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Book a week people- HOW?!


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This is the first year I've participated, and I have to say there are people who amaze me. There are participants who have read far more than 52 books! :huh: I can only speak for myself, but most nights I get in bed early and don't watch much, if any, television. I DVR a few shows and then watch when I'm doing something else, like laundry. I'm currently many weeks behind on every show, but I am reading book #51. There were weeks I didn't get through 1 book, and there were weeks I'd read 3. It's evened out nicely. :)

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I haven't participated in that thread yet, although I may join for next year. I'm kind of on the fence because I'm worried about "performance anxiety" taking away some of my enjoyment of reading. :unsure:


But I do normally read quite a lot, an average of about six books a month. I don't watch any TV (or movies) in the evening. Instead I climb into bed early and read for anywhere from 30 minutes to hours. I also read during the day whenever I get a chance. Waiting at doctor/dentist appointments, etc. This weekend we'll be driving a couple of hours each way to attend my nephew's college graduation. I'll take my Kindle along and get in quite a lot of reading during the drive.


And it helps considerably when one has older kids who pretty much take care of themselves, or at least don't need to be supervised or entertained every minute of the day.

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I haven't participated in that thread yet, although I may join for next year. I'm kind of on the fence because I'm worried about "performance anxiety" taking away some of my enjoyment of reading. :unsure:


But I do normally read quite a lot, an average of about six books a month. I don't watch any TV (or movies) in the evening. Instead I climb into bed early and read for anywhere from 30 minutes to hours. I also read during the day whenever I get a chance. Waiting at doctor/dentist appointments, etc. This weekend we'll be driving a couple of hours each way to attend my nephew's college graduation. I'll take my Kindle along and get in quite a lot of reading during the drive.


And it helps considerably when one has older kids who pretty much take care of themselves, or at least don't need to be supervised or entertained every minute of the day.


I can't figure out how to bold something on here, but exactly! My girls need a lot less interaction with school this year and I hate for them to see me on my iPad so much. I'd rather them see me with a book!

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For me, I keep a book within reach at all times. I read whenever I have a few minutes free - while waiting for water to boil, in the car as dh is filling the gas tank, while my ds is taking a quiz, etc. All those moments add up to quite a lot. I got burnt out on tracking books about 2/3 of the way through the year, but I hit 52 books sometime in June (I think). To be fair, not all of my selections are challenging books though I have been trying to add in more challenge when I feel up to it. I am happy that I've greatly reduced the amount of sheer twaddle I used to read, largely due to the wonderful recommendations from this board. Zombie books are still my guilty pleasure though. :)

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Quite honestly I too have felt "performance anxiety" in the Book a Week threads. This year I made it---for the first time. But I doubt if I'll make it next year. I am thinking of reading or rereading a number of classics and "chunksters". Anyone who reads philosophical tomes is not necessarily going to read a book a week. Those who enjoy young adult books may plow through several in a few days.


The point though is to read what you want and not fret about the numbers. As we tell our kids, just read!

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I do not read as many books as some people on that thread. I don't think I am going to get to 52 this year and this used to bother me. I guess I have a competitive streak in me but I have resolved to just do my best with the time that I have. Now it does not bother me that I am not making the 52. My reading time is usually at night. I start reading around 9 and may read for an hour or two every night. That is it. I may take a book if we have an appt. or if I have to wait for a child at an activity. But most of my reading time is before bed.


I only post on here. I just list the book title and if I liked it or not. I may tell a bit about the book but not always. You do what feels right for you and what you have time for.

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I can't commit to a book a week because my interest in reading goes in spurts. It's also connected to how easily and quickly I can get the kids to bed at night. If I can get them to bed on time, I have about 5-6 hours at night to do as I please, but I usually only read for about 2-3 hours of that. I managed to reread the first 4 Harry Potter books in the past 7 days. I'm hoping to finish the series by the 18th.

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I was under the impression that you aren't graded on participation. You can come and go on the thread, depending on how you week(s) is(are) going. No one gives you the side-eye if you skip posting for a couple of weeks while you tend to other things, or only read a book-a-month.


It's all about applauding what you DO accomplish :hurray: , not bashing what you DON'T :glare:

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I lurked on the thread for more than a year for the same reason. I never kept track of how many books I read, but didn't really want to decide to read a certain number. I read all. the. time. Sometimes I read twaddle, and sometimes not, but I'm constantly reading. I grab time to read whenever I can. I was one of those kids who got in trouble for reading when I was supposed to be going to sleep. I didn't read as much when ds was little, but I still found time to read.


I finally decided to join the thread halfway through this year. I was actually surprised to find out how many books I did read, but that wasn't my reason for joining. I've found a number of books to add to my to-read list and I enjoy hearing others' opinions of books.


All that was to say go ahead and join! Everyone is friendly, and no one judges what you read or how many books you read. It's a great place to challenge yourself, talk books with other book lovers, and get ideas for what to read.

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I was under the impression that you aren't graded on participation. You can come and go on the thread, depending on how you week(s) is(are) going. No one gives you the side-eye if you skip posting for a couple of weeks while you tend to other things, or only read a book-a-month.


It's all about applauding what you DO accomplish :hurray: , not bashing what you DON'T :glare:


Yes, this.

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The first year I participated (2011), I did manage to read slightly over 52 books. I read in bed at night, and don't watch TV unless I'm doing laundry. Then, in 2012, I started babysitting full time in February. Uh, that, with the homeschooling, made me so tired at night, I fell asleep after reading only a few pages. Then, in the summer, we had a German exchange student with us for 5 weeks, so I got much less reading done during that time, because we were always trying to do something fun in the evenings after the babies went home. Then, after my surgery in Sept., I didn't have the energy to read. At first, I thought, "Cool, I have to stay in bed for weeks, I can get caught up on my reading." At first, I couldn't hold up the books for long, and then I couldn't really concentrate on what I was reading. So, instead, I watched a whole lotta Netflix on my sister's laptop. So, I'm at 35 books for the year right now. I hope to make it to 52 in 2013. I find it difficult to keep up. When I get behind because I'm reading a 600-800 page book, I catch up with a few light hearted chick flick books to keep my numbers up! :tongue_smilie: I would not be able to read 52 mega-intensive books in a year, that's for sure.

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I can, and do, read 52 books in a year. Some years even more. But I can't do good book reviews. I'm just not wired for it. So I don't go back and write about what I read.


I get reading time in while dd is doing her reading and we all read in bed for an hour or so prior to lights out. That way I can get up to 3 hours of reading time a day.

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I can't do it. I just do.not.have.time. I love to read, but I'm so busy teaching 4 high school girls that I don't have time to read for pleasure more than about 30 minutes at a time each day--because I schedule it into the girls' school day. At that rate, I cannot read an entire book in a week. A couple of years ago, I tried to start a Book a MONTH group here on the boards, but it fizzled out pretty quickly.

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Quite honestly I too have felt "performance anxiety" in the Book a Week threads. This year I made it---for the first time. But I doubt if I'll make it next year. I am thinking of reading or rereading a number of classics and "chunksters". Anyone who reads philosophical tomes is not necessarily going to read a book a week. Those who enjoy young adult books may plow through several in a few days.


The point though is to read what you want and not fret about the numbers. As we tell our kids, just read!


I would really love a Classics Book club thread. Not just WEM picks though. I wonder if their is a way to put something like that together.


Right now I am still debating whether to read Anna Karenina or Bleak House. Both have been eyeing me up as I walk past the bookshelves.

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Quite a few of us just do what we can and post what we've managed. I'm on book #19 for the year, but I haven't been thrown out yet. :D No need to post reviews, either, if one is review-challenged; I like to just post a representative excerpt, on the theory that that gives a better picture of the book than I could compose.

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So I don't actually do the thread but have been inspired. Last year I read right around 52 books but this year I have done 93 so far. I have a book available on my phone, my kindle, my ipad, a book downstairs, and a bedtime book. This means that I may not actually read 1 book a week but some weeks I finish 3 or more books. I read during naptime and whenever I have a spare moment. Next year I hope to actually post on the thread :)

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When do you find the time to read all of those books?? I guess I would need to cut out some of my pointless Internet time.


I flirt with that thread, but it feels kind of like going from not exercising to being a marathon runner overnight.


I want to be like you. :)


One could ask a "When do you find the time...?" sort of question about nearly any pursuit, no? I suspect that there are things I don't do that many other folks find essential and/or pleasurable -- for example, cooking.


I don't cook. Not much, anyway.


I don't garden or knit or sew or work outside the home, either. I exercise, but I am not training for a marathon. I have (and always have had) other interests, including birding, photography, archery, and music, but all routinely play second fiddle to my reading. It has always been this way for me.


Of course, home education, to say nothing of my work as a writer and editor, provides an excuse -- a mandate, really -- to read more.


So (*shrug*) I make the time for it, but, as I said, others will allocate their time differently. That is as it should be.

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When do you find the time to read all of those books?? I guess I would need to cut out some of my pointless Internet time.


I flirt with that thread, but it feels kind of like going from not exercising to being a marathon runner overnight.


I want to be like you. :)


The big turning point came for me when I realized that if I was going to read a book a week I had to (get ready for it) READ A BOOK A WEEK. That meant not waiting for week 3 and trying to get caught up. That meant 1 book in 7 days. Shazam!!

We don't watch T.V. I also, generally, don't read books I don't like. Occaisionally I will slog through a book I don't like because I'm so fascinated by it (for instance, The Left Hand of Darkness - which I ended up loving!) but it's rare. I rely on my friends on the 52 thread for genres/book titles I wouldn't naturally reach for - it's usually a lively discussion and if I have questions, I get answers (and even, at times, books in the mail :001_wub: ). Because of the weekly thread I've delved into genres/books I never would have looked at- and WOW. There are soo many good reads out there.


Also, Robin posts so much GREAT lit info every week- about authors, genres, titles, etc. that it's worth reading her post every week just for the info!!


The other thing I LOVE about the thread is that it's not competitive. Some gals, like MMV, are always going to read more books than me. I'm cool with that- like she posted, everyone's priorities are different. So, create a challenge you can live wiht and come join the fun!



Ok. I'm signing up. I need something more productive to do with my life! I don't get it though. Do I post a review on my own blog and link it to the blog, or just post here? Do you do a review every week?


You can link to your blog, post a review on the thread, write a post and link to Robin's weekly link-up, find a zillion other places to link up and realize that in the great wide world, there are TONS of folks who read hundreds of books a year. I do reviews of most of the books I read but they are sometimes embedded in my weekly reports and sometimes weeks late or tied to other things I'm thinking doing. I do find that writing a reveiw of a book helps cement it in my mind.

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Don't think of 'a book a week' as a mandate for joining the thread...more like a goal we're all striving for. Some people will attain that goal easier than others. Last year I posted a little and just followed for fun. I read *maybe* 20 books. I just did not have the life space available to succeed with 52. That's fine. This year I read over 100. Its just a different year. If you asked me last January if I would succeed this year I probably would have been doubtful. Reading just became a bigger part of my life and having a group to challenge me helped jump start that after a poor year.


I'm often asked how I read so much. I usually tell people that almost everyone has time. We just choose how to spend it differently. There's nothing wrong with surfing or scrapbooking, exercising, watching tv, or volunteering. All those things can help you relax. Its a matter of priority and personality. I don't think less of someone because they have different priorities than me, or because they need a different level of relaxation/comfort.


I read:

during meals

when I need a 10-30 minute break from the kids (I'm an introvert and reading gives me alone time I wouldn't have otherwise)

while watching random television

in the car

waiting for appointments or anything

before bed

while waiting for things to cook

in the bathroom

feeding my son

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Listen to MM, Lisa and Tam - they are quite wise. If I want to do something badly enough, I'll make the time. We'll all have the same amount of time but each of us chooses how we are going to spend it. I don't watch much tv. Reading to me is as necessary as breathing. It entertains, challenges, enlightens, expands my horizons and takes me on voyages I'd never go in real life. If you want to read, you'll find the time to read. Whether it is 15 minutes here and there, 30 minutes before bedtime or you find a chunk of time to just sit and read. As far as I'm concerned the number 52 is arbitrary. It is a goal to strive toward. I really don't think the number matters. I stress quality over quantity. And how you reach the goal is up to you.

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And btw, how you "count" the books is up to you! I peruse many, many more books than I actually read- I don't count those- though I usually mention "the best book I didn't read" in my yearly wrap-up. "What's Your City" had a profound effect on me and all I did was read the charts!


I also count read-alouds and list them as such with YA on my list. Is that cheating? Not in my little 52 book world :001_smile: We read tons more books than I list and I don't put picture or children's books on my list, or gardening, house re-build, general "how to" books, etc. - kwim. But that's just me. In the end, it's up to you.

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As much as I love to read, I am unable to do a book a week. School takes 5-6 hours each day, care for toddler and other kid care 4-5 hours, cooking, cleaning laundry another 4-6. There just isn't time in the day. I think if I had older kids it would work. As it is, I go to bed at midnight after spending 2-3 hours cleaning.

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I enjoy attempting 52, and it is very helpful for me to keep track of what I've read in this way...but I won't make it to 52. My reading time is only at bedtime, and I read for however long I can keep my eyes open. Many nights, that's about ten minutes. This year I was doing well until I read one really long book that took me about a month to finish, and I never got back to the pace of a book a week.

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I read while on the treadmill, 5 days/week, 35 minutes each day.

I read while waiting to pick up kids at various activities.

We don't watch t.v. I either check the boards or read after 8 pm at night.

I don't do reviews--that would require way too much time and mental effort!

I read a lot more between Jan-May than I do between June-Dec.

I did not hit 52 books the first year but did the last two years.

I don't care too much about hitting 52 anymore--I will just read what I want, but keep on reading.

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I'll probably hit 150 books this year which might sounds like a hefty stack but it's pretty low compared to some of my friends (real and imaginary friends on the internet, like you guys!) I do a mix of what was already suggested and I only have one older, semi self-reliant kid. I don't watch TV, we all go to bed early so we can read before lights out, I always have a book with me, and I pick books I want to read. Occasionally I challenge myself to something but most of the time I pick books that I'm going to look forward to picking up and getting a few more paged in. I count read alouds and read alongs that I do with DD. Some of those are pretty light books but I read them so they count.


Nobody ever gets kicked out of book a week and nobody is ever shunned for thier reading choices or numbers. Join in. Pick a book you like. Tell us about it in detail or simply give us a thumbs up or down.


I will warn you though that just by joining the thread you'll hear about so many great books that you're to-read stack will double. I advise asking for an industrial strength nightstand for Christmas to hold all the books you'll want to read next year.


I don't really read at all during the day. I read in bed *every* night for at least an hour, usually two. I know that not everyone can read in bed, but it doesn't make me tired like it does for some. :)


I don't get tired in bed reading either. I usually lose sleep to reading.


"One more chapter and then I'll turn the lights off."


"It's only midnight, I can read for another hour and not be a complete zombie tomorrow."


"It's three am. I only have fifty pages left. I'm going to be a wreck tomorrow anyway. I might as well finish the book."

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I love reading that thread, I just don't happen to post there often yet. It's my one new years resolution for next year.


I read whenever and wherever I have a few minutes. My kindle goes with me everywhere, to the point that I'm on my third one since Mother's Day 2011 when I finally gave in and got one. (I switched to 3G last Christmas and that one had given out by Thanksgiving.) Luckily the cloud has unlimited storage. :) I don't watch TV except for a few things that I DVR and watch in late night marathons when the urge hits me. I read while others watch TV.


One year I tried to keep track of how many books I read and gave up by Easter. It's not about a number, it's about the enjoyment. I've always been a reader, so it just comes naturally for me.

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I don't get tired in bed reading either. I usually lose sleep to reading.


"One more chapter and then I'll turn the lights off."


"It's only midnight, I can read for another hour and not be a complete zombie tomorrow."


"It's three am. I only have fifty pages left. I'm going to be a wreck tomorrow anyway. I might as well finish the book."



This is so me.

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I will warn you though that just by joining the thread you'll hear about so many great books that you're to-read stack will double. I advise asking for an industrial strength nightstand for Christmas to hold all the books you'll want to read next year.



I just joined the thread and can attest to this. My Amazon wish list doubled within a week or two!

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Ah, thank you everyone!!!


I'm totally going to dive in!


http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/hurray.gif So glad to hear it!


I want to encourage you & everyone else who has thought about joining the thread to please JOIN it!


Everyone has different reading goals, different likes/dislikes, different amounts of time to allocate for reading. Ultimately, the goal is to read -- read & share what you're reading w/ the rest of us. (So, as aggieamy pointed out, we can all continue to amass staggeringly-long 'to-read' lists... http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/laugh.gif )


I find it great fun to see all the regular posters as well as any new posters jumping in. Like laughing lioness pointed out, I've found some great books through recommendations on this thread & I love you gals (& guys) for that!


As to the technical question of how I find the time.... My dc are older, so I have more free time. I usually carry a book or two w/ me & read in traffic, read when I'm waiting in vet offices (4 medically needy cats so I've, unfortunately, had quite a bit of reading time this year because of that), read in the morning or evening when I want to take a break from life.... It also helps me that I don't feel compelled to finish a book that I don't like. If it doesn't end up grabbing me, I ditch it. That way, reading is (almost) always fun, not drudgery.

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I don't get tired in bed reading either. I usually lose sleep to reading. "One more chapter and then I'll turn the lights off." "It's only midnight, I can read for another hour and not be a complete zombie tomorrow." "It's three am. I only have fifty pages left. I'm going to be a wreck tomorrow anyway. I might as well finish the book."


My book blog is called Between Midnight and Bedtime for just this reason!


I listen to a fair amount of audio books now--this is something that I just started doing in June of this year, and I enjoy it so much! I listen while exercising, while driving, while doing other mundane tasks. It helps the medicine go down, you know?

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