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Make-ahead and Quick-fix Breakfast ideas


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I'm in need of good make-ahead and quick-fix breakfast recipes and menus.


The thing is, right after Christmas I had a brain hemorrhage, closely followed by a miscarriage. It's going to be a while before I'm fully recovered (but they don't think there's any permanent damage, so I'm feeling very blessed). Dh is trying to do a lot of what I usually take care of, on top of getting his work done (he works from home, fortunately for us) and taking care of me (I'm easy, but unable to drive to my doctor appointments and sometimes need reminders to take my meds). My family is used to having fairly substantial breakfasts, but dh isn't confident enough in the kitchen to attempt much real cooking first thing in the morning. I'm betting the hive mind has some great ideas for things we could work together to assemble in the evenings (he can wield the sharp knife for me) and then just pop in the oven in the morning, or things that can be quickly assembled from fresh ready-made ingredients from the grocery store. I can think of a few, but some things that seem quick and easy to me sound burdensome to dh (poor man) so I thought I'd cast my nets here and get some additional options.


Thanks in advance. :)

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I made some egg "muffins" with peppers, onions, ham, cheese, eggs and a little milk. I cooked them in muffin tins, and they were ready to reheat in the am. I have also made baked oatmeal and breakfast burritos that just needed reheating. I know other people have made sausage biscuits for reheating.

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Pinterest has a LOT of recipes. My kids love Pancake Muffins, which is just pancake mix baked like muffins, so less mess and less time standing over the stove. Baked oatmeal in muffin format is also a big hit around here (and here's a similar baked oatmeal recipe.) I have a small oven, so I bake the muffin-shaped foods in silicon baking cups and I can fit way more of those in at a time. Bacon cup eggs are AWESOME. Only I crack the egg into the cup instead of beating them (kind of like this.) Whenever I've tried to make the baked omelets they've come out poofy, but I know a lot of people like them. And cinnamon rolls made in the waffle iron are genius.

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I make and freeze breakfast sandwiches. Here's my recipe, which makes a dozen (but is easy to scale up or down). Cook 1 lb bacon in oven (425 for about 10-15 minutes, depending on thickness. Turn once when top side looks done, pop in oven for a few more minutes to cook underside. Line your pan with foil for quick and easy clean-up). Fry eggs over-medium or hard in a large skillet (I can fit 4 jumbo eggs at a time this way) or griddle (could probably fit more). Toast bread for sandwiches (I like to used the round Deli Flats because the fried egg is about that size). Assemble sandwiches: egg, 1.5 slices bacon, slice of cheddar (I do half with and half without cheese, since my DH doesn't like melted cheese). Wrap sandwich in a paper towel. Freeze everything on a cookie sheet. Put frozen sandwiches in a ziptop bag. When we want a sandwich in the morning, we just microwave it in the paper towel for 1 minute (could be more or less, depending on your microwave).

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I've done Mini omelettes in muffin tins, w/ bacon, green onions, red peppers, mushrooms and eggs. You can also do the mixture in a 9x13 in the oven and when it comes out, cut it into eight pieces. Put it on a toasted buttered bagel, wrap in plastic wrap and freeze. I've also made a big pot steel cut oats and had that through the week. I've also just done fried eggs on the toasted buttered bagel and put those in the freezer. I figure if Jimmy Dean can make and freeze breakfast sandwiches, so can I.

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:grouphug: to you and your family.


I just found a breakfast casserole in the crockpot recipe this morning. I love that you put it in the night before and it is ready in the AM to eat.



My DH loves friend eggs on toast with mustard. I break the yoke so it cooks faster.

My DS eats leftovers for breakfast from dinner the night before. A breakfast pizza is yummy too

Leftover pizza

Mrs Mungos baked oatmeal is one of our favorites. One DD eats it every week. We put raisins and pecans in when we reheat it.

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Thanks, all, these are some great ideas. I'll run them by dh when he has a few minutes. And if he doesn't think he's up to them, I will DEFINITELY be trying them out as I get better because some of them make my mouth water just reading about them. :)


(And thank you for the condolences and well wishes. It has been a hard few weeks. But the way the doctors and nurses all keep looking at me like I'm some kind of freak and saying things like, "You REALLY have no paralysis? Trouble speaking? Vision loss or disturbances? REALLY?" makes me feel very, very blessed to be able to walk and talk and read and right and hug my dh and the two awesome kiddos God has blessed me with. There are a few weird differences, especially with spacial judgment (which is why I'm leery of knives and burners and driving, and use a cane to help with uneven floors) and everything takes about a thousand times more energy than it should, and there are a few other weirdnesses that you wouldn't really notice unless you're inside my head looking out, but it could have been so very much worse, And then, this is the third miscarriage in about a year's time after 10 years of not being able to conceive at all, and now it's looking like it will be too big of a risk to "try again" (they think the pregnancy hormones were a major contributor to the stroke), so there have been some pretty emotional moments, but all things considered, I'm grateful to still be here and functional.


How 'bout lunches? Fast and easy?

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Meatloaf baked in muffin tins. My son pulls one and cooks what he wants. Same with meatballs. That with some fruit and he's good.


Think outside the breakfast box. Nobody said you could only eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.



Why I haven't thought about this sort of thing for lunch?

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MamaSheep, I love your attitude and thankfulness. What a great attitude! Keep your chin up, you never know what is around the corner. I hope you recover fully.


We eat mostly cold cereal or toast for breakfast, so I'm not much help. Whole wheat bagels and cream cheese?

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Thanks so much. My recovery is going really very well and the doctors are happy (and apparently surprised) that I don't seem to have any major impairments, just minor weirdnesses. And those are noticeably better every day. I've been out and about without the cane a good bit the past few days without even stubbing my toes or slipping on the ice (of which there is an abundance in our town at present). Today I got brave enough to drive the car around a deserted parking lot and then a few blocks home and was able to park between the lines and navigate around awkwardly shaped snowbanks left from plowing and everything. (But I'm not going to be driving solo for a while, dh will be there to make sure I'm not doing anything wonky and to take over if need be, and it may be a while before I brave the freeway.) It took a little more concentration than "usual" (whatever that is now), but that's kind of par for the course.


More on topic, I've also made a lot of the lunches lately (though I find myself still a little afraid of the sharp knives, and a little nervous around the stove--sometimes I wonder how much is real coordination problems, how much is medication side effects, and how much is just paranoia, but it's hard for me to judge that so I'm taking things slowly...sigh.) And I think tonight is the last night the ladies from church are bringing us dinner (they've been wonderful about that through this whole mess) because I'm reasonably sure I can manage dinners with a little help from dh and the kids (if not, I know who to call..lol). But breakfasts are something else entirely. It takes me a while to get really functional in the mornings, so dh is Mr. Breakfast for a while. But we went to the store yesterday and I helped him stock up on some easy-fix breakfasty stuff. And this morning he scrambled some eggs to go with the decadent pastries that somehow (on purpose) followed us home. They were tasty.

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:grouphug: to you and your family.


I just found a breakfast casserole in the crockpot recipe this morning. I love that you put it in the night before and it is ready in the AM to eat.



My DH loves friend eggs on toast with mustard. I break the yoke so it cooks faster.

My DS eats leftovers for breakfast from dinner the night before. A breakfast pizza is yummy too

Leftover pizza

Mrs Mungos baked oatmeal is one of our favorites. One DD eats it every week. We put raisins and pecans in when we reheat it.



This casserole looks really interesting. I may have to get some frozen hash browns and try it out. I was wondering if you had tried it, and if so did the eggs set all the way to the middle?

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This casserole looks really interesting. I may have to get some frozen hash browns and try it out. I was wondering if you had tried it, and if so did the eggs set all the way to the middle?


We do a very similar casserole, but we do it in the oven. The crockpot would probably be a little bit more convenient, but it's easy to do it in the oven, too. It does set all the way to the middle, and it's easy to re-heat in the microwave. I shred potatoes on my box grater instead of buying frozen hash browns (cheaper and no additives). It's really easy and very versatile; you can't mess it up. You can add any combination of meat, veggies, and/or cheese that you want. We don't eat meat, but our favorite is spinach, red pepper, and feta cheese. Broccoli and cheddar is good, too. It's also good for lunch or dinner--you can always pair it with a salad to round it out as a whole meal later in the day.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: So sorry for your losses!


Dh makes meat pies that could be for breakfast or lunch. He uses a pizza dough recipe for the outside and I cook a meat mixture for the filling in whatever flavor I fancy that week (just make sure it is pretty dry or it will make the whole thing a soggy mess). He fills the pies and bakes them in a mini bread loaf pan. They are also great for portable lunches.


Oh, and on the mini meatloafs a pp mentioned, I make these but I make them on a roasting pan to let the fat drain. I found that cooking them in muffin tins made them to greasy for me. YMMV.

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We do a very similar casserole, but we do it in the oven. The crockpot would probably be a little bit more convenient, but it's easy to do it in the oven, too. It does set all the way to the middle, and it's easy to re-heat in the microwave. I shred potatoes on my box grater instead of buying frozen hash browns (cheaper and no additives). It's really easy and very versatile; you can't mess it up. You can add any combination of meat, veggies, and/or cheese that you want. We don't eat meat, but our favorite is spinach, red pepper, and feta cheese. Broccoli and cheddar is good, too. It's also good for lunch or dinner--you can always pair it with a salad to round it out as a whole meal later in the day.


Thanks, it's nice to know that home-shredded potatoes work too and they don't have to be frozen. I have a lovely food processor my mother-in-law gave me that shreds potatoes like a dream. I usually have a few lying around, but I haven't been doing the shopping for a while and it looks like there's nary a potato to be had. That's okay, I have to go in for a blood test tomorrow anyway and thought I'd stop by the store on the way home. I really kind of want to try this one out because I, for one, am getting a little tired of bread and yogurt and fruit and cereal. I want comfort food for breakfast...lol. Some days my farmer ancestry really shows.

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I hope you continue to recover and stay healthy. When I make waffles, I make a large batch and freeze the extras. My kids can pop them in the toaster and feed themselves. I try to make them with healthier flour and some flax meal. Scotch eggs are another big hit in my house.


You can make quiche with whatever protein and veggies you like and freeze it in single servings for lunch. Burritos, enchiladas, etc are also easy to make ahead and freeze.

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  • 2 weeks later...


This casserole looks really interesting. I may have to get some frozen hash browns and try it out. I was wondering if you had tried it, and if so did the eggs set all the way to the middle?



I did try it and it was not so tasty as written. The next day I cooked some sausage, added salsa and made breakfast burritos!!! YUMMY

Later that week I made it again for my Bible study and added the sausage and salsa when I cooked it in the crockpot. They ate every last morsel!!! I had requests for the recipe. The second time it was a little mushy, so next time I am going to add less milk to compensate for the added liquid in the salsa.


My family and friends give it 2 thumbs up with the modifications.

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Granola (over yogurt is good)


I put frozen fruit in a bowl (blueberries), top it with yogurt. Just before someone's ready to eat, I'll top it with granola, and the fruit will usually be defrosted.


Also, what about just healthy cereal? I guess you'd have to figure in the cost, which might be prohibitive if you're feeding a bunch of people. But my new go to has been healthy cereal and almond milk. (Not because I'm particularly healthy, but because my kids aren't drinking the almond milk like they usually do.)


Oh, and I can throw a banana at my kids, and that usually goes over well with whatever else they are eating.

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