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How often do you ALMOST lose your school cool?

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So, I don't mean that you pull your hair out, or cancel classes for the rest of the day and go cry in the bathroom, or say something mean, or turn into the Hulk...


I mean the times that you almost do, but then you take a deep breath,

and request a change in behavior, attitude, posture, handwriting, focus, etc. with a tight jaw, narrowed eyes and lifted eyebrow?


How many times a day do you think you do this?

(if you homeschool more than one child, then figure for the one that makes you do this the most)

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I used to do this all the time with dd13 when she was homeschooled. I can't say how many times per day, but it was a lot. She was a good student, but she loves to debate. Sometimes, I just needed her to not debate a topic, just "listen and do." She also anticipates issues arising. She would interrupt when I was taking a breath and ask questions that I was getting ready to answer, if she just waited until the instructions were over.



With ds17 rarely.

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Almost never anymore. I've learned my triggers, what overstimulates me, and I warn the kids or send them to their rooms for some quiet time.


Well this is encouraging...because I do the second one too often and the first one more than I should. So in five years when my youngest is six and my oldest is fifteen, I, too, might know my triggers and avoid losing it. Maybe. I hope.

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I'm guessing a few times a week. I think it's usually much more to do with me than with them though. If I'm tired or worried about something else I have much less patience with exactly the same behaviour from my kiddies. Something I need to work on.


(I have 4 age 7 and under so I hope that gives me at least a bit of a reason to lose my cool sometimes!!:tongue_smilie:)

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Of late? Maybe once a week. The only time I hit that with Abby is if she keeps telling herself she can't and allows herself to get so overwhelmed that she won't even let me break it down into smaller steps. Part of that is personality and part of that is age. Emmett is an emerging reader and I get annoyed at times if he won't sit still and he keeps pushing or poking me. Part of that is personality and part of that is age. Mostly, though, I've been pretty even-keeled of late.


Now, I can get frustrated during lessons but not because of lessons... That usually occurs if Hyrum all of a sudden becomes super, mega clingy. Or if we are schooling late and I look on the couch and Ellie is nodding off. So, I wake her up and she is a grouchy, whiny, hold-me-all-the-time bear.

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Daily. :glare:

Younger DD fights me with math all the time. I am hoping that switching to MM combined with BA next year will help. Older DD has a lack of confidence and we struggle with reading. "The words are too small. The book is too long..." ARGH!!

Many days the constant interruption of the 3 year old is more than I can take.

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At this point, if I am *almost* losing my cool, I'm doing well. :blushing:


I have just been yelling way too much lately.


But, yesterday, I kept my cool.


I was frustrated with my son's work and I sat down next to him, talked in a low, calm voice, and didn't freak. I also told him that I was very frustrated and that I was trying to be patient. ;) And, I could tell that he was really trying to get it right. So it all worked out.


Now, if I could just repeat that every time... :tongue_smilie:

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Does mumbling under your breath count as "almost"? On our extra busy running around everywhere days, it's many many times. Especially if I've had little sleep.


So far today, none. I had a decent night of sleep, no where to go until after dinner, and I'm feeling calm and collected.

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At this point, if I am *almost* losing my cool, I'm doing well. :blushing:


I have just been yelling way too much lately.


But, yesterday, I kept my cool.


I was frustrated with my son's work and I sat down next to him, talked in a low, calm voice, and didn't freak. I also told him that I was very frustrated and that I was trying to be patient. ;) And, I could tell that he was really trying to get it right. So it all worked out.


Now, if I could just repeat that every time... :tongue_smilie:


Me too.

Lately it's been over sloppiness and erasers.

Yes. I am almost losing my cool dozens of times a day over erasing.

He refuses to pick up the ***** eraser, and tries to turn e's into a's and things like that.

And then when I insist he erase something, he does it with a floppy hand, as if he didn't know how to hold the ****** eraser.


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Very rarely.


More often when we first started homeschooling (8+years ago). Mostly I needed to adjust MY attitude and approach. Both kids are now self motivated learners. They were voracious learners when younger too, but I focused too much on specific outputs.

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I don't anymore. I have channeled Spock and raise an eyebrow and use logic on the child. He found some buttons yesterday, but frankly I'm too tired anymore to yell. I set down my expectations in a firm tone while looking him in the eye, then went back to what I was doing. He doesn't like my tangential commentary so he rarely pushes my buttons anymore.


I posted this before but if you've ever seen The Devil wears Prada, the boss speaks in quiet tones, even when angered. It forces people to stop and pay attention. yelling only makes people defensive.


The cat and dog don't respond to logic and must be ushered out of the classroom a couple of times a day.

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Daily. Ds #2 might just kill me. He is a perfectionist, so the minute I point out an error, (no matter how gently), he turns into a whinging, whining, mess. I am actually quite pleased that I can grit my teeth, take a breath, and not lose it, because I REALLY want to!


I don't think this is unusual. How many times a day does a person "almost" lose it just mothering on a day to day basis. Add the stress of homeschooling, (especially with young ones), and I think it's to be expected.

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Almost never anymore. I've learned my triggers, what overstimulates me, and I warn the kids or send them to their rooms for some quiet time.


If I did this, there would be no school most of the time :glare:

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:iagree: except I have 2 professional button pushers. One is more covert in his actions while the other jumps up and down on those buttons at least hourly.


I have 2 professional and one apprentice. My 9 year old is generally cooperative but the other three......

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Ugh. I feel dreadful when I think about it. Probably 15 times this morning, and it wasn't a particularly bad morning. I think I only yelled once, but there is an awful lot of terseness in my voice, almost chronically. I wish I could be a fun teacher--some teachers are. I feel like I spend the bulk of the time dealing with my 10yo daughter's emotions and my own emotions. Wish it could just be about the learning, you know? Instead, I'm pushing because kids are slow (slow coming to the table, slow switching from one task to the next), irritable because they wander off, frustrated because of interruptions and general resistance, and my daughter is constantly correcting her siblings and complaining about the way I run things. Grrrrr.

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