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S/O Where did you and your dh go on your first date?

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by a mutual friend, who thought we would get along well. He set it up as a blind date. I was appalled, and insisted that dh (he wasn't my husband at that time!) bring along a girl as a friend, so that it would be a foursome, instead of just the two of us. It was on my birthday, and we went to one of those birthday places where the birthday person gets a free meal.


Dh asked me for my phone number. I gave him my work number. :D It took me a while before I began to appreciate what a great guy he is!

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We were both college students. He basically had been carrying my books home from school, lol, and one day asked if I wanted to go out to dinner. I did! He took me to a local restaurant which in the day was the cultural hot-spot of this very rural town. I was excited; hadn't gone on many dinner dates. I was happily perusing the menu, trying to decide which delicacy to order, when he asked if I wanted to SHARE a main dish (I didn't! Lol, but I didn't say so). Turns out he didn't have tons of money -- he was working on a hay farm to put himself through school -- but since it was all about *me* at the time (!), I wasn't aware of this.


We are now living again in this college town, and he mentioned going to this cafe the other day. But to me it's cliche, now, and I'd much rather try any of many other restaurants that have popped up since our college days.


Side note: I love now being at the point where we can leave the kids home and go out on a date!!!!!!

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Ummm, to a math honor society banquet. Yeah, we're geeks and proud of it!


You go, girl!!!! Geeks unite!!!! My dh and went to our math major picnic together!!! Well, that wasn't our first date, but we went together as best friends. Our first date was actually the movie Fatal Attraction. Nice, eh? We didn't mean for it to be our first date, but we were going with a bunch of people who all canceled and it was just the two of us. We later decided that was technically our first date, and it made a good story. ;)

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I suppose date is not the best term, but where did you go the first time you went out alone together?


My dh and I went out to lunch with his parents (his mom introduced us; she was a friend of mine first).


Alone? That would be to see Star Trek IV :D


We count our first "date" before that, when we went to a Journey concert. However, my Mom was with us. :lol:

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My hubby and I met at a football game in high-school, and I think our first date was either the next football game, or a fall carnival at a local elementary school. That was a long time ago! :D


Our first date together after college, when we got back together, was at a local restaurant named Greenshields, then back to his place for a movie. When he proposed to me, he took me back to Greenshields, and asked for the same table that we had on our first date. AHHH, Memories!

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Alone? That would be to see Star Trek IV :D


We count our first "date" before that, when we went to a Journey concert. However, my Mom was with us. :lol:


Hah!! I did say alone, didn't I? Too funny. OK, after lunch we sat in his big Ford F250 truck that I had to climb into with a step stool and talked for about 2 hours. I had to play my flute in a Christmas concert that evening and couldn't stick around very long. BTW, we sold that truck so we could buy our first house.

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I met my dh online (13 years ago, we were total geeks lol). He drove down to my apartment and I took him to the French Quarter to show him around. We shopped, went sightseeing, had lunch, went to my apartment and hung out. I drove 80 miles the next morning to visit him for the day, he spent the whole next weekend with me, and 2 weeks later I moved to be with him. It was most definitely love at first meeting, if not love at first "sight."

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Guest Virginia Dawn

The Hukilau Polynesian Restaurant in Key West Florida. It was my 16th birthday. He reserved a table outside. It rained. He left his car lights on and the battery went dead while we were eating. Other than that it was perfect. :-)

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He took me car shopping with him! He was looking at a teal Camaro with T-tops. I learned what positive traction was. Then we went to Olive Garden for supper. Then he took me home. It was more romantic than it sounds.:D Of course, back then anything that included holding hands was romantic!:lol:

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He walked me home. Then he walked me home again. The first date with money involved was that we got hot dogs at Top Dog.


I LOVE Top Dog (Berkeley Grad).


I don't have a dh, but believe it or not, my wife and I went to the Academy Awards Show here in Hollywood for our "first date". It was pretty glamorous.



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Do you mean where did we *meet*? Because, technically, dh & I took our SATs together. I went to the wrong location first, so when I got to the right one, I was late. I was pretty worried they wouldn't let me in (I'd missed my SATs a yr or so before because I didn't have the right kind of calculator so I didn't go), so I was flustered. I found an empty seat & ducked into it, just in front of a guy w/ long, dark hair who was pretty cute.


It was after we were married that we realized that we'd tested together. Dh remembered a blonde girl walking in late & thinking about the same thing about me as I did about him.


And we also found out after we were engaged that my grfather used to work for dh's grfather. His gf died about 20 yrs before dh was born, so it was kind-of neat when I introduced him at the table, & my gf said that he knew dh's gf.


As far as where we were actually introduced, we went to church together, but neither of us can remember the first time we actually met. I remember seeing him at a potluck, wandering around; he remembers seeing me during worship.


Our first "date" was at a coffee shop, to work out the details of our sudden engagement. Whew. That was awkward! But I like adrenaline, lol!

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I LOVE Top Dog (Berkeley Grad).


I don't have a dh, but believe it or not, my wife and I went to the Academy Awards Show here in Hollywood for our "first date". It was pretty glamorous.




Sorry, Bill, that was rude of me not to include dw in the title of my thread - I mean, I knew you were here (you and some others). Wow! What a first date - you really know how to make a girl feel special:).

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Our first date was on a Friday the 13th, so now we try to make a point of going out whenever a Friday the 13th rolls around. It's at least a couple of times a year.


On our first date, we went to the Olive Garden for dinner and then went to see the movie Heart and Souls. Somehow we'd both read the paper wrong, so we were late for the movie. We didn't get to see the whole thing until it came out on video. I think we have it on DVD now, and we have a H&S movie poster hanging in our house. It does not go with any of our decor but we like it. :D

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Sorry, Bill, that was rude of me not to include dw in the title of my thread - I mean, I knew you were here (you and some others). Wow! What a first date - you really know how to make a girl feel special:).


No worries Kathleen :001_smile:


It was a cool first date (we went the next year too)



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I LOVE Top Dog (Berkeley Grad).


I don't have a dh, but believe it or not, my wife and I went to the Academy Awards Show here in Hollywood for our "first date". It was pretty glamorous.





What did YOU wear????? Who did you see?????


And how the heck did you ever top that for a second date? ;)


Do tell!

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He took to me to McDonalds for lunch and then we went to the World of Wheels!!!!:D


Really! I'm not kidding Kathleen....:D he took me to these places because that's where I wanted to go! I think that's when he knew/realized I was a keeper!! :D:D:D


'She doesn't like to spend a lot of money and likes boystuff too!':001_tt1:


We will be happily married for 19 yrs. this September. We have been best friends for 20 1/2 yrs!!!:001_wub::001_wub:

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What did YOU wear????? Who did you see?????


And how the heck did you ever top that for a second date? ;)


Do tell!



Tux (what else?)


We saw Halle Berry, Cindy Crawford, Gena Davis, Anthony Hopkins, Lora Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Francis Ford Coppola, Andy Garcia, Quentin Tarrintino, Keven Spacey (sp?), Richard Harris, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Kevin Cosner, Al Pacino, Martin Scorcese, Angelica Huston and the guy who played "Billy" on Melrose Place.



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We went driving everywhere (my sister's house, the beach... all over the city); all night as well! I didn't want to go back to my apartment because my roommate was mad at us for laughing too loud the night before. We kept her up! At the end of our driving adventure around 6am, my dh told me he liked me! :auto::001_wub:

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Romantic, no? ;)


Actually, since we met at a bar, we discovered that we simply weren't done talking when it closed. So he asked if he could buy me breakfast, and since I didn't know him from Adam, so to speak, I suggested we go where everybody went for breakfast (my own, warped little version of Cheers, if you will...)


We sat together, over chicken fried steak and bottomless pots of truck stop coffee, and talked until the sun came up. Kept right on talking until he had to get to work. He dropped me off at my truck, and I only had time to drive straight to work. In my 'going out' clothes. That was fun to explain. "No, really, we were talking!" :tongue_smilie:

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Assuming you don't mean the student dining halls or the student union... A mexican place called Garcia's. It was the night he proposed. We were college students and neither one of us had a car so he had to borrow one from his best friend. He didn't want to propose in the dining halls for some strange reason... It was pretty obvious what he was about to do. I loved it and happily said YES!

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A Cincinnati Reds baseball game. I didn't feel well that day, but didn't want to cancel out at the last minute since we barely knew each other. I thought he would think I was just making an excuse to get out of the date. I figured as long as I didn't eat anything, I would be fine. If only that were true.... I threw up right in front of him in the middle of the sixth inning!


To this day I am still amazed there was second date.

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I don't know! I met my dh has a freshman in college...our friendship eventually turned into marriage. The ones that stand out for me, early in our relationship, were going to The Ripper (a bar) and kissing him on the cheek, and when we went for a horse and carriage ride...but I don't think we were dating yet for either of these!

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We went to Shedd Aquarium and then went to Pizza Uno and then saw

Lawrence of Arabia on the big screen the year they released it. I had never seen Lawrence or been to pizza Uno. That was in April.


Next morning he drove to the airport and I flew to San Anto for Air Force basic training. We exchanged a lot of letters and had several phone calls that last several hours.


Our second date was to see Les Misérables with front section seats and that was the end of Aug. We eloped the next day. So we only had two official dates :D and have been married almost 19 years now.


Fun thread!

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My partner and I were friends for years before we began to date. We both thought we weren't good enough for the other and were shy and timid and completely platonic for sooooo long. But the first time we knew we felt the same way, and went out together in an explore the possibilities sort of way, we walked to a diner.

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Romantic, no? ;)


Actually, since we met at a bar, we discovered that we simply weren't done talking when it closed. So he asked if he could buy me breakfast, and since I didn't know him from Adam, so to speak, I suggested we go where everybody went for breakfast (my own, warped little version of Cheers, if you will...)


We sat together, over chicken fried steak and bottomless pots of truck stop coffee, and talked until the sun came up. Kept right on talking until he had to get to work. He dropped me off at my truck, and I only had time to drive straight to work. In my 'going out' clothes. That was fun to explain. "No, really, we were talking!" :tongue_smilie:


That is so romantic that you enjoyed each other so much you talked until the sun came up. So sweet.

If I had a little cupid icon I would put it right here.

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we were with a group and the only person neither of us remembers of the group is each other! Second date was just us, weeks later (when we discovered the "real" first date) and we went to a used bookstore (The Second Story-closed now) and out for Thai food. That place is still there and in fact I took my boys there on my birthday last year.

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My dh and I met at a conference center in the mountains of NM as summer staffers. Since I had been there countless times & he'd never been there before I took him up the trail to the lookout on Baldy. We talked the whole way, sat on the trail and talked till almost dark even though we were only half-way down... big mistake! Lost the trail in the dark, forged new one in the brush, went to order pizza @ Chuckwagon, but they lost our order then ran out of pizza's. So we drove to Santa Fe for Taco Bell.... they closed right after taking the order of the car in front of us (waited for 5 min before they told us)! So we ended up at Dunkin' Donuts for supper finally about 2 am and talked till we had to show back up for work! That was when we knew we were perfect for each other, 13 yrs ago!

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