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Anyone else starting "next year" right NOW?


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We've gotten all of our "next year" curriculum in, schedules are set up, work cards laminated, everything filed away nice and tidy.


But I want to go ahead and start! (I'm the lady that did Christmas on Dec. 20th because we had a hard time waiting! :D)


Anyone else want to go ahead and begin "next year" now?

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No reason not to do that! I'm going to start planning by term actually, so we are starting a new term May 7th, with some new things and some old ones. If you start now you can take an easy pace or take extra time off for Christmas / vacations.

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We decided to school year round. So some new things we be started in June. We took a week off for "spring break" and getting them back into routine was less than fun. So we are going to try 4 day weekends as breaks throughout the year to see how that works. So, yes start now, you can always take a break.

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We school year 'round and start new stuff when we finish the old. I've never been one for waiting either. Technically, our school year starts in June (arbitrarily set by me) but we started Kinder the day after my ds8 graduated from our church's preschool. We were just too excited to wait 2 weeks. So, I say go for it. Starting early is nice when those beautiful *insert your favorite season(s) here* come around because I feel ahead of the game and don't hesitate to take the day off.

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well, I have only been homeschooling for a little over a year and have been tweaking the entire time. Most of our stuff that we are using right now was new in Dec or January and should last us a year approximately.. So, I suppose you can say I am using next "years" curriculum now. We plan to just school year round, though a bit relaxed during the summer. Heck, we are relaxed now ;)

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We just restarted yesterday after a month long break. My daughter burns through her work so quickly that I've given up on planning curriculum that is supposed to last the entire school year. We're going to school year round and take breaks as we need them.

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Not bloody likely! :laugh: :001_tt2: I just started feeling like we finally made up for the big hole last year's move put in our schooling. We will school through most of the summer, and ought to be right where we want to be come fall. (They will have summer camps and trips during the summer, but otherwise they will be trapped inside due to the heat anyway.)

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No, I haven't even started our content schedules and materials for next year yet. I've tweaked so much this year I can't even keep up with what we are supposed to finish by June!


Well.... we didn't do much of a K year (even though it was technically that). So we have nothing that needs finishing, except for our final R&S preschool book. I guess we're just eager to begin doing *something* official.


I'll probably start now and cycle things in. We do tend to take big breaks as we want, travel to visit family for extra long weekends, stay outside all doors when spring arrives.... so I guess starting now will give us the freedom to do that next year without getting behind.

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I changed out a few things recently, and we switched over to Sonlight and started that about a month ago. No reason not to start now if you're both ready to! :D


We school year round, and our official new grade start date is end of June, BUT... We don't actually start much that date. I guess we'll start a couple new things, but most things will be just continuing where we were. We change out books mid-year, and nothing lasts exactly a school year, so I don't worry about having curriculum start or finish at a certain time.


My K'er will be starting Sonlight P4/5 for next year, but I'm going to probably wait until August to do that. I figure I can get him going on regular phonics/math/handwriting through the summer, then add in Sonlight in August. That should work well. He's used to doing phonics/math, but not consistently every day. I did order Singapore 1A/1B, so we can start that whenever he finishes the K book.

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We school year-round so it's more of the next thing than waiting to start next school year on a particular date. Right now we've wrapped up SOTW2 and moved on to Story of US, which we'll continue through until we're done, then do SOTW3....so for history, we've moved ahead. For math though, I've placed DS in a holding pattern because he's already far ahead and review right now makes sense for our upcoming schedule, since to start something new would mean we'll need to stop/slow too much when we go on vacation in a few weeks, so we're reviewing instead.

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I'm trying very hard not to start next year. I have even made myself a little list of the online materials that are for this year and expire soonest so I will work on those and not next year's stuff. I have to keep reminding myself not to purchase the annual subscriptions for next year's materials yet!

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I wish. I am working like crazy trying to get to a stopping point in our current stuff by June.


We are in lesson 102 of 127 in R&S english 4, lesson #123 of #170 in R&s math 5 :eek:, chp. 25 of 42 of SOTW 4, etc etc. It is not like we don't work all year. We started Aug. 1st last year. But we do a full day of co-op (enrichment and P.E. and latin) so nothing gets done at home one day a week. Then there are weeks that we are working on science fair, so curric gets put up to work on that. There are field trips.

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...Then there are weeks that we are working on science fair, so curric gets put up to work on that. There are field trips.


Ah, see....I understand this. In fact, we pretty much did NOTHING BUT the fun stuff this year :p which is why I'm all freed up to begin "next year's" school work now. :)


I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune next year. :tongue_smilie:

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I just start the next thing when we finish the first. I have no plans over a year except our minimum requirements which are typically well under half what actually gets done. So far (in 1 term and 1 week into term 2) we have finished 2 complete year long math curricula (yes she is very mathematically minded), 2 ETC books... My goals for the entire year in math and LA (workbook components not extra activities) were to complete those 2 math programs (done in 10 weeks!) and complete 3 ETC workbooks (will end up taking 1 1/2 terms at this rate). We are already onto "next year" math wise in term 2 and will be onto next year phonics within the month. We school feb-december.

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We're starting 21st May. I have a few more supplies to pick up (I decided to try an experiment of purchasing most of the non-perishable supplies we'll need for the entire year) and I will be purchasing all that stuff locally round the 15th. Its also given us a month to do a nice big deep cleaning of the entire house and yard, as well as re-organizing the school areas (I'm basically completely clearing out each room, and re-organizing where stuff will go) So far I have completely overhauled the library and cleared the lounge. The plan for today is to clear out the kids room, and switch several large items (kids kitchen to verandah, cat tree to kids room, wooden furniture to lounge etc). I'm so excited, as one I finish we'll hopefully have several school learning nooks/spaces and lots of storage room and play areas (We used a box curriculum last year and only moved into this place last year too, and the layout was quite confusing for me, and its sort of taken this long to figure out how to lay-it-out).

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Boy, I would love to, but I know I'd regret it. We'll finish up our current materials in June and I'm due with a new baby the week after our estimated end date. We're moving to a September-August school year, so I don't want to mess that up either.


I may start OPGTR over the summer. I've read a few threads with people saying they needed to slow down in parts. Depending on how fast we can get our newest settled in, that will be one thing I'll start early on.

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I think we'll be starting/ have started everything by mid- May. We've already finished some things, and begun the next grade in those subjects. Other things will be finished in a few weeks, so we'll just start all of "next year's" things then.

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I have the materials, but haven't started anything yet-this is the busy time of year for DD, so it's a good time to just simply drop subjects as we finish them and give her less to do that's assigned, which is what we'll do through the summer, and then we'll start strong in August. I felt more a need to start new stuff in March-now, towards the end of April, I'm just plain TIRED and want a break!

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We are almost through our Singapore 4b. We'll review this summer using some sections of IP and continue with CWP, because we only work in those books sporadically. We may start some of 5a at the same time.


We are almost through FLL 2. I've been adding in some grammar from other books to stretch it a bit, and working on things like the Grammarland book.


We still have about 1/3 of WWE2 and SOTW2. SOTW 2 will probably take us a while since I anticipate spending a lot of time on the Renaissance and Shakespeare.


We school year-round, so we'll be starting some new things very soon, but will continue to wrap up other materials. We are also taking a vacation in May.

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We also HS year round and just level up when we need too. I did buy some items at the local convention in March that I have already began. Mostly History because I plan with my 6 and 9 year old to drag it out to over a year and just have fun learning. I mixed a few History items together to build one that fits them.


In the summer it is not as hard core but we consider July to be that summer month of just basics. I am planning on taking a larger break in Dec.

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Dd is begging to read some of the sonlight books for next year. :D so love that! We are waiting til at least July To start new stuff, but school year round, light in the summer for math, reading, and some spelling this summer just because of where we are ending up.

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We school year round as well but we just started TOG 3 weeks ago. *LOVE* TOG. We just finished up, about 3 days ago, AAS 1 and went on to Level 2 :).


We just press on to the next level when one thing is done. So we start/stop frequently!

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