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We have a house!!

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Thanks so much for all of you who sent me your good wishes and prayers. 12 days before the move, and we finally have somewhere to move TO!


Now I just have to ... keep packing. Sigh. This is going to be a really, really long 12 days.


Chris - we'll be in Fairfax, near Fair Lakes mall.

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Well, you're more than twelve days ahead of where we were when we moved to CO. We just packed up the truck, drove cross-country, stayed at a hotel with the U-Haul in the parking lot for a week until we found a rental. It was a little stressful! But we also knew there was a plethora of rental options, so that helped ease our minds.


I'll be thinking about you over the next couple of weeks!!

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Congratulations! That's a nice area!


Do you think you'll still join our co-op? I can tell you how to get there from Fair Lakes!


How long of a drive would that be? I don't yet have any sense of looking at the map and understanding what that *means.*

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Yea Mama! So glad for you. Was it the house that wouldn't take cats or a different one?

You'll like Fair Oaks mall--really one of the nicest ones around. And the library system in Fairfax is great.:D

You'll have to come over some time!


I've already searched through the library system catalog (important things first!) and have found that they carry lots of Teaching Company videos. Score!


Yes, it's the house we wanted, the one where the owner was being weird about the cats. We should get the lease today so we'll see if he wrote anything funky about them, but whatever, we'll manage it. After all our endless looking and all the frustrations and snags and problems, this is a nice house, good size, nice big yard, in what looks like a *great* area. So after all that, I think we really lucked out. No basement, but an actual master bathroom, and a garage! And I think DH's commute will not be terrible.


Housing prices here are so funny to me. I know what they're asking for this house to sell it. I could buy two houses just like it, for that same price, in Texas. Actually, I could buy two even nicer houses in Texas for that same price.


I'd love to come meet you guys!

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Now why are you on this board, shouldn't you be packing ;)


Like I have room to talk - we have movers pulling in tomorrow. I have packed so much my. body. physically. hurts. I am also convinced that the toys and school supplies are multiplying on there own, as I just can not seem to finish up the schoolroom/playroom.



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Woohoo. I am sitting here waiting for our movers. I will be so happy when this is done. I will send you all my good packing vibes when I am done with them (should be on Saturday). :D


I read about the flat tire. Good luck!


Once, I had movers show up 2 hours EARLY. ACK!!!!!!!! We were so not ready!


I know you'll be happy when it's all over!

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Now why are you on this board, shouldn't you be packing ;)


Like I have room to talk - we have movers pulling in tomorrow. I have packed so much my. body. physically. hurts. I am also convinced that the toys and school supplies are multiplying on there own, as I just can not seem to finish up the schoolroom/playroom.




You too? I swear they multiply here.


I can't figure out what to pack next. If we were moving in two days, that would be easy (mentally). I'd just pack everything. But 12 - no, 11! days ...


Can you take time out this evening for a long, hot bath?


I love going to live in new places. If only we didn't have to take all our STUFF.

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How long of a drive would that be? I don't yet have any sense of looking at the map and understanding what that *means.*


I'd say less than 20 minutes (probably more like 15 min.). The co-op isn't until 10 so traffic will be dying down from morning rush hour.


Don't want to badger you into the co-op or anything! Just it was kind of exciting to know of someone on line and then think about being in a co-op irl.

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You too? I swear they multiply here.


I can't figure out what to pack next. If we were moving in two days, that would be easy (mentally). I'd just pack everything. But 12 - no, 11! days ...


Can you take time out this evening for a long, hot bath?


I love going to live in new places. If only we didn't have to take all our STUFF.


The hot baths are no longer working!! The thought occurred to me that maybe it's not that I am working so hard, maybe my body is just old :)




My dh has a contract he is working on right now, so I am having to pretty much pack everything on my own. Not sure if you saw my other post, but on top of all that, we recently received word that we will not be able to move into the house we just purchased until next week. We have to be out of here by Sunday.


Make sure your not overzealous in your packing if you still have 11-days to go! I've had to unpack a couple of boxes to get to some spices I still needed. Also, if you pack all your mixing bowls, and forget to leave one out, don't try to mix banana bread in a cake pan unless you were already planning to take a shower when you finished :D



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Thanks so much for all of you who sent me your good wishes and prayers. 12 days before the move, and we finally have somewhere to move TO!


Now I just have to ... keep packing. Sigh. This is going to be a really, really long 12 days.


Chris - we'll be in Fairfax, near Fair Lakes mall.


But wait - which house is it? Are you excited about it? (Or had you passed that and are just running with the whole thankful-theme at this point?) Will they take your kitties?


And... did you tell them that you don't actually have birds, but it may sound like it from time to time? ;)


Happy moving!


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The hot baths are no longer working!! The thought occurred to me that maybe it's not that I am working so hard, maybe my body is just old :)


That's totally unfair, don't you think?




My dh has a contract he is working on right now, so I am having to pretty much pack everything on my own.


Me, too. Gosh it's fun, isn't it? I bet this is one of those things that "builds character." :glare:



Not sure if you saw my other post, but on top of all that, we recently received word that we will not be able to move into the house we just purchased until next week. We have to be out of here by Sunday.


I will keep you in my thoughts. That is not. Fun.


Make sure your not overzealous in your packing if you still have 11-days to go! I've had to unpack a couple of boxes to get to some spices I still needed. Also, if you pack all your mixing bowls, and forget to leave one out, don't try to mix banana bread in a cake pan unless you were already planning to take a shower when you finished :D




I can so see myself doing that. I'm so glad I have a good cast-iron skillet. You can do *anything* with a cast iron skillet! But the other day we made a cake. I had packed the cake pans, so we used two oddly shaped CorningWare things. Still tasted good :)

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Go to the Pohick Regional Library (about 20-25 mins from Fair Lakes) and you'll see they must have 100 Teaching Company sets. Of course, you may have more near you!


We'll be avail to get together in July if you want! Or maybe you need to get settled first!

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