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Oh Rachel, Rachel, Rachel (from cardholder services)


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She called again today. I always like to clue the people in that I know they are calling illegally. So I pressed one, and when the lady answered and asked if I was responding to lower my interest rate, I said, "No, I'm responding to let you know that you're calling me illegally because not only am I on the Do Not Call List, I've asked repeatedly to be removed from your company's list."


She replied with something along the lines of, "Ma'am, maybe you should be on the Obama list," and hung up on me.


What on EARTH is she talking about? Anyone know?

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It's better than the swearing I got when I pressed one. I hung up on them and she called me back to finish her swearing.


The last calls I received like this involved swearing as well. Not sure why politely asking to not be called again incites gutter mouth, but well...at that point it was game on. I don't think I've ever been outdone in the swearing department. I probably shouldn't be proud of that fact, but they never called back.

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This is a scam. These people called me twice on Tuesday and hung up on me both times when I told them I didn't want to be called. Now, I have a whistle next to the phone, and I will absolutely press 1 and use it. (I googled this particularly scam, and it is illegal. These people will not stop calling if requested.)

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NOTHING works!! We get the same calls. Not only on out house number, but both me and DH's cell phone. This has been an issue for a long time and has been posted all over the internet. If you press 1 and even blow a whistle, they still call back. It is an automated calling system and they never take your number off. There have been thousands of people who have called their attorney generals office. So far, nothing has done any good.

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We constantly get calls from a company trying to sell us a security system. At first I was nice & told them that we have one, thanks. They tried to convince me it was too old. Um, it goes off when it's supposed to and doesn't when it's not, seems fine to me! They began calling two or three times a week and didn't respond to the "do not call list" statements. They even changed the company name and still called to sell me a security system. After about 6 months of just hanging up or not answering when they called, my son started answering the phone. He would grab his closest school book, tell them he had some questions, and proceed to ask them the end of chapter questions. It was usually biology or history. They haven't called in a couple of weeks.

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I start going on and on on how I'd like donations for autism research until they hang up on me. Pick a topic, any topic, and go with it. Chatter away. :-) I really enjoy it when they start out all friendly "Hi - how are you today..." and I just start in yakking away before they can continue.

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I gEt them daily. Probably since I threatened one such operator that if they called back I would make it my personal mission to hunt down his home phone number and call him every hour on the hour.

To add to the mix and spice up my life, I get automated calls a couple times a week asking if my business does tree trimming and needs immediate work to press 1. This week it has turned into if your business does remodel and home repair work.

Now we do have a business which is ran out of our home. But we do water and sewer pipeline work. And I wouldn't rely on automated phone calls for business leads. It's just bizarre.

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The problem with Rachel from Cardholder services, is that you cannot block their number. It is always a different one. I know the attorney generals office is on top of this here. If you press one, and you start to say anything they hang up. We used the whistle one time. Still didn't work. The calls are coming in from overseas, and who knows where they are located. At least, this is what I have been told.

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I have never really understood why they do this. It is a terrible business practice to continue calling people who are not going to be customers when you can use that time to call someone else who may be a potential customer. Why do they think it is productive to call hostile people who are not going to talk to them?

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I have never really understood why they do this. It is a terrible business practice to continue calling people who are not going to be customers when you can use that time to call someone else who may be a potential customer. Why do they think it is productive to call hostile people who are not going to talk to them?


Because despite all the people they're harassing, they will get a very small percentage of people who will buy what they're selling, so it's profitable for them.


A pox on their houses.

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Rachel's "employer" is the one who has too much time on his/her/their hands. So, clearly, since she's calling me, it's my duty to fill it. I usually ask if there aren't ways that Rachel could use her time more efficiently. Ask if she wouldn't enjoy, say, coming over to wash my windows, prepare some meals for those less fortunate, do some charity work. Also, I like to act as if I totally believe she is real, and talk about how overworked she is. Does she get paid overtime? How can they feel ok about overworking this poor, poor woman? I flip flop between the two, and occasionally change it up to keep myself entertained. Obviously, I am also in need of more excitement in my life.

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I constantly get calls from India in regard to some supposed error on my computer (It is a known scam). I always cut across them talking say I am not interested and hang up. on Thursday they called, I hung up, the man immediately called again and told me of for hanging up. I hung up again. He then rang me 7 times. I rung a dinner bell in the phone, told him to stop calling and eventually hit upon the great idea of NOT ANSWERING THE PHONE.

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