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Do we have a 7th grade thread for next year yet?

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... because I know I'm not the only one planning. Lol.



Math: Teaching Textbooks Algebra I (I'm not sure if I'm going to regret this with a mathy child, but I need her to be more independent next year)


Grammar: Hake 8


Art History: A Child's History of Art, Painting (Calvert)


Writing: Writing With Skill


Literature: Memoria Press 6th grade literature program


Latin: First Form Latin


Other language: online ASL class


History: either Dorothy Mills' Middle Ages *or* K12's Human Odyssey (HO only if she masters outlining this year, on some level)


Science: I'd like to go with Ruth's plan that she wrote out for me and I will if I can get DD11 more independent in some other areas, if not I'll go with Mr. Q's advanced Chemistry I guess.


I'll have a kindergartner next year too, so I'm worried about what I'll have *time* for.

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I like a lot of what we're using this year and will probably just continue with the next levels of those:


Math: Saxon Math 8/7

English: Lightning Lit 7, Wordsmith Apprentice, & Sequential Spelling 2

History: K12 Human Odyssey 1

Geography: Runkle Geography

Science: Apologia Physical Science

Spanish: Spanish for Children Primer A (maybe)

Art: Artistic Pursuits Junior High Book 1 (2nd half)

Music/Arts: Theater class & youth show choir

PE: Gym membership & hopefully either basketball or soccer (if I can get my work hours changed to mornings)

Religion: CCD (confirmation prep)


Any input is appreciated. :)


Updated with some different choices on 3/10/13.

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I like a lot of what we're using this year and will probably just continue with the next levels of those:


Math: Saxon Math 8/7

Grammar: Hake Grammar & Writing 7

Literature: Various classics with spoken & written narrations

History: Story of the World 2

Science: Apologia Physical Science

Spanish: Spanish for Children Primer A

Art: Artistic Pursuits Junior High Book 1 (2nd half)

Music/Arts: Theater class & youth show choir

PE: Gym membership & hopefully either basketball or soccer (if I can get my work hours changed to mornings)

Religion: CCD (confirmation prep)


Any input is appreciated. :)


Crap. Confirmation prep. Almost forgot about that. I need sleep. Thanks!

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Here's my first attempt at 7th for DD2:


MATH: Lial's Pre-Algebra (wasn't thrilled with this last time, but I know she won't do NEM)

VOCABULARY: Caesar's English 1 and 2


WRITING: CW Diogenes Maxim

LITERATURE: list of books tbd and discussion

HISTORY: ancient history

SCIENCE: BJU Life Science

LATIN: Latin Alive 1


LOGIC: ?? I have Art of Argument and Traditional Logic 1 and 2

BIBLE: tbd

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Now that I finally have 2nd semester 6th grade planned, I can think about 7th grade. <shiver>


Math: Singapore 6B/LoF PreAlgebra 1 first semester and either Dolciani PreAlgebra Accelerated/LoF PreAlgebra 2 -or- MUS Algebra/LoF PreAlgebra second semester. We have to wait and see as we work through first semester.


History: moving through Ancients (Greece and Rome) with K12 Human Odyssey plus a couple Catholic history books into Medieval Times using lessons/maps from History Odyssey level 2.


Science: I'm pretty sure we'll do REAL Science Odyssey Biology level 2. I'm waiting for it to be released so I can look at samples, but out of the various curricula we have used, we all liked the REAL Science Odyssey year the best. If I don't like it, I'm not sure what to do. Maybe we'll try the So You Really Want to Learn Science (I think that's the right name).


Literature: "Good Books" list books; some read aloud and some assigned, discussing them with Teaching the Classics.


Writing: A mix between Bravewriter and WWS


Latin: Latin for Children A (also taking care of vocabulary and grammar)


Logic: Not sure yet what to do with this. If we go with a curriculum, I lean towards Classical Academic Press materials. But really I don't know.


Religion: Faith & Life 7; I might introduce a couple Amy Welborn Prove It! books as I think we'll be done reading through Marigold Hunt's books. And Bible. And Saints.


I think that covers it.

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I'm just in the beginning stages of thinking about next year, but so far this is where I am.


Math: Derek Owens pre-algebra

Science: Outsourced - Earth Science (probably)

History: K12 Human Odyssey Volume 2 as the spine

Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography (maybe)

Writing: WWS 2 combined with our own thing

Lit.: Our own thing, combination of things (unless I end up going with LL)

Spanish: unknown

Logic/Philosophy: probably Reasoning in Ethics: Lisa (IAPC curriculum) /media/montclairedu/cehs/documents/iapc/Curriculum_Brochure.pdf


Continue on with dance, piano, speech class, etc....

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I've been over and over what my daughter is going to do for seventh grade. I've got a lot, but there are still some I am unsure of.


Math: Lial's PreAlgebra with LOF Pre-Algebra

Science: RS4K Focus on Middle School Science or Apologia General Science video book with lap book

History: American the Beautiful with Trail Guide to American Geography - Maybe

Writing: Essentials in Writing with some WWS - Probably

Grammar: Easy Grammar Plus with Daily Grams 7 or Hake Grammar 7

Spelling: Continuing AAS

Vocabulary: Vocabu-lit

Literature: Lightning Lit 7

Logic: Perplexors


Art: Artistic Pursuits

Japanese: Mix of Irasshia and flash cards and what ever else we find.

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I will have a 7th grader and a K'er next year also


Math: MUS Pre Algebra/Algebra

Writing: Finish WWS1 and move on to WWS2 (hopefully)

Grammar: Grammar for Middle School, A Sentence Composing approach.

Vocab: Wordly Wise Book 7

Science: Apologia Physical Science

Latin:Latin for children B

Bible: Not sure

History: Considering History odyssey, or SL Core G

Lit: Not sure yet. Look at Lighting lit, or if we go with SL Core G use that or Veritas or Memoria. Ack so many choices!!




ETA: Typos. :)


Changed to much. :) See new post

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Very early thoughts:

Math: If he likes AoPS (we just started last week), we'll stick with it.

Science: Physics, not sure what we'll use.

English: WWS2 + modern literature. Maybe some pieces from MCT. I'm intrigued.

History: World history, 1914-present. Haven't picked a textbook yet.

Arabic: CTY Online

French: I'll throw this together, focusing on grammar, phonetics and literature.

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Math - Lials BCM


Science, spelling, thinking skills, religion - Seton


Catholic world culture - seton


History - Light to Nations from Catholic textbook project


Writing and grammar - Write with the Best and daily grams.


Latin for children class


Art - TBD


Classically Catholic Memory Delta


Guitar if she wants to continue that


Custom reading list TBD

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My dd12 starts 7th grade in a week and a half. This is what I've planned:

  • Saxon Algebra 1/2 for math.
  • LLATL Green, Easy Grammar (continued) and Successful Spelling (continued) and Free Writing for English Literacy
  • Sonlight Core G (6) for Bible, History and Literature
  • Abeka Science 7 for Science
  • Artistic Pursuits Junior Book 1 (continued) for Art
  • Piano and Violin for music
  • Swimming, bike riding, playing outdoor games etc for PE
  • Rosetta Stone French

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Math - Lials BCM


Science, spelling, thinking skills, religion, and history - Seton


Writing and grammar - Write with the Best and daily grams.


Latin for children class


Art - TBD


Classically Catholic Memory Delta


Guitar if she wants to continue that


Custom reading list TBD



I thought you mentioned having all the Catholic Schools Textbooks history books. If you do, how does Bruce Clark's new history books for 6th and 7th compare with Light to the Nations?



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I thought you mentioned having all the Catholic Schools Textbooks history books. If you do, how does Bruce Clark's new history books for 6th and 7th compare with Light to the Nations?




I do have all the CSTP texts and we like them quite a bit and I should add that she will also be using them. Light to Nations 1 and 2.


The Seton worktexts are more condensed and since they are so much cheaper, they are good practice for writing in a text. She will be using e Catholic World Culture book to practice some underlining and note taking in the text.


The Seton history worktexts are solid, but we prefer the CSTP textbooks. Before those came out, I used the Seton worktexts if they were available. I'm not a fan of the old reprinted texts they used to use or the Caroll texts for high school tho. Neither were my kids.

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I'm still in the rudimentary stages, and I don't want to change too much because what we have this year is working so well. For example, I hate Saxon, but it is working for DS, who is a bit math-challenged. Thankfully, my other one isn't and Saxon would drive him crazy, too, so I only have to go through it once!


Math: Saxon 8/7

Writing: The last Wordsmith book, the name escapes me.

Grammar: Probably going to take a year off from formal grammar, this is his strong subject and it really isn't necessary so we'll just review as needed where it comes up in his writing.

Literature: In depth book study on his reading list books, plus a semester-long research paper tied to one of the author's or books' subject.

History: WTM-style, paired with Creek's Edge renaissance/early modern task cards

Science: Mr. Q's chemistry plus Creek's Edge chemistry task cards

Art: Art history, not sure how yet

Logic: No clue yet

French: Will probably switch to a class or tutor, he's moving beyond my skill level.

PE: Martial art, not sure which yet, we're still checking out local instructors and styles.


May also look into an instrument or drama class/group. He's expressed an interest in both.

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I'm still in the rudimentary stages, and I don't want to change too much because what we have this year is working so well. For example, I hate Saxon, but it is working for DS, who is a bit math-challenged. Thankfully, my other one isn't and Saxon would drive him crazy, too, so I only have to go through it once!


Math: Saxon 8/7

Writing: The last Wordsmith book, the name escapes me.

Grammar: Probably going to take a year off from formal grammar, this is his strong subject and it really isn't necessary so we'll just review as needed where it comes up in his writing.

Literature: In depth book study on his reading list books, plus a semester-long research paper tied to one of the author's or books' subject.

History: WTM-style, paired with Creek's Edge renaissance/early modern task cards

Science: Mr. Q's chemistry plus Creek's Edge chemistry task cards

Art: Art history, not sure how yet

Logic: No clue yet

French: Will probably switch to a class or tutor, he's moving beyond my skill level.

PE: Martial art, not sure which yet, we're still checking out local instructors and styles.


May also look into an instrument or drama class/group. He's expressed an interest in both.



Have you looked at Calvert's art history program? It comes with a text, an art card portfolio, and a lesson plan book if you buy it directly from the company ($35). They have three in the A Child's History of Art program (and they are used in the middle school years - history of painting, history of architecture, and history of sculpture.

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Have you looked at Calvert's art history program? It comes with a text, an art card portfolio, and a lesson plan book if you buy it directly from the company ($35). They have three in the A Child's History of Art program (and they are used in the middle school years - history of painting, history of architecture, and history of sculpture.



I haven't looked at Calvert in a long time. Thanks for the reminder.

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I'm really liking what we're doing for the 3R's, so we will probably continue with those choices. (Systematic Mathematics, Daily Grammar Practice, Understanding Writing, Teaching the Classics, Caesar's English 2.)


Science: Ellen McHenry


History: Oak Meadow 7 World history


Art: Some Oak Meadow, a Coyote Creek video, and Drawing Textbook


Music: trying to decide between piano again or another instrument. DS has shown interest in the ukulele.


Life skills: The Young Man's Handybook


Planning on continuing swimming lessons and TKD.



Edited 4/25 :)

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Hmmm...I'm in the very early thinking stage.



Math: TT Pre-Algebra


Science: Rainbow Science (?)


History: SOTW 3 & 4


Literature: Lightning Lit. 7 or 8 or something else


Grammar: Easy Grammar Plus or IEW Fix it


Writing: IEW theme book, not sure which one


Vocab.: Wordly Wise Book 8 (?)


Latin: Latina Christiana (?)


Logic: Intro. to Logic (?)


Bible: not sure


Art: He takes an art class once a week.


P.E.: gym membership, He takes an exercise class once or twice a week.


Foreign Lang.: Rosetta Stone Spanish


Music: Piano Wizard (?)

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Youngest dd ended up in ps this year for the first time ever, but she is champing at the bit to come home! I think this is what we'll do:


Math: Finish AoPS Intro Algebra

Grammar: Magic Lens & 4Practice

Literature: 1st semester: Jamestown Best Short Stories (were going to do that this year...)

2nd semester: Book group books/disussion, plus write essays/responses to some of them.

and Figuratively Speaking

Writing: WriteGuide and/or outside class

Vocabulary: Finish CEII then Word within the Word 1

History: K12 Human Odyssey and/or Nat'l Geographic Visual History of the World (read/outline/discuss)

Science: outside Chemistry class, plus read/outline/discuss Exploring the Way Life Works (biology)

Technology: Robotics Club, maybe some Python programming

Spanish: Breaking the Spanish Barrier 2 plus Rosa y Ernesto (probably over two years)

German: German Sat. School

Art: Some kind of outside class

Music/Arts: Shakespeare performance group; maybe I can convince her to start piano lessons again with a new teacher.

PE: ?? Maybe volleyball or swimming

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Youngest dd ended up in ps this year for the first time ever, but she is champing at the bit to come home! I think this is what we'll do:


Math: Finish AoPS Intro Algebra

Grammar: Magic Lens & 4Practice

Literature: 1st semester: Jamestown Best Short Stories (were going to do that this year...)

2nd semester: Book group books/disussion, plus write essays/responses to some of them.

and Figuratively Speaking

Writing: WriteGuide and/or outside class

Vocabulary: Finish CEII then Word within the Word 1

History: K12 Human Odyssey and/or Nat'l Geographic Visual History of the World (read/outline/discuss)

Science: outside Chemistry class, plus read/outline/discuss Exploring the Way Life Works (biology)

Technology: Robotics Club, maybe some Python programming

Spanish: Breaking the Spanish Barrier 2 plus Rosa y Ernesto (probably over two years)

German: German Sat. School

Art: Some kind of outside class

Music/Arts: Shakespeare performance group; maybe I can convince her to start piano lessons again with a new teacher.

PE: ?? Maybe volleyball or swimming


You just reminded me that we have a german saturday school too. What a great way to outsource second languge!

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Math: Key to Algebra and Zaccaro Real World Algebra. Plus some LOF.

History: Middle Ages -- SOTW plus supplements. Classical Conversations Timeline Cards.

Science: Behold and See 6

Grammar: Adventures of Genius Boy and Grammar Girl

Spelling: Christian Liberty Press Building Spelling Skills grade 7

Composition: Imitation in Writing Medieval Legends

Literature: Age-level versions of Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Celtic Mythology, King Arthur, Shakespeare, other Middle Ages lit

Bible: Notgrass Draw to Learn Provers

Vocabulary: Abeka 7

Memory Work: Preamble to the Constitution

Health: old Abeka Health 7

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This is still very preliminary, but...


Math: Foerster's Algebra

History: SOTW modern with lots of extra reading and outlining Kingfisher

Science: Apologia A and P

Grammar: GWG 7

Writing: WWW 7

Literature: Memoria Press finish up books from 6th and start 7th

Bible: Explorer's Bible Study

Art: Artistic Pursuits

Latin: First Form Latin

Spanish: Getting Started with Spanish

Geography: World Geography and You

Logic: Finish Building Thinking Skills 2

Music: Clarinet and Piano lessons and band

PE: Soccer with travel team

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7th grade will be our second HS year. Woot!


Math: Finish MM6 plus LOF Pre-Algebra. After MM6 is done - ? Aiming for Algebra in 8th grade.


Literature: I have a booklist that I would like DS to get through before high school, so we will just keep on picking from the list. Progeny guides for some books. Continue with Figuratively Speaking. Poetry: some combination of CM-style poet study, MCT poetry and maybe Jabberwocky Poetry Studies for Junior High.


Foreign Language: Danish and Modern Greek


Writing: WWS

Grammar: Rod and Staff

Vocab: Caesar's English 2

Spelling: Drop it? Thought that I could drop it at the beginning of this year, but that would have been a mistake.


History: We are using K12 Volume 1, and we will continue wherever we are. But I want to switch to two strands of history (U.S. and world) next year, if not sooner.

Science: 1/3 Chemistry, 1/3 Biology, 1/3 Physics. Pulling mostly from CPO Science and Ellen McHenry.


That is all that I know right now :)


ETA: Continue Mapping the World with Art for Geography & Newsademic for Current Events.

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I was looking at my tentative list today & am struggling with how many subjects I have listed for 7th.


Some of you guys are getting along with six. Some are listing 11 (and I'm not counting piano, PE, or extra curr.). How will we get it all done? :willy_nilly: Even considering some things aren't every day, it isn't the lightest of loads. I think part of my problem is two languages. :blink:


For those of you listing 9-11 subjects, are your dc already doing about that many? How many hours/week are you going to be scheduling (and will it be a big uptick or just a minor bump)?


Here's my very rough list right now:


-Lightning Lit 7 ???

-GWG7 or G.U.M. 7 or KISS Level 2 (etc.)

-Classical Writing Homer B or WWS1


-Pre-Algebra fence straddler

Foreign Language(s):

-First Form Latin

-Finishing up Spanish For Children A then Getting Started With Spanish


-Fr. Fox's Catholic Truth for Youth + some 'put it into practice' assignments


- Catholic Textbook Project tweaking Curmudgeonry's plan


- if it is out, perhaps Classiquest's Earth/Space Science or Abeka's 8th Grade Earth/Space science??


- CAP's Art of Argument


I'd like to do some Mapping the World With Art & Poetry Memorization. This doesn't include her piano, PE, or karate. (She's currently doing all of the above subjects (except spelling instead of literature & not including Mapping the World With Art), but it is tough to get it all in.

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AoPS Introduction to Algebra - not sure how far he'll go

Biology (no idea what to use here)

K12 Human Odyssey, Volume 2

Latin Prep 2 (assuming LP1 goes well)


Analytical Grammar (over two years)

Excellence in Literature Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Introduction to Literature


This might end up being too much, as he'll be committing more time to both hockey and cello. We'll see how it goes!

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I certainly struggle to "get it all in." Of course, as a first-year HSer, we are still on the discovery path. I am obviously not a voice of experience, and I am constantly trying to figure out the "best" schedule. I have searched through these forums with the keyword "schedule" countless times!!


Maybe it is time for a new daily schedule thread?! I would love to see what others are currently doing.


ETA: I started a new schedule thread. BTW, I plan to spread Mapping the World with Art over two years.

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I had to go back and count how many I listed. I guess I'm in the larger list category. Our list is quite similar this year, so I can tell you how it goes for us now. We start at 9 am most days. Most things are done fairly independently. The things that are the most variable are math and writing. If they take longer or shorter than usual, it adds to our day. Most days we finish with independent things by 11 and then do the together things that include art, geography, history, science and latin. Not everything is done everyday. There are days that we are still working after lunch, but most days we're done by 12. My kids tend to be pretty quick I guess. YMMV.


Don't try to compare what you're doing to anyone else. It isn't fair to either of you. Choose what you feel is important and go from there.

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We are currently doing 7th Grade. Schools starts in January here.


Math: We still have to finish Horizons 6 (I find that since the teenage brain has kicked in it is not working so I will be looking for something different for Pre-Algebra) The goal is to start Pre-Algebra in May... I was looking at TT but it is also very process orientated rather than explaining the why. I took Advanced Calculus at Uni but for the life of me she is now saying that I am not explaining it properly. Probably MUS???


Grammar: Analytical Grammar (over 2 years)


History, Literature: Sonlight Core G with SOTW AG, Audio and some extra books; Adam and his Kin, Genesis: Our Roots, Dinossaurs of Eden, Ice Age Mystery and Kingfisher History Encyclopedia


Some of the Sonlight Core G LA and the book Figuratively Speaking

Writing: WWS 1


Bible: Do not like SL bible so we will be reading through the Bible in one year and she will be working through The David C. Cook Journey Through the Bible and some purity Books. Still looking for some memory work???


Science: Finish the Tinner books, she really enjoyes these and has been taking T notes and doing them on her own and the start Apologia General Science.


Art: ? Outsourced?


Music: ? Outsourced?


Languages: Latin (Prima Latina) & French??


PE: Gym Membership, Girl Guides, Karate and some type of dance...

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Some of you guys are getting along with six. Some are listing 11 (and I'm not counting piano, PE, or extra curr.). How will we get it all done? :willy_nilly:



To make sure that I am realistic, my ds and I lay out 6 courses each year in middle school (or equivalent with 1/2 courses). I assume that a full course is 6 hours per week and a half course is 3 hours. For example, right now he only has room in his schedule for a 1/2 class of mandarin. He has 2 hours of tutoring per week, so that leaves only 15 minutes of study 4x per week to bring it up to 3 hours. If I want him to study more, Mandarin needs to become a full class, so something else will have to go. We had to drop logic, because he wanted to put more time into math.


Here is what we have decided on for his 7th grade year in NZ from Jan - Dec:


1.5 credits: Math: AoPS Geometry (2nd 1/2), number theory, and counting and probability (9+ hours/week) + prep for Math Olympiad (outside of credit hours)


1 credits: Science: IGCSE Chemistry + Science Fair project terms 1 and 2 and then beginning IGCSE Physics terms 3 and 4 (on the light side).


1 credit: English: WWS2 + literature (distopian, classic sci fi, horror, and early modern lit) (reading is outside the 6 hours/week)


1 credit Violin:using ABRSM Level 5 theory, Level 6 practical + chamber group


1/2 credit Mandarin - BOYA level 1 and starting level 2


1/2 credit History - Early Modern , begin Modern. Read alouds and discussion with Dad (no written aspect or testing, just fun!)


1/2 credit PE. swimming (1 hour), Win Tsun (3 hours) per week and dabbles at sailing.


As for a schedule: I am looking for 35 hours/week. He has 8 hours of classes (mandarin and violin and PE) and 1.5ish hours per night (history and violin practice so 7 hours per week). So he needs to do 20 hours per week of personal study. That is 4 hours per day, weekdays. He starts at 8:30 and finishes at 1:30 with a 1 hour break.


Ruth in NZ

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I have almost got it figured out...

Science: LIFE PAC 7 General Science w/Experiment DVD

Social Studies: Abeka 7 "History of the World" with supplemental fiction/non-fiction readings, field trips, and projects

Lang. Arts: LIFE PAC 7 with supplemental novel studies & writing assignments

Music: Musicals Unit Study - more self-led with projects, watching musicals, and learning about Broadway

Art: Drawing 1a from Donna Young as well as Watercolor, Sketching, and Acrylic plus various hand-crafts throughout the year more self-led

Math: Not sure...my daughter wants something with a workbook (sort-of burned out of writing problems on separate sheets of paper) but hates doing 30 problems when she gets a concept after 5-10 so still hunting...

Latin: We did it last year I would like to get back too it, just have to figure out if I am going to stick with Memorial Press or not...

For. Lang: German (not sure what to use, lib offers PowerSpeak but seems rather basic....but she really wants to learn to speak the language - self-led)

Health/PE: Horizon 7/8


That's it so far, we school year around so she is already working on some of the subjects and will cont to add others as she completes 6th grade.

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Don't have a complete plan yet, still busy making changes to this year.


Science- CTT Biology done my way lots of extras

History- CTT Rome and Medieval, again lots of fun stuuf added in

Math- if all goes well this semester then either Pre-Algebra(at an accelerated pace) or Algebra from TT. We'll see where he's at come August (need to out source math, DC are making me loony!)

Language Arts- I swear I think DS will still be doing Spelling his senior year. At some point his spelling abilities will catch up to his verbal and we'll call it Vocabulary ;)

- as much reading as I can get him to do... may look into some fantasy type books, whatever he will read at this point

- totally up in the air about Writing for next year, trying to find something he can do that has value to go with WWW (we're behind due to his Dyslexia)

F. Language- I'm considering starting a very gentle Spannish program, now I just need to find one.


We only do the basics here, we'd be unschoolers if I weren't such a control freak.

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Don't have a complete plan yet, still busy making changes to this year.


Science- CTT Biology done my way lots of extras

History- CTT Rome and Medieval, again lots of fun stuuf added in

Math- if all goes well this semester then either Pre-Algebra(at an accelerated pace) or Algebra from TT. We'll see where he's at come August (need to out source math, DC are making me loony!)

Language Arts- I swear I think DS will still be doing Spelling his senior year. At some point his spelling abilities will catch up to his verbal and we'll call it Vocabulary ;)

- as much reading as I can get him to do... may look into some fantasy type books, whatever he will read at this point

- totally up in the air about Writing for next year, trying to find something he can do that has value to go with WWW (we're behind due to his Dyslexia)

F. Language- I'm considering starting a very gentle Spannish program, now I just need to find one.


We only do the basics here, we'd be unschoolers if I weren't such a control freak.


Writing is going to kill me (I have a dyslexic too). Absolutely nothing we've tried has worked thus far; winning with writing, writing with ease, hake's writing (the grammar is wonderful). I may have to bite the bullet and buy Verticy...

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Don't have a complete plan yet, still busy making changes to this year.


Science- CTT Biology done my way lots of extras

History- CTT Rome and Medieval, again lots of fun stuuf added in

Math- if all goes well this semester then either Pre-Algebra(at an accelerated pace) or Algebra from TT. We'll see where he's at come August (need to out source math, DC are making me loony!)

Language Arts- I swear I think DS will still be doing Spelling his senior year. At some point his spelling abilities will catch up to his verbal and we'll call it Vocabulary ;)

- as much reading as I can get him to do... may look into some fantasy type books, whatever he will read at this point

- totally up in the air about Writing for next year, trying to find something he can do that has value to go with WWW (we're behind due to his Dyslexia)

F. Language- I'm considering starting a very gentle Spannish program, now I just need to find one.


We only do the basics here, we'd be unschoolers if I weren't such a control freak.


What are you adding to CTT Biology? My current 7th grader enjoys CTT, but I'm waffling on the science program. I don't have any jr. high level science program I really love so I might go with it, adding in some TOPS science experiment books.

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Next year, my dd will continue at her classical school. Here is their plan for 7th grade:

  • Studio Art: Pencil drawing and calligraphy
  • Orchestra:
  • Prealgebra: Prealgebra by McDougal Littell.
  • Earth and Space Science: using the Prentice Hall "Science Explorer" Series..
  • Latin II: Continuing in the Ecce Romani
  • History: Middle Ages - history and culture, including the study of art, literature and architecture.
  • Literature/Composition: Focuses on gammar, sentence construction, and five-part paragraph. Reading includes Shane, Tom Sawyer, Endurance: ShackletonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Incredible Voyage and Watership Down.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow! Guess I'm not the only one trying to get an early handle on things! My plans are a bit in limbo at the moment tho, as I wait to see what classes will be offered next year at our ppp. Here's what I've got so far:

  • Math: Kumon (cont'd); TT Pre-Algebra
  • Language Arts: WriteShop 1; Writer's Jungle (used with all core studies)
  • Science: looking at maybe using Real Science-4-Kids Biology - still deciding
  • Geography: Runkle's World Physical Geography
  • History: possibly History of US
  • Health/Fitness: possibly Taekwondo; maybe swimming
  • World Languages: RS Spanish (cont'd)
  • Art/Music: Piano (cont'd)


To me, this looks like a lot of work- especially once we get his classes in the schedule, too, so I'm sure this will change somewhat. We'll take the two-year trek on a couple of these. This year, his ppp classes were Public Speaking, Technology Projects, Novel Writing (NaNoWriMo), and Art in 3D. He will also have daily reading and Bible times.


Busy, busy!

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This will be my third go round through seventh grade! I am getting to be an old homeschooler. There is much I still need to sort out here. My thoughts so far:


Math: a few more lessons of RightStart Geometry (skipping much of the second half of this). Lial's BCM, filling in gaps, review. I NEED some kind of formal pre-algebra program. Must re-read pre-algebra fence straddlers thread!


Science: Hewitt's Conceptual Physics, again. My other two loved this. Also interest-led science, particularly astronomy


Grammar: finish R&S 6, do 7


Writing: WWS-finish 1, start 2


Spelling: last level AAS, 7


Vocab: Vocabulary cartoons


Latin: Finish LP2, start LP3


History: Early modern, ala TWTM, lite=little outlining, few compositions, not weekly though, mostly reading, discussing, and documentaries


Literature: also ala TWTM, reading, discussing, summarizing


Logic: Critical Thinking 1 and 2


I'd love to start a modern language. Library has free Mango language program that I may check out. Spanish, in all likelihood.

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Very tentative plans


Math-CLE 7&8 in a year(sped up to 2 lessons/day) OR TT Pre-Algebra

History-k12 Human Odyssey middle ages

Science-?? He wants to continue Science Fusion I'm thinking chem

Art-I'd like to do a study of famous paintings and sculptures

Music-music appreciation of some kind

writing- continue book reports/research reports/ essays using IEW principals. Occasional exercises from Writing Strands. Writing has been a struggle but this seems to work best.

After struggling with Latin and Spanish and him hating it for 3 years he's just going to do Wordly Wise next year and take the pressure off.

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I too think I have most of my plans down for 7th:


History, Geography, Literature: TOG Year 3


Math: Saxon Algebra 1


Latin: First Form


English: Rod & Staff 7


Writing: Lost Tools of Writing


Logic: Traditional Logic I


Bible: R & S Bible 7 (which we finish fast) and then we will read some christian books together and have discussions


Activities: continue drum lessons, chess lessons, and rec center tennis and basketball

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What are you adding to CTT Biology? My current 7th grader enjoys CTT, but I'm waffling on the science program. I don't have any jr. high level science program I really love so I might go with it, adding in some TOPS science experiment books.



When I wrote my plans on here I said CTT Bio when I meant Chemistry. A lot has happened since then(death in the family.... moving in 4 days 500 miles+) and I am instead going to go with as much independent work this year and next as possible. CTT Science is on the chopping block and I am looking at Adaptive Curriculum as a replacement.



I have been using CTT for a while now and what I add/tweak is mostly the writing assignments. I also add experiments and activities. Nothing planned or "purchased" just ideas I come up with.

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I am still in the rough stages of planning, but so far it looks like:


Math: Foerster Algebra + Patty Paper Geometry

Language Arts/Lit: MBtP

Science: Fascinating Chemistry + NOEO Chemistry

History: K-12 (with writing assigments)

Foreign Language: Spanish I (!Expresate!), Latin (Lingua Latina: Familia Romana.....first 12 chapters)


We are the champions of the rabbit-trail, so this is plenty.


ETA: so math, sci, and latin have already changed to the above. Go figure.

ETA: and now LA has changed

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