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Schooling during the week-ends...


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How do you feel about this?

We school from Monday-Friday and initially I wanted to keep the week-ends (particulary Sundays!) work-free.


Well, as time passed, I found myself using Saturdays to do "different things" - like doing Horizons tests (10min. max), a Spelling test here and there,...etc...

I am considering also doing Geography on Saturday mornings...


Now I find myself seriously contemplating doing certain "little things" on Suday: SL Read-Alouds mostly.


It would ease our weekdays quite a bit if I could even just do 1 hour on Saturdays and Sunday regularly...

On the other hand it feels...well..."weird" scheduling anything on Sundays...


How do you handle week-end study/schooling?



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We don't do any 'official' school on weekends. I need a break from it, and usually Sunday afternoon I'm planning the next week. But if that's what works best for your family, go for it! My kids do a lot of 'educational' stuff most weekends anyways. Reading, playing board games, building things, going to local festivals, etc.

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If you have some reason to be tied to a weekday/weekend paradigm, then you should consider how your proposed additional activities would effect those reasons. If you don't, go for it!


As of right now, we don't differentiate between weekend and weekday for school purposes. When I plan, I plan for five days a week on the basics, we may do those on any of the seven days in a week. Read-alouds and projects might be done on days besides our regular five, too. However, my partner works in our home-based business with a completely flexible schedule. He's thinking about accepting a position at a local college instead, which means we'd want to keep those weekends free from seatwork, doing only those subjects we enjoy with their dad.

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I personally would not do Sundays because that is a day of rest for all of us. Tis is in line with our religious beliefs--you might feel differently.


As far as Saturday goes, though, I consider it fair game, especially for my older child. If my kids were attending a traditional school they would likely have weekend homework, so I have no qualms in having them do an hour or two of schoolwork on a Saturday.

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That's another great thing about homeschooling... you can take Wednesdays off instead of Sundays if that's what works for your family!


Right now I don't differentiate between weekdays and weekends for school purposes either. We have a certain number of times we have to do subjects each week, and if it's done before Saturday, great. If not, then we do some parts on the weekend.


Of course, reading time is every day. :001_smile:

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Lately I've been doing read alouds (history and geography mostly) in the evenings (we have always read aloud in the evenings, just not "school" stuff). Also, if we have flash cards or other quick drill work I do this with them right before the read aloud.


As for weekends, how about scheduling the "fun" stuff for Saturday? Projects, science experiments, art lessons... That way it might seem less like the usual school work.

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I don't consider this formal school, although I do include school stuff each time, so maybe I should.


It's a grey area for me. DD has always loved being read to, and so it's on that great homeschooling continuum between schooling and recreation.


Right now I am reading her a chemistry book, a TLP selection, and a kids' version of Oliver Twist. Sometimes I also do a little discussion of the Critical Thinking in US history book at bedtime, but not usually.


As soon as we finish our "Rifles for Watie" TLP study, we will start LLLOTR. That will probably involve reading aloud 6-7 days per week.


The only other thing I regularly have her do on Sundays is something that I consider undone homework. So, for instance, if she hasn't finished the week's math lessons, she may have to do them on Sunday. But, generally, I want to keep Sunday more free. Saturday is a school day for me, though. We have enough activities during the week that are 'fun' that I can't afford to let her have all of her Saturdays completely free.

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When our schedule for the coming week looks a little more full than usual or I know that we have things planned that will cause us to rush some subjects, I like to do some of the work on the weekend before. For us personally, there is nothing about Sat or Sun that precludes doing any schoolwork.

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I schedule school for 5 days a week. We have an on-going playdate everyweek, and co-op classes. During these days if the kids are worn out I move school to Sat. If we are still not done we do school on Sun. This keeps the work load of the other days easier to manage, we get to have our "fun" days, and stay on schedule.

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As of right now, we don't differentiate between weekend and weekday for school purposes. When I plan, I plan for five days a week on the basics, we may do those on any of the seven days in a week. Read-alouds and projects might be done on days besides our regular five, too.



We do exactly the same thing even to the point of occasionally doing 3 or 4 days worth of one subject on some day. It usually ends up with something being done every day.

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I schedule for three weekdays and then a general category of "weekend," for a total of 4 days a week. The other two weekdays we use for playdates, park days, library and museum visits, and outside lessons and classes. I try not to introduce new concepts on the weekend, but use it for review, fun activities, and nature exploration.

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Since Sunday isn't sacred for us, we tend to do schooly things all through the week. DH and I both work on weekends, DH's day off is usually Monday, we hit the library on Tuesdays, and try to get us on some other outing on Fridays, so the weekend isn't the special time it is for people with 9-5 schedules.

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Because I work part-time (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays), I HAVE to do school on Saturdays and Sundays. I hope as my children get older, I can go "light" on Sundays, but for now, the four days I don't work are full.


The great thing about hs on weekends for us is that DH gets involved in it, too!


Do what works for you - that's the beauty of hs, you're not tied to someone else's schedule.

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I tried to keep to a strict Monday through Friday schedule, keeping weekends free, but it just didn't seem to work out that way. The only outside activity my son does is Taekwondo and there's quite a bit of travel time involved. So two days a week he wasn't really getting a full day in. So we were really trying to push the other three weekdays to keep up.


I decided several months ago to relax more during the week, and then do school work on weekends, too. For awhile I heard a lot of "But it's the weekend!!" but now that he's realizing that the week itself is less stress-filled, it doesn't seem to bother him at all. And he still has plenty of time for friends.


When I look at how much time his PS friends spend related to school, with class time and homework time, not to mention two hours a day on a school bus, he's still spending much less time, I think, "doing school."

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How do you handle week-end study/schooling?


Our usual rule is "never on Sunday" ... however ...


We schedule work for Mon-Sat. Sat. is only a math lesson. However, many are the times when things didn't get done as scheduled, and then Sat. becomes make-up day.


There have been a couple extreme situations where I made the kids do their work on Sun., but that was workbook type stuff they could easily do on their own and -- this is important -- they had contributed significantly to the problem leading to being behind schedule.


Now, if they wanted to do their schoolwork on Sunday ... well, I wouldn't stop them :)



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Now, if they wanted to do their schoolwork on Sunday ... well, I wouldn't stop them :)




I think this is how I will handle it too as long as it doesn't interfere with our family time on Sunday. I plan on doing SL readalouds on Sunday b/c we readaloud everyday. Technically, it is school, but I think of it as fun.


As for Saturday, I'm planning that to be a fun, light day of school with dad. My dh works long hours during the week, but I thought that we'd all enjoy a science experiment or other fun project on Saturday mornings if they aren't otherwise occupied. That'll keep him involved in school and let the boys spend some qt with dad...and maybe blow up some stuff all in the name of school. Saturdays might also be the only times they will be able to hang out with their ps friends or to have fun outings (like Seaworld) with the whole family, so we'll see.

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We often play catch up on Saturday but no more than an hour or so. I also try to make it stuff on "funner" end of the spectrum. :D Also, if my dd's extracurricular activities cut too far into her school days during a particular week, she knows that Saturday becomes a de facto school day for her.



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Well this is complex but not really:glare: O.k. during the co-op we school M, T, Thu and Sunday, dh works retail and only gets one day off per week so on his day off I have many many errands to run (grocery, bank, library, and any other errand). When it is not a co-op week we do M, T, Th, and Friday. We only have to school 4 days a week but they are full full days.



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We haven't so far, but I am considering it. Ideally, I would like to save the projects and experiments for the weekends. I am good at getting all the "stuff" together - and DH is SO much better at actually doing those projects with the kids. But, our evenings are so hectic, it's usually me doing the experiments with the kids and not really enjoying it (it just always works out better with 2 adults! LOL)


This school year, also, the older kids (will be 5th and 3rd grade) will have a schedule of what they're expected to complete (pretty much on their own) each week. Whatever isn't done by Friday, they'll have "weekend homework" and will need to finish those things by Monday. :)

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