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Best thrift store find EVER!!


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I was trying to finish up my Christmas shopping yesterday and wound up at the thrift store. I never walk up the toy aisle unless my crew is with me but I am so glad I did. In the doll section I saw a fooot, which made me take a closer look, which made me totally freak when I found an American Girl doll with pierced ears!!! She has a dirty face and her hair is dry but she is perfect.


But the best part is the price...




I paid $1.99!!!! Wahoo!! I am SO excited! The clothes that I found at Walmart to fit her were more expensive than the doll!

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When we got one at a yard sale with what I was afraid would be terminally frizzy hair, I took it to my friend who collects dolls. She dampened it with water, put on some regular "people hair" conditioner and combed through it slowly starting with just the bottom bit and working her way up until it was all smoothed. Worked like a charm. She said it was best to get a wig brush or doll hair brush (we got ours at a specialty toy store, by Gotz, I think) to use on it and only use that---never a people brush, especially one that's been used. The oils left on the brush can be transferred to the doll hair and attract dirt, causing problems.



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What a wonderful find!!!


I have scored some awesome things at the thrift stores. This is the FIRST Christmas that 90% of gifts under the tree are from a thrift store. The Christmas budget was SUPER skinny from DH & I and our tree is PACKED to the MAX!! And the packages from out of state family hasn't even arrived yet!! The thrift store for our Christmas has already been a blessing! I want to do this next year too!!


SO awesome that you found an AG doll there!! I've seen AG doll bags full of shoes as well as clothes too!! I PASSED them up because I just knew we would never afford the dolls for the girls. Now this year from family they are getting their first AG dolls! Boy how I wish I picked up those items I saw earlier in the year!

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