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I am overdue

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I was overdue with #6 and she was the ONLY one who came late (8 days late with an induction). Her labor was my longest as well. During labor we figured out why. She was stuck in a posterior position. My doula-friend finally had me do some positioning moves in labor and the baby turned. As soon as the baby turned she literally slid out after two contractions.


After I researched I realized I had been having many signs that she was posterior. I wish I had known and I could have done some things at home to help her move to a more ideal position. I also learned that the fact that I was sleeping in a recliner for weeks due to heartburn could have contributed to her posterior position.


There was a very helpful website with lots of info on this, but of course that was 11 years ago, so I have no clue where to find it.


I hope your little one comes soon. :grouphug:

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Hugs! I was 8 days overdue with 3, while #1 was 11 days early and #2 was 5 days early. With her it was a positioning issue, I did a bit of belly binding and she went right down, contractions started immediately and she was born 5 hrs later. I'm really hoping to not have a repeat!!!

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I was early with DD1, DD2, DD3, and so naturally, I was expecting DD4 to arrive early, but NOPE. My doctor took pity on me and agreed to break my water (other signs of early labor were present). She was born 3 hours and 1 push later, so once it began it was very quick. She weighed nearly 10 pounds (other babies were all about 7)!


Good luck!

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I was overdue with #6 and she was the ONLY one who came late (8 days late with an induction). Her labor was my longest as well. During labor we figured out why. She was stuck in a posterior position. My doula-friend finally had me do some positioning moves in labor and the baby turned. As soon as the baby turned she literally slid out after two contractions.


After I researched I realized I had been having many signs that she was posterior. I wish I had known and I could have done some things at home to help her move to a more ideal position. I also learned that the fact that I was sleeping in a recliner for weeks due to heartburn could have contributed to her posterior position.


There was a very helpful website with lots of info on this, but of course that was 11 years ago, so I have no clue where to find it.


I hope your little one comes soon. :grouphug:


Maybe you're thinking of http://www.spinningbabies.com ?



I was late with DS and DD2. The waiting at the end is just torture. I hope your little one arrives soon!

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I was late with #5 too. Day before she was born I didn't have any signs either. However day she was born, I had lots going on and was active all day. Result was my shortest labor ever 3 1/2 hours, #3 was 9 hours and #4 was 8 1/2 hours so the change was dramatic. Hopefully you won't be waiting too much longer.

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Thanks for all the hugs and sympathy! Funny how internet hugs can make you feel better.


We've been out to the park and met a new family who we got on well with, the sun is shining, and the weather is warm today. I'm feeling a bit more positive - but still no signs of baby!


Just need to be patient............

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FYI...Chriroprators have foot massage/manipulation that can make a big difference for getting labor started in some people.


Ds was 2 weeks over. At his induction they realized that he was an odd kind of breach, and they suspect that is why his labor wasn't progressing. Have you had recent exam to see what your babies position is?

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I am overdue as well (8 days over today), although my landlord made me feel better by telling me it looked like the baby was going to fall out today. :tongue_smilie: I have went as late as 17 days so I'm really hoping this will be over soon. I hope you are snuggling your newest little one soon. :001_smile:

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With my second baby my braxton hicks went away for the week or so before she was born. Totally weirded me out. In good news, the longer they cook the more mature they are when born, so the better they sleep and eat! Sucks to be really preggers, but easy baby is a good reward for putting up with it!

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