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Pregnancy after Vasectomy...anyone???

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I fear this almost every month! I have heard that it is very very rare after that amount of time IF you have had a zero sperm count to verify that the vasectomy took. It is much more common for people to get pregnant right after the vasectomy because they didn't wait for the test results and went ahead and behaved as though the vasectomy had taken!

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Not me but I know two people who have. Has your hubby had sperm counts done since the snip?


Nope. He never did. I know I know! I'm supposed to be having a hysterectomy in 6 weeks due to Adenomyosis, which in itself, would not cause me to be late. It's actually really weird...I've had 2 cycles nearly every month for 6 months so now that I'm late and having LOTS of symptoms, I'm almost convinced...but I'm too afraid to find out. I'd love another baby but dh...that's another story. It sure would throw us for a loop.

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My friend's dh had a vas. reconnect. She is currently pregnant with their surprise third-----she was over the top freaked out! You should have heard the things she said to me.


"I'm 37! I don't know anyone having babies at this age! I don't want my daughter to have to give up her youth to help me with a child!"


Ahem...the friend you are venting to is 37, and majorly preggo! Give up her youth? Good gracious--my poor children. ;)


She has finally accepted the change and is looking forward to this child, but it was rough for a while. I can completely understand the shock. Best wishes to you my dear.



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My friend's dh had a vas. reconnect. She is currently pregnant with their surprise third-----she was over the top freaked out! You should have heard the things she said to me.


"I'm 37! I don't know anyone having babies at this age! I don't want my daughter to have to give up her youth to help me with a child!"


Ahem...the friend you are venting to is 37, and majorly preggo! Give up her youth? Good gracious--my poor children. ;)


She has finally accepted the change and is looking forward to this child, but it was rough for a while. I can completely understand the shock. Best wishes to you my dear.




Congrats to you both! But lady, that sounded like you're saying I AM preggo!;) Watch, "it" is gonna show up any minute now that I've started this thread.....:glare:

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Congrats to you both! But lady, that sounded like you're saying I AM preggo!;) Watch, "it" is gonna show up any minute now that I've started this thread.....:glare:


No, no, no.


The "best wishes" statement could go either way, right? :D


I hope it turns out just like you hope.


It is amazing how knowing just one person has changed my impression of the vasectomy. Apparently the percentage of reconnection is something like 0.2%. More frequently people get pregnant because the vasectomy wasn't complete and there was still sperm present.



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My dh took one for the team in December last year.

The urologist he used does the procedure a little differently and sews one end of the 'tube' in a fold of skin or something (sorry, I don't really know how to explain it).

The urologist said that this method is 100% reliable. He actually made some comment like if your wife gets pregnant you may want to consider it immaculate conception.

I really should call them and ask for a better explanation of the procedure just so I know... I did get all of this info filtered through my husband who often grunts as a form of communication. :D

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I know a lady....well, actually my Mom knows a lady...I've only met her and her surprise once. Anyway, her dh had a V when they had their first child. From the time this child could speak she begged for a sibling. Begged. Parents said, sorry it isn't gonna happen. And then when the mom was 43 years old, she had a baby. Yes. She woke up in the ICU to be told that 2 weeks earlier she had given birth to a baby girl. Mom and baby fine. Well, baby now 8.. :)


(I love that story)

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My husband got his check done--we were leaving for vacation in Hawaii w/o kids in tow (part work-related & paid) so we didn't want to worry or mess with other forms of birth control while we were there. There were actually 2 checks he had to have done, I think the first was about 3 months after, and the next another month later(??). He was clear.

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Dh had a vasectomy 4 years ago but...I'm late. Dh wants me to go get a test....curious if any of you have BTDT?


Well, what are you sitting there for, woman? Go get a test! :auto:



The rule is, if you announce that you are taking a pg test on the boards, you have to tell the Hive the results of the test before you can tell your dh. It's a RULE. You wouldn't want to be breaking board rules, now would you? No, you wouldn't. Unless he physically watches you pee on the stick and watches the little sign come up, we take priority to the actual father.


Go. We'll be waiting.




:bigear: :bigear:

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I know you are waiting to use that very accurate first morning urine right? That's gotta be what all this keeping us in suspense is about, not just the joy of torturing a bunch of ladies that have nothing to do but sit around and wait for your pregnancy test result.... lol.

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What a joy to come home and see all of these responses! Really, I had to take the dd's to swim practice and then we all went out to dinner. We stopped by our local country market on the way home for a test but they didn't have any. They had enemas, trojans, you name it, but no preg. tests. Whatever....


I may still run back out tonight. But I WILL let ya'll know!


I want to know about that mom in the ICU too....:lurk5:

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Should be in bed, but can't NOT find out the result...from both Carli and the fascinating ICU story....


Ok, well, here is some :lurk5: While we wait for the results.


This woman is 43 years old and suddenly becomes very ill. It is her heart. I can't remember what exactly was wrong with her heart, but she was very very sick. She went in the hospital and ended up in ICU. Her dh happened to be alone in the waiting room when the doctor rushes out looking hysterical. The dh said later he was positive the Dr's next words were going to be, 'Your dw has died.' Instead he says, 'Your dw is in labor.' Dh says, confused, 'that can't be, I've had a V.' Doc says, 'Nonetheless, your wife is in labor. Right Now.'


So later, more details emerge. Apparently, while she was in ICU, in a coma like state, a nurse thinks her stomach looks swollen. So they sent up an X-ray person to X-ray her...the tech calls the nurse screaming, 'why didn't you tell me she was pregnant?' Nurse says, 'Huh?' rushes in and examines her and finds her to be in actual labor. So she gives birth to a full term baby and wakes up briefly during this labor and they tell her she has given birth, but hey, she doesn't believe THAT story...LOL...and goes back to her near coma state for the next 2 weeks.


Family all arrives, mothers and brothers and SIL....doctor comes out and says, 'the baby is a girl. We've checked her out nine ways to Sunday and can't find anything wrong with her. It is by the Grace of God she is healthy. The Grace of God. I just can't believe it.' And more along those lines with many many 'by the Grace of God' comments thrown in. So poor Dad, new baby, wife still critical, no crib, diapers, formula...nothing. The community and family pull together, outfits a nursery and a few days later they take Grace home. :)


Wife wakes up two weeks later. Apparently, this pregnancy, with zero pre-natal care, was the reason behind the heart problems. It may have been why they stopped at one baby 9 years before. Anyway, they tell her she has a baby and she is blown away of course. And the best news is she fully recovers from the heart problem they thought would kill her.


The staff put up a little sign in the ICU....'In honor of Grace, the only baby ever born in this ICU.'

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Dh had a vasectomy 4 years ago but...I'm late. Dh wants me to go get a test....curious if any of you have BTDT?


Yup! Our son is our "little surprise."


Sweetie didn't go back to make sure it worked. Now we know, it didn't. :D

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It was negative. Gosh, I feel like ya'll are gonna be disappointed. I know I was. Talk about some emotions. I was almost certain I saw the faint positive. I had one with each dd. Even dh told me, "I wouldn't be mad." Yeah, emotions are all over the map now.

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Ok, well, here is some :lurk5: While we wait for the results.


This woman is 43 years old and suddenly becomes very ill. It is her heart. I can't remember what exactly was wrong with her heart, but she was very very sick. She went in the hospital and ended up in ICU. Her dh happened to be alone in the waiting room when the doctor rushes out looking hysterical. The dh said later he was positive the Dr's next words were going to be, 'Your dw has died.' Instead he says, 'Your dw is in labor.' Dh says, confused, 'that can't be, I've had a V.' Doc says, 'Nonetheless, your wife is in labor. Right Now.'


So later, more details emerge. Apparently, while she was in ICU, in a coma like state, a nurse thinks her stomach looks swollen. So they sent up an X-ray person to X-ray her...the tech calls the nurse screaming, 'why didn't you tell me she was pregnant?' Nurse says, 'Huh?' rushes in and examines her and finds her to be in actual labor. So she gives birth to a full term baby and wakes up briefly during this labor and they tell her she has given birth, but hey, she doesn't believe THAT story...LOL...and goes back to her near coma state for the next 2 weeks.


Family all arrives, mothers and brothers and SIL....doctor comes out and says, 'the baby is a girl. We've checked her out nine ways to Sunday and can't find anything wrong with her. It is by the Grace of God she is healthy. The Grace of God. I just can't believe it.' And more along those lines with many many 'by the Grace of God' comments thrown in. So poor Dad, new baby, wife still critical, no crib, diapers, formula...nothing. The community and family pull together, outfits a nursery and a few days later they take Grace home. :)


Wife wakes up two weeks later. Apparently, this pregnancy, with zero pre-natal care, was the reason behind the heart problems. It may have been why they stopped at one baby 9 years before. Anyway, they tell her she has a baby and she is blown away of course. And the best news is she fully recovers from the heart problem they thought would kill her.


The staff put up a little sign in the ICU....'In honor of Grace, the only baby ever born in this ICU.'


Oh. my. goodness. It's a wonder the shock didn't give her heart failure.


We have a friend who had 2 kids, then a vasectomy, and then when his kids were in jr/high school, his wife showed up pregnant. It was a HUGE shock to them both. They ended up with quite a rounder!


Waiting for pg test results....:lurk5:

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It was negative. Gosh, I feel like ya'll are gonna be disappointed. I know I was. Talk about some emotions. I was almost certain I saw the faint positive. I had one with each dd. Even dh told me, "I wouldn't be mad." Yeah, emotions are all over the map now.


((((hugs)))) Nope - no disappointment. Well, disappointment that you're disappointed. How late are you?


So, now your dh is starting to re-think the no more children thing? This may be a blessing for your family all the way around.

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It was negative. Gosh, I feel like ya'll are gonna be disappointed. I know I was. Talk about some emotions. I was almost certain I saw the faint positive. I had one with each dd. Even dh told me, "I wouldn't be mad." Yeah, emotions are all over the map now.


:grouphug::grouphug:Carli:grouphug::grouphug:. I know the emotions you are speaking of and a bit of how you must be feeling right now. I'm sorry that you are disappointed. :grouphug: All I can offer are some more of these: :grouphug: (((Carli)))

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It was negative. Gosh, I feel like ya'll are gonna be disappointed. I know I was. Talk about some emotions. I was almost certain I saw the faint positive. I had one with each dd. Even dh told me, "I wouldn't be mad." Yeah, emotions are all over the map now.


More :grouphug: from me too. I'm sorry. But like Jennifer said, keep talking to him. You never know what might come of this.



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Don't feel bad at all for even a minute. I'm sure there are a number of us who have btdt, but it always feels a little sad.


It was negative. Gosh, I feel like ya'll are gonna be disappointed. I know I was. Talk about some emotions. I was almost certain I saw the faint positive. I had one with each dd. Even dh told me, "I wouldn't be mad." Yeah, emotions are all over the map now.
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Thanks ladies. I feel so loved! Dh and I have other big things to contend with at this point with the two options for work right now and with my hysterectomy already scheduled, it looks like we're moving past the baby stage for good...unless of course I can finally convince him to adopt!:D A few months ago, he got to the point where he said, "I'd do it...IF GOD laid it on my heart." lol! That is totally my dh!

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Aw....... I'm sorry. I was hoping, but well, these things happen. I can't tell you how many HPTs I've taken. I routinely take them 'just in case' because my cycles are so wacked. I don't want to be one of those who doesn't realize she is pregnant like my story...:) Anyway, I am so used to taking them that sometimes I forget to check the stick! :tongue_smilie:

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My friend's dh had a vas. reconnect. She is currently pregnant with their surprise third-----she was over the top freaked out! You should have heard the things she said to me.


"I'm 37! I don't know anyone having babies at this age! I don't want my daughter to have to give up her youth to help me with a child!"


Ahem...the friend you are venting to is 37, and majorly preggo! Give up her youth? Good gracious--my poor children. ;)




Mine are adopted but I was 36 1/2 and 39 1/2 when my dc were born, they came home at 12 mos, so here I was, OVER the big 40 with a 12 mo old thrust into my arms. (a very CRANKY 12 mos old~!)

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