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Isaac. Who's in the path?

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It will come a ways away from us but we will get alot of rain and most likely wind. We still have people recovering from the flooding a bit back so this will suck. Not all of the roads have been fixed from last time yet. I know people who still have flooded yards from then. It wiped out my electrical to my well that was no fun.


My daughter has alot of friends who lost their homes that live by the river. They were just starting to rebuild. This is not going to be fun. Miami has already opened the shelters and they have evacuated Key West I believe.

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Yay for being in the center of the cone of uncertainty.


As long as it stays a 1 or 2 we should be fine. Our plan is if it's a 1, meh. A 2, put up the storm shutters. A 3, get the heck out. We've ridden out a few 1s and 2s before. Never a direct hit, though. We'll look at altering our plans when it gets in the Gulf.

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My dd21 attends New College in Sarasota. They have been notified that classes are cancelled for Monday but food service will stay open. They have encouraged kids to go home if possible but housing and student services will be open if they stay.


Dd has an off campus apartment and a job down there. I am a little nervous about her getting around, she doesn't have a car. Prayers will be appreciated.

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The evacuations in The Keys are not mandatory, they are just urging visitors to leave, but not mandating it like usual. I'm in South Florida 2 miles from the beach just above Miami. It's been cloudy and rainy here for two days. It's been completely dark with cloud cover and rain all day today. We're under hurricane/tropical storm warning in my area and they are forecasting winds here Sunday and into Monday to be gusting over 60mph. That's what I heard on the last advisory about an hour or so ago.

Edited by Ibbygirl
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We're about an hour south of Cocoa on the Atlantic coast and were given Tropical Storm warnings for Sunday-Monday. I'm glad it's not coming here since dh is out of town and didn't put the shutters up. Our generator is not working either. But we have food, water, and flashlights if needed.


I used to think hurricanes were fun until we got hit by Frances and Jean back in 2004. I never want to do that again.



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We're about an hour south of Cocoa on the Atlantic coast and were given Tropical Storm warnings for Sunday-Monday. I'm glad it's not coming here since dh is out of town and didn't put the shutters up. Our generator is not working either. But we have food, water, and flashlights if needed.


I used to think hurricanes were fun until we got hit by Frances and Jean back in 2004. I never want to do that again.




Ugh, I was locked in my house for 5 days with Francis!! :glare: That was when I realized that YES rum is indeed a hurricane supply!! lol


We got nailed here by Wilma in 2005! We got the eye wall 3 TIMES!!! It was awful, but still not as bad as Andrew! That's still the scariest thing I've ever been through to date. :eek:

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I think my parents are coming here on Monday - they're new to the area (just moved a year ago), and at first were going to ride it out. But they've been told that the bridge to the mainland from Perdido Key will likely be closed, and I do NOT relish them staying in their condo with no way to get out.

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We are in Panama City Beach, so we're squarely in the cone. Tonight's news said Isaac is predicted to be a 2 when it hits us on Monday. So far though, our schools are open for Monday and there has been no talk of evacuating.


Personally, we won't ride out a 2 b/c of the kids. It's a wait and see game until Sun. night.


You know you're a homeschooler when your main concern is how to bring all of your school supplies. :001_smile:


Prayers and blessings to all of you in Isaac's path.


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Well, we are less than a mile from beach and on the water. We have been here in Naples 3 years so this is our first hurricane. My husband has to stay since he is an Emergency Physician. I decided that he is off and all the kids are home (college student was home for medical testing) so I feel good about that. We have plenty of food, water, candles, etc so I feel as prepared as I can be. We don't have a generator, but I have industrial gas range inside and out. Our neighbors assure me that they have ridden out cat 4 and 5 with little damage and no water close to the house so I feel good about that.


Mostly, i wish my car was in the garage, but the garages here are small and right now it is full of my hubbie's car and all the stuff from the pool/lanai.


We continue to pray for the least destructive and populated path -


God bless to all,


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We've had clouds and a few sprinkles all day from Isaac. Great gardening weather. ;) I'm not in the direct track of the storm, but judging from satellite pictures, we'll definitely get some rain. I hope that's all we get. I really hate putting up hurricane shutters (even though I'm grateful to have them).

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We are near Pensacola, so we are in the path. I am very stressed right now, trying to decide if we need to head north to my dad's home or ride it out. We are on an inlet off the bay, but we are right.on.the.water. About 3 feet above sea level, so we could get flooding from surges. Stress...stress....stress!


Prayers for us all in the next few days!

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We are near Pensacola, so we are in the path. I am very stressed right now, trying to decide if we need to head north to my dad's home or ride it out. We are on an inlet off the bay, but we are right.on.the.water. About 3 feet above sea level, so we could get flooding from surges. Stress...stress....stress!


Prayers for us all in the next few days!


If I were that close to the coast, I think I'd get out. It looks like there is the potential for a large storm surge along the gulf coast, since Isaac is so big.

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We're in Tampa Bay. So far out of the cone now but will get a lot of rain from the feeder bands and flooding because the ground is already so saturated. Our house should be ok because we're not in a flood zone. The high winds may be a problem but we've moved anything that can go flying. I think Tampa Bay gets lucky yet again! :001_smile:

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We are near Pensacola, so we are in the path. I am very stressed right now, trying to decide if we need to head north to my dad's home or ride it out. We are on an inlet off the bay, but we are right.on.the.water. About 3 feet above sea level, so we could get flooding from surges. Stress...stress....stress!


Prayers for us all in the next few days!


Yikes! If the model stays the way it is right now, I'd sandbag what I could, grab important documents etc. and head north with the cars while you still have some time. Once it starts, you'll be dealing with clogged roads and gas issues from the folks leaving at that last moment. Keeping you in my thoughts. :001_unsure:

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We've had some winds in the night here (just north of Miami on the east coast), but nothing too bad. It's been raining non stop all day, but really not much more than what we get with tropical waves. I see the track has moved a lot more west now. I really hope it doesn't flare up too much once it hits the Gulf. Stay safe everybody. :)

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My DH is scheduled to be in NOLA on Wed-Thurs for a political science conference. He is the head of the Disaster Study group he started last year because of his focus on post-disaster recovery. He got started on this topic when we were the unfortunate "survivors/victims" of Hurricane Katrina (we'd moved to NOLA only six weeks before!). His new book on the topic, Building Resilience" is being launched this Tuesday in DC before he leaves for NOLA (it is also the anniversary of the Hurricane). Wondering if he is going -- I hope not only because we are moving to Japan on the Sunday after (the movers are coming the days he is gone) and I'd like to have him here for the final walk-through and to get on the plane together!!!

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My DH is scheduled to be in NOLA on Wed-Thurs for a political science conference. He is the head of the Disaster Study group he started last year because of his focus on post-disaster recovery. He got started on this topic when we were the unfortunate "survivors/victims" of Hurricane Katrina (we'd moved to NOLA only six weeks before!). His new book on the topic, Building Resilience" is being launched this Tuesday in DC before he leaves for NOLA (it is also the anniversary of the Hurricane). Wondering if he is going -- I hope not only because we are moving to Japan on the Sunday after (the movers are coming the days he is gone) and I'd like to have him here for the final walk-through and to get on the plane together!!!


Cool!! I hope his book does well. Good luck on your move to Japan. You know our fellow boardie Jean in Newcastle grew up there. :) Best wishes on this new chapter in your lives. :)

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My DH is scheduled to be in NOLA on Wed-Thurs for a political science conference. He is the head of the Disaster Study group he started last year because of his focus on post-disaster recovery. He got started on this topic when we were the unfortunate "survivors/victims" of Hurricane Katrina (we'd moved to NOLA only six weeks before!). His new book on the topic, Building Resilience" is being launched this Tuesday in DC before he leaves for NOLA (it is also the anniversary of the Hurricane). Wondering if he is going -- I hope not only because we are moving to Japan on the Sunday after (the movers are coming the days he is gone) and I'd like to have him here for the final walk-through and to get on the plane together!!!


:grouphug: He's probably not going. I just talked to my sister, a student at Tulane. She said classes will most likely be cancelled Wednesday. I doubt anyone will be flying into NOLA Wednesday, especially if Isaac moves any more towards the west.

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We are in Panama City Beach, so we're squarely in the cone. Tonight's news said Isaac is predicted to be a 2 when it hits us on Monday. So far though, our schools are open for Monday and there has been no talk of evacuating.


Personally, we won't ride out a 2 b/c of the kids. It's a wait and see game until Sun. night.


You know you're a homeschooler when your main concern is how to bring all of your school supplies. :001_smile:


Prayers and blessings to all of you in Isaac's path.



We live 40 miles from Panama City Beach. I'm planning for bad weather and just stocking up on some extra food and bottled water. Hoping it won't be bad though. Just waiting now to see where it goes.

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:grouphug: He's probably not going. I just talked to my sister, a student at Tulane. She said classes will most likely be cancelled Wednesday. I doubt anyone will be flying into NOLA Wednesday, especially if Isaac moves any more towards the west.



Normally, I don't (much) begrudge him these conferences, but two days before we have an international move/the rest of our stuff going into storage!? :glare: He HAS to go because this is his group's debut! :tongue_smilie:


I hope everyone comes out of this OK. People in the zone, stay safe and if this gets to be be a biggie, consider getting out to safer ground. :001_smile: It does get expensive, but your life is worth much more!

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We live on one of the barrier islands on the southwest coast of Florida. It looks now like the storm is predicted to move far enough west that we will not get a direct hit. But it is already rainy and windy here.


My relatives in Mississippi tease me about the stupidity of living where we do because of hurricanes. So far, they have taken the brunt of several more hurricanes than we have. It looks like Isaac may get them again.



:grouphug: to all in the path.


I go on lockdown at the hospital I work tonight. I am hoping to go home by Tuesday morning.

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Just put away all the loose junk outside. Going to make sure all the clothes are washed, dishes done. We have water, bread, tuna, propane in the grill. Everyone gets baths Monday night (not that that is special, but making sure they are clean in case we lose power for an extended time.) Flashlight, candles, cards, games ready to go. Will probably fill the tub with water to have for flushing toilets just in case. Van is filled up with gas. Oh, and get out the weather radio.


I better get busy! :auto:

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We're in the NOLA 'burbs. I'd be fairly confident that no conference will be held here on Wednesday/Thursday if the current track holds. :tongue_smilie:


We're waiting and seeing, but are probably going to take the opportunity to go visit grandparents further inland.

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My cousin pulled out of NOLA this morning. She said there was no way she was waiting anything out this time around.


My sweet, smart sister, who is at Tulane on a full scholarship, apparently does not have the brain space left to get out of New Orleans when a hurricane is coming. She will stay on the campus. The same campus that was flooded for Katrina:glare:. Bless her 19yo heart.

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My sweet, smart sister, who is at Tulane on a full scholarship, apparently does not have the brain space left to get out of New Orleans when a hurricane is coming. She will stay on the campus. The same campus that was flooded for Katrina:glare:. Bless her 19yo heart.


It wasn't ALL flooded! Just a bunch!:D


Depending on where she is on campus (or off) she might just have a heck of a ride and a story to tell her grandkids. We moved from Lakeview before Katrina (12-14 ft flooding) to Uptown afterwards (our apt two blocks north of campus has basement/ground floor flooding of a foot or two). Our friends at Chabad (a Jewish organization) had the flooding stop in front of their house :eek:, but their center a block away got a bit of flooding.


If it gets serious I bet they will stick her and the other students on the bus outta town.


Let's pray for the best!

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But, seriously, she should take it from someone who didn't think it would be a big deal and almost didn't leave the area. The city was NOT a fun place to be after Katrina. She should think very seriously about getting out or at least going to to Jefferson Parish (Metairie) where there would flooding, but not like NOLA proper.


Here's a link to a page she should read: http://new.nola.gov/ready/leaving-town

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We live just outside of New Orleans on Lake Ponchartrain. We lost our home in Katrina and am fully prepared for the possibility it could happen again, seven years later to the date.

The nice thing with hurricanes, however, is there is plenty of warning, so no one should ever lose their life in a hurricane. Like before, we will take our pictures, a few books, and leave. Everything else is just stuff--and we learned before that stuff is replaceable.

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We live just outside of New Orleans on Lake Ponchartrain. We lost our home in Katrina and am fully prepared for the possibility it could happen again, seven years later to the date.

The nice thing with hurricanes, however, is there is plenty of warning, so no one should ever lose their life in a hurricane. Like before, we will take our pictures, a few books, and leave. Everything else is just stuff--and we learned before that stuff is replaceable.


:grouphug: Yes, it is. But still not fun to go through.

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We're in Tampa, and it looks like we're going to be safe. I was kinda hoping that we'd get enough punch out of this storm to squelch some of the protesters in town for the RNC. But we've gotten SO much rain lately, from Debbie in June (16 inches just in June!) and then from torrential rains the past couple weeks, that we really don't need more rain. We have neighborhoods near us still flooded.


Definitely praying for you in New Orleans. At least Isaac appears not to be strengthening as much as they anticipated....stay safe!

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