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Has anyone donated a car?

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We have a car sitting unused in the garage--it's a '98 model, not worth very much to sale. The battery is dead from sitting unused for too long, but otherwise the car is in working condition. Our registration renewal is due this month and I am seriously wondering if it is worth the cost and hassle to keep renewing a vehicle that we aren't using. I'm considering donating because it seems easier than getting the car ready to sale and finding a buyer.


Has anyone donated a car? What would be a good organization to donate to? I know there are multiple charity organizations that take cars, but I also know many such organizations have huge overhead costs--if we're going to donate, I would like the proceeds to actually go to help someone not just to pay the salaries of multiple layers of bureaucracy.



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I searched for a Christian group in our area of the country. They did free pick up (we're 3 hrs from the big city.) We got much more in the tax deduction than we could sell the 1st car for. The 2nd we got the minimum deduction of $500.

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We donated a car many years ago...they came and towed it. It was great not to have to do anything else. I can't remember the charity; I just saw an ad in the paper and called. I'd probably donate to our public radio station if I did it again.

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We gave our next door neighbor (who is almost a shut in) our son's old car, for $1. She needed a car, just for emergencies.


When she was ready to buy a better car, she passed it along to a teenager who could not have afforded a car. It's a perfect project car.


If you don't need the deduction you'd get, maybe a local in need would be nice.

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We donated a car one time. Our pastor at the time, often mentioned needs in the community and one time he said that someone needed a car, and we were like "hey, we have a car!" So we gave it to the church who then gave it to the person who needed it. If you are part of a church, I would ask the pastor if he knew of anyone who could use it.

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We donated our old van to the Alzheimer's Association. Funny story though, they forgot to come pick it up. :lol: It sat in our driveway for weeks and we finally called them again and they said they forgot and came that day with a tow truck and picked it up. The paperwork and tax stuff was super easy.

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We've donated two cars. One to some Soldier group, I can't remember the name, and the other went to Purple Heart. The first car ran but the axle was broken. We got a nice standard tax write off for it. The second car was a 2002 Camry, the engine block seized up and we could not repair it. It went to auction and actually sold for a few thousand dollars. The tax write off was much bigger. The donation process was painless for both groups.

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Yes, twice, and both times the cars were later abandoned on the road, and the police/towing company/someone-I-forget-who tried to get us to pay for towing. Happily, both times we had the bill of sale and so could prove that we were no longer liable.:glare:

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We donated our old van to the Alzheimer's Association. Funny story though, they forgot to come pick it up. :lol: It sat in our driveway for weeks and we finally called them again and they said they forgot and came that day with a tow truck and picked it up. The paperwork and tax stuff was super easy.


Now that's a funny story! Thanks for the laugh :lol:

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