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Time for another "only a homeschooler would..." thread

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The kids and I have a field trip planned for next Thursday. The field trip will last 4 hours, it is 5 hours from home. So we are driving 10 hours round trip to attend a 4 hour field trip (in my defense it will be awesome and I am uber excited for it).


I was informed last night that only a homeschooler would a) get that excited over a field trip and b) be willing to drive 10 hours just for said field trip.


What have you done lately that someone would say "only a homeschooler would do that"?

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I was in the pool with my boys yesterday and politely reminded them that we had a grammar lesson that afternoon. Their response was clapping and an enthusiastic 'yay'...really, only a homeschooled child would be happy about that! I don't anticipate that response much longer now that their neighborhood friends are out of school!

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I signed my older two up for enough camps the first two weeks of our summer break that I haven't seen either of them for more than 4 hours a day. :D I just needed a break!!!


Our younger children are checking out multiple churches through VBS this year. The older children are going to camps. The oldest is going to camp in another state. She isn't allowed to go to Youth functions with our youth group, but camp in another state with complete strangers? Sure.:D

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We own a computer programing board game.


I dont know if this one counts but I attribute it to my ability to shield my kids from undesirable pop culture influences, but the other day my daughter (8yrs) asked me WHAT a Lady Gaga was LOL

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I never feel like I have any homeschooling stories to share. I would pay others to drive me LOL! I actually cook for my dad a lot and he drives me around on Saturday while kids hang out with grandma.


And my kids never seem to really be thrilled by field trips, museums, or things like that :001_huh:

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My 6 year old likes Lady Gaga. I admit I do too. Although she seems to be getting creepier (if that is even possible). But yeah she is kinda my guilty pleasure.


My kids like to google things about her outfits. They still talk about her meat dress :lol:. And DD wishes she could measure her shoes.

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Oh my goodness. What's the name of the game?


My 6 year old likes Lady Gaga. I admit I do too. Although she seems to be getting creepier (if that is even possible). But yeah she is kinda my guilty pleasure.


http://www.thinkgeek.com/geek-kids/7-13-years/ec05/?srp=13 Here is the board game :)



I used to like some of her stuff too, but she is weird. What I love is not necessarily keeping them from Lady Gaga but from anything I don't want them to be exposed to.

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Oh wow! My son would love that game. Thank you!


Mine too... I think I just found something to add to the Christmas list!! :)


As for my "only a homeschooler would"... does it count that I just put that on my son's Christmas list? And other things on the list include Basher books, the next Beast Academy guidebooks, and the Snap Circuit Rover?? ;)

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The kids and I have a field trip planned for next Thursday. The field trip will last 4 hours, it is 5 hours from home. So we are driving 10 hours round trip to attend a 4 hour field trip (in my defense it will be awesome and I am uber excited for it).


I was informed last night that only a homeschooler would a) get that excited over a field trip and b) be willing to drive 10 hours just for said field trip.


What have you done lately that someone would say "only a homeschooler would do that"?


I'm not willing to go on a field trip that is 2 hours away. ICK!



We own a computer programing board game.


I dont know if this one counts but I attribute it to my ability to shield my kids from undesirable pop culture influences, but the other day my daughter (8yrs) asked me WHAT a Lady Gaga was LOL


Thank you for asking that AnnaM. It was asked and answered in a bunk of an eye (from my prespective)


I never feel like I have any homeschooling stories to share. I would pay others to drive me LOL! I actually cook for my dad a lot and he drives me around on Saturday while kids hang out with grandma.


And my kids never seem to really be thrilled by field trips, museums, or things like that :001_huh:


Neither are my boys.


http://www.thinkgeek.com/geek-kids/7-13-years/ec05/?srp=13 Here is the board game :)



I used to like some of her stuff too, but she is weird. What I love is not necessarily keeping them from Lady Gaga but from anything I don't want them to be exposed to.


Thank you . :)

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We were cleaning up tonight, and DH handed me the cardboard tray from the cat food cans to stuff into recycling. A few moments later he emerged from the laundry room to find me standing in the kitchen, still gazing fondly at the tray.


DH: [with some trepidation] Everything okay?

Me: Just seems a shame to recycle it. It looks like it ought to belong in a craft project... It's just so...perfect....

DH: [sighs, walksaway]

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The kids and I have a field trip planned for next Thursday. The field trip will last 4 hours, it is 5 hours from home. So we are driving 10 hours round trip to attend a 4 hour field trip (in my defense it will be awesome and I am uber excited for it)


What field trip are you going on?


Another one... Only a homeschooler would break out into hysterical fits of giggles while watching his brother at his guitar lesson. When asked the reason he said: "The teacher ended a sentence with a preposition!" :lol:


Only a homeschooler would notice when their pastor calls a preposition a conjunction during his sermon and then debated on whether she should tell him about his mistake.



Only a homeschooler would drive 5 hours each way with the three youngest kids, sans husband and helpful oldest daughter, to attend a four day star party her oldest wants to attend. Said star party includes tent camping in 90+ degree sunny weather where there is no natural shade.

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What field trip are you going on?



We are going to a fish hatchery that supplies all the lake trout in the man stocks ponds all over the province. We tour the facility and the kids feed the fish, we go through the discovery center that has hands on explorations of wetlands and fish of Alberta (35 species are there), there is an underwater trout cam etc. Then we go for a guided tour through the wetlands, build and aquatic habitat to bring home and see a video about wetlands in Alberta.


It was all put together by a homeschooler in Calgary for the calgary homeschoolers but since I am on the email loop it was mentioned on we saved our spots. We are very excited.


We fish in a man stocked pond so it will be great for the kids to see where those fish are coming from and to have a better understanding of the importance of our wetlands.

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We were cleaning up tonight, and DH handed me the cardboard tray from the cat food cans to stuff into recycling. A few moments later he emerged from the laundry room to find me standing in the kitchen, still gazing fondly at the tray.


DH: [with some trepidation] Everything okay?

Me: Just seems a shame to recycle it. It looks like it ought to belong in a craft project... It's just so...perfect....

DH: [sighs, walksaway]




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Only homeschoolers would make up a 'secret club' in which you had to speak Latin to join. :001_smile:


Only a homeschooler would want to study Latin next year so she could join the "secret club". Yep, my dd just read this thread with me and when we got to this one I looked at her and said "you want to learn latin now don't you?" "YEP". We have been debating between Latin and Spanish. Guess this helped make the decision!

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I signed my older two up for enough camps the first two weeks of our summer break that I haven't seen either of them for more than 4 hours a day. :D I just needed a break!!!

:iagree: Just for my oldest. He's got 2 weeks of 7 hour a day camp this week and next. It is SOOOO nice to get a break from his angst ridden 11 year old thing he's got going. And he's actually kind of his old self this weekend. I think we all just needed a change of pace.


Personally, I would not drive 10 hours for a field trip!? I live in a major metro area though and don't have to drive far for anything, so I think we're a bit spoiled and maybe pretend homeschoolers too. :001_smile: It has to be something quite amazing for me to consider driving more than 30 minutes. We have done very long road trips for vacation though.


How about when my oldest is bored, he asks to watch Khan academy? My younger wants to watch brain pop. :D


I hope you have a great time, swell mama!

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Only a homeschooler would want to study Latin next year so she could join the "secret club". Yep, my dd just read this thread with me and when we got to this one I looked at her and said "you want to learn latin now don't you?" "YEP". We have been debating between Latin and Spanish. Guess this helped make the decision!


:lol: New members always welcome. ;)

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We own a computer programing board game.


I dont know if this one counts but I attribute it to my ability to shield my kids from undesirable pop culture influences, but the other day my daughter (8yrs) asked me WHAT a Lady Gaga was LOL


Parenting:you are doing it right. It is a badge of honor not to know what a Lady Gaga is.

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We were cleaning up tonight, and DH handed me the cardboard tray from the cat food cans to stuff into recycling. A few moments later he emerged from the laundry room to find me standing in the kitchen, still gazing fondly at the tray.


DH: [with some trepidation] Everything okay?

Me: Just seems a shame to recycle it. It looks like it ought to belong in a craft project... It's just so...perfect....

DH: [sighs, walksaway]


I am a potential-future-project-material hoarder. I can NOT throw out/recycle something that looks like it could be turned into something. Where dh sees a pile of "trash" I see possibilities! (Except we never seem to actually do any activities...)

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Spend hours researching curricula by leaving open the following windows on your computer: thewelltrainedmind.com/forum, amazon.com, rainbowresource.com, abebooks.com, ...

I think my girls are meant to be homeschooled, because they've been doing this with me for the last week or two. I might have the only 12 year old who has cbd.com, aops.com and hewitthomeschooling.com bookmarked on her pink laptop. :tongue_smilie:

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I would totally drive 5 hours one way for a field trip! I'm used to living in the sticks though, and if you want to see ANYTHING you have to drive for it.


I also nodded when I read the one about the multiple learning resource sites open on your computer, and saving things for projects. I have almost 20 Pringles cans that I've had over a year LOL I also have a bunch of coconut oil jars, and now I'm working on Quaker Oats tubes. Sigh.


I suppose all I can add is only a homeschooler would...


have a daughter who shows off her math workbooks (Beast Academy) to anyone and everyone, and asks "was that for math, can we try it?" when she sees an activity online.


plan vacations around what educational things there are to do in between relaxing.


You have such cool field trips, swellmomma!

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I pulled out the small suitcases for the girls tonight so they could pack a 3-day bag since we're not far from the evacuation area for a fire. The first thing they packed was books. My first reaction was to take a picture and smile at them.


Of course, I'm just happy that the majority of next year's stuff has been ordered, but not shipped yet so I don't have to pack it up.

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only a homeschooler would watch the movie Percy Jackson at a friends house.


...then order and read the whole series at the library.


...then find any other book on Greek Mythology that the library has.


...then read books about ancient Greece


....and finally announce that next year he would like to learn Greek along with his Latin.

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