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P.S.A. Danger of nail glue!

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We had a really crazy thing happen today, and I am posting to let you all know so you won't make the same mistake we did. I bought Emma a nail kit last week that contained a tube of nail glue and fake nails. Today, she was unable to get the glue to come out, so she "borrowed" some large sewing scissors to try and cut into the tube. I didn't know any of this was going on. Apparently when Emma cut into the tube, the glue flew into her face coating her right eyelid and eyelashes and splashing her forehead, cheek, and arm. Emma started screaming, and I ran in to the bathroom to find her with her eyelids glued completely shut. She was having a full blown panic attack: screaming, crying, apologizing, thinking she was going to die, hives, shortness of breath...the whole shebang. It was horrific. I immediately opened the eye and dialed the pediatrician while trying to google what to do. Side note: my nursing career did not prepare for this moment at all! :glare:


What we ended up doing was rushing her to the eye doctor, and he was able to use some solution to get the glue off her eyelid, although there is one area that he could not remove because if he had, it would have pulled her skin completely off. He also had to cut 1/2 her eyelashes off because he couldn't get the glue out without ripping them out by the roots, and it would have been dangerous, of course, to leave the glue there. Thank God that no glue went into her eye. Those long thick eyelashes and her eyelids literally saved her eye!! She has a lot of irritation in her eye from the fumes. She has burns on her forehead, cheeks, and eyelid from the glue. I'll be putting a prescription steroid ointment on her eye for a few days until it heals up.


It was a really bad experience and one I couldn't have imagined. I didn't realize there was so much pressure in that little tube. I'm sure I would have tried scissors too, if I couldn't get it out any other way. The doctor said he sees patients in the same situation quite frequently. That glue is dangerous!!!


I am so thankful that she is well and whole and her eyelashes will grow back. It could have been so much worse.

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Thanks for posting. My 12 year old can be a little careless with that stuff so I will warn her. I don't think that there are any warnings on the package. Personally I hate nail polish, remover and glue but I can't seem to get them to give it up entirely. My dining room table has all of the above spinkled from one end to the other. The finish is totally shot. I have banished it to the garage or outside but I would be happier still if they would just give it up. Hope Emma will be ok. I would have freaked out as well.

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That glue is nasty stuff. I'll bet if you called your local ER, they'd tell you that that type of glue accidents are very common.


I'm so glad your dd is going to be OK. I'm also glad that you reacted so quickly and got her eyes open before the glue was completely set. Good job, Mom! :thumbup:

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