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Can you share your favorite blogs?

Just Kate

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My favorite at least some of them:








I have a blog also but I have been terrible the last few months actually posting anything. I plan to do better this year.

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While we're on the subject of blogs, can anyone help me find this blog: it used to be on diaryland.com but I think she moved. It was called "Red Headed Princess" and was about a woman adopting from central american (Guatemala maybe?). She was hilarious and fun to read... anyone know of her? I don't even know if she's still blogging.

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I have a blog. :laugh: But I'm happy to see the recommendations here so I have more to check out.


Are you interested in food blogs, homeschool blogs, ???.


I love checking out other homeschooler's blogs. But sadly, I no longer homeschool. So they aren't quite as useful as they used to be.


I love funny and/or inspirational blogs. I also enjoy blogs about health (food, exercise, etc.). I like mommy blogs too. :)

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Warning: my sense of humor is VERY irreverent. Skip the first one if yours isn't.


http://www.thebloggess.com/ (lots of foul language. Irreverent, but funny as heck. Favorite post: http://thebloggess.c...k-your-battles/)

http://www.tellingdad.com/ (no foul language, funny as heck!)

http://www.epbot.com/ (blog by the author of the Cake Wrecks site. It has nothing to do with cakes. Lots of steam punk and geekery.)

http://ana-white.com/ (DIY projects by a very creative mom)

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