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I finally cleaned out the office closet yesterday. Now we have room to put all our arts and crafts supplies in one spot.


We bought some Perler beads and Tigger loves them! He can sit still (and quietly) for 45 minutes or more while working on a design. This is the kid who used to try to convince me he could do his phonics while doing headstands on the couch!

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We love perler beads here!


As for good news we have excellent news. We got the call today ds9 has been invited to attend a Tim Horton's camp over spring break in Kananaskis. DD13 went to one in Ontario a few years back and still talks about the experience she had. Now it is ds9's turn. (ds14 was already too old when we got involved with teh agency that put the kids names in). Camp is not until the end of March but he is over the moon excited.

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We had a wonderful family mini-vacation Thurs-Sunday. We had a college tour of Michigan Technological University, met with admins, financial aid, and department heads, attended a musical on campus, and explored the area...despite being hailed on Friday afternoon and the LIBRARY CATCHING ON FIRE! Yep, the one building we really wanted to see and couldn't because of an electrical fire. We were relieved to hear that the fire department was on hand practically instantly and there is very little loss.


Anyway, the drive there and back was gorgeous, Dh and Ds loved the college, and we all relaxed which was very much needed.



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Dd who has been nauseous for months did really well on her SAT's, despite not feeling well enough to put anything into preparing this time. She's in a good position for scholarships now. :)


All her recent bloodwork is coming back good. They even sent some samples out to the Mayo Clinic. She's been better about taking her iron and her hemoglobin is higher, and it shows in her color. Something came up on an u/s, but it is benign and should resolve on its own. I was hoping that it could explain dd's troubles, but the docs don't think so. Endoscopy will have to be rescheduled due to Sandy, but I do feel like we're getting closer to getting an answer and helping her feel better. Meanwhile, we found that zofran will help in a pinch. :001_smile:

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Dd who has been nauseous for months did really well on her SAT's, despite not feeling well enough to put anything into preparing this time. She's in a good position for scholarships now. :)


All her recent bloodwork is coming back good. They even sent some samples out to the Mayo Clinic. She's been better about taking her iron and her hemoglobin is higher, and it shows in her color. Something came up on an u/s, but it is benign and should resolve on its own. I was hoping that it could explain dd's troubles, but the docs don't think so. Endoscopy will have to be rescheduled due to Sandy, but I do feel like we're getting closer to getting an answer and helping her feel better. Meanwhile, we found that zofran will help in a pinch. :001_smile:


That isn't good news...it's terrific! :001_smile:

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Is this a regular camp? My first thought was a camp that specializing in donut-making, but that can't be right. :lol:


Tim Horton's children's camps are free camps for children from low income families to have the camp experience of a life time. This is the one they are sending ds to. You have to have an agency put in your child's name for these camps so it is not something we apply for etc.

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we still have power and haven't lost any trees yet!! we are in NJ just on the north-ish side of the eye.


the girls got almost every lesson done today (except spelling) without any bickering even though hubby was home from work.


with my auditory sensory issues, the windy dark night will be tough. it is much easier when I can see the trees bending over.


Robin in NJ

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we still have power and haven't lost any trees yet!! we are in NJ just on the north-ish side of the eye.


the girls got almost every lesson done today (except spelling) without any bickering even though hubby was home from work.


with my auditory sensory issues, the windy dark night will be tough. it is much easier when I can see the trees bending over.


Robin in NJ


Wow! That's good news, too. Another sensory mom nearby! I'm not quite so alone. :D


We just heard a loud crunching sound outside, BTW. A branch of a neighbors tree, I think. But that's not good news, so it doesn't belong in this thread so please excuse me. :tongue_smilie:

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Wow! That's good news, too. Another sensory mom nearby! I'm not quite so alone. :D


We just heard a loud crunching sound outside, BTW. A branch of a neighbors tree, I think. But that's not good news, so it doesn't belong in this thread so please excuse me. :tongue_smilie:


maybe you are closer than you think?!?! maybe that was our tree!!



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I finally figured out my 12 year old DS's writing issues are likely dysgraphia, so now we have a starting point for getting him help.


My house is quiet for an hour and a half while all the kids are at TaeKwonDo and my hubby took them :001_smile: Haven't had the house to myself in ages.


Getting a lot of paperwork done which was weighing on me.


The dog hasn't peed on the floor today!



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I started getting my stuff ready for ebay.

I'm almost finished digiscrapping our Christmas party invite and Christmas card.

I got our flyer for our Christmas Gift Wrapping business finished. We're gonna give it a try this year!

We had a wonderful party for dh's birthday. It was wonderful to forget some sadness and laugh with friends.

Ds12 can do almost everything with both arms in casts. I just have to wash his hair and suit him up for the shower. I am so very, very grateful for his independence!

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i spoke too soon.


under all those leaves is our driveway.


Robin in NJ


So the good news is it was you driveway and not your house!


For me, there's a baby in there! Just one! And it's baby shaped! (Snazzy u/s is next month. This was a quickie.) And we have a gender possibility but it was hard to see and will be rechecked next month.


Hubby got an award at work and is out getting fancy pizza with the girls as part of the award goodies!


Cookie bars are cooling!


My parents are closing today and moving out here! Yay!!


I found an OB who is quite pleased to work with me in whatever I need even though I'm planning a homebirth with a CPM if everything is low risk. Wahoo!!

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After one of the worst days of my memory yesterday, I had a great friend come with me on our long trek to violin. It was nice to talk and hang out with another adult and have a fun day. I just hope my kids didn't annoy her too much! Wo can complain of a day full of a good friend, mochas, Target, and Barnes and Nobles? :)

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