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If you pray, would you please say a prayer?

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My littlest (10 months old) has some funky symptoms (involving what appear to be lymph nodes). Could be something quite serious, or could be nothing at all. Prayers that it's nothing would be greatly appreciated...we see his pediatrician Fri AM.


Thank you...



Thank you SO much for all the prayers!!! The general consensus is that they are reactive lymph nodes, and benign. Just going to keep an eye on it for now. This is what I was thinking, but a bunch of little things had me second guessing myself... I very much appreciate all the prayers!!!

Edited by pgr
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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and prayers coming your way!


I don't understand why the doctor can't see him sooner, though. I know there are some scary possibilities, but if his lymph nodes are swollen, the most likely cause is that his body is trying to fight some sort of infection and he needs antibiotics. I would think you should be able to get him in as an emergency appointment so you can get him started on medicine right away.

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Of course! Both my husband and one of my children get swollen lymph nodes so easily, and they stay for a long time (months!). I remember when my daughter first started getting them I was quite worried. She would have swollen lymph nodes just from a cold, and they would stay swollen for several months sometimes.

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:iagree: We will pray for your baby and you to have the Peace of the Lord.




Hopefully it is just the immune system fighting off something.

I as an adult had swollen and sore nodes in my neck during our family's bout of colds, coughs, and earaches for about 3 weeks. Finally it is over.

I took olive leaf extract, and we had vaporizers going 24/7

I think I had a slight case of what they had and I am over 7 months pregnant so I was concerned about the baby in me too. Chicken noodle soup, rest, and prayer helped too.


I was reading a Charlotte Mason book that reminded me to open all of the windows for an hour a day to air out the house. I think that did some good as well.

I hope and pray you do get a good report.


God bless

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:grouphug::grouphug: You got it!



Of course! Both my husband and one of my children get swollen lymph nodes so easily, and they stay for a long time (months!). I remember when my daughter first started getting them I was quite worried. She would have swollen lymph nodes just from a cold, and they would stay swollen for several months sometimes.


I was the same way as a child. Thankfully, I rarely get sick as an adult, but when I do, my lymph nodes swell.

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Thank you for the prayers and the replies!


This doesn't appear to be an acute problem (making it more worrisome as well). He's feeling fine, it seems. I'm praying that he IS fine.


Our appointment is tomorrow AM. I think he may have baseline bloodwork done, we'll see.


I'll post an update.


I appreciate the prayers so very much!


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