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SOCIAL GROUP: Atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers, non-believers

Guest inoubliable

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Heh. I had to make myself a Disaronno sour to calm down. Oh, and I PM'd you.


I've often thought that, as homeschooling becomes more and more mainstream, that it would be way cool to have homeschool parents organize regional homeschool...warehouses? lending libraries? I'm not sure what to call it. DH and I were talking about it one night. How it would be nice to have a place - someone's home or a rented office - that serves a good portion of VA/MD/WV. Homeschool parents could pay a small fee to have annual access to books owned by a cooperative (I guess?), maybe nice printers to run off copies, audio books? Eh. We didn't fully flesh out the idea. There were Disaronno sours that night, too.


There have been/are regional homeschool lending libraries like that in NH.


I'm on page 5; working my way through this long thread...


I have the old Sonlight booklists organized by WTM chronology. I used it to choose WTM reading before the SotW & Activity Guides were printed. I just skipped over the overtly Christian selections. I guess that's not so helpful for people who want an instructor's guide with weekly schedule and questions, though.

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I think there are a LOT of people who would appreciate a resource center like that. The thing is, we don't have a huge "backing" like an entire church or denomination to get it started, kwim? And I think that's a huge stumbling block for ANY secular gathering or group to getting started. So many people still "in the closet" and too many people thinking that there isn't a big enough need or large enough group to get something going. I'd love to see a good secular resource started. Country-wide even. Why *shouldn't* we have a choice of a good quality, literature-based curriculum? Why don't we have catalogs and warehouses and book lists, like the religious denominations do? Because no one has started it, or followed through on it. I'm game, ladies. I'm putting some thoughts on paper. Whoever wants in, let me know.


They have the "free" building/space to keep it.

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See, that just supports my agnostic tendency, though "equiprobable" is a problematic term for me since I'm not sure how one would compile a probability statistic. And I'm unclear as to whether this would include a superior power that is not personified... So the very question of how to approach the question falls into the "unquantifiable, can't go forward" box for me.


I am impartial. The existence or non-existence doesn't factor into my ethics, conduct or thought - other than when it is a topic of discussion, obviously - at all.


I am probably WAY late to this question, but if you click on the links to Ignosticism and Apatheism from that Dawkins page, you'll find what you just described. I am definitely an Ignostic first. Whether or not I am an Atheist or an Agnostic depends on how you answer the Ignostic question.

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I have not had a hard time finding secular materials overall but I have had a hard time finding homeschool useful materials for a couple of subjects that are sufficiently secular for my liking. In biological sciences, as far as I am concerned, skipping evolution or presenting "both sides" or what not is as wholly unacceptable as teaching creationism. Like my signature says, I don't think a "neutral" stance on somethings is a neutral stance at all. Overall though, I have found excellent materials that meet my son's needs well. That said, I have been surprised to browse through home school specific materials that don't seem religious only to find some random religious stuff sprinkled throughout. It's not like I expect a warning label or whatnot but some of the titles are not exactly clear.

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Guest inoubliable


They have the "free" building/space to keep it.


Yeah. :( I still would LOVE to do something like that, though. I see more and more free-thinker groups popping up all over. There's even one in my little valley (just towards the other end of it) now! I wonder if a group like that would be willing to sponsor something.

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Guest inoubliable


I am probably WAY late to this question, but if you click on the links to Ignosticism and Apatheism from that Dawkins page, you'll find what you just described. I am definitely an Ignostic first. Whether or not I am an Atheist or an Agnostic depends on how you answer the Ignostic question.


You're the only other person that I've ever met who defines themselves as Ignostic! My DS12 did for years. He's now atheist, he says. But for years he would tell people he was ignostic. And then would have to argue with people that there was indeed such a word. I think my DS8 is sort of struggling with this atm. He's been having some questions. I think he wants to identify as "atheist" because DH and I do, DS12 does, and DS5 decided a couple of years ago that he is (and has never given another thought to it). My DS8, though. He's a thinker. And he listens to everyone quietly and then takes his time in dissecting things and mulling them over and figuring out what it means *to him*. Lately he's been asking about how big the universe is and how we're so very small. And we've been looking at star maps and watching some really neat videos and talking about how enormous the universe is. And now his big question is "What if the universe is what is meant by a "god"? People started out thinking that a god or goddess ruled over the sun and moon and seasons. What if really, the idea of a god is bigger than that and it means the whole universe? But the universe doesn't care what we do or how we do it. It's bigger than that. But that's just it. It IS bigger than us. Kind of like the different gods that people worship. They need something bigger than them...." And then he walks off to think some more.


Some days that kid just blows my mind.

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theory that god is part of the molecules of everything is here: panantheism


I think its also part of that modern kabbalism that madonna likes.


also google the buddhist "no soul"- i forgot the word.. it starts with an "a"

as far as bloggers say, the buddhist "no soul" sect says people think some part of you lives on after death, but there's no "you" to start with that lives from moment to moment. For example: if a river makes a whirlpool around a rock, then goes further downstream and makes a whirpool by the next rock, is it the sane whirlpool? The river, the water, and the whirlpool don't care. If you light a candle it's because fire, air, and fuel come togeather. If you light another candle from it, is it the same flame? what if you blow it out and relight it?


along the lines of god being the molecules of the universe instead of sentient in the way we understand sentience


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I am probably WAY late to this question, but if you click on the links to Ignosticism and Apatheism from that Dawkins page, you'll find what you just described. I am definitely an Ignostic first. Whether or not I am an Atheist or an Agnostic depends on how you answer the Ignostic question.


Can you link to this page? I tried googling and looked on the Dawkins site but didn't find the links. Maybe it's because I'm on my phone. :)

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You're the only other person that I've ever met who defines themselves as Ignostic! My DS12 did for years. He's now atheist, he says. But for years he would tell people he was ignostic. And then would have to argue with people that there was indeed such a word. I think my DS8 is sort of struggling with this atm. He's been having some questions. I think he wants to identify as "atheist" because DH and I do, DS12 does, and DS5 decided a couple of years ago that he is (and has never given another thought to it). My DS8, though. He's a thinker. And he listens to everyone quietly and then takes his time in dissecting things and mulling them over and figuring out what it means *to him*. Lately he's been asking about how big the universe is and how we're so very small. And we've been looking at star maps and watching some really neat videos and talking about how enormous the universe is. And now his big question is "What if the universe is what is meant by a "god"? People started out thinking that a god or goddess ruled over the sun and moon and seasons. What if really, the idea of a god is bigger than that and it means the whole universe? But the universe doesn't care what we do or how we do it. It's bigger than that. But that's just it. It IS bigger than us. Kind of like the different gods that people worship. They need something bigger than them...." And then he walks off to think some more.


Some days that kid just blows my mind.


That's one smart kiddo you have!! I have read that this is how some scientists view god. There was another PP on this thread that said her version of god was the universe too. There are so many pages to this thread that I don't want to search for the quote but maybe she's reading and will chime in. :D She said something like the universe created us all. It was pretty neat. :)



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Can I rant here, please? Pretty please? Because I can't talk honestly and freely anywhere else in my life but with my like-minded husband.


This poor little 5 year old boy has been held hostage in a tiny, one-roomed, underground bunker since Tuesday or Wednesday last week. We have no idea what he additionally experienced today as FBI stormed the bunker, killed the guy and rescued the boy.


Anyway, my local Facebook is jam packed with "thank God" and "God answered prayer" and I'm biting a hole right through my tongue! Where was God when this guy stormed this bus and shot the innocent bus driver who was protecting his kids? Where was God all these days this little guy has been stuck down there? Where was he when this guy decided to do this? It's things like this that continue to push me further and further from any chance of a god.


P.S. Please, this is a JAWM. I hope I don't upset you guys. I'm just busting at the seams with frustration.


I hear you. This is, for me, one of the reasons I think religious thinking is ultimately detrimental. In its attempt to offer comfort for individuals, it does so at the expense of all of us by reducing the focus on what is actually happening, and applying a facade over reality in hopes of dulling the pain. The problem with dulling the pain is, then you can't identify and solve the root problem.

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kk in va, my rambling is in response to the stuff your kid said about the universe being god. The things I listed are where other people have said the same thing. Another one, which I just read on the cracked website, is cloning, and what it represents in movies. It's about what makes you, and how much of that can change and still be you? (not just the superficial analysis about if you make a copy is it still you?) The article said that one of the classic philosophers (playo? aristotle?) told a story of a ship, the ship had been around so long and been repaired so many times that every single board in the ship had been replaced. So could it still be considered the same ship if nothing original remained of it?

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Guest inoubliable

kk in va, my rambling is in response to the stuff your kid said about the universe being god. The things I listed are where other people have said the same thing. Another one, which I just read on the cracked website, is cloning, and what it represents in movies. It's about what makes you, and how much of that can change and still be you? (not just the superficial analysis about if you make a copy is it still you?) The article said that one of the classic philosophers (playo? aristotle?) told a story of a ship, the ship had been around so long and been repaired so many times that every single board in the ship had been replaced. So could it still be considered the same ship if nothing original remained of it?


All of that sounds like stuff my kiddo talks about or thinks about. I really need to find some books on this stuff for him. I'd love to sit and have more conversation with him on this kind of stuff, but my DS5 is still a little demanding sometimes. Not of my time, but in a what-the-hell-was-that-noise-I-need-to-check-on-that kind of way.

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Where does everyone stand on Karma....bad vibes coming back at you type of thing?




You reap what you sow.

What goes around comes around.

One good deed deserves another.

Cause and effect


I think they all mean pretty much the same thing. Though I know that karma has a more religious meaning, they are all very humanist statements IMO. I don't think there are bad or good "vibes" even though I've used both of those phrases. I really just think it has to do with how you treat people and how you live your life.


Will nothing bad ever happen to good people? Will nothing good ever happen to bad people? Of course the answer to both is no. I see it as more of a general thing.

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While I don't believe in the Wicca 3-fold law, I do think that what you put out there will come back to you -- eventually, and in some way, but not necessarily a direct translation. Look at it this way... you go about your life with a smile, you treat people respectfully and the natural effect is that people will often return your smile and your respectfulness. It's not some cosmic guarantee, though. Not everyone will smile back or treat you nicely. That's because there is an a-hole factor in life. Everyone has one, and some people really like to show off theirs. There's also the s#it happens factor. Self-explaining.

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Heh. I had to make myself a Disaronno sour to calm down. Oh, and I PM'd you.


I've often thought that, as homeschooling becomes more and more mainstream, that it would be way cool to have homeschool parents organize regional homeschool...warehouses? lending libraries? I'm not sure what to call it. DH and I were talking about it one night. How it would be nice to have a place - someone's home or a rented office - that serves a good portion of VA/MD/WV. Homeschool parents could pay a small fee to have annual access to books owned by a cooperative (I guess?), maybe nice printers to run off copies, audio books? Eh. We didn't fully flesh out the idea. There were Disaronno sours that night, too.



We have something like this in NJ, although it's not just homeschoolers. It's called the Learning Resource Centers and they're run by the Department of Education. They have them in each county/region. Large size copy machines and paper, die-cut machines and templates, books, dvds, manipulatives. Everything is secular (since it's primarily for teachers) but there are a LOT of useful things. My only problem with the place is they are only open M-F, 9am to 5pm and I can't bring my kids there with me.

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Guest inoubliable


We have something like this in NJ, although it's not just homeschoolers. It's called the Learning Resource Centers and they're run by the Department of Education. They have them in each county/region. Large size copy machines and paper, die-cut machines and templates, books, dvds, manipulatives. Everything is secular (since it's primarily for teachers) but there are a LOT of useful things. My only problem with the place is they are only open M-F, 9am to 5pm and I can't bring my kids there with me.



I want exactly THAT. For homeschooling families. All of them. But secular resources, kwim? Inclusive membership, but secular materials. I'm still working out how to do it. Perhaps I'll get that house and I'll have a really good reason to finish the basement out quickly. ;)

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Where does everyone stand on Karma....bad vibes coming back at you type of thing?


I believe that what we put out into the world comes back to us, and that our actions can attract things to us. Not in "The Secret" wealth building sort of way (ew. Worst.documentary.ever), but in the way that some people seem to attract misfortune, while others seem to attract opportunity.


Of course, as Audrey pointed out, there is a whole lot of sh!t happens in play, too. I don't in any way mean to suggest that the millions of people living in oppression and tragedy have brought it on themselves. (And, obviously, "sh!t happens" is rather a cavalier term to apply there.) But, then, if we got down to the daily life of individual level, I wonder if many of those people would see their lives in the way we do, or whether they would argue that they have joy and lightheartedness in their lives. You know?



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I believe that what we put out into the world comes back to us, and that our actions can attract things to us. Not in "The Secret" wealth building sort of way (ew. Worst.documentary.ever), but in the way that some people seem to attract misfortune, while others seem to attract opportunity.


Of course, as Audrey pointed out, there is a whole lot of sh!t happens in play, too. I don't in any way mean to suggest that the millions of people living in oppression and tragedy have brought it on themselves. (And, obviously, "sh!t happens" is rather a cavalier term to apply there.) But, then, if we got down to the daily life of individual level, I wonder if many of those people would see their lives in the way we do, or whether they would argue that they have joy and lightheartedness in their lives. You know?



I agree that "sh!t happens" is a bit cavalier when we are talking about some situations. In those cases, I kind of feel like that sh!t is mostly the fault of the a-holes, though. We have devastating poverty and disease in this world, not because of the actions of the impoverished and diseased, but most often because of the actions (or inactions) of some very powerful a-holes. As human beings, we do have the capacity for changing that. What we lack is the collective power over the selective elite.


That's just my opinion here. And, maybe I shouldn't get too far into that, either. Board rules on "no politics" still apply, you know. ;)

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I guess the essence of what I'm trying to say above is:


Speaking in human terms... PEOPLE make this world what it is, and PEOPLE can change the things they see are wrong with it, but some PEOPLE often squelch the good for their own purposes. Nothing in this world happens because of gods or karmic ideas or etc., and nothing in this world will change because of gods or karmic ideas, or etc. It's all PEOPLE.


Nature, on the other hand, has its own rules. Even people can't change that, no matter how hard they try.

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Where does everyone stand on Karma....bad vibes coming back at you type of thing?



I don't actually believe in karma in the superstitious sense but I do use the term. I'd like to think good is returned to those who do good and bad is returned to those who do bad. I know that's not how it always works though.

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I think I'm working off some bad karma. ;)


I badly sprained an ankle a while ago, then when going to get it checked this morning, fell on my tailbone. Darn winter! Darn ice! Darn my butt!

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When you see a prayer request.....what do you do? I feel like a hypocrite even opening those threads because I think prayer is a total waste of time since no one is listening. Do you send positive thoughts or just scroll on?



Often I'll drop in with a huggy smilie. I've never had anyone flip out at me, but have had one or two "I'm so touched you cared!!!" messages. Not sure why. If they are not a complete drop kick, why wouldn't I care?

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Guest inoubliable

I think I'm working off some bad karma. ;)


I badly sprained an ankle a while ago, then when going to get it checked this morning, fell on my tailbone. Darn winter! Darn ice! Darn my butt!


Oww! Feel better soon! (Send me some good house juju? Maybe it'll cancel out your bad karma? :laugh: )

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Guest inoubliable

When you see a prayer request.....what do you do? I feel like a hypocrite even opening those threads because I think prayer is a total waste of time since no one is listening. Do you send positive thoughts or just scroll on?


Same as Rosie. I often put a huggy smilie in there. Sometimes I'll say that I'm thinking of them and then I make a point to go back later in the day to see if there's an update and post an "Oh good! Glad to hear!" or "Oh, I'm so sorry."

There's no reason we can't go in and give a hug and a little support even though we're not talking to ourselves over it. I've also gotten a few messages like "I'm surprised and touched! Thanks for thinking of me!" Well, I'm not a *complete* monster. LOL.

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When you see a prayer request.....what do you do? I feel like a hypocrite even opening those threads because I think prayer is a total waste of time since no one is listening. Do you send positive thoughts or just scroll on?



I ignore them unless I know the poster. They are often frankly stupid. I am not going to pray so you find your wedding ring. Don't be an idiot and lose your wedding ring. If I thought there was some dude in the sky granting wishes, I wouldn't pray for your ring. I'd pray for important stuff.


If I know the poster and know they are usually sane, I'll tell them I'm thinking of them. That's all "prayer" is anyways. :D

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Guest inoubliable



I ignore them unless I know the poster. They are often frankly stupid. I am not going to pray so you find your wedding ring. Don't be an idiot and lose your wedding ring. If I thought there was some dude in the sky granting wishes, I wouldn't pray for your ring. I'd pray for important stuff.


If I know the poster and know they are usually sane, I'll tell them I'm thinking of them. That's all "prayer" is anyways. :D


LOL. Right, right. I should have mentioned that I don't even bother with some of it. "Please pray that my neighbor doesn't have an abortion?" Um. No. Not even going there. "Please pray that my dad survives a surgery?" Oh, sweetie. Hugs and I am thinking of you.

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My mother is off her meds, or so it seems. :(


I'm getting YELLED at again for ds's problems. His MRI comes back normal. I think its awesome. My mother, however, knows the "truth." The truth is that god is giving me signs to quit dealing in the natural world and get involved in the right church.


I thought the MRI just showed that everything grew perfectly and his cerebellar tonsils are no longer being squished. Obviously I'm wrong. I'm not sure I'll ever see this "truth" she insists to know.


When she's on her meds, she preaches a lot. When she stops her meds, she's not all there, doesn't listen, and yells at everyone.

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When you see a prayer request.....what do you do? I feel like a hypocrite even opening those threads because I think prayer is a total waste of time since no one is listening. Do you send positive thoughts or just scroll on?



I think positive thoughts are no different from prayer. Like others here, I ignore the thread unless I know the poster. If I know her I usually post the hugs smilie and say that I'm thinking of her and am sorry. That's all I believe I can do, and I just have to hope it helps to know someone cares.

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sorry Amo


i generally ignore prayer requests unless it says 'prayers and positive thoughts' or its someone i know or a subject i'm close to, and then i'll say something vague


i had a play date today with secular homeschoolers who live 7 minutes away! their girls are close to my boys ages, and they love video games! the mom is secular but grew up in a crazy, dysfunctional xtian home and she said when ppl say things about god like he's talking to them it totally freaks her out cuz of her childhood.


anyways, it all made me feel better about my crazy family who i dont get along with, too


so sweet!

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I think positive thoughts are no different from prayer. Like others here, I ignore the thread unless I know the poster. If I know her I usually post the hugs smilie and say that I'm thinking of her and am sorry. That's all I believe I can do, and I just have to hope it helps to know someone cares.


Similar. I ignore the thread unless I know the poster. Also, if there's a "CC", I typically avoid it all together. They don't want my input in there.


I can't remember what poster it was who said that they never wanted warm-wishes or good thoughts and wished that if people wouldn't pray (to her god, of course) they'd just not say anything or have anything to do with her unless they were doing something physical (bring food, etc.--which I certainly think is preferable to anything else, but given the inability to do that. . ?)


I wish I could remember who that person was so I could block her, that way I'd be sure to never accidentally have a compassionate thought toward her or express such an unChristian sentiment toward her.


Come to think of it. . .I don't recall seeing that name very often recently. . . . I can't remember the name, but I haven't seen it lately, I do know that. Perhaps she changed her name.

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