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Now, if all goes well with the pregnancy just know that you will have little memory of the first two weeks. Are you a night owl? Dh and I are opposites, he is a morning person and I am not. What worked best for us was having me stay up late with the babies (till 1 am) and then he would rise between 3 and 4 to do an early feeding, nap on couch, get ready for work, and another at around 7am, and I was able to sleep from about 1 am til 8 am. This is a stop gap measure to survive the first couple months.


:party:Congrats to you!!! I do not remember the first year -- let alone the first 2 weeks :tongue_smilie:! I do want to say taking shifts worked for DH and I as well except we took opposite shifts. He was able to stay home the first month. After he went to back to work, I would go to bed when he came home. Slept until 1 or 2 am and then took over while he went to sleep before work. Hard times, but so worth it.

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You definitely can do it!!


I had twins several months ago, shortly before turning 39. The Luke book is a good read. However, I got too wrapped up in the caloric intake information in there. When I read it, my internal take-away message was "If you don't hit this intake and these weight gains by these particular times, the babies won't be big enough." I was too obsessed by it and the numbers weren't working out like the book said, so I ditched it and calmed down. We made it to 38 weeks and had a nearly 6 lb'er and a nearly 7 lb'er.


Erica in OR

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Guess you need to change your signature to Lima BeanS now, :) Congratulations! I turned 39 two days before my twins were born. You can do it;) I nursed them until they were 10 months old and started biting me. We are so thankful that the Lord blessed us with twins for our last babies. Can't imagine life without them.

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I'm glad you got the rec for the Barbara Luke book - such good, sound advice about nutrition and how important it is for multiples pregnancies. Enjoy all that protein!


I nursed my duo for 15 months. I did feel a bit pinned down to the sofa sometimes, but it can absolutely be done.

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No advice here. But my mother successfully raised and breastfed my twin sister and me, with another just 21 months older. She was 34 when she had us. I LOVE being a twin; it is an enormous task to parent two at once, but such a wonderful way to grow up!

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I have several friends with twins. They all swear by the book by Dr. Luke I think it is? They all went full term with their twins by following the advice in that book, which is pretty impressive. And their twins were all good size..over 6lbs each. I think some were over 7lbs.


As for nursing, yes, of course you can nurse them! Again, all my friends with twins nursed them. That's why you have two breasts! They swear by the twin version of the my breast friend pillow.


Hope that helps.


Edited to add: this is the book http://www.amazon.com/Youre-Expecting-Twins-Triplets-Quads/dp/0061803073


I carried that book around with me for 36 weeks -- it is the best. ds11 was 6 lbs 7oz, dd11 was 5lb, 9oz. congrats!

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My twins are 5 months old, born in Feb-- so I was in your shoes at this time last year!! They were induced at 39.5 weeks, 7 lbs and 6lb 15.


Be careful what you google, so many scary twin statistics/stories out there. Also, watch your iron levels, mine got low and I was so pooped all the time. Floradix helped get my energy back.


Be prepared to feel "fully baked" at, oh, about 30 weeks, and continue to expand for another 2 months after that. Insane.


I've successfully nursed my 2 so far. It was crazy at first so make small goals and celebrate when you reach them. I never cared for nursing both at once-- only in dire situations-- I need to be able to jump up and check up on my sneaky (now) 2 yr old.:glare:

Twins+others is a lot of work. Lots of patience is necessary. It's gotta be one of the most challenging/rewarding things I've ever done. Get the big kids on your side and have them help with as much as possible.


Another good book... http://www.amazon.com/Mothering-Multiples-Breastfeeding-Caring-International/dp/0976896931/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_b


Take care!!

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