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Why do you go to church?

The main reason I go to church is...  

  1. 1. The main reason I go to church is...

    • to worship God.
    • Communion with God.
    • fellowship with other Christians.
    • reconciliation/feeling better about myself.
    • Other.

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I've noticed that different people and different denominations have differing views on what the MAIN function of church attendance is or should be. I know that most people attend for a variety if reasons, but what do you think is the main reason you go? Is that different than what you think the main reason should be?

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I cannot pick just one reason. It truly is an equal split between worshiping God, fellowship with other Christians, growth/study, and the opportunity to minister to others.


ETA: In retrospect, I guess I could say that my reasons 2-4 are also part of worshiping God. I do them all out of love and adoration of God. So, if I had to pick one reason, it would be to worship God.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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I go because i felt led to attend at a rough part in my life. I found a home church and they love me on my good days and bad.


I grew up in church and i loved God, but I wasnt going for me, i was going because my parents made me go. It wasnt until my later years I went because I was searching for a home church. I didnt fully taken in God and a church though until a few years ago.

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Well, I'm probably not the answer you're looking for. ;) I go to find like-minded, like-value people in my region. I am a left-leaning, crunchy Unitarian, so it's a little hard in the rural area I live in to find similar folk. Our church is mainly about social action and community. :)

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Why do I go to church? To be with God. To receive Christ. There's no place I'd rather be.


Why do I choose to be a part of the church? Because it's the "hospital" my heart needs.

Edited by milovaný
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I cannot pick just one reason. It truly is an equal split between worshiping God, fellowship with other Christians, growth/study, and the opportunity to minister to others.


ETA: In retrospect, I guess I could say that my reasons 2-4 are also part of worshiping God. I do them all out of love and adoration of God. So, if I had to pick one reason, it would be to worship God.


You said it perfectly for me. :iagree:

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I want to go to church to worship God for who He is and what He has done. In our tiny town that isn't working. I stopped going, actually, but have started back because my daughter asked to go back. She wanted to go to church and have a "church community" where she can go to school with some of the same youth.

So, I believe that we are to go to church to worship God, hold together as community (and fellowship with each other) and also to participate in communion and baptism.

Regretfully, our churches are more focused on worship that I don't find worship, and sermons that I don't find really Scriptural. BUT, our church is friendly as well as they love God and are kind to each other :) So... for now... that's where it is.

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I cannot pick just one reason. It truly is an equal split between worshiping God, fellowship with other Christians, growth/study, and the opportunity to minister to others.


ETA: In retrospect, I guess I could say that my reasons 2-4 are also part of worshiping God. I do them all out of love and adoration of God. So, if I had to pick one reason, it would be to worship God.



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I go to church for a number of reasons. I go to learn more about God and His Word, to serve and minister to others, to lead others to Christ, to fellowship with the body of Christ, and to worship him in praise and song.

On bad days, when I am tired, worn out, or burned out, I go because I know the Lord wants me to and I usually come home refreshed and glad that I went.

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Other. The main reason I go to church at this season of life is because it's good for my kids.


I enjoy the fellowship, and maybe when I get older that will be a reason to attend.


I have to admit I am not really on the same wavelength with the church leaders and many of the folks at Sunday School, but it does not bother me. It's a nice break from the rat race I'm in the rest of the week.

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I voted "other." For me, it's about obedience. The church we attend has a worship style that is hard for me to, well, worship in (very loud praise & worship band). That also makes communion with God a challenge. And in terms of fellowship with others, I seek that out in other ways -- small-group Bible study, for instance. Regular Sunday-morning church attendance is something I want to really enjoy, but the fact is that I do it more out of obedience than for any other reason. And that's not a bad thing. ;)

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I chose other. Initially I went to church out of obligation. Then for a time, to worship. Now I go primarily to serve. I don't necessarily believe that I will always need to do as much as I do right now and sometimes I wish that break time would come sooner than later. I try not to get a bad attitude about what needs to be done and struggle to say "no" to one particular job because even though I can do it, I really don't want to and usually end up unhappy/resentful if I say "yes."


I try to remind myself that the harvest is great and the workers are few, yet balance that with the real need to keep my own spiritual cup full. Besides, I didn't go to church at all for YEARS so I'm making up for all my absences. ;)

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If I could have made multiple choices, I would have chosen the first three: to worship God, to be in communion with God, and to worship God with other members of the body of Christ.


I attend because I am required to as a believer (this is a good thing), and out of my love for God.

Edited by besroma
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I answered "communion with God" as the main reason but the others apply too - especially when considering which parish I joined. Although, the "feel better about myself" is a bit clunky to my ears. I would probably say something like "I meet God face to face in the Eucharist and it is for the forgiveness of sins and healing of soul and body."

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I voted other.


That is because I am an Agnostic, but I sing in the choir and do solo work. I am at mass every week, but unless we are singing I am reading a book or trying to plan my weekly schedule.


So for me, I go to church to sing really challenging music (our music director is phenomenal) and get an hour or so out of the house to plan my week. No one cares, cause I have the pipes. :D

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I chose to worship God. In fact, that's what we tell our kids. We go to Mass to worship God because he is God. He created us, He saved us from our sins.


I had a hard time choosing between this and communion with God. I guess I had a hard time figuring out what OP saw as the difference. Receiving Christ in the Eucharist is my favorite part of the week. But I go even when I can't receive (like a few weeks ago when I missed Mass and didn't find time to get to confession that week).


It's not about me . . . it's about God. I guess that's why I chose as I did.

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I cannot pick just one reason. It truly is an equal split between worshiping God, fellowship with other Christians, growth/study, and the opportunity to minister to others.


ETA: In retrospect, I guess I could say that my reasons 2-4 are also part of worshiping God. I do them all out of love and adoration of God. So, if I had to pick one reason, it would be to worship God.



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i go to worship God. This fact colors the music that I prefer in a church. Although every piece presented in our church is not like this, I love the songs that lift HIM up. I can appreciate music that talks about heaven, about prayer, about the body of Christ, but what I REALLY want on Sunday morning is to set myself aside and worship him. I wasn't always like this. But once my mindset changed, I became super conscious of which musical selections lifted up Christ.


My dh and I snicker a bit at the holidays about some of the traditional carols. Although they mention Christ and they are considered religious music, sometimes they have little mention of the Christ Child.


I do love that I get fellow ship, which is DESPERATELY needed for this homeschooling mom, but mainly I go to worship HIM.

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I chose to worship God. In fact, that's what we tell our kids. We go to Mass to worship God because he is God. He created us, He saved us from our sins.


I had a hard time choosing between this and communion with God. I guess I had a hard time figuring out what OP saw as the difference. Receiving Christ in the Eucharist is my favorite part of the week. But I go even when I can't receive (like a few weeks ago when I missed Mass and didn't find time to get to confession that week).


It's not about me . . . it's about God. I guess that's why I chose as I did.


I separated out worship and communion because there are many churches that don't do the Eucharist weekly or even monthly. We have quite a few members at our church who came specifically because their former church stopped doing the Eucharist weekly and that was the most important aspect to them. They could worship God in their former church, they had been part of the community there, but the Eucharist was the most important aspect of attending church to theming they were willing to find a new church home solely over that.

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I go as an act of obedience. Church, as a whole, is a very stressful setting for me and tends to trigger a lot of my anxiety issues so it is a very, very exhausting experience. I don't particularly get anything out of it... for me, personally, worship and spiritual growth is something that comes in private, quite moments. However, I do believe that God wants, even requires, us to gather together to worship, commune with God, fellowship, and learn - which is why I suspect that most people go in the first place. So even though I may not necessarily get those things out of a church service, I still go as a sign of willing obedience.

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