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How to beat the afternoon sleepies


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Every school day my kids have a quiet reading/napping time from 2-4. It is not completely uninterupted for me, a lot of times some one is working on leftover school work and needs help, needs to talk etc. I am dealing with a chronic tiredness that has not been diagnosed in the meantime. Everyday around 4 o'clock I can feel my body powering down. It is all I can do to make and clean up from dinner and finish the laundry. Anything that isn't done by 4 o'clock just isn't getting done. Some days are better than others, but it is worse now that it is winter because the sun starts going down and my internal clock is screaming "TIme to slow down and get ready for bed!" What do you do to beat this slow down? I've tried giving myself a definite break (Like 15 minutes reading) then getting up and fixing an ice water or pop, and I have tried having a snack. Any other suggestions?

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I'd look carefully at your diet. I recently (couple of months) cut out pretty much all sugar and carbs, and most of the caffeine. It has made an unbelievable difference to my levels of tiredness throughout the day. I no longer feel exhausted after lunch, and can get through the day with masses more energy even if I got less sleep the night before.

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I've been feeling terrible around 3pm and I think it's a combo of not getting enough iron and the high fructose corn syrup that was hiding in the apple sauce I like to have for lunch. I started taking a vitamin before bed and I'm ditching that cheap apple sauce for an all natural one

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Give up all added sugar, in all its forms.

Eat only whole grains - no white bread / pasta / rice.

Keep your glycemic index low.

Eat protein with every meal.

Read your labels carefully to be sure you are doing these things; they can be very deceptive. (Examples: "wheat flour" is usually white flour not whole wheat flour. "Made with whole grains" does not mean that all the grains in the item are whole. "No added sugar" can mean packed with white grape juice, HFCS, or other forms of sugar. "All natural" often has sugar in it. Sugar can be found in pasta sauce, peanut butter, flavored yogurt, tons of other foods, and pretty much anything you drink except plain water.)



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Nap! I believe in naps! LOL. I make them priority time for me. For me I just need to lose consciousness for a couple minutes. You can build in 30 minutes for time to recharge. I do it! I just lay down with a book and wind up dozing for a few minutes. I wake up and I'm ready to roll. Of course cutting out refined carbs and sugar are good too, but naps are beautiful!!!!

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Power nap, Baby! Don't beat 'em, join 'em. I would never rearrange my life or diet to avoid a 20 minute nap. It's a beautiful thing. There is nothing wrong recharging mid-day. Entire cultures do this. I need to live I one of those places.


This, especially since I've reached an age/stage at which I just can't seem to get quite enough sleep at night.

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Can you impose rules on the quiet time that from 3-4 you are not to be interrupted? If they need you, they need to do it the first hour, and then you can use that second hour to rest. Don't do housework or catch up on things, just rest! Then maybe you'd have some energy to finish the day. It's worth a try, anyway.

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Ok, so today, ate a suasage sandwich for breakfast, drank a coke on the way to teach Spanish (I don't do this everyday, but the coke helps me focus for some reason), had a salad with cheese and dressing and water with lemon juice added. Oh, and a handful of raisens. Tired, but not as much. Is changing what you eat for lunch a cumulative thing? Like it will get even better over time? Also, we are on a limited budget, so often the meal is a carb based. Do I just know that on those days I will be more tired, or will a carb day every other day not be as bad since I am doing something different on the off days?

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