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For Starbucks Fans Only: is your local store closing?

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If you don't like Starbucks, that's okay, but I'm not talking to you right now. :D

If you do like Starbucks, will you be losing your local store? Is there another one within a reasonable driving distance? ;)


What's your favorite drink, anyway? :001_smile:

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If you don't like Starbucks, that's okay, but I'm not talking to you right now. :D

If you do like Starbucks, will you be losing your local store? Is there another one within a reasonable driving distance? ;)


What's your favorite drink, anyway? :001_smile:


Driving distance? We have two within reasonable walking distance.


But no one walks in LA :auto:


Bill (who usually goes for the "drip"...and no cracks about "you are what you drink" :D )

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If you don't like Starbucks, that's okay, but I'm not talking to you right now. :D

If you do like Starbucks, will you be losing your local store? Is there another one within a reasonable driving distance? ;)


What's your favorite drink, anyway? :001_smile:


nope! phew!!


Skinny, sugar-free cinammon dulce late....extra hot!


Actually, I rarely go to Starbucks just because I have a hard time justifying a $4.00 cup of coffee!!:001_huh:

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Driving distance? We have two within reasonable walking distance.


But no one walks in LA :auto:


Bill (who usually goes for the "drip"...and no cracks about "you are what you drink" :D )


Wow. No chance of that here. I have four within a reasonable distance, but none are within walking distance.


(Curses! I was really looking forward to calling you a drip!! :lol:)

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nope! phew!!


Skinny, sugar-free cinammon dulce late....extra hot!


Actually, I rarely go to Starbucks just because I have a hard time justifying a $4.00 cup of coffee!!:001_huh:


I know what you mean, it isn't cheap. I buy the coffee beans because I prefer to grind them myself. I don't usually get a drink though unless I'm treating myself to a yummy thing.

I think that the plain coffee is priced similarly to Dunkin Donuts ($1.79ish)


Okay, must go to bed. I will be drinking actual coffee very soon, especially since I am up so late. ;)

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Two by me already closed, but there are 3 more really close. I found a wonderful local coffee shop that makes better coffee(didn't think that was possible), and it is cheaper. I have been trying hard to support my local community, and I think 8 Starbucks in our area is a bit much!

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They are building a new one here. I have two real ones within driving distance already, and one in Target and one in Kroger, too. In fact, the one in Target is in the same shopping center as a free standing one. We have lots o' Starbucks. (And the best thing is that my DH gets Starbucks gift cards from his soccer team and he gives them to me!)

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Well, this is the Seattle area.


I have eight within two to three miles (two of those are within walking distance) and none of them are closing.

I do think a few in the downtown area are on the list to be axed. Not surprising, though. We have a few corners where there are stores just a single block from one another.

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If you don't like Starbucks, that's okay, but I'm not talking to you right now. :D

If you do like Starbucks, will you be losing your local store? Is there another one within a reasonable driving distance? ;)


What's your favorite drink, anyway? :001_smile:


Bite your tongue, woman!!! They just opened the darn thing! And it's got that evil drive-through.


Java chip Fraps on bad PMS days. Regular iced coffee (with real sugar, not that awful syrup) any other day. Please note my sig info. Hey! No wonder I'm so broke!

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Bite your tongue, woman!!! They just opened the darn thing! And it's got that evil drive-through.


Java chip Fraps on bad PMS days. Regular iced coffee (with real sugar, not that awful syrup) any other day. Please note my sig info. Hey! No wonder I'm so broke!


Mmmm....that sounds good!

Our new one is safe. I asked them the other day. And I just found this list online to confirm it.

The drive-through is an evil, evil invention isn't it?


I love your sig by the way!! ;)

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Two by me already closed, but there are 3 more really close. I found a wonderful local coffee shop that makes better coffee(didn't think that was possible), and it is cheaper. I have been trying hard to support my local community, and I think 8 Starbucks in our area is a bit much!


That's cool. I would cuckold Starbucks for something like that. :D

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Not technically a "fan", but I occasionally enjoy a foo foo drink. Especially when I have a gift card. :D


We have one in easy bicycling distance - I probably wouldn't walk it. It's not closing, and it's pretty close to brand new. None in my town are, actually, though several in surrounding towns are closing.

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There are probably a hundred in Portland/Vancouver and while many are closing I will still work within 100 ft of one and have 2 within 10 minutes driving time. Come to think about it, Starbucks is one of the closest 'chain' style stores to my house :0)



I like sweet coffee.


Frappuccinos (different flavors in diff seasons) and carmel macchiatos (don't know how to spell that) are my faves.

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The mall we frequent - which is about an hour away from our home - has 5 within a 2 mile radius of that mall. Three are inside of the mall. One of those 5 will be closing. Not sure which one.


And, fortunately, the two that are about 30 minutes away are safe.


I'd love a breve white chocolate mocha right about now!

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I'm not a fan, but my dh couldn't make it through the day without his cuppa. He drinks the coffee of the day, though, so it's a lot cheaper, and he's a firefighter, so when in uniform, he gets his coffee for free. Isn't that nice?!


We have so many Starbucks here that if HALF of them closed, we'd still have plenty of local shops.


True story: When my dd was about 3, I asked her what she'd like to drink for lunch. She said, "Venti coffee of da day wif cweam and 2 Sweet & Lows." Hmmm. Been hitting the Starbucks drive-thru window with Daddy, ya think? ;)

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I am a reformed Starbucks ADDICT. It was a daily trip and my children (youngest was almost 4 at the time) could place my order for me. Grande non-fat, with whip, peppermint mocha, please. I have since recovered and only need a fix a handful of times each year. There were no store closures listed for my state.

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The closest Starbucks is 45 minutes away. As far as I know, it's still there. We've got two locally owned cafés in town, one of which roasts and sells their own beans, and they seem to be doing a good business. The rest of this area "runs on Dunkin'." ;)

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there are 4 closing in my area and none are in walking distance. One I was hoping would close - due to very poor service - is staying open. They are in a prime location, so location probably matters more than service in their case.


Another that is closing actually surprises me - it is virtually in the hospital parking lot and it shares a lot with a bank. They get a lot of hospital and bank traffic. But, there service is really slow.


My favorite:


Grande Iced Decaf Soy Latte Latte sweetened with my Stevia pack. :001_smile:


In the winter dd likes the hot apple cider and hot chocolate.


I love their iced green tea - but caffeine is not a friend of mine

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True story: When my dd was about 3, I asked her what she'd like to drink for lunch. She said, "Venti coffee of da day wif cweam and 2 Sweet & Lows." Hmmm. Been hitting the Starbucks drive-thru window with Daddy, ya think? ;)

That is hysterically funny!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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We have somewhere around 6 or 7 locally. The only one closing is inside one of the malls, but there is one located just outside that mall with a drive through.:001_smile:


We love the chai tea latte, hot coco, and of course the skinny mocha latte. Their plain coffee with whipped mild and sugar is pretty darn tasty on a cold day, and it will get me where I'm going.:D

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If you don't like Starbucks, that's okay, but I'm not talking to you right now. :D

If you do like Starbucks, will you be losing your local store? Is there another one within a reasonable driving distance? ;)


What's your favorite drink, anyway? :001_smile:

No, we're all clear. I enjoy the mint mocha frapp, no whip, thankyouverymuch :)

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I heard that two are closing in our area, dangit! I *used to* be a Dunkin' Donuts fan, but not anymore. I love, love, love Starbucks. My favorite is just the regular coffee, no sugar, half & half.


We don't have one in my immediate area, but I am hoping that someone will see the light and decide to put one here. We have two of those *other* places in our area.


I used to think that Starbuck's coffee was bitter. Did they change their beans?


Oh! And their pumpkin spice bread is awesome!

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We have a st. Arbucks close, but not for everyday. I go to that starbuck's after finishing my grocery shopping twice a month. I have to drive to Super Wal-Mart anyway, so....I deserve a reward, right!? I NEED that iced caramel macchiato. YUM!! Otherwise, I go to a local coffee shop. I can't justify driving to starbucks when Aversboro Coffee is so close.


Now, as to your original question, no, our Starbuck's is not closing. And I am very happy about that! :D

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We have only 4. Not sure the one in the college and Target count as full fledged Starbucks.


The one that was build on the south side of town is closing. Only went up 4 months ago, what a waste. When we saw it we wondered why there, this is the side of town where people live that are less likely to be able to afford them.


We have one 10 min. approx from us. We do occasionally stop in, and even though we can afford them(thank you Dave Ramsey!!!) like many others who have posted we cannot justify spending such a ridiculous price for a cup of coffee. :iagree:

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The only Barnie's within many miles of us closed a couple of years ago and Starbucks opened in the same location (a mall about an hour's drive from here). Then Starbucks started opening LOTS of stores in the middle Georgia area, including one about 5 miles from my house. And now a lot of those stores are closing. But the one in our little town is staying open.

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I don't know about you, but I'd be hard-pressed to find a half-dozen Starbucks devotees. Starbucks still has the Seattle reputation around the world (plunked right there in the middle of Swiss cities, for goodness sake!), but Northwesterners have moved on, imo. Up here, anyway, people are more into local places.

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They just opened a new one by the grocery store. I forget if it's been robbed 2x or 3, but they're closing it. And dh's store. But there are still...4, maybe?...in a reasonable radius.


Drink? I forget. I always call it a Butternut Squash Latte, which is fine if dh is making it. He knows what I mean. But someone else? They're like, um...Hazelnut? Like I'd forget hazelnut.


Ok, he says, "It's a Toffeenut Latte, dear." But remember when they came out? There were posters everywhere advertising how buttery the toffeenut is.


Oh, & I like mine breve.

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I don't know about you, but I'd be hard-pressed to find a half-dozen Starbucks devotees. Starbucks still has the Seattle reputation around the world (plunked right there in the middle of Swiss cities, for goodness sake!), but Northwesterners have moved on, imo. Up here, anyway, people are more into local places.


I am seeing the same trend here.

Used to be that the drive-through was always full, and the lines at the grocery store Starbucks wound through the aisles. These days I may walk by a stand-alone and see an empty drive-through.

I wonder how much of the local attitude has to do with the owner selling our basketball team to that yahoo from Oklahoma. Shultz has been vilified on local news and sports radio in the past year.

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Yep. I think ours is closing. It's located in our "downtown" area. There just isn't enough foot traffic to keep it busy. There's another in the next town over (Basking Ridge) but that's a good five miles from my house. I but the ground bagged stuff from the grocery store (yum, sumatra).

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I wonder how much of the local attitude has to do with the owner selling our basketball team to that yahoo from Oklahoma. Shultz has been vilified on local news and sports radio in the past year.


I imagine that's part of it, but it seems like Starbucks has been kinda passe for a long while now. Like once it became So Ginormously Big around the world, people here weren't into the trend any more. (Or maybe I'm just talking about myself?:D) It's interesting up here, though, because it never has been as big a deal as down the road. We have a great local place here called The Woods ~ love it! But I try to stick with organic coffee, which is less common.


Any-hoo. This was a tangent...

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Here in Houston, we have them all over the place. I have 4 just within one mile depending on the direction and the doesn't include the one in our Barnes and Noble. I think I will be safe but I haven't been going as much as before:glare:. It was my treat on the way to my morning classes, at 6am.

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The town where we live has three private coffee places, but no Starbucks. (*wild cheering sounds*). The larger town, 12 miles up the road, just got two brand new Starbucks when a Target and new shopping center opened in May. I heard this weekend that one of those two is already planning to close. Sometimes, prayers are answered so quickly! ;)


The one in the Target will remain. I won't be going there. Sorry *anj*. Call 'em like I see 'em.

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I don't know about you, but I'd be hard-pressed to find a half-dozen Starbucks devotees. Starbucks still has the Seattle reputation around the world (plunked right there in the middle of Swiss cities, for goodness sake!), but Northwesterners have moved on, imo. Up here, anyway, people are more into local places.


Maybe that trend will spread eventually too. I don't know of any small, local roasters that have coffee shops in this area. I can think of a couple that are 30 minutes or more away, but not in a convenient spot.

There is a local roaster who is fabulous, and I can buy his coffee at a health food store. I usually get the blend that he calls "Midwive's Moonshine", but I only go there once a month or so. His actual shop is in NJ, but still about an hour away from here, so I've never been there.

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They just opened a new one by the grocery store. I forget if it's been robbed 2x or 3, but they're closing it. And dh's store. But there are still...4, maybe?...in a reasonable radius.


Does this mean he's losing his job? Or will he transfer to another local store?

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The one in the Target will remain. I won't be going there. Sorry *anj*. Call 'em like I see 'em.


That's okay. I don't blame you. I'd go to the local places too if I had the choice. But for now I think that the best coffee shop coffee around here is Sbux. But that's just me. ;)

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skinny white chocolate mocha, please, no whip cream. Or if I feel daring, a skinny caramel macchiato. None here are closing, but we only have two, both in medical centers. We have a local coffee shop with a drive thru, :thumbup: the coffee is not as good, but I much prefer the atmosphere over Starbucks, and of course I love the drive thru.


I justify my coffee habit by my dh's tobacco habit:001_smile: At least mine won't kill me!



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Does this mean he's losing his job? Or will he transfer to another local store?


Yep. I posted about it a while back, but didn't mention the store. He started praying for a new job, & about a mo. later found out about the closings. They're offering everyone either severance or a transfer. He's so new, he figured he'd be out of luck, but now it looks like he'll get his choice between the two.


And since he wanted a job w/ better hrs, I don't see why he'd transfer to a more distant store w/ worse hrs. I told him so, & the next AM, he got a call offering him a new job. He'll set his own hrs & make in 2 days what he's been making in a week at Sbux. Sounds too good to be true, so we're kind-of waiting to see, but his dad works for the co., has been there for about a yr, & it all seems good.


Plus, the new co offers some benefits, which was unexpected. I think it's a blessing all around.

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Plus, the new co offers some benefits, which was unexpected. I think it's a blessing all around.

I'm so glad to hear that. One door closes and another one opens, right? That must be such a relief for you, even considering the part you're unsure about. :grouphug:

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