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Julie T

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12 Good
  1. Wow, if ONLY!!!! I have to think for everyone! I even say "Put your things by the door so you won't forget them". And they STILL somehow manage to forget them. Count your blessings and let her inspire you to good works.
  2. We had the same experience...dog from the pound, trying to dominate my children by nipping, etc. Get rid of the dog immediately!!!!! It will only grow worse and when the dog does really hurt your child you'll feel horrible. We found our dog a home without children where he was wonderful. Then we found a new dog for us who is very docile and submissive. She lets my girls do anything with her. We enjoy her very much. They don't miss the other dog at all.
  3. Yep, that's exactly what I was trying to come up with. Thanks!:hurray:
  4. We start as soon as we return from the lake with hubby's parents. Usually the first or second week in August.
  5. I have read it and also recommend it. We didn't really have sever anger issues, but parts of it were still helpful. A good companion book is "Stop the Whinning, Complaining, and Arguing in You and Your Kids." Or at least the title is close to that.
  6. Each of my children have an "assignment notebook" which is just a journal type book that they get to pick out. Each day I write in their assignment notebook what they are to do for that day. If there are things we do together I put those on a white board mounted on the wall. This accomplishes two things at once: 1) They know in advance what is expected of them so they don't complain and 2) I don't have to "think" about the same thing several times during the day. I think about it once, write it down and it's in their court. This method also serves as a log of what we've accomplished so far. I guess I sort of log in instead of look ahead.
  7. I tried this and I think it worked! Thanks for the info.
  8. Thanks for putting that together. It was super helpful.
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