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Do you have a name, mascot, etc for your home school?

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We live in the rectory of our church and ds refers to it as the Res-ur-rectory...So we were Resurrectory School at one point...


I guess our mascot could be the fox, as we have a family of them--or a golden retriever, as we have one of those...Not very intimidating for those football games....

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Not required, but I named our school in HST+ because I'm weird.


It's (Our last name) Wildlife Academy.


We have two cats who like to sit on whatever we're working on, and chew on any wall posters, should they fall off the wall. So we decided they were our mascots. Their names are Solomon and Chaco, and my son combined them to the ChacoMons, which somehow evolved to the TacoMons to the Tacos.


Yes, we're a Wildlife Academy and our mascot is a food type.

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We're Mount Parnassus Academy, home of the Hydra (hydras? Hydrae?).

DD7 picked the name and the mascot. We also have school uniform polo shirts with a DD drawn hydra on them :).


Here's my first blog post about it-with a few photos.




It doesn't exist anywhere but in our home-legally DD is enrolled in a cover school, so that's the name that's on her report card and will be on her high school diploma, but she likes it.

Edited by dmmetler
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We don't have an official name, but our mascot is a plush toy brain cell.


Love it!


We are Ivymount Academy. We all agreed that we want a fancy coat of arms for our school logo, but drawing it presents difficulties. I should, though, so we can get school uniform polo shirts!


We do have a Latin motto, which we stole from a university in Australia:


Ingenio et labore


Which means, roughly, "by natural ability and hard work."

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W are not required to have a name, but I wanted to come up with one just for kicks. After thinking about it for months, it finally came to me earlier this week. We are Providence Prep School. No mascot or anything else yet, but our little name fits perfectly.

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Willow River Classical Academy.


Its a "holding" title, 'cause I just can't think of a good one.


Our Mascot is Roxy, our mixbreed dog. She constantly "cheers" at anyone bypassing our house and leaps, bounds and jumps with excitement. She has enough exuberance for 10 mascots :tongue_smilie:

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"Last Name" Boys Academy


My dh designed the attached logo.


Our mascot is the American Eskimo (Jed, in my signature, is our 3rd Eskie, though 2 have passed on).


"Striving to keep our heads above our feet" is our tagline. With 5 boys, that's hard to do in the physical realm, let alone in the metaphorical realm.

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We don't have to have a name but we do...OIE Academy. Our last name ends in oie and we always have to spell it out for people but we turned it into the acronym "Outstanding Individual Education" for school. Our mascot is an owl (because owls are wise!) So we're the OIE Owls! :001_smile:


Oh, and our motto is "if you listen you will learn!"

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