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J.K. Rowling's new book -- will you read it?

Will you read J.K. Rowling's novel for adults, The Casual Vacancy?  

  1. 1. Will you read J.K. Rowling's novel for adults, The Casual Vacancy?

    • Yes, I am very excited and will buy a copy.
    • Yes, I am very excited and will get a copy from the library.
    • Yes, I am mildly interested and will buy a copy.
    • Yes, I am mildly interested and will read a copy from the library.
    • No, I don't care to read it.
    • I like cupcakes, goats, and voting in polls.

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I will read it. I'm curious. I will plan to get it from the library. I'm sure there'll be a long wait, but I don't mind waiting many months & getting around to it later.


FYI, my ds is a huge HP fan. He has read the books so many times that his copies actually fell apart & we had to replace them. A couple of them, we're on the 3rd copy.


I've read the first HP book, but not the others (yet).

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I have not read any of her books, really don't have any interest in them. There are so many great books by so many great authors, I guess I just never could understand what makes this author stand out so much over any others.


Because she knows how to develop a plot with twists and turns and excitement.

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I just read this article on Bookpage about J.K. Rowling's new novel for adults due out in September. I knew that I hadn't heard much about the novel, but I didn't realize that the non-publicity was deliberate.


It just got me curious, how many Hivers plan to read The Casual Vacancy? Are you excited, mildly interested, or could care less? Also, will you buy it for yourself or get it from the library?


I am a huge JKR fan and I have mine on pre-order. So yes, I am definitely planning to read it!


And I have to say this...I just have to....It's "couldn't care less." If you don't care, you couldn't care less. You care as little as you possibly could, therefore you couldn't care less. I'm sorry; I don't mean to make a cupcake kerfluffle about it, but this grammatical error needs to be tortured out of existence. :tongue_smilie: I hope you'll have a sense of humor about it. Maybe.

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I said I am very excited and would buy a copy, but I'm not going to be standing in any lines. I am willing to have my mind changed if it gets bad reviews. I love that she kept the HP series almost completely void of sexual content. If she tries to cram it all in this book, I will be marking it off my list for sure.

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I am a huge JKR fan and I have mine on pre-order. So yes, I am definitely planning to read it!


And I have to say this...I just have to....It's "couldn't care less." If you don't care, you couldn't care less. You care as little as you possibly could, therefore you couldn't care less. I'm sorry; I don't mean to make a cupcake kerfluffle about it, but this grammatical error needs to be tortured out of existence. :tongue_smilie: I hope you'll have a sense of humor about it. Maybe.


:lol::lol: :iagree:

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I do not enjoy her prose and had to push myself to get through much of Harry Potter (I'd promised DD the Elder is would read it). So count me as a "no."

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I am going to wait to see what the buzz is. If it gets good reviews then I will read it if it is convenient.




This is me too. She's great at worldbuilding, but as someone who lives in a small town, I don't find small town politics interesting or funny. (If I did, I would laugh every time I drove past the town square where they ripped out 100-year-old trees to put in cobblestone and an ugly, black marble statue.)


I also don't like being told by a publisher with biased interests that a book is "thought-provoking" or "constantly surprising." I'll make my mind up for myself, thankyouverymuch.


PS. Am I at 750 posts yet?? :D

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I have not read any of her books, really don't have any interest in them. There are so many great books by so many great authors, I guess I just never could understand what makes this author stand out so much over any others.


Maybe you should read them & find out. :D

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It sounds like it could be interesting. But I want to see more before committing. I was more interested in the Potter WORLD than in Rowling's writing in particular.


(and although I was eagerly awaiting the books when they came out and even reread some of the early ones when later ones came out. 1. I never wanted to reread Book 5. and 2. I don't find myself wanting to reread them now. Unlike other series we have.)

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I have not read any of her books, really don't have any interest in them. There are so many great books by so many great authors, I guess I just never could understand what makes this author stand out so much over any others.


Maybe you should read them & find out. :D


:iagree: How do you know who a "great" author is unless you've read them? Some people think Dickens is a great author, while others loathe him. Some think Austen is a great author and others loathe her. If you've never read them though, how could you tell if they were or not? She's a great author because she created a world that was magical and all encompassing. I could see the story as I read it (long before the movies started coming out) and became invested in the characters.

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I don't care about waiting. I have so many books to read that I can sit at the bottom of a list. :tongue_smilie:


I wouldn't buy it. I think she is a good story teller, and she can create great characters, but her writing is not the greatest. I am picky about writing. I've stuck with books I didn't like (story wise) because the writing was so good.


I hope she had a good editor help her polish this book.

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I just read this article on Bookpage about J.K. Rowling's new novel for adults due out in September. I knew that I hadn't heard much about the novel, but I didn't realize that the non-publicity was deliberate.


It just got me curious, how many Hivers plan to read The Casual Vacancy? Are you excited, mildly interested, or could care less? Also, will you buy it for yourself or get it from the library?




What I really want is grown-up prequels to Harry Potter.

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I have not read any of her books, really don't have any interest in them. There are so many great books by so many great authors, I guess I just never could understand what makes this author stand out so much over any others.


That would be rather difficult to discern without reading the auhor's works, I would think.

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I have not read any of her books, really don't have any interest in them. There are so many great books by so many great authors, I guess I just never could understand what makes this author stand out so much over any others.


It will be hard to understand without reading them. :) Descriptions aren't nearly as effective.

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:iagree: How do you know who a "great" author is unless you've read them?


One does not live forever. I could generate a list of thousands, I'm sure, and all ahead of her.


And re-reads! I keep meaning to get back to Tanizaki, e.g. I read everything that had been translated in my 20s. What would I think of it now? I haven't read Dostoevsky since I was 17. Even the re-read list is long.

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She's a great author because she created a world that was magical and all encompassing. I could see the story as I read it (long before the movies started coming out) and became invested in the characters.

I completely agree.



I will get it from the library. Off to check out how many holds there are.

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Well, I voted for checking it out from the library, but my library network hasn't heard of it yet. $18 on Kindle is steep. I think I'll buy it, but I'll wait until it's released because I've been burned by pre-ordering a book and paying the list price, only to see the price immediately lowered.

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I'll read it. If I like it enough I will buy it for my library.

The hardest thing I think people will do is separate HP from this new book. They will be looking for the same magic the HP books had...I am not talking about the act of magic in the HP books. I am worried it will get less then favorable reviews because of this.

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I will probably buy it. I've got an ongoing list of books coming out soon that I want to buy:


9/25/12- Rapture by JR Ward (Fallen Angels series)


9/27/12- The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling


10/30/12- Iced by Karen Marie Moning (Fever series)


1/13- Dr. Sleep by Stephen King (sequel to The Shining)


3/26/13 - Lover at Last by JR Ward (Black Dagger Brotherhood series)



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I am a huge JKR fan and I have mine on pre-order. So yes, I am definitely planning to read it!


And I have to say this...I just have to....It's "couldn't care less." If you don't care, you couldn't care less. You care as little as you possibly could, therefore you couldn't care less. I'm sorry; I don't mean to make a cupcake kerfluffle about it, but this grammatical error needs to be tortured out of existence. :tongue_smilie: I hope you'll have a sense of humor about it. Maybe.


I recommend the Cruciatus curse.

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What I really want is grown-up prequels to Harry Potter.


Me too! After reading PoA (year 3) and discovering that the parents of these kids were really interesting, I wanted to know more but them and longed for a set of prequels. What really made Lily change her mind about James? How did Peter worm (tail :D) his way into their group? How did Molly and Author meet? How did the original OoP come about? DId anyoe know about Regulus? Why didn't Snape ever wash his hair?????? So much I want to know!!!

I also want to know what was in the note Dumbledore sent to Petunia. "Remember my last." Yes, yes, but WHAT did it say?????

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I want Neville's story! :D





And I think that would clearly be a book for adults--which would of course include those kids who started out reading the first book when they were about ten and read them as they were published since they are all 18+ now.

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The hardest thing I think people will do is separate HP from this new book. They will be looking for the same magic the HP books had...I am not talking about the act of magic in the HP books. I am worried it will get less then favorable reviews because of this.


Yes, that's exactly what I'm afraid I'll be incapable of doing. I know I'll be looking forward to being drawn into another one of her worlds, and I'll be disappointed if that doesn't happen. Knowing this about myself, I pledge not to write a review if I ever do read the book and do not love it.

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I have not read any of her books, really don't have any interest in them. There are so many great books by so many great authors, I guess I just never could understand what makes this author stand out so much over any others.


I am not a fan of non-fiction, and even less of a fan of HP-type stories, but the first one grabbed my attention within 10 pages (I was just gonna check it out on the 15 min ride home from the store after buying it for my son a couple summer ago), and I read HP every spare moment for 3 weeks until I read them all. I loved them! I've watched the movie series in order several times, and I just recently started the book series again.


This is so far from what I am generally interested in, I can only chalk it up to her awesome development of characters and writing style.

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Buying it and will likely download to my kindle without telling dd. If she finds a hard copy anywhere in this house - child has a 6th sense for when I have a new, good book - she kidnaps the literary work and I practically have to hire the mob to strong arm it out of her! :001_smile:



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Me too! After reading PoA (year 3) and discovering that the parents of these kids were really interesting, I wanted to know more but them and longed for a set of prequels. What really made Lily change her mind about James? How did Peter worm (tail :D) his way into their group? How did Molly and Author meet? How did the original OoP come about? DId anyoe know about Regulus? Why didn't Snape ever wash his hair?????? So much I want to know!!!

I also want to know what was in the note Dumbledore sent to Petunia. "Remember my last." Yes, yes, but WHAT did it say?????


SAME! :iagree: This is sometimes where fanfic can come into the picture, but I haven't read any fanfic since years before DH came out.


And how about Dumbledore's childhood? Or what happens when two dentists realize their daughter can do magic? I did always wonder about Peter. How could he be a Gryffondor?

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