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What activities do you DO WITH your kids???

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After being a swim Mom and sitting on the side of a pool for 8 years while they practiced, timing, donating time to the team etc., my kids are no longer involved in competitive sports. The little boys play soccer, but that is only once a week for 6 weeks in the fall and again in the summer.


My kids are getting older, and I have no babies.....sooooooo....


I think I would rather BE involved in a physical activity rather than WATCH the activity, practice, etc. I am sort of sick of bystanding and really WANT to have some fun, get some exercise, build some memories, and maybe compete a little myself. I need to do something for me...and them together...not just school them, however, I am plum out of ideas....and the "I can't, I have a baby/toddler/ little kid, is not cutting it.


So, any ideas??? The only one I have is joining a gym with my 2 older ones who are still home...and letting the 2 boys go to the babysitting...which is more like a little gym.....but I would rather do something with all of us....Dh included.




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We joined a gym and my ds, dd and I go swimming together every other day. Its fun and the exercise is great. Ds and I will take turns being with dd while the other does laps. then we all hang out and end with a dip in the hot tub.


Hiking. Every Friday and sometimes other days during the week we get our cameras and nature journals and hit the trails. We get back and everyone down loads their pics. We make notes in our journals and compare pics.


Puzzle making. Dd and I love to listen to books on tape while making puzzles.

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Me? Tennis and art. We spend hours at the park drawing or in the yard painting.


My brother takes our kids camping, bike riding, walking, geo-caching, frisbee-golf, and (indoor) rock climbing.


My husband takes the kids to the range, both archery and gun.


We have a large family and big lot, so impromptu soccer or basketball games aren't too uncommon.


My grandfather always sat outside in the evenings, with his cigar and paper. Once he was done smoking, that was our cue that it was "acceptable" to come out and join him. We spent much time on the patio just shooting the breeze with him - drinking, snacking, debating, and whatever random phase we were in (bird-watching, kite-flying, knitting, drawing) he'd sit near us and keep us company. He was unintentionally hilarious, typical old-man stuff. He's gone now, but I still make a point to sit on the patio several times each week. Each night brings a different kid and a different dynamic, but it's just together time without any forced agenda. It's really nice. When the weather isn't cooperative we sit in the garage with the doors open. One of our stalls is a picnic area (table and chairs) since the weather is awful where we're living now.


Other suggestions: photography. gardening. ping-pong. musical instrument. quilting. learning a new language.

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Bike -riding, Scrabble, Banana Grams, Zip It!


We also have a fairly large property, so we all help with the animals, gardening, shoveling, mowing etc together.


My dh is a musician by hobby, and he does a music class with our daughter, and plays piano, and Ukuele with two others.


I used to do some volunterring with my kids, but that has fallen by the wayside (sadly) as we have gotten busier. I hope to get that going again.

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These all sound like such fun ideas....


I don't swim well, but I am willing to learn:D


I would really love to learn to play golf....


Also, how do you find out about hiking trails....like where they are, and the level of difficulty if you don't know anyone who hikes??

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I run a 4-H Cloverbud club with my little guys but I don't know if that counts as doing it together since they do the activities while I plan and run them.


We go camping as a family a few times a year, go hiking or on nature walks, go swimming in the summer. I could see us doing more as the kids get older. Dh does coach baseball and soccer for the kids.

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How about boxing? My girls and I take boxing classes. Because of their age they are in a separate, kids class. However, it does give us something to practice together. Plus it is giving us the skill of self defense and builds confidence. We are some tough girls in this house :D.

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We joined the Y and then signed up for a triathlon class. My three oldest (8,10,12 at the time) really enjoyed the classes. It was a lot of fun to train together. We all loved when we competed in our first 5K, 10K then Tri. Now we do things like the Warrior Dash. We also do a 2 mile free family run every first Saturday. It's fun to look at the website and see our time improve.


We live in CO so all 7 of us mountain bike (a lot!) do the incline, ski and hike.

In the summer they have swim and dashes- open water swims followed by a 5K.

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Also, how do you find out about hiking trails....like where they are, and the level of difficulty if you don't know anyone who hikes??


The internet is your best friend.

Start by looking up the Department of Conservation in your state. They will have a list of Conservation Areas and State Parks, with maps, area brochures etc. Often you can print area maps right off the website.


You can also look in a local bookstore and see if they have books on hiking. MO (where we live) is not a very outdoorsy state, but even for our state there exist at least six hiking guide books.


Or simply look on a road map. Look for state parks and conservation areas. Simply go and check out what is there.


ETA: Looked up your location - you are right IN the Catskill Park! Here is a link to the Catskill Trail Inventory


from your friendly NY Department of Conservation website


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We have a homeschool running team in our area. It has three, 8 week sessions. Cross Country, Road Racing, and Track and Field.


With the exception of track and field there are age groups from ages 8 and UP, sometimes way up. :p


In theory I also do rock climbing with my boys but I'm always the one doing the spotting :glare: since I'm so nice and I don't really trust my boys to spot me.

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We have a homeschool running team in our area. It has three, 8 week sessions. Cross Country, Road Racing, and Track and Field.


With the exception of track and field there are age groups from ages 8 and UP, sometimes way up. :p


In theory I also do rock climbing with my boys but I'm always the one doing the spotting :glare: since I'm so nice and I don't really trust my boys to spot me.



DS6 LOVES to run. But there is absolutely NOTHING in our area for running (for older kids - I don't think anything exists anywhere for his age.) :glare:

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