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I've never tried spaghetti squash. I've always been incredibly picky about foods only eating things that I knew I liked. The past two years I've finally been trying new foods. I've just gotten to the point where I actually like squash/zucchini with lots of butter and garlic. It may be time to branch out from just plain yellow squash. :laugh:

You should try it. I didn't think I would like it either, I was really skeptical, and I love it. I am not a huge squash/zucchini fan, either. Every once in a while I like it if it is done just right, but not that much.

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I've been back on very low carb, moderate protein and high fat for 8 weeks now. As of today, I've lost 20 lbs and am back in my size 6 jeans.


I'm going to go another 10 weeks and see where that takes me before starting maintainence.

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I've been back on very low carb, moderate protein and high fat for 8 weeks now. As of today, I've lost 20 lbs and am back in my size 6 jeans.


I'm going to go another 10 weeks and see where that takes me before starting maintainence.



:hurray: - Way to go!


I finally figured out why my fat levels seemed so low but I was so satisfied. Looked at the recipe in myfitnesspal and I had put the chicken in wrong. So I was eating skin on chicken thighs and it was hardly giving me any protein or fat for it over the last 3 days :huh: That's what I get for quickly logging food from my phone and not looking at it on the computer.


So for today I ended up at 1600 calories 46 g carbs/ 119fat / 100 protein.

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I know calories are NOT the point, but i am wondering if I'm being a big pig or if I should not worry. Today I actually tracked, and did well as far as porportions (64% fat, 27%protein, 9%carbs). Total net carbs were 39.5. I'm nursing a 5 month old exclusively and nursing my just turned 3 year old twice a day. And I was more hungry today than normal because I tried having some low carb beer last night and that did NOT work for me...made me grouchy, it was so hard to wake up this morning(less than one beer..I wasn't hung over), and the scale was up. So I fought some cravings today, but kept on plan. So good, right? Except my calories were sky high at 2,719!!!!! oops! Huge piggy? Needed calories for nursing? Or extra calories because extra hungry from going off plan yesterday? I just don't know. I'm only 5ft`1 inch, and have 50lbs to lose, if that makes a difference.

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ok, where do you track? I'm wondering what a few days tracking would show me?




I like fitday. It won't track net carbs, but it is easy enough to subtract fiber from carbs at the end of the day. Gives a little circle graph of your breakdown, etc. (dear heavens...a pie chart...the little circle graph is a pie chart...please don't judge, I'm very tired.)

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I've been eating low carb/high fat dor the past month (for the most part) and I've done fairly well. However, on Saturday I will be spending the entire day at a swim meet at a YMCA. There will be a concession stand, but nothing at all low carb. I can take food for myself, but what to take? Suggestions?


During the last swim meet, I ate nothing and was starving by the time we left. I ended up eating a burger and fries from Wendy's. and I hate fast food! I know I need to be better prepared.

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I am trying the Dreamfields pasta this weekend for my carb night. Will let you know how I "react" Tammy...but in general, I would think it is not a generally accepted thing to have during a weight loss phase. It probably can work occasionally during maintenance, depending on one's personal make-up. Overall though, I'm about making up my own rules around the framework, so... :)


For those of you who work out a bit, last night, my kids too forever in the shower after swim team. It left just an hour back at the house before my Master's swim team practice. I took out 4 pieces of bacon and fried it up. Ate it. Went to practice (I'd been on layoff since Oct., so this is my 3rd week back). Did 2100 yards, with the last 600 a fairly challenging progression (cycles of 4 sets where each one has to be faster than the previous). Came home. You know what I ate afterwards? 1 radish.


Yep. 4 slices of bacon fueled my workout. I still haven't eaten this morning, so it isn't like I'm starving this morning either.

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katie- I'm curious as to what nursing moms need as well. My goal has been to be at maintenance calories and then let my extra calories for bf'ing be for weight loss, which would be about .5-1 lb a week or so I guess. However, of course that is not an exact science at all. I use livestrong/mydailyplate for tracking and it show my maintenance around 2100 or so, without exercise or the nursing. I do however have some days where I eat much more, although not very often. When super lc I was averaging about 1500 calories a day. I was reading an account of another nursing mom and she said she ate 2700 calories a day and still yet lost .5 pd a week. I really want to be done with weight loss, however I'm afraid that cutting too much only makes the lose slow or stall. I also know I feel better on MDA"s carb curve, so I'd rather feel better and be a happier mommy than to loss it quicker. Unfortunately, there is a lot of guess work as to how much we each need individually, so I'm just trying to watch my body and go by how I feel.

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I use myfitnesspal. I would love to use fitday but they don't have an android app and I know that having it on the go with me will keep me in check on busy days when I'm out of the house. Otherwise I tend to eat a bite of this a bite of that without recording it and it adds up very fast!

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I like "Lose It!" for the iPhone. It is by far the easiest way I have found to track everything.


I use it kind of like a lesson plan book. Every morning I plan what I am going to eat. It is much better for me to log in a food and find out it messes up all of my ratios before I actually eat it.


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I did a ketone level check this AM, and only a trace amount, which is what I expected, so I probably have about 2-3 more days till I'm fully there. :) Yesterday was: 1800cal- 29g carb; 157g fat; 76 protein; 9g fiber- and I did 1 hour of cardio (no running still- boo) I'm still puzzled how my fat got that high yesterday- LOL


BE ENCOURAGED, those who are starting out.....after a while, eating this way becomes 2nd nature and a comfort zone of sorts! It will be easy and won't require nearly the effort and attention you are giving to it now. :) Your body will adjust to this new normal and anything off-plan will make you feel off... :)


Personally, I still feel rattled & off after having 2-3 higher carb days last weekend. My tummy is pudgier and my weight is still up 2-3lbs (from extra carbs/bloating I presume) but mostly I just feel 'off' and don't like it. I seem to have a profoundly LOW tolerance for carbs and little desire to go off plan much- but still glad I had this little jaunt off plan to reinforce what I've thought to be true. I'm much, much happier eating this way. :)



Nono- best thing ever to not have to fuel & refuel around workouts, huh? :) I still have that voice telling me to 'refuel' after a workout though I never do :)


JustKate- Snacks? Well, sunflower seeds or nuts, cooked bacon, tuna salad kit (no relish or crackers), summer sausage & cheese, cheese cubes or just order a hamburger or hot dog from the vendor sans bun :) People may look at you strangely, but chances are they won't care. :)


georgianna- don't get too frustrated, although I know how you feel. Even w/ LCHF there can be quite the instability w/ weight fluctuations.

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My grab and go meal has been cold roasted chicken, some cheese and a few strawberries. I may add a garden salad, tomatoes with mayo, or cucumbers with onion and sour cream.



I've been eating low carb/high fat dor the past month (for the most part) and I've done fairly well. However, on Saturday I will be spending the entire day at a swim meet at a YMCA. There will be a concession stand, but nothing at all low carb. I can take food for myself, but what to take? Suggestions?


During the last swim meet, I ate nothing and was starving by the time we left. I ended up eating a burger and fries from Wendy's. and I hate fast food! I know I need to be better prepared.


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I survived making chicken and dumplings for dh last night, but it was really hard to see those delicious dumplings and not eat them! I modified the recipe for myself by not having any dumplings and not dredging the chicken in flour. So basically I made myself creamy chicken soup. It was really good. Today I tried making mock mashed potatoes with cauliflower. That was yummy! The whole family thought it tasted good. Here's the recipe:




I wasn't in the mood for garlic so I skipped that, and I also skipped the chicken base, as it's Friday so no meat.


I'm having trouble figuring out what to eat today. I'm getting tired of eggs but I'm going to make some egg salad for a change. I'm stumped with dinner. I'm not much of a fish person, although I do like salmon as long as I don't have to cook it. I may run to one of the supermarkets in the area. They have delicious prepared food and the salmon is very good, although it costs a fortune. Any meat free ideas for Lent?

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Today I'm down another pound. That makes about 3.5 for the week, but tomorrow dh is off work for three days, plus we're out of town. Not looking forward to trying to navigate the restaurant menus.

I'm finding it easier and easier to eat at restaurants. I can get a burger or sandwich without the bun. I can ask to sub something else for the starchy items in a meal--the potatoes, pasta, breads. If the meal comes with some sort of sauce or gravy I don't worry too much about that. It does take some looking around the menu to find things at times--like when most of the meats are breaded, but there's always something grilled. Be creative when asking for a side dish substitution--if they serve breakfast all day, or even if they have a BLT on the menu, ask for a side of bacon instead of the starch (I'm aware that the bacon and other meats often costs them more than one starch, so I might ask for it in place of two starches that the meal comes with).

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Larla - What does your daily veggie amounts look like with that low of carbs? I'd like to keep my carbs lower but my salads keep raising my carb levels higher than I would like. I could cut down the amount of bell peppers I eat but I love them and they are one of my favorite toppings for my salad.

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I'm finding it easier and easier to eat at restaurants. I can get a burger or sandwich without the bun. I can ask to sub something else for the starchy items in a meal--the potatoes, pasta, breads. If the meal comes with some sort of sauce or gravy I don't worry too much about that. It does take some looking around the menu to find things at times--like when most of the meats are breaded, but there's always something grilled. Be creative when asking for a side dish substitution--if they serve breakfast all day, or even if they have a BLT on the menu, ask for a side of bacon instead of the starch (I'm aware that the bacon and other meats often costs them more than one starch, so I might ask for it in place of two starches that the meal comes with).



Great ideas! I'm already nervous about tomorrow. We have our favorite places on the road....and old habits die really hard. Even cutting out the fries would be a mini-victory for me. On a weekend like this, I'd probably have fries at least 3 times.

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Larla - What does your daily veggie amounts look like with that low of carbs? I'd like to keep my carbs lower but my salads keep raising my carb levels higher than I would like. I could cut down the amount of bell peppers I eat but I love them and they are one of my favorite toppings for my salad.



Yep. Salad and carbs. I don't lose as much when I have salad, and I try to keep the toppings to a minimum but inevitably something sneaks in. Peppers are also a favorite here.

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Great ideas! I'm already nervous about tomorrow. We have our favorite places on the road....and old habits die really hard. Even cutting out the fries would be a mini-victory for me. On a weekend like this, I'd probably have fries at least 3 times.



You can try to eat just one or two fries, so that you're not totally deprived, and still stay within limits, perhaps (depends on the size?). Decide before you take a bite. You can do it.


My car will be going through the Wendy's drive thru this evening. If I can't wait till we get home and need to get something, it'll be a jr bacon cheeseburger eaten wtihout the bun.

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Without the bun is actually far more delicious!

You can actually taste the meat and toppings!


We frequent Smashburger, and all of their burgers/chicken sandwiches are fabulous sans bun.

I do like the sweet potato fries on the side, but they have a yummy side salad, as well, which rocks.


Try it - you might surprise yourself and come to prefer it. We've even got the kids hooked! :D

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Larla - What does your daily veggie amounts look like with that low of carbs? I'd like to keep my carbs lower but my salads keep raising my carb levels higher than I would like. I could cut down the amount of bell peppers I eat but I love them and they are one of my favorite toppings for my salad.



This is what it looks like for yesterday-I could spot pick a more 'perfect' day- LOL, but didn't.


B: Bacon; Bulletproof coffee

L: Tomato Sauce & Cheese; Blueberries & Sunflower Seeds

S: Broccoli & Tomatoes Blue cheese; String Cheese

D: Steak, salad w/ ranch & olive oil roasted butternut squash;

S: Heavy Whipped Cream


1/4 cup blueberries (5g - 1g fiber) 4

2 T. Tomato Sauce (2g - 1g fiber) 1

1/2 cup raw Broccoli (3g - 1g fiber) 2

5 Grape Tomatoes (3g - 1g fiber) 2

3oz organic spring/spinach mix (4g - 1g fiber) 3

1/3 cup butternut squash (roasted) (4g - 1g fiber)3

5 black olives (1g)

TOTAL: 22g-6g fiber


I could/should have added another simple spinach salad (1g per cup) at lunch and red peppers (3g) to my snack and still be in my zone (I aim for less than 45g per day) w/ 33g...obviously room for even more, but you get the point.


I think the noteworthy point is that is I don't have tons of extra carbs hidden in my other food-the rest of my carbs yesterday were from HWC, cheese, sunflower seeds & 1 packet of equal (7g roughly- minus fiber in sunflower seeds)


Hope that helps :) I'm sure to some that's just not enough fruit/veg, but I feel its pretty good. :) I've gotten used to smaller portions of everything- and think you can eat a lot of veggies w/ the WOE- not unlimited, but still a good amount if you aren't using up junky carbs elsewhere.

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Without the bun is actually far more delicious!

You can actually taste the meat and toppings!


We frequent Smashburger, and all of their burgers/chicken sandwiches are fabulous sans bun.

I do like the sweet potato fries on the side, but they have a yummy side salad, as well, which rocks.


Try it - you might surprise yourself and come to prefer it. We've even got the kids hooked! :D




No kidding! It IS more delicious- I feel like I've been cheating my taste buds all these years, and can now appreciate the meat & topping so much more!


Smashburger is one of my favorite special lunches- the Avocado Club (avocado, bacon, lettuce, tomato & ranch mayo) sans bun- w/ green bean frites on the side (the kitchen may glare, but they'll do it- order veggie frites and say only green beans)- served on a plate w/ a fork. :D

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Has anyone else noticed if carb cravings go through the roof when you are on your period? I have been doing pretty well with low to no carb, but the past few days I have completely fallen off the wagon, and starting is the only thing that is different.


Help? LOL

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Thanks for posting that. I guess I will just have to plan ahead for dinner to avoid things with carbs if I want a salad at lunch. I love a big salad at lunch - today's was a huge bowl of spring mix with peppers, broccoli, bacon and cauliflower along with a couple of roasted chicken thighs It was 20 something carbs :wacko: which is fine if I wasn't planning a veggie heavy dinner.

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Has anyone else noticed if carb cravings go through the roof when you are on your period? I have been doing pretty well with low to no carb, but the past few days I have completely fallen off the wagon, and starting is the only thing that is different.



Help? LOL


YES. Every month I suddenly go off the wall carby, then start my period the next day. No good advice, though.

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So... on day three... is is normal to have crazy symptoms? I was nauseous, sweating but cold, shaky, and feeling like I could pass out at any second. I woke up that way. Had a big dinner the night before (roast, mushroom gravy, green beans, and mock mashed potatoes with cauliflower). I was on plan 100% and trying to get plenty of fats in. I ate breakfast (just chicken that was already cooked, it was all I could do, I couldn't stand really)... and I still felt bad. A couple of hours later, I couldn't take it anymore and gave in and drank a few sips of a vitamin water and within 10 minutes of that I felt SOO much better. Now... is this normal? Or do I have issues? I had some other carbs today because of how "off" I felt, so I am sure I ruined any hope at ketosis and need to start over. But first, I am wondering if this is normal or I need to go get bloodwork or something done before starting again?

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So... on day three... is is normal to have crazy symptoms? I was nauseous, sweating but cold, shaky, and feeling like I could pass out at any second. I woke up that way. Had a big dinner the night before (roast, mushroom gravy, green beans, and mock mashed potatoes with cauliflower). I was on plan 100% and trying to get plenty of fats in. I ate breakfast (just chicken that was already cooked, it was all I could do, I couldn't stand really)... and I still felt bad. A couple of hours later, I couldn't take it anymore and gave in and drank a few sips of a vitamin water and within 10 minutes of that I felt SOO much better. Now... is this normal? Or do I have issues? I had some other carbs today because of how "off" I felt, so I am sure I ruined any hope at ketosis and need to start over. But first, I am wondering if this is normal or I need to go get bloodwork or something done before starting again?


you need electrolytes. as you adjust you can get dehydrated. drink some salty broth or some sugar free electrolyte water. twice a day.

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Has anyone else noticed if carb cravings go through the roof when you are on your period? I have been doing pretty well with low to no carb, but the past few days I have completely fallen off the wagon, and starting is the only thing that is different.


Help? LOL


I use really dark chocolate. Just a few squares.

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OK thanks guys. I couldn't even think straight, I wasn't sure what to do! That makes sense.


Now that I have both hands to type, I can explain more. AS you get rid of the sugar you pee off the water you were retaining. That's a good thing. But...all that urine carries out electrolytes as well, so a bit of sodium rich broth or sugar free sports drink would help. Broth works great.

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Wow, compared to some of you, I'm not doing low carb at all. All I've done is to go grain free. I eat plenty of fruits, veggies and meats. I have no cravings, and haven't been hungry at all. And my blood sugar readings have normalized.


My goal is to get to that point. I think for weight maintainance that is where I will be. But to lose this weight I seem to need to be lower carb than that, so limited fruit, and only certain veggies, or at least the higher carb ones in limited amounts.

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Just a few days back into this and I sabotaged myself. My husband's work had a movie night with pizza and popcorn. I knew going into this evening that I needed to eat well before hand so that I would be full before I sat in a room full of junk. Of course kids were rowdy and I didn't have time to make myself dinner before we went. So I grabbed a bunless burger on the way (and resisted the temptation of ordering fries :) ) The burger didn't fill me up enough so I was having horrible cravings at the movie night. I ended up eating a few small pieces of thin crust pizza. I was still low enough on carbs for the day that I was still under 50 to end the day but I know that it's only going to create more cravings tomorrow since I gave in and had some grains for the first time in 4 days. But it was either eat some meat loaded thin crust pizza or find myself gorging on the pile of chocolate they had there. At least I resisted the pile of Reeses peanut butter cups which are my all time favorite candy.

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Just a few days back into this and I sabotaged myself. My husband's work had a movie night with pizza and popcorn. I knew going into this evening that I needed to eat well before hand so that I would be full before I sat in a room full of junk. Of course kids were rowdy and I didn't have time to make myself dinner before we went. So I grabbed a bunless burger on the way (and resisted the temptation of ordering fries :) ) The burger didn't fill me up enough so I was having horrible cravings at the movie night. I ended up eating a few small pieces of thin crust pizza. I was still low enough on carbs for the day that I was still under 50 to end the day but I know that it's only going to create more cravings tomorrow since I gave in and had some grains for the first time in 4 days. But it was either eat some meat loaded thin crust pizza or find myself gorging on the pile of chocolate they had there. At least I resisted the pile of Reeses peanut butter cups which are my all time favorite candy.


You are a saint. I would have so caved to the Reeses peanut butter cups. :drool5: I would never have stood a chance. LOL

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I use really dark chocolate. Just a few squares.



Hmm... I have a "smoothie" recipe that calls for cocoa powder, and I bought Hersey's Special Dark cocoa. I wonder if that would work to help get me through? It's in the New Atkins for a New You book and is made with soy or almond milk, protein powder, coconut milk, vanilla extract, and the cocoa. I'll have to try it next month.

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My goal is to get to that point. I think for weight maintainance that is where I will be. But to lose this weight I seem to need to be lower carb than that, so limited fruit, and only certain veggies, or at least the higher carb ones in limited amounts.



I don't know if I'll lose weight or not. I would love it if I did. I've been tracking food and exercising hard for 3 years now and have not lost a thing. But I have chronic problems and cannot risk stressing my body too much. Since high blood sugar is a stress on my body, I'm trying to get that under control for starters. Then we'll go from there.

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My goal is to get to that point. I think for weight maintainance that is where I will be. But to lose this weight I seem to need to be lower carb than that, so limited fruit, and only certain veggies, or at least the higher carb ones in limited amounts.



That is what I am hoping for too. Once I reach my middle goal weight (15lbs from now) I hope I can stop limiting the fruit and higher carb veggies and just enjoy a clean diet without the grains/sugar. Losing anything after that is going to take some serious exercise.

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JustKate- Snacks? Well, sunflower seeds or nuts, cooked bacon, tuna salad kit (no relish or crackers), summer sausage & cheese, cheese cubes or just order a hamburger or hot dog from the vendor sans bun :) People may look at you strangely, but chances are they won't care. :)





Be careful WHERE you order the burger sans bun. I rarely eat fast food, maybe a handful of times per year, but a few days ago as I was driving the girls to their practice, I stopped at McD's. I ordered the quarter pounder with cheese and took off the bun. About 15 min. later, I felt HORRID. I thought for sure that I was going to fall asleep while driving. Never again! Dh thinks the burger was mostly filler using grains. After feeling that way, I'm convinced he's right.

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Just a few days back into this and I sabotaged myself. My husband's work had a movie night with pizza and popcorn. I knew going into this evening that I needed to eat well before hand so that I would be full before I sat in a room full of junk. Of course kids were rowdy and I didn't have time to make myself dinner before we went. So I grabbed a bunless burger on the way (and resisted the temptation of ordering fries :) ) The burger didn't fill me up enough so I was having horrible cravings at the movie night. I ended up eating a few small pieces of thin crust pizza. I was still low enough on carbs for the day that I was still under 50 to end the day but I know that it's only going to create more cravings tomorrow since I gave in and had some grains for the first time in 4 days. But it was either eat some meat loaded thin crust pizza or find myself gorging on the pile of chocolate they had there. At least I resisted the pile of Reeses peanut butter cups which are my all time favorite candy.




That's a win in my book! :) But I know what you mean about craving creators...but still, I think you did really well :)


RE Reeses (my favorite) you can make dark chocolate covered peanut butter balls (natural peanut butter, cream cheese) and dip in 86% dark chocolate- they are soooooo good, and if you add enough cream cheese to the peanut butter, you get that lighter/fluffier texture :) Or, on a lazy day I take a square of dark chocolate and 1 T peanut butter and savor.every.bite (especially at that time of the month) Not a bad craving filler for 7g carb :)

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This is strange. The last 3 days, I've noticed when going up the stairs (3 flights) that my muscles are burning and tired by the time I get to my room from the basement. My carbs have been at the 50 - 70 range. Should I increase my salt? Increase my carbs a bit?


This morning I tried a few sliced strawberries with 1/3 of a small container of Fage full fat plain yogurt. It was really good! I really didn't think I'd like it since I previously only ate really sweet yogurt. I also decided to skip traditional breakfast foods and have leftovers from Thursday night. I'm really tired of eggs, so it was a welcome change. Tonight we are going to Outback for the first time as a treat from our neighbor. I checked out the menu so I know what to expect. I will probably get a filet mignon or prime rib with steamed broccoli. Hopefully they have good prime rib. I'm a little picky.

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That's a win in my book! :) But I know what you mean about craving creators...but still, I think you did really well :)


RE Reeses (my favorite) you can make dark chocolate covered peanut butter balls (natural peanut butter, cream cheese) and dip in 86% dark chocolate- they are soooooo good, and if you add enough cream cheese to the peanut butter, you get that lighter/fluffier texture :) Or, on a lazy day I take a square of dark chocolate and 1 T peanut butter and savor.every.bite (especially at that time of the month) Not a bad craving filler for 7g carb :)


Thankfully the cravings weren't too bad today but I did notice that I had a bit of brain fog this morning from the grains last night. My hands also hurt a bit when I woke up but it went away quickly.


I'll definitely be making some peanut butter balls with dark chocolate once I drop more weight. Today at Aldi's I splurged and picked up a bar of dark chocolate just to have in the house for the bad days where it's either that or dig into some of the junk that I have in the house for the kids.


I also decided to skip traditional breakfast foods and have leftovers from Thursday night. I'm really tired of eggs, so it was a welcome change.


I love eating roasted chicken thighs for breakfast. It helps break up the constant egg dishes.

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Sharing some thoughts of this journey....


As I begin day 5 back on-plan, I'm still not back in ketosis but slowly getting closer...the cravings are slowly diminishing, appetite decreasing, brain fog receding and I feel stronger. I have learned 2 things thru this little experiment of mine (I had 3 days off-plan....70g, 85g & 135g carb days)


Lesson 1: No 'cheat' food is really worth it for me anymore. There is nothing that I NEED to have more than a taste of that is worth the side-effects and going in/out of ketosis. I am satisfied w/ this WOE- I don't feel like I'm missing out because to me, nothing tastes as good as low-carb living feels.


Lesson 2: I am truly sensitive to carbs. I've gotten much grief RE why I eat SOOOO low-carb...and this is why. I'm really happy for those who feel fantastic on 75-100g per day...and maybe over time if I very, very slowly increase I will find a higher sweet sport, but for now I know MY general threshold and will stay there :)



Where ever you are in your journey, be encouraged today to find what works for you...take advice, suggestions and stretch yourself but in the end you are doing this for YOU. Whether its for weight loss, exercise goals, lowering blood sugar/controlling diabetes and more, focus on your goal and let your results be your guide!

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Today is the start of day 7 for me. I've dropped 4.6 lbs so far! Not bad when I my starting goals were 18 lbs to reach my goal weight and 23 lbs to reach my dream weight.


Last night was the first night that I had a carb heavy veggie with a meal and I was surprised that I really didn't want that much. We had roasted sweet potato bites and I was actually happy with the small 1/2 cup serving of them.


I've hit the phase where the cravings are pretty much gone and I am not hungry at all between meals. I actually have to force myself to snack in order to keep my protein and fat up high enough because my meals are too low in both alone. I've given up caffeine and only drink water now. I'm sure occasionally I will have a cup of iced tea, but for now I'll keep it just as water to help flush out the junk.

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So, I lost 0.1 pounds this week, lol. But, I did lose 2lbs last week, so that's an average of a pound a week, which is where I should be with nursing. I'm eating a ton of food, too much probably, but feel great. And I think I've lost inches this week...I am not exactly sure as I have a hard time measuring the same place on my waist each week....if I go around my belly button I get my hips too, and it's just weird, lol. But pretty sure I'm down about an inch on my waist since I started 2 weeks ago. (clothes are all elastic waist so can't tell if they are looser). And my face looks thinner to me. So I'll take all that and trust this to keep working. Meanwhile, my hubby is on weight watchers still and he was up a pound. Poor guy.


Oh, and best tips for constipation? I've fought this since I gave birth 5 months ago. The sugar alcohols in the atkins and other low carb products were working for about a week, but I seem to be adjusted to them, so no point in that anymore. Prunes or apple juice in large quantities were my go to trick before low carb. Hmm..maybe I'll get some flax meal, I seem to remember that causing loose bowels last time I did low carb...this time it would probably just make me regular. I can use it for the muffin in a minute, right?

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