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I think it's time, and I need some good vibes/prayers/hugs.

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I'm taking our older dog to the vet today at 4 pm. She's been in a very rapid decline since our heatwave a couple of weeks ago-- rapid weight loss, weakness to the point of collapse in her rear, etc. She's just a darling, and I hate seeing her suffer. She's a family member; we've criss-crossed the United States with her and she's been my dd's only sibling. Molly doesn't remember a time when her canine sister wasn't there, willing to play dress- up or go hiking or be a pillow when she wanted to curl up and read a book.


I"m hoping that the vet can pull some miracle out of her bag of tricks, but in my heart of hearts, I think it's time, and I cannot allow her to suffer.


Sorry to ramble on, but I feel as though I"m bleeding internally, but I"m trying to be strong for dd.


Thanks for listening.

Astrid and:

VLA Ch. Yuma Lion de la Toison d'Or, CD, DD, TT, CGC, TDI

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I have stood in your shoes, and I know the pain you're experiencing in having to make this decision -- whether it's today or sometime in the near future. I always believe that interaction with the creatures we love (human or animal) doesn't end when their physical beings give out. We just have to look a little harder, listen a little closer, be more open minded about how communication can occur in order to experience it. Your furry friend will always be with you in some way. I'm sorry.


Peace and hugs to you and your family,

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This is the email I sent out to our breed club email groups, where Yuma was well-known and well-loved:


Through tears, I am composing the email that we've all dreaded writing, the one that lets friends and family know that a treasured family member and constant companion has crossed the Bridge.


Today, we helped our darling Yuma, the most amazing dog in the world, over the Rainbow Bridge and into our memories forever.


VLA CC Yuma Lion de la Toison d'Or, CD, DD, TT, CGC, TDI accomplished so much in her nine years of life, and all of it with a wagging tail and a smiling face, despite her severely dysplastic hips. In the last few weeks, she started losing control of her hindquarters and losing weight. A particularly virulent form of breast cancer finally proved too much for her to fight, and we helped her to a place where she would be pain-free and forever young.


Molly is our only child, and doesn't remember a time when Yuma wasn't there to play dress-up, to curl up with and read to, or to patiently trot around the ring again as Molly learned the ropes of showing in the LeoLet and Junior Handling ring. They say Leos are known as "The Nanny Dog" because of their love of children, and Yuma took this job seriously. Never once, including last night, did she go up to bed with us until we let her into Molly's bedroom so she could sniff her, lick her cheek and see for herself that Molly was safe and sound.


For myself, Yuma was my heart dog. She did everything I asked her to do and more, earning a CD in three trials, and becoming the first Leonberger in the U.S. to earn an advanced Draft Dog title. Combined with her Conformation Certificate, Yuma, OFA "severe" rated hips and all, joined an elite group of LCA Leonbergers-- those who have earned a Versatility Advanced title.


But so much more than the letters before and after her name, Yuma was an amazing presence in our lives. She taught us so much about making the best of what life throws at you, and not letting any sort of physical limitation hamper your zest for life. Her gentle and kind demeanor was the perfect Leonberger temperament, and what endeared her to everyone whose lives she touched.


We will never be the same, but are so grateful for having shared our lives with our darling Yuma.


Hug your dogs tightly tonight for us, okay?


In LeoLove,

The Robitaille Family: Astrid, Ray, Molly, Grandma Sheila, and a very lonely Seelowen Danika

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I'm so sorry she had to go! What a special dog she was! Thankyou for sharing about something so very near and dear to your heart!


I will pray for all of you, maybe an extra one for Molly, who is having a hard time right now, I'm sure!



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She sounds like an extraordinary dog. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that it hurts to lose a furry companion. I hadn't ever heard of Leonbergers, so I googled to find a photo. She must've been absolutely gorgeous!

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This is the email I sent out to our breed club email groups, where Yuma was well-known and well-loved:


Through tears, I am composing the email that we've all dreaded writing, the one that lets friends and family know that a treasured family member and constant companion has crossed the Bridge.


Today, we helped our darling Yuma, the most amazing dog in the world, over the Rainbow Bridge and into our memories forever.


VLA CC Yuma Lion de la Toison d'Or, CD, DD, TT, CGC, TDI accomplished so much in her nine years of life, and all of it with a wagging tail and a smiling face, despite her severely dysplastic hips. In the last few weeks, she started losing control of her hindquarters and losing weight. A particularly virulent form of breast cancer finally proved too much for her to fight, and we helped her to a place where she would be pain-free and forever young.


Molly is our only child, and doesn't remember a time when Yuma wasn't there to play dress-up, to curl up with and read to, or to patiently trot around the ring again as Molly learned the ropes of showing in the LeoLet and Junior Handling ring. They say Leos are known as "The Nanny Dog" because of their love of children, and Yuma took this job seriously. Never once, including last night, did she go up to bed with us until we let her into Molly's bedroom so she could sniff her, lick her cheek and see for herself that Molly was safe and sound.


For myself, Yuma was my heart dog. She did everything I asked her to do and more, earning a CD in three trials, and becoming the first Leonberger in the U.S. to earn an advanced Draft Dog title. Combined with her Conformation Certificate, Yuma, OFA "severe" rated hips and all, joined an elite group of LCA Leonbergers-- those who have earned a Versatility Advanced title.


But so much more than the letters before and after her name, Yuma was an amazing presence in our lives. She taught us so much about making the best of what life throws at you, and not letting any sort of physical limitation hamper your zest for life. Her gentle and kind demeanor was the perfect Leonberger temperament, and what endeared her to everyone whose lives she touched.


We will never be the same, but are so grateful for having shared our lives with our darling Yuma.


Hug your dogs tightly tonight for us, okay?


In LeoLove,

The Robitaille Family: Astrid, Ray, Molly, Grandma Sheila, and a very lonely Seelowen Danika


I'm so sorry. God knew placed here with the perfect family to love her. I'll be praying for y'all.:grouphug:

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