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When I was young, second grade, I walked home from school sick.


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I had been feeling awful, worse and worse as the day went on.


I walked home and made it to my porch and couldn't get any farther. It was winter but I was so hot I took off my parka and curled up on top of it on the porch. I feel asleep I was so sick.


My mom found me there when she went looking for me because I hadn't come home from school. She picked me up and carried me into the house.


She must have been terrified to have opened the door and found me collapsed on the porch.


(I miss my mommy, especially when I'm sick. I want her to tell me what to do about my gallbladder...where is the smiley for laughing and crying at the same time?)

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(Not to hijack in any way, but I had a dream about my mom last night in which she appeared and told me that she had not been dead as I had thought, just gone away for awhile. We hugged. My heart goes out to the motherless moms. Love and prayers for you today, Moms who have passed away still love us very much.)

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I confess to breaking down in a blubbering mess this past Christmas at Costco. They had on display the perfect Christmas gift for my mother and grandmother - a musical carousel that played all sorts of wonderful tunes. My grandmother collected music boxes and my mother dearly love a carousel.


It was my first Christmas without both of them. I find it hits at the worst times and the most unexpected times.

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I had been feeling awful, worse and worse as the day went on.


I walked home and made it to my porch and couldn't get any farther. It was winter but I was so hot I took off my parka and curled up on top of it on the porch. I feel asleep I was so sick.


My mom found me there when she went looking for me because I hadn't come home from school. She picked me up and carried me into the house.


She must have been terrified to have opened the door and found me collapsed on the porch.


(I miss my mommy, especially when I'm sick. I want her to tell me what to do about my gallbladder...where is the smiley for laughing and crying at the same time?)


I'm sorry. I miss mine too.


If you are suffering gallbladder symptoms now that aren't too bad, a change of diet could be really helpful. I began getting symptoms 2 or 3 years ago, side aching regularly under the ribs, and I went very clean on the diet. It really helped.


If you are already in the midst of having it removed, I hope you recover quickly.

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I confess to breaking down in a blubbering mess this past Christmas at Costco. They had on display the perfect Christmas gift for my mother and grandmother - a musical carousel that played all sorts of wonderful tunes. My grandmother collected music boxes and my mother dearly love a carousel.


It was my first Christmas without both of them. I find it hits at the worst times and the most unexpected times.


I'm sorry. This made me tear up just reading it.


All of my family are gone, so I know what you mean. Talking about unexpected - I was watching American Idol the other day, when a contestant emerged victorious with a Hollywood pass, having been chosen. As she ran out, her large family, including parents, aunts, uncles, siblings were all cheering for her. It made me cry because I don't have any of that and haven't for most of my life. I did have my Mom though until a decade ago.


Whatever you do, DON'T listen to country songs. I was in a hair salon getting my hair done once after my sister had died. Some "I miss you and how will I live without you" kind of song came on and I just lost it.

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(Not to hijack in any way, but I had a dream about my mom last night in which she appeared and told me that she had not been dead as I had thought, just gone away for awhile. We hugged. My heart goes out to the motherless moms. Love and prayers for you today, Moms who have passed away still love us very much.)


Thank you.

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