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I have tried and he just says that he loves me just like I am. It looks like I need to try again, but we spent so many years having fun eating together I think he doesn't want to give that up.



I totally get that. My DH suddenly one day announced he was going vegetarian, and I cried and cried because shared food is HUGE in our relationship. I was so torn between the loss I was feeling and wanting to support him fully. Oy, it was rough.


Fortunately, he soon found and introduced ME to LCHF via Mark Sisson, and now I'm the one leading the healthy eating path, with him happily on board. It just took time for me to get on board. I'm so glad I did. :)


So I'm no help, beyond hoping you can bring him into the fold.

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I totally get that. My DH suddenly one day announced he was going vegetarian, and I cried and cried because shared food is HUGE in our relationship. I was so torn between the loss I was feeling and wanting to support him fully. Oy, it was rough.


Fortunately, he soon found and introduced ME to LCHF via Mark Sisson, and now I'm the one leading the healthy eating path, with him happily on board. It just took time for me to get on board. I'm so glad I did. :)


So I'm no help, beyond hoping you can bring him into the fold.



I'm glad to know there's hope! Yes--it's a huge sharing part of the relationship. Hubby cooked for a good chunk of the day yesterday. He LOVES puttering around in the kitchen. As soon as one meal was finished, he was rummaging around for the next one. Needless to say, this weekend has been a bust.

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Ugh! We had ice cream in the house the other night, as well as Doritos and oatmeal cream pies. Guess what I ate? Two days later my stomach is still quite upset. I'm typically pretty good with staying on plan but obviously, I still have my weak moments. I want to remember how nasty I feel the next time I'm tempted. :(





Oh how I wish I felt lousy from eating certain foods. Unfortunately, I have a stomach of steel that is affected by nothing :001_unsure:

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Sorry Alenee :( I know how that feels- I get so.incredibly.sick from junk food...you'd think I'd learn! I can tolerate a small amount (like a bite or two) but I remember in November eating about 3 servings of Doritos....I.WILL.NEVER.FORGET how that felt- LOL

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I'm glad to know there's hope! Yes--it's a huge sharing part of the relationship. Hubby cooked for a good chunk of the day yesterday. He LOVES puttering around in the kitchen. As soon as one meal was finished, he was rummaging around for the next one. Needless to say, this weekend has been a bust.


Could you get him an awesome cookbook with more carb friendly recipes?

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I had a LCHF experiment yesterday - bulletproof coffee as usual, then a plane trip and no food until 7 pm!! It was just how things worked out. Interestingly, I was fine! Sure, I was a little hungry, but I wasn't weak or faint or anything I would expect normally. So, "nutritional ketosis" (or whatever) turned out to be quite convenient in a food pinch. We'll see if I am extra hungry today.


Note to self - try to get the proper butter for the coffee while travelling, and pushing 3 tbsp is more like drinking butter, not my favorite even while effective...

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I had a LCHF experiment yesterday - bulletproof coffee as usual, then a plane trip and no food until 7 pm!! It was just how things worked out. Interestingly, I was fine! Sure, I was a little hungry, but I wasn't weak or faint or anything I would expect normally. So, "nutritional ketosis" (or whatever) turned out to be quite convenient in a food pinch. We'll see if I am extra hungry today.


Note to self - try to get the proper butter for the coffee while travelling, and pushing 3 tbsp is more like drinking butter, not my favorite even while effective...


That's great! I still haven't graduated to butter in the java yet. Still working up from powder to half-n-half, now having real cream. Baby steps ;)

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I woke up this morning feeling hungover...from eating too many carbs this weekend! Today is my ds 9th bday and we celebrated Saturday with his friends. My house was full of pizza, chips, cake (homemade!), and good ice cream. I knew I would indulge on Saturday. What I didn't count on was that I would indulge AGAIN on Sunday (leftover pizza is so yummy). I woke up this morning feeling sick.


I have done well all day today, but we are going out tonight for dinner with my family. Ds chose the restaurant, so as a normal little boy would, he chose BW3! What in the heck can I eat there? Suggestions???

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What is BW3? Too bad y'all can't go to Ruby Tuesday like Nono!



Sorry! It is actually called Buffalo Wild Wings now (used to be referred to as BW3). Basically, wings, burgers, etc. I know I can get a bunless burger or a grilled chicken salad. I guess I was just curious to know if anyone had any low-carb favorites there. I LOVE their wing sauce, but I don't think it is low-carb. :(

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Sorry! It is actually called Buffalo Wild Wings now (used to be referred to as BW3). Basically, wings, burgers, etc. I know I can get a bunless burger or a grilled chicken salad. I guess I was just curious to know if anyone had any low-carb favorites there. I LOVE their wing sauce, but I don't think it is low-carb. :(



OOOOO, we ate there yesterday, during Carbfest 2013 ;) I had the Asian zing wings. No doubt they aren't low-carb, but wings certainly aren't as bad as eating, say, a bowl of pasta.

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Umm, sorry to interrupt. But I have kind of a silly question. I have been low carbing since January. I don't follow any specific plan. I just cut out all the sugar I was consuming, and if I eat bread, it is the WW kind or the Flax roll up tortillas. I know longer drink all that sweet tea, or eating chips, Reeses, potatoes, white bread, baked goods etc.... I have been exercising. I was 143 first week of January, I am now 134. Dr said 130 would be ideal weight for me. I had a borderline high trig count(197). And impaired FBS. My question is, how do you STOP losing weight if you are still LC? I have no idea how many calories I consume a day, nor how many I am burning. I do not want to go back and eat junk again obviously. Okay. I hope that is not a totally ridiculous question.

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Sorry! It is actually called Buffalo Wild Wings now (used to be referred to as BW3). Basically, wings, burgers, etc. I know I can get a bunless burger or a grilled chicken salad. I guess I was just curious to know if anyone had any low-carb favorites there. I LOVE their wing sauce, but I don't think it is low-carb. :(


We have one nearby, but I haven't been there; I just looked at the menu online. This is what I would choose from:


Juicy Steak Burger, no bun, no onion rings

Screamin' Nacho Burger, no bun, no tortilla chips

Black & Bleu Burger, no bun

Build Your Own Burger, no bun


Jerk Chicken Sandwich, no bun

Build Your Own Grilled Chicken Sandwich

(I'm guessing the Buffalo Ranch chicken sandwich is breaded, as it is described as "golden-crisp)


If these sandwiches come with fries, I'd ask for a vegetable instead.


Naked Tenders

Chicken Caesar Salad, no croutons

Grilled Chicken Salad, no croutons

Grilled Chicken Buffalito, no tortilla

Pepper Jack Steak Wrap, no tortilla

Southwest Chicken Queso Wrap, no tortilla

Chicken Wrap, grilled, no tortilla


Side Salad

Veggie Boat



What I do is look for something that's not breaded that has the flavors I like--usually southwest in my case, and see what I can do to remove the starches and maybe add in some veggies. I would probably ask, because it never hurts to ask, if I could have some extra lettuce/tomato/etc on the side, especially with dishes that come with it anyway, like a wrap or burger that has lettuce.

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Umm, sorry to interrupt. But I have kind of a silly question. I have been low carbing since January. I don't follow any specific plan. I just cut out all the sugar I was consuming, and if I eat bread, it is the WW kind or the Flax roll up tortillas. I know longer drink all that sweet tea, or eating chips, Reeses, potatoes, white bread, baked goods etc.... I have been exercising. I was 143 first week of January, I am now 134. Dr said 130 would be ideal weight for me. I had a borderline high trig count(197). And impaired FBS. My question is, how do you STOP losing weight if you are still LC? I have no idea how many calories I consume a day, nor how many I am burning. I do not want to go back and eat junk again obviously. Okay. I hope that is not a totally ridiculous question.


I'm close to goal, so I find that when I eat more often per day (I usually eat 2x a day), or eat larger quantities or eat more fat in a day, I tend to maintain. If I eat some starchy stuff, like on a planned cheat, I temporarily add about 2 lb (which I know is refilled glycogen and water retention). To maintain I plan to do all of those things--eat more often--or--larger quantities--or--more fat in a day--or--planned cheats (not all in the same day).


I've lost 54 lb as of this morning. I was down 56 lb, but I had a cheat Friday night, so I'm up 2 lb still from that.


Another thing I find is that the closer to goal I get, the harder it is to lose the weight because my smaller size body doesn't need as much anymore. So I won't have a problem going down past goal. I have to fight for every pound now.

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I'm close to goal, so I find that when I eat more often per day (I usually eat 2x a day), or eat larger quantities or eat more fat in a day, I tend to maintain. If I eat some starchy stuff, like on a planned cheat, I temporarily add about 2 lb (which I know is refilled glycogen and water retention). To maintain I plan to do all of those things--eat more often--or--larger quantities--or--more fat in a day--or--planned cheats (not all in the same day).


I've lost 54 lb as of this morning. I was down 56 lb, but I had a cheat Friday night, so I'm up 2 lb still from that.


Another thing I find is that the closer to goal I get, the harder it is to lose the weight because my smaller size body doesn't need as much anymore. So I won't have a problem going down past goal. I have to fight for every pound now.


Congrats!!!!!! And I am getting close. Actually, I went to dance tonight and my teacher said "You lost weight". So even losing just 9 pounds apparently makes a big difference. I am only 5'3", and started at 143ish. I am about 134-135 now. First goal is 130. But I want to make it to 125. I have been Lcarbing since first week of January. It has been a slow weight loss, but it is coming off. Thanks for the tips. I didn't know how to stay at a goal weight. And I do not want to add in junk food or nasty carbs.
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Congrats!!!!!! And I am getting close. Actually, I went to dance tonight and my teacher said "You lost weight". So even losing just 9 pounds apparently makes a big difference. I am only 5'3", and started at 143ish. I am about 134-135 now. First goal is 130. But I want to make it to 125. I have been Lcarbing since first week of January. It has been a slow weight loss, but it is coming off. Thanks for the tips. I didn't know how to stay at a goal weight. And I do not want to add in junk food or nasty carbs.


Might want to check out the Atkins plan for reintroducing carbs. Basically, start adding a bit of sweet potato or fruit a few times a week, and see what happens, go from there. I can lose with fruit once a day. when I get to goal I may try twice a day. that kind of thing.

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Well, my old scale finally went kaput so I have only my mirror and clothing to give me details. And they're good! I put on a running bra yesterday that I don't wear often because of the fit and it felt great! Then on to my running clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe my eyes. At the trail, I put on my fuel belt and had a lot of extra belt! Something's happened in just the last few days because my running belt wasn't as loose last week. Oh, and the belt I wear with my jeans, I got to a new hole. Wooot! :D

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Well, I am eating low carb so I can lower my trigs and keep my blood sugar intact. So if I add in some carbs, not sure how that would effect my trigs or my blood sugars. FTR, I am not a diabetic and have had kind of good A1c numbers(5.8, 5.4)but I want them to improve and stay that way so I do not become a type 2. Because I have OCD, I am not allowed to check my blood sugars because it causes me to much anxiety. So unlike others who will "eat to their meters" I cannot do that. My Dr. is not even concerned about my trigs and BS. She just said to cut out sugar, lower carbs, exercise. Etc. She said there is nothing wrong with my BS. I had a 6 hour fast at 90. But when I tested the past two January's it was 105 and 107 after a 12 hour fast. When I was checking them at home(20 times a day ugh). My 2 hour PP were always below 120. It was my meter that gave me a meltdown. So I was told to stop. Most people can check the BS and be fine. But I can't do that without having a meltdown. Having OCD/Anxiety is hard to live with. My fingers were so sore. I am having an A1c test done in May, at my insistence though. So if I add in GOOD carbs, that is fine. But I do not want to go back to eating all those baked goods, mounds of sugar, and no exercise again. I am pleased with my progress, and hope it shows in my bloodwork. I have the Atkins book on hold at the library. And I have to say, the Atkins bars are REALLY good. I have one as a treat. Cures my sweet tooth for the day. :)

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