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Lump Update

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So, I JUST now received the results of my ultrasound/mammogram from Sept 11th. The radiologist had spoken to me briefly and had told me to not be overly concerned that it looked like textbook fibroadenomas. I had three masses and one was large enough that he would recommend biopsy but said that it was in the end my choice.. that I could monitor every six months for two years if I wished to not have them biopsied.


So, I finally get the call today from my PCP and they finally have the actual results from my scans with 'immediate recommendation of biopsy of all three "nodules"


So, anyway, I mentioned my vacation on Oct 2nd and my PCP gently urged that I attempt to see a surgeon this week for the biopsy if possible.


Hoping it is still "nothing to be concerned over" and they just don't want to procrastinate.. but the change in tone has me wonder.. I would appreciate any thoughts and prayers. My Dr. office is supposed to make the appt and get back with me in the morning to let me know when to show up!

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Praying for you. Went through this last year myself, doctor was very concerned and wanted to remove it right away. He thought it looked like a sarcoma. Turned out to be a fatty tumor and no cancer. It was a quick outpatient procedure and results took a week. Hope you can get it all done quickly.



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Praying for you. Went through this last year myself, doctor was very concerned and wanted to remove it right away. He thought it looked like a sarcoma. Turned out to be a fatty tumor and no cancer. It was a quick outpatient procedure and results took a week. Hope you can get it all done quickly.




thank you for sharing your story! I am hoping it is the same as well! Staying positive. I am more worried of being sore and messing up my jogging routines and then more worried about not enjoying swimming on our vacation next week ;) I know I need to get my priorities in check ha ha!

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By the way, most biopsies will make you sore, but you should have no problem going on your vacation. (I'd ask specifically about swimming.)


Plus--it is my experience that the radiologists will get the results to you ASAP....partly so you can get treatment, but also so you don't WORRY for days. I hope this is the policy where you have your biopsies done.


If you have questions about biopsies, yell or PM me. I've had a couple of different kinds.


And...lastly. If you do get a not so welcome diagnosis you will not be alone. We will be here to encourage and pray for you. The fear of the unknown is absolutely the worst. Hang in there.

Edited by Happy
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I will be praying for you for peace and an easy procedure.


I've had an outpatient biopsy in radiology. It went really, really smooth and was not very painful at all. A little sore for a few days. My radiologist told me his impression right then during the procedure, but of course had to wait a few days for the final lab work (he was correct, and it was just a benign cyst). Hoping for you it's as easy as mine was.



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The Drs office called today and have me scheduled after my vacation as they could not get me into their preferred surgeon. They chose a 2nd choice (due to my insurance) and the only available was Oct 12th.


My concerns are this is just a general surgeon. I wonder if I should request to be transferred to a Women's Breast Center by Emory in Atlanta. Would a specialized clinic be preferable vs just a general surgeon to do the biopsy, etc.

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The Drs office called today and have me scheduled after my vacation as they could not get me into their preferred surgeon. They chose a 2nd choice (due to my insurance) and the only available was Oct 12th.


My concerns are this is just a general surgeon. I wonder if I should request to be transferred to a Women's Breast Center by Emory in Atlanta. Would a specialized clinic be preferable vs just a general surgeon to do the biopsy, etc.


I would at least check on this. Not to say the general surgeon wouldn't do a good job, but the women's center likely specializes in this kind of thing... they may have a more efficient procedure AND may have better resources for you.


How frustrating that they wouldn't get you in sooner. I would check on the women's center, maybe they could see you this week. :grouphug:

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Was this appt set up by your dr? Does he know about the delay?

Would you feel as comfortable with the drs at a new center?

Personally, I would want to see someone asap. I guess you have to see a new dr either way, but I think I'd initially go with whomever could see me first.


Praying for your peace of mind.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had my biopsy consult and have it scheduled for Oct 24th. Everything is still going as planned. The surgeon asked if I would give my permission for my case to be presented at a local breast conference where a panel of doctors including oncologists, plastic surgeons and surgeons all discuss breast cancer patients, treatment plans, etc. I gave permission. What does it hurt to have more eyes looking at my case. Weird to know that this conference is to discuss breast cancer and my case will be evaluated there but what better month? October is breast cancer awareness month :)


I did find out this week that there is a family history of breast cancer in my family. But it was my grandfather's sister. So, it is pretty far away from me but being that there is a history; I am thankful to have a biopsy at an early age :)

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I had a similar situation, where a mammogram show a lump so they sent me for an ultrasound, after which they sent me for a biopsy. The doctor who did the biopsy said there were many lumps in both breasts but she biopsied three of them in one side and recommended I have an MRI just to make sure.


The biopsies came back fine but I went for the MRI and found out it was actually two MRI's (one on one day and one on the next day) as they could only do one breast at a time because they had to do it with the (can't remember what they call it) IV injection that they can then watch in the MRI.


I went two days in a row for the MRI's and they also came back fine. They recommended that I come back in 6 months and do the two MRI's again. So I did and they also came back fine. Then they decided I could go back to mammograms again.


I don't know if this helps any or not but I wanted to let you know that this does happen and turns out to be nothing. I hope your situation turns out to be nothing also.

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