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How often do you rearrange furniture?

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My current furniture layout is driving me crazy! I can't walk through my house without mentally reconfiguring everything.


I'm not sure if it's me just needing a "fresh" house or the possibility that my parents will be staying 2+ weeks during Christmas. Maybe I'm just getting in the pre-holiday cleaning mode?

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I rearrange when I get a wild hair. :lol: Recently, I visited a home in which all the furniture was at an angle in the living area, and I thought it was really cool. So I rearranged my living room furniture that way.


I recently rearranged my bedroom furniture for the first time in many years. I like it.:001_smile:

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Not often. I know some people do it once a month or more practically. I don't think I've rearranged anything significantly in a couple of years now.


I think it's proportionate to how much space you have to some extent. Our house isn't huge, but it's not tiny either. The people I know who live in tiny spaces seem to move their furniture more.

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I used to rearrange furniture all the time. It was something I loved doing periodically. I haven't done it in a while now because our house is really tiny so there is really only one way to arrange the current furniture.


I satisfy myself by constantly rearranging and reorganizing my school supplies and books. ;)

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Often, but usually just an item or two. Recently I moved a piece of furniture from one room to another. I do something like that probably about once a month. I re-arrange the living room more dramatically different for Christmas. But...for most of our furniture, there really seems to be a "right" way that it fits in the room.

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Never because there is only one way they work.


This is the case in many of my rooms as well. I mean, I could swap lamps or side tables, but the basic layout doesn't have many options. For a long time, my mother would visit and try to make me try new layouts. She'd be like, but if you could just move this there... And I'd be like, okay, so then what do I do about that? Inevitably, it would always come down to, everything needs to stay where it is. She finally gave up on me.

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I love to rearrange the furniture. Seasonally--if I can talk someone into helping me lift and shift. Today I have the rearranging bug--I love to 'spring' clean in the fall--tomorrow we will have a new arrangement...can't wait to see how it all settles.


If it were feasible, I'd probably have seasonal furniture...dark and heavy for winter, light, cottagey, and cotton for summer. lol


Have fun playing house with your furniture!

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Never (unless we move, of course). When we first move in, I agonize over furniture arrangement, measuring the room and pieces, trying it out on graph paper so I'm pretty sure I know how I want them before we start heavy lifting (dh will only move a couch so many times, you know?).


A few items might be rearranged in the first month or so, but once we're settled in, that's it. When the new baby arrived, we had to make room for the crib, etc., but I don't move my furniture around for "fun"! That would drive me nuts! But, I thrive on routine and despise change.

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Approximately once every two-ish months. I don't just rearrange furniture. I tend to rearrange the house...as in switch whole rooms of furniture to a different room in the house. :D


Now that I am on my minimalist journey, though I am slowing down. Suddenly things are starting to fit a little better.


Oh, and FWIW, I got rid of our living room "furniture". Now, we have "bean" (not really beans) bags. I can toss or stack them however I want to get them out of my way and I don't have to scold the kids for sitting on the wrong spots (back, arms) and "wrecking" it.

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I haven't reconfigured my furniture in years. (though specific pieces have been replaced with something more "efficient" - the layout is the same).


I would suggest examining what it is that is really bothering you about your layout. do pieces not "fit"?


get the cut-out pieces and graph paper and play with it on paper to come up with a layout you're happy with. also make note of pieces that may or may not work well with your layout and consider if they need to be replaced with something more effecient.


I also knew a woman who had moved every 2- 3 years so after she'd been in one house 4 years she was going insane, but couldn't figure out why. she was just used to moving often.

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Never because there is only one way they work.


Yep. Here, too.

We've lived in this house 14 yrs. and in that time I changed the living room once, but only because we got new furniture. I've changed DS13's room around once or twice. And, we changed his "studio" around but only because we were changing it from a play room to a sitting/music room.

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A lot. Usually when we first move into a house it takes a while to figure out the best configuration but once we do the main areas stay in the same place forever because that is the way they fit the best. Sometimes if a room isn't functioning as well as we like we will arrange it. The kids used to change rooms frequently (I have no idea why). I also have a lot of family that comes and goes so we usually have to rearrange when people move in or out.

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Our house is too small to rearrange furniture. Seriously, the way we have it is the only way we can have it. :glare:


:iagree: It's not so much that our house is too small, but we live in a almost 100 year old house with many windows and lots of wood work, built in cabinets, etc and there's only so much open wall space. The furniture we have will pretty much only work one way.

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