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So when is everyone starting school at full speed?


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I think we'll start back up the second week of August. I haven't gotten all my curriculum for next year yet, but it should all be in by early next week. My oldest ds is still trying to finish up last year's work, since we had so many interruptions (and he slacked off when he should have been working too often.) My middle two will be doing MFW Ex.-1850 and TT, and my oldest does SOS and RS.

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I am getting antsy without the routine of school and so are my kiddos, so we are starting back on a light schedule July 28th with the full load all incorporated by August 15th (hopefully). I discovered last year that if I started the first day with everything we had meltdown, so we will work our way into everything.

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I am getting antsy without the routine of school and so are my kiddos,


I, too, am antsy without the routine, but I can't say my kids are....


We go on vacation in August, so this year I think we'll start the second full week we are back, but we'll gently start in with the get-up-and-at-'em routines and basics (math, copywork, independent reading) the Monday we return. We will gradually add in everything over the following 2 or 3 weeks.

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We're starting Monday July 14th. I halfway want to wait another month but I've had trouble with burnout in the past so I'm going to adopt a 6 weeks on 2 weeks off routine and that adds up to nearly full time (we took 7 weeks this summer).

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We're starting August 11th here also. Since this is our first year, we'll start with the basics only first, and then add in Biblioplan, science and art a few weeks down the road once we're in our groove. (Per the advice of some helpful ladies here on the board ;))

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We're doing some history and art now for summer school. We do a very slow ramp up. Mid-August we'll start a light load and add a few new subjects every week. Can't do a full schedule until oldest is back in school, and that is the Wednesday after labor day--Sept 3. And actually we'll wait until the Monday after that to have everything going--Sept. 8.

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I've started the 3rd Monday of August the last few years because it was so hot in KC and because of boredom.


The heat indexes were crazy hot. It was too hot to swim or be out during the day.


If we hit it strong for 2 months then we will need a week break break in late October.


After the weak break we hit it strong till Christmas. We take a break for Christmas and New Years. After this break we try to hit it hard till the end of March. Then another break till the end of May.


Most is caught up by this time and June is loose end, sport day camp, and VBS month.

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Not quite sure yet. We are still waiting to see if/when housing becomes available in August so we can make the trek to Cali.


It'll probably be sometime in August since the charter school we are signing up with starts Aug. 25. But then again, if we haven't moved yet or haven't unpacked, I don't know.


Ugh! I hate not knowing!!!!!!!!! :confused:

(Can ya tell I am a lil' stressed out?!?):willy_nilly::eek::ack2:

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We do school year round, with the new school year starting the 2nd week of June. However, I haven't recieved all our new curriculum yet. So we've been doing a condensed education the past few weeks. We've done Math, Reading, Spelling and Geography with a bit of art and music thrown in. All of my curriculum is ordered now and should arrive within the next few weeks. We'll plan to start back with all of our normal stuff the middle of August.

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Mid-August here although I would like to start sooner. We are playing All-Stars in baseball, going on some 4-H trips to Asheville and Washington, DC, and planning a trip to the beach. I am likewise getting antsy without the schedule but know it will be unrealistic to start before then.

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Yes, I know it is a Friday, but ds has a church trip he wants to take on August 7th, so that messed us up on starting August 4th as I had originally planned. He has to start the 1st so he can take the 7th off! I would normally start a week later, but we are taking off a week in September for vacation. I really like to try to get a full 18 weeks in before Christmas if at all possible. I don't like having a longer spring semester.

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We're going to start back with some review and light work this coming Monday. And then plan to ramp up to the full schedule around the 2nd week of August, when the kids are done with swim lessons and our Tuesday morning Bible Study wraps up.



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This will be our first year with a full schedule. Momma is done with grad school and DD is beginning K5! I plan on a week off every quarter and one month off for Christmas. My DD can't wait to start. She wants to dig into all the neat games and workbooks but I'm trying to make her be patient.

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I just got my schedule figured out, days counted. :) We will start lite on the 21st of Aug. (when dh has to go back to work-guidance counselor at local HS) and then slowly ease into it the next week. We always go through a bit of withdrawal when dh goes back to work so I want to do some fun stuff that first week.

After labor day we will hit it hard.

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