batter for something I'm baking for the kids (I'm experimenting with protein powder and GF flour due to kid issues so I really do want to know what it tastes like, lest the kids not like it), then I make sure I take a zinc supplement, which helps a little with insulin issues generally. I don't know what happens in the context of sudden carbs while LCHF, but I figure zinc can't hurt.


If someone has a yummy way to eat a quick spoonful of coconut oil, do tell :bigear: . I can eat it straight up if necessary, but...


I recommend *not* doing what I do in allowing smitches of sugar, because if not careful it can start the carb cravings. It is not the way to go. I'm still adjusting, lol... I don't usually add up the carbs, but the smitches can accumulate easily, and I feel much better when I limit between-meal snacks.


Observations: (1) I'm almost never hungry after dinner. (2) If I have an adrenaline rush, like I get nervous about something big going on, I get super hungry for carbs. It may take a day of careful eating for that feeling to go away - when it happens, I try to eat some fat, and sometimes that works, sometimes not if I'm still freaking out about something.

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Ugh, I had a bad day yesterday, and I ate a bag of Sun Chips and a few squares of milk chocolate. I gained a pound overnight. I know that I will still end up with a loss if I can keep it together for the next few days. I went right back eating lc/hf after this hiccup, which is a victory of sorts for me. Usually that would have led to a binge of junk food. I'm hoping MIL will take over dinner tonight. I'm having trouble coming up with my dinner, dinner for dh and the inlaws, and dinner for ds. At least ds has been making strides in what he will eat. He has sensory issues related to food, so he is challenging.


This really IS a victory! So much better than waiting until the next day to try again.


Thanks for the food ideas. Trying to map out my meals for the day--much harder when you have to feed kids, as you all know.

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Today was a workout day for me, so hard to eat enough plus very busy day again, so convenience food for lunch... but in the spirit of being transparent (good & bad) here's what today looked like for me:


B: Bulletproof coffee (Kerrygold & Coconut Oil); Nuun Electrolyte Tab (during workout)

L: Atkins Beef Merlot w/ broccoli frzn dinner & Salad w/ ranch

S: Smoked Almonds; String Cheese & Popcorn (got snacky w/ the kids)

D: Basil Pesto Tilapia, Snap Peas & Baby Carrots


1430 calories; 33g carb; 111g fat; 82g protein; 11g fiber - I see that I need to eat more actually.....w/ the hard workout this AM, its not enough. But I am just NOT hungry. But, I will be tomorrow!!! LOL


Question: does anyone else eat when not hungry simply to meet macros or minimum calorie goals?

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Question: does anyone else eat when not hungry simply to meet macros or minimum calorie goals?



Occasionally I do but part of my problem with food is eating out of sheer boredom so I typically try not to eat unless I'm hungry. Beating this problem has been a cinch with LCHF.

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Today was a workout day for me, so hard to eat enough plus very busy day again, so convenience food for lunch... but in the spirit of being transparent (good & bad) here's what today looked like for me:


B: Bulletproof coffee (Kerrygold & Coconut Oil); Nuun Electrolyte Tab (during workout)

L: Atkins Beef Merlot w/ broccoli frzn dinner & Salad w/ ranch

S: Smoked Almonds; String Cheese & Popcorn (got snacky w/ the kids)

D: Basil Pesto Tilapia, Snap Peas & Baby Carrots


1430 calories; 33g carb; 111g fat; 82g protein; 11g fiber - I see that I need to eat more actually.....w/ the hard workout this AM, its not enough. But I am just NOT hungry. But, I will be tomorrow!!! LOL


Question: does anyone else eat when not hungry simply to meet macros or minimum calorie goals?



I'm so glad you brought that up. Like you, I'm just not hungry. I'm having a tough time meeting my calorie goals- I'm eating plenty of veggies and what seems like a ton of meat but at the end of the day I'm hovering around 1200 calories and Myfitnesspal is screaming at me that I'm not eating enough. What's up with that, and how can I fix it? I remember this from when we went low carb before, but can't recall what I did about it. Dh is on the verge of feeling the same way, and he has a lot of weight to lose so I'm his food buddy and really want this to work. We both feel MUCH better eating this way, but no appetite is just weird. We love eggs for breakfast and then neither of us are hungry the rest of the day.

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