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I have to share (weight loss)

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6 months ago I was wearing a size 16.


Yesterday I bought myself a new pair of jeans. In size 10. 10!!


I'm so proud of myself. I've done the weight loss through dealing with severe depression over the loss of my father, and some strange health issues (currently waiting on the results of blood tests- Rheumatoid factor, ANA, Lyme's, Guillan-Barre, and a bunch of other crap. 5 huge tubes worth of my blood worth of tests!! :svengo:)


Just had to share with someone. DD doesn't quite get why I'm so excited over a pair of pants. :lol:

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Thank you everyone! I'm so happy. :D


What's your secret?




Eating less and being more active.


I know, I know. That sounds so.... like not an answer, huh? But it's true! I was always looking for the magic diet, but I'm a picky, picky eater. None of those fad diets work for me because I'm so picky that I couldn't stick to them. So I still eat my regular foods, just less of them. And occasionally treat myself to good stuff. I've been having a lot of joint pain, but I'm being as active as I can. On good days, I go to the gym. Even when I can't manage a full workout, even the little things. Parking further out in the parking lot. Walking around the entire grocery store once before I start shopping. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or at least walking up the escalator. Playing outside with DD more. Even standing up and jogging in place while watching TV. :lol: Anything to be moving.


Oh, and drinking water. With breakfast I have a glass of half chocolate/half regular milk, and with dinner I have a glass of tea, but other than that- water, water, water.


Really, no secrets. Just eating less and moving more. The biggest hurdle was reigning in my self control. And I found that if I give myself a little bit of leeway, I'm less likely to fail completely. (For example- I'm going to go have a small piece of peanut butter fudge right now, so that I'm less likely to eat the entire box later. :D)

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6 months ago I was wearing a size 16.


Yesterday I bought myself a new pair of jeans. In size 10. 10!!


I'm so proud of myself. I've done the weight loss through dealing with severe depression over the loss of my father, and some strange health issues (currently waiting on the results of blood tests- Rheumatoid factor, ANA, Lyme's, Guillan-Barre, and a bunch of other crap. 5 huge tubes worth of my blood worth of tests!! :svengo:)


Just had to share with someone. DD doesn't quite get why I'm so excited over a pair of pants. :lol:


That is excellent. WE get it!

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