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Who has a kid like this?

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My daughter (11.5) is attending a camp this week, which obviously means we've got to be up and out at a specific time each morning. I'm not terrible at this, but I'm also not the world's best. My daughter has already:


1. Laid out her clothing for tomorrow

2. Filled a reusable container with a plain yogurt/maple syrup mix and stuck a note to herself on the fridge so she'd not forget it in the morning.

3. Filled a water bottle

4. Packed up some potato chips and a few cookies

5. Knows what she'll put on her sandwich

6. Scrubbed out her lunchbox for reuse tomorrow.


I did not ask her to do any of this. It's just how she is. I think she was born to the wrong mother. :blush:

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Yes, I have one of those. The other day I walked into the 11yo dd room and said , how nice you made your bed and your room looks nice.


She said oh, I did not do that, that was my sis.


So on top of oldest dd cleaning her own room, she is doing youngers too.



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Yup, that would be my oldest. . . . . .she's doing a ballet intensive this week, and is on the same plan.


Although - true confessions - :blush:


(shhh - she comes by it honestly! I'm one of those people who puts something in the car on Wednesday, so I remember to bring it to church with me on Sunday - don't flame me, y'all!)

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My 15 yr old is sometimes the mother around here. She gets up before I do and gathers any laundry. She washes all of it, irons and puts it away. It's embarrasing. She mails back movies, makes her brother's bed, organizes things before we leave the house. Tells me I can't watch scary movies.


Sometimes I just sit on her to make her be still.

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My 15 yr old is sometimes the mother around here. She gets up before I do and gathers any laundry. She washes all of it, irons and puts it away. It's embarrasing. She mails back movies, makes her brother's bed, organizes things before we leave the house. Tells me I can't watch scary movies.


Sometimes I just sit on her to make her be still.


I just got the caffeine is bad for you lecture. I only have two cups. God forbid I smoke or drink.



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But I am! I need to chill out sometimes because I WANT everyone in the house to be like me.... Alas, I'm the ONLY one around here. :001_smile:


Any hints on how to get others to be like that? or maybe it is just a personality thing, huh? and we need balance in the world!

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My dd9 is like that. Since she was 4yo she has yelled from the back seat as we are passing our neighborhood gas station, "Mom, do we need gas?" When I was at WM once I called home to ask dh if we needed milk and she hollered, "Mom, we need AA batteries and lightbulbs!" It never ends. She gathers a change of clothes, bottles of water, a backpack full of things to do, etc. whenever we plan to be out all day.


If she didn't look just like me, I'd really wonder if I got the wrong baby at the hospital. I am absolutely nothing like this.:)

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she isn't like that. Be thankful!


Sometimes I think she likes organization, the problem is she has no initiative. Honestly, my husband struggles with it as well. She has friends in the neighborhood who come wanting to play, friends who call, but she never takes the initiative to call or invite them. She's content to play by herself, read (she does a lot of that), or play with her little brother.


If anyone has any advice on developing this trait in her, I'd be glad to hear it. It really concerns me for her future.


Amy of GA

Darin's wife for 17 years

11yo dd

5yo ds

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She's just turned 12 and such a responsible child I sometimes can't believe it.


I see little lists everywhere . . . Wake up at 6 (Yes sometimes I have to tell her to sleep in!), Do devotions at 6:15, etc. etc.


I keep waiting for the shoe to drop . . .and see her turn into a sluggardly teen!;)


People always tell me she's more like 30 than 12!


(I think we're supposed to rejoice over this!)

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My 15 yr old is sometimes the mother around here. She gets up before I do and gathers any laundry. She washes all of it, irons and puts it away. It's embarrasing. She mails back movies, makes her brother's bed, organizes things before we leave the house. Tells me I can't watch scary movies.


Sometimes I just sit on her to make her be still.




Madame -- can I send you my girls for training? At least two of the three are showing signs of wanting to be like this but I'm afraid I can't effectively micromanage them as they'd like. Or perhaps your dd would consider a position as a governess??



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My daughter (11.5) is attending a camp this week, which obviously means we've got to be up and out at a specific time each morning. I'm not terrible at this, but I'm also not the world's best. My daughter has already:


1. Laid out her clothing for tomorrow

2. Filled a reusable container with a plain yogurt/maple syrup mix and stuck a note to herself on the fridge so she'd not forget it in the morning.

3. Filled a water bottle

4. Packed up some potato chips and a few cookies

5. Knows what she'll put on her sandwich

6. Scrubbed out her lunchbox for reuse tomorrow.


I did not ask her to do any of this. It's just how she is. I think she was born to the wrong mother. :blush:


Oh, she and my 12-year-old can be best friends! This is my dd to a T, and admittedly, it's me as well. Together dd and I drive dh crazy, who is a complete and total opposite. Ds 7 will likely be similar to dd, he's already quite, um, particular about things. Ds 4--who knows, but I'm predicting he'll be more like dh.

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my dd who will be 14 next week has always been like this, even as a small child. For years I have called her my "memory" and "calendar". We have 7 cats and I could never take any of them to the vet without dd going with me as she is the one that remembers any concerns that we may have and also what their weight is etc.


Once when she was 6 , a friend called my dd "the oldest 6 year old" that she had even known.


by the way, when she was 4, she said to me "Momma, I never want to get on the school bus and go to school, can I homeschool?" She is my oldest.

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My mom's theory is that it skips a generation. Guess my kid somehow did not read the instructions left for her in utero.


In utero instructions, eh? You really are prepared, Jenny. How'd you get them in there, might I ask? Or, do I need to consult your husband? :D



I simply must share my dd's current project because it is such a perfect example of "you kinds of people". She has spent the past 45 minutes designing and creating the costume she'll wear for Halloween. Boy, am I relieved. We only had three months left to work on that one! :lol:

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[quote name=Doran;399249

I simply must share my dd's current project because it is such a perfect example of "you kinds of people". She has spent the past 45 minutes designing and creating the costume she'll wear for Halloween. Boy' date=' am I relieved. We only had three months left to work on that one! :lol:


She waited until now? Mine has a multi-year plan.

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For years I have called her my "memory" and "calendar".


Oh yes, my dd6 is my portable palm. She can remember every list and errand I tell her to remember - much better than I can. And she knows where everything is. I can't tell you how many times I've said, "I can't find xyz!" and she runs and gets it.

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But they have done it when they're really excited about something. So I know they're *capable*... which almost makes it worse sometimes than if I thought they just couldn't pull it off. But oh, dangle the right carrot and *pshew*, there they go!

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My daughter (11.5) is attending a camp this week, which obviously means we've got to be up and out at a specific time each morning. I'm not terrible at this, but I'm also not the world's best. My daughter has already:


1. Laid out her clothing for tomorrow

2. Filled a reusable container with a plain yogurt/maple syrup mix and stuck a note to herself on the fridge so she'd not forget it in the morning.

3. Filled a water bottle

4. Packed up some potato chips and a few cookies

5. Knows what she'll put on her sandwich

6. Scrubbed out her lunchbox for reuse tomorrow.


I did not ask her to do any of this. It's just how she is. I think she was born to the wrong mother. :blush:


I didn't know such children existed!

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My daughter (11.5) is attending a camp this week, which obviously means we've got to be up and out at a specific time each morning. I'm not terrible at this, but I'm also not the world's best. My daughter has already:


1. Laid out her clothing for tomorrow

2. Filled a reusable container with a plain yogurt/maple syrup mix and stuck a note to herself on the fridge so she'd not forget it in the morning.

3. Filled a water bottle

4. Packed up some potato chips and a few cookies

5. Knows what she'll put on her sandwich

6. Scrubbed out her lunchbox for reuse tomorrow.


I did not ask her to do any of this. It's just how she is. I think she was born to the wrong mother. :blush:

Do you loan her out? We need one at my house!:D

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Madame -- can I send you my girls for training? At least two of the three are showing signs of wanting to be like this but I'm afraid I can't effectively micromanage them as they'd like. Or perhaps your dd would consider a position as a governess??




Hey Friend. So glad to see you here! :grouphug:

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My daughter (11.5) is attending a camp this week, which obviously means we've got to be up and out at a specific time each morning. I'm not terrible at this, but I'm also not the world's best. My daughter has already:


1. Laid out her clothing for tomorrow

2. Filled a reusable container with a plain yogurt/maple syrup mix and stuck a note to herself on the fridge so she'd not forget it in the morning.

3. Filled a water bottle

4. Packed up some potato chips and a few cookies

5. Knows what she'll put on her sandwich

6. Scrubbed out her lunchbox for reuse tomorrow.


I did not ask her to do any of this. It's just how she is. I think she was born to the wrong mother. :blush:


I don't know where she gets it.

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