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Quick Cash?

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What are your best secrets for making quick cash? I'm in a serious pinch and need like $500 ASAP!


I've been selling stuff from around the house and have made quite a bit, but that is a little too slow for what I need right now. I seriously want to throw up. Please help!

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selling textbooks to chegg.com (but takes a good 7 business days to get the check in hand)


have a yard sale


let friends and family know you are in a pinch and seeking work babysitting, cleaning houses, etc.


I have in a pinch postponed paying a bill to pay one that couldn't be postponed. However, it is VERY easy to snowball from there. So make sure that only happens if you can catch up ASAP before you owe two months.

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Well, I wouldn't advise these unless absolutely necessary BUT some states offer payday loans and title loans on any vehicle that you own free and clear.


Also, my bank has a short term loan. I forget what it's called but basically, you bring them an amount and they'll double it and loan it to you for a short period. Like you bring them $200 and they'll loan you $400.


Good luck.

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selling textbooks to chegg.com (but takes a good 7 business days to get the check in hand)


have a yard sale


let friends and family know you are in a pinch and seeking work babysitting, cleaning houses, etc.


I have in a pinch postponed paying a bill to pay one that couldn't be postponed. However, it is VERY easy to snowball from there. So make sure that only happens if you can catch up ASAP before you owe two months.


That's basically how we got to where we are. It's been snowballing for awhile. I wasn't working for a few months and we got behind. It's REALLY hard to catch up when you only make enough to cover bare minimum. Not enough to cover the backlog. I won't get paid until the end of August.


Is there a fair in your area? That's what i'm doing next week.


Well, I wouldn't advise these unless absolutely necessary BUT some states offer payday loans and title loans on any vehicle that you own free and clear.


Also, my bank has a short term loan. I forget what it's called but basically, you bring them an amount and they'll double it and loan it to you for a short period. Like you bring them $200 and they'll loan you $400.


Good luck.


Two problems:


1. I don't have a week.


2. We don't have any $$ to bring. I literally have $2.46 to my name right now.


Blah.....have I mentioned how sick I am of this?? I keep thinking this will end someday. I swear it never will.

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$500 is a quite a bit of green to make in a hurry. Family? Ugh. I'm sorry. I would vote cleaning houses, too. That would be about 4 houses for me, depending on size. My other suggestion is pawn jewelry, electronics. But realize, if you've been under, you might never see those items again. :(

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:grouphug: I have been there! I understand. Many companies if you explain you are in a bind and can give them an action plan in writing they will do delayed or extended payments.


We nearly lost our house four or five years ago. They ended up allowing us to make half payments for a few months and tacked on the extra to the end of the mortgage. Our bank gave us two car payments off without penalty.


It is nerve-wracking and stressful to be in those shoes. Easy to get depressed.

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selling textbooks to chegg.com (but takes a good 7 business days to get the check in hand)


have a yard sale


let friends and family know you are in a pinch and seeking work babysitting, cleaning houses, etc.


I have in a pinch postponed paying a bill to pay one that couldn't be postponed. However, it is VERY easy to snowball from there. So make sure that only happens if you can catch up ASAP before you owe two months.


Can you give to a blood bank?

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Can you give to a blood bank?


Isn't that usually just a donation? No $$?


I can't do plasma....it makes me sick.


Do you have a church home? Have you asked there for help? I'm so sorry you're in this position. It's got to feel very desperate. :grouphug:


No, we don't. My kids go to a very large mega-church, but we are not regular members. We were very graciously given some assistance from a church down the street before Christmas last year (thanks to a wonderfully sweet and thoughtful Hive member). I'm embarrassed to be in a pinch yet again.


Very desperate is a PERFECT description.

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Isn't that usually just a donation? No $$?


I can't do plasma....it makes me sick.




No, we don't. My kids go to a very large mega-church, but we are not regular members. We were very graciously given some assistance from a church down the street before Christmas last year (thanks to a wonderfully sweet and thoughtful Hive member). I'm embarrassed to be in a pinch yet again.


Very desperate is a PERFECT description.


I would go to (or call if you can't go) the mega church and any other churches and explain the situation. It can't hurt and might help. Again, I'm so sorry. I wish I was able to give you $500. :grouphug:

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I would go to (or call if you can't go) the mega church and any other churches and explain the situation. It can't hurt and might help. Again, I'm so sorry. I wish I was able to give you $500. :grouphug:


How do you phrase things? I always feel like I sound like I could be just another scammer looking for $$. It either feels like an over explanation or too vague and insincere.


Maybe I'm just so utterly self conscious to be in this position over and over.

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I would go to (or call if you can't go) the mega church and any other churches and explain the situation. It can't hurt and might help. Again, I'm so sorry. I wish I was able to give you $500. :grouphug:


Kristin, I agree. Talk to both the church your children attend, as well as the church that helped you at Christmas. There's nothing to be lost by asking, you know?


Most all of us have been 'there' at some point in our lives. Everyone has tough times sooner or later. There's no shame.



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How do you phrase things? I always feel like I sound like I could be just another scammer looking for $$. It either feels like an over explanation or too vague and insincere.


Maybe I'm just so utterly self conscious to be in this position over and over.


Just be honest. Tell them your situation.


For example, let's say you need $300 by Tuesday or the electric company is turning off your service. That one's easy; I'm fairly certain the church could make a payment to your account for you. That way, they know for sure where the money went, and you don't feel like they might think you're scamming them.


Call the church office number, explain your relationshiop to them (your children attend there/they helped your family at Christmas, etc) and ask who you would speak with about getting some emergency financial assistance.



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Call the mega church and ask if there is a benevolence fund? If they answer in the affirmative ask to be connected with the person who administers it.

Then explain in about 3-5 sentences that you are in a pinch, if they can loan you the funds. Do you think you may be able to repay? If not, don't use the word "loan" but "assist" or "give". Benevolence funds exist for this reason only. A mega church should be in a better position than a small church but one never knows.

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How do you phrase things? I always feel like I sound like I could be just another scammer looking for $$. It either feels like an over explanation or too vague and insincere.


Maybe I'm just so utterly self conscious to be in this position over and over.


I would call the church number and say something like, "Hi. My name is Jane Doe. May I please speak to someone who handles benevolence cases?" The person might have you just talk to them, or they might transfer you to someone else.


So when you end up explaining your story, be as honest and succinct as possible. Tell them the general story, but leave out the nitty-gritty details. That way, you leave room for them to ask the questions they need answered, and you might save yourself from getting too emotional. I would basically tell them why you're in this position and how you're trying to get out or hoping to get out.


You can say that your kids go to church there and you were hoping they could help you through a very tough time. Make sure you give enough detail that they know it's an URGENT need, and ask if they have any ideas of where else you might turn for help, whether or not they can give you any right then.



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What do you have to sell??? Maybe people here would want to buy?


Nothing of value, unfortunately. We can't afford expensive curriculum, so consequently I don't have anything that would sell for much :(


Call the mega church and ask if there is a benevolence fund? If they answer in the affirmative ask to be connected with the person who administers it.

Then explain in about 3-5 sentences that you are in a pinch, if they can loan you the funds. Do you think you may be able to repay? If not, don't use the word "loan" but "assist" or "give". Benevolence funds exist for this reason only. A mega church should be in a better position than a small church but one never knows.


I assume I should wait until Monday? We would not be able to repay. If we can get back to even (not behind) and I continue working, we should be okay. But I don't know how to get caught up when we only make enough to cover the basics....not extra fees and bills.


Just be honest. Tell them your situation.


For example, let's say you need $300 by Tuesday or the electric company is turning off your service. That one's easy; I'm fairly certain the church could make a payment to your account for you. That way, they know for sure where the money went, and you don't feel like they might think you're scamming them.


Call the church office number, explain your relationshiop to them (your children attend there/they helped your family at Christmas, etc) and ask who you would speak with about getting some emergency financial assistance.




We do have a disconnect notice for our water bill, that is part of what I'm panicking about.

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Aren't you a photographer? Could you offer a wedding photography package for a discount but make it a stipulation that they have to give a downpayment by xyz date?


I am, but my computer (the one with Photoshop on it) is down....and the only option is to replace the computer, which I (obviously) cannot do right now. So....no sessions - wedding or otherwise - for me right now.


I did an 80% off CD sale a month or so ago to try and get some quick cash and get ahead. Only 2 people bought.

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Kristin, I agree. Talk to both the church your children attend, as well as the church that helped you at Christmas. There's nothing to be lost by asking, you know?


Most all of us have been 'there' at some point in our lives. Everyone has tough times sooner or later. There's no shame.




I agree. If it's a mega-church they already have systems in place to help families in your position. Our church is more apt to help through our food pantry and paying utility or medical bills rather than giving money outright. Some offer financial counseling to help you get out of the hole.

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If we can get back to even (not behind) and I continue working, we should be okay. But I don't know how to get caught up when we only make enough to cover the basics....not extra fees and bills.



We do have a disconnect notice for our water bill, that is part of what I'm panicking about.


I would tell them these two things for sure. And I would try calling first thing Monday morning. They likely couldn't do anything on Sunday.

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That stinks :( Do you need anything right now? You can check out my for sale site and count it all free :) It's not moving anyway.



OH! did anybody say cleaning houses? I did that for awhile and it paid well :)



Yes!! I utilized them last year, but I think I waited too long. They didn't have anything for my older DD. :(
Edited by kricau
grammatical error LOL
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That stinks :( Do you need anything right now? You can check out my for sale site and count it all free :) It's not moving anyway.



OH! did anybody say cleaning houses? I did that for awhile and it paid well good :)


Very sweet of you! I used an Amazon gift card to order DD's history curriculum today. I have her math TE, but no workbooks (Horizons). And um....that's it, lol. I'll go look!


I'm not opposed to the idea of cleaning houses, but how does one go about doing that? I mean...for quick cash? It wouldn't be something I would want to do long term (no time). Don't people want someone with experience and references?

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Well, I just cleaned house for a friend of the family. I guess you could put a flyer up at the church your kids go to. Are you part of a local homeschool group? You could ask them.


I'm not......


Hmm....church is kind of on a summer break of sorts right now. Maybe this will be my kickstart to going on Sundays. I'm actually a very "churchy" person. DH and I just have a disagreement about churches and haven't found the perfect home for US yet (he's catholic, I'm non-denominational). My kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the church they've been going to though. I would probably like it too. It is definitely NOT DH's style though.

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Very sweet of you! I used an Amazon gift card to order DD's history curriculum today. I have her math TE, but no workbooks (Horizons). And um....that's it, lol. I'll go look!


I'm not opposed to the idea of cleaning houses, but how does one go about doing that? I mean...for quick cash? It wouldn't be something I would want to do long term (no time). Don't people want someone with experience and references?


What level Horizons? I have the K ones used. I don't know if you could cover my dd's work or what, but I'll send them to you if you want.


I'd definitely put the word out there that you are willing to clean houses or whatever. Let people know you're in a bind. I don't regularly hire a housecleaner, but before special events, I do! Last time, it was an acquaintance who needed some quick cash.


Babysitting? Do you know people who might need a sitter? People pay VERY well for sitters!



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What level Horizons? I have the K ones used. I don't know if you could cover my dd's work or what, but I'll send them to you if you want.


I'd definitely put the word out there that you are willing to clean houses or whatever. Let people know you're in a bind. I don't regularly hire a housecleaner, but before special events, I do! Last time, it was an acquaintance who needed some quick cash.


Babysitting? Do you know people who might need a sitter? People pay VERY well for sitters!




I need Horizons 6 (student) and Horizons K (student and teacher).


Maybe I could put something on FB?!? What would one charge for such cleaning? What would I expect to be doing?


I used to do in-home daycare. Again, not something I'm prepared to do long term again, but would entertain just about anything for the short term to make some cash!

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My dh and I have a disagreement about church too. He doesn't want to go and I do LOL He works 6 days a week and just wants to sleep on his day off.


I'm not......


Hmm....church is kind of on a summer break of sorts right now. Maybe this will be my kickstart to going on Sundays. I'm actually a very "churchy" person. DH and I just have a disagreement about churches and haven't found the perfect home for US yet (he's catholic, I'm non-denominational). My kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the church they've been going to though. I would probably like it too. It is definitely NOT DH's style though.

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I used to get $200 for my cleaning. I would go over every other week. I would clean the bathrooms (she had 4), vacum & mop, and dust. One time I cleaned out her a/c intake and she was very excited, said that had never been done before LOL I could tell.


I need Horizons 6 (student) and Horizons K (student and teacher).


Maybe I could put something on FB?!? What would one charge for such cleaning? What would I expect to be doing?


I used to do in-home daycare. Again, not something I'm prepared to do long term again, but would entertain just about anything for the short term to make some cash!

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If you're not already getting food stamps, you should call your county or whomever administers those and ask about emergency cash assistance first thing Monday morning.


Also, call the water company and tell them you have young children in the home. I know our electric company will not shut off service in the winter if you have children or elderly, so it can't hurt to ask about the water as well.


Do you have any family or close friends you could ask for help? Obviously that's not a good long-term solution, but if it was a one-time thing, maybe they'd help.


I'm sorry you're in such a desperate situation. :grouphug:

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I don't know, I'm sorry. I do agree 500.00 is a chunk of change to gather in a dire need. I would call about overdue utilities, we've found most companies to be accommodating to a certain degree.


I get being sick about it too. Do you have any copper to sell? Dh sells some brass, copper, and even aluminum. Brass and copper pay pretty good.


I would look for gathering some smaller amounts from multiple outlets.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: many hugs, my dear.

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I need Horizons 6 (student) and Horizons K (student and teacher).


Maybe I could put something on FB?!? What would one charge for such cleaning? What would I expect to be doing?


I used to do in-home daycare. Again, not something I'm prepared to do long term again, but would entertain just about anything for the short term to make some cash!


Would you like my very used HOrizons K? I'd be happy to send them to you.


I paid $175 for my cleanings. Sounds like my house is smaller than the other mentioned. I asked for the same things as the other poster. But, I also asked that my kitchen be wiped down. Best money I spent!!!

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I used to get $200 for my cleaning. I would go over every other week. I would clean the bathrooms (she had 4), vacum & mop, and dust. One time I cleaned out her a/c intake and she was very excited, said that had never been done before LOL I could tell.


Hmm....that's totally do-able!! I wonder if that's comparable to what I could get around here? Do you think it would be possible to only do it temporarily? What do I say when people ask for references or experience? I have none.


If you're not already getting food stamps, you should call your county or whomever administers those and ask about emergency cash assistance first thing Monday morning.


Also, call the water company and tell them you have young children in the home. I know our electric company will not shut off service in the winter if you have children or elderly, so it can't hurt to ask about the water as well.


Do you have any family or close friends you could ask for help? Obviously that's not a good long-term solution, but if it was a one-time thing, maybe they'd help.


I'm sorry you're in such a desperate situation. :grouphug:


Oh how I wish we could qualify!!! Somehow a family of 5 making $36,000/yr makes too much for food stamps. We do get WIC (for my youngest) and Medicaid for all of the kids.


I just set our electric bill up on a payment plan. It's very reasonable ($125/month) and already paid for this month (I think - I should probably check to make sure the check has cleared). Our gas bill still has a bit of credit left from the energy assistance we got last winter. So, it's just the water/sewer/trash bill that is the problem.


We don't really have any family resources to pull from right now.


I don't know, I'm sorry. I do agree 500.00 is a chunk of change to gather in a dire need. I would call about overdue utilities, we've found most companies to be accommodating to a certain degree.


I get being sick about it too. Do you have any copper to sell? Dh sells some brass, copper, and even aluminum. Brass and copper pay pretty good.


I would look for gathering some smaller amounts from multiple outlets.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: many hugs, my dear.


It's a ridiculous amount to come up with. It feels impossible.


I don't think we have any copper to sell. Or anything brass either.



I think I've looked at that before. Don't you have to have an offer before you can claim other offers? Hmmm....I wonder what I have that I could offer?!?


Would you like my very used HOrizons K? I'd be happy to send them to you.


I paid $175 for my cleanings. Sounds like my house is smaller than the other mentioned. I asked for the same things as the other poster. But, I also asked that my kitchen be wiped down. Best money I spent!!!


I'd love to have them! I could definitely find a way to make it work!

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