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Has a Kindle changed your reading habits? If so, how?

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I started reading more. At first, it was because I could get a book anytime I wanted. I could buy and start reading a book at 2:00am if I wanted! Also, I didn't have to wait for Amazon to ship a book to me. After owning the Kindle for a while, I realized that I preferred it over paperback books because of the font. I require reading glasses now so reading books with small print is really uncomfortable. Choosing my own font is very helpful.


It's also really nice to be able to read the first chapter without making the commitment to purchase.

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I have a nook. I've bought more books than usual- it's just so tempting when they're only a click away and instantaneous. I used to get 95% of my reading material from the library and now I probably only get 75% there. I also really like the backlit screen- no need to have my lamp on when I'm in bed- so that makes it even more tempting to buy them!

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No and Yes. No in that I read as much as ever, which is a lot, as the state of my housekeeping sometimes proves. :) Yes, because I have been finding new authors and series by following a couple of blogs that compile the free and almost free books that are available. And our library has a huge e-book collection that I can browse through in the middle of night. :)

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yes! before I was too busy to go to the store. Now? amazon purchase 1 click away. Dh is threatening to change my password. . . :lol: I took the month off from buying books since it was getting a little crazy. I am currently rereading a few I had not read in awhile. But it is only a matter of time til I am back to 1 click ordering! :)

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I'm reading a lot more than I used to. Not that I didn't like books before, but I just find reading on the kindle to be so effortless! I have a case with a built in light and I read in bed every night. Dh has one that he loves as well. We even got 6yo dd one and it's been fabulous for her. I really follow the amazon ebook sales and have gotten some great deals on kids' books. We also use the library ebook downloads a lot and I know I've gone through $100+ worth of books from the library.

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I received my Kindle for Christmas 2010 and I have read at least 75 or 80 books since then. This is a huge improvement, as I was always too busy helping the kids at the library to get many books for myself.


Also, it has really gotten me interested in different genres. I go to the free listing on Amazon every few days and have gotten some really great books. I still have a hard time with many of the classics...Great Expectations--ugh. lol! But I really do try hard now to read different types of writing. Tonight I got a sci-fi book, which is totally out of my realm of interest...but we will see. I may just love it! : )


The only downside to my Kindle is that it doesn't show the title to the book on the top of the pages, so I often forget the titles to the books I've read. With a paper book, I look at the cover every time I get ready to read so I can better associate stories with the title. That may not matter to some, but I really do wish I could remember titles. : )

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Absolutely - I am kind of an ADD reader so I usually have 5 or 6 books going at once. I love that I can just start in on any book any time and then leave off and go to something else and have it all on my little carry around Kindle. Whatever I am in the mood for at the moment is always with me.

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I love having multiple books right there to read at the same time too. It helps when I get bored with something. I read more "out of the box" books than I did before. I like free and cheap books and I'll try something for 99 cents! I do still get books from the library if it's something I want to read and it's more than $5 for the kindle version. I'm cheap. :)

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I actually get to read books now. I never have time to browse for me at the library because I always have all three kids with me.


I also have the case with the light so I read every night before I fall asleep.


I love the thing.

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Yes. I got mine for Christmas, and at first it felt really disjointed, but I think that was just because it was new and there were so many other things I could do on it (I have a Kindle Fire) that I'd read for a few minutes and then get distracted and go check the weather, come here, play a game . . . Now that some of the newness has worn off I'm doing better about not jumping around so much and I'm getting more books read. My main issue now is that I'm having a hard time finishing paper books from the library because I end up checking out too many e-books that I can't renew (our library offers e-books). I take my kindle with me everywhere -- it's really nice to always have a selection of books handy.

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For me, it is the wider variety of genre I am reading.


So far, I have only read the free books from Amazon----over 100 of them. I check their top 100 free list at least once a day and I have found some really good books that I would have never know existed before.


Before the Kindle I read mostly Christian fiction---my friend buys them and then I read them when I am done, and a few books from the library that I request after seeing in a CBD catalog.


I love that I can take it with me anywhere and have a wide variety of books to read at any given time.


It is also cheaper than paying $5 in gas for each trip to the library........and no over due books.


My 15dd also has a kindle but we have found less for her to read on it in the free books.

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I shop for books in bed, late at night, and read them before morning.



-I read more.


-I read more twaddle. :D


-I get less less sleep because I read in bed.


I don't read the last chapter first because I haven't figured out how to skip there on my Kindle yet.


And I buy sequels because it's just one click and boom it's there.


Love my Kindle!

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Can you link to these blogs? DH just got me a Kindle yesterday.






This isn't a blog but the link to Amazon's Best Sellers where they list 100 top free books each day--right side (left side are too 100 to buy). The selection changes hourly so if you see something interesting, get it and if you don't like it later you can always delete.


Some are classics, some are new authors or the first book in a series but I have found some really great books here---like about 150 since I started. Sometimes I have to wade through the smut books but there are some great gems in there.


If you click on the far left on eBooks they will offer sub categories and you can find even more free ones.

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I use the Kindle and iBooks apps on my iPad. I read a wider variety of material, and am more likely to try out new authors, especially if I can get them in the $3.99 or less category. I just bought a bunch of books on teaching literacy and writing for .99 on Scholastic's site that I wouldn't have bothered to try to read if I'd had to print them or read them on the computer screen, but when I can carry them with me and read them at Gymnastics, it's no problem.


I do find I read in a more sustained manner when the internet isn't available. When it is, it's easy to get sucked into using the iPad as a computer, not a e-reader. One of my friends who has a Nook color says she often gets distracted by games.

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I have a Nook.


I buy more books.


I also download freebies, but I tend to only read in full the books I pay for. (Not the case with actual paper books, and I don't know why that is.)


LOVE the ease and convenience, and how lightweight it is. BUT, I miss have paper books on the shelf to show what I've "accomplished" reading-wise. The look and feel of paper books can't be replaced.

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I read much, much more since having purchased a Kindle. Before, I just read to my kids and researched all the time. I never once checked out a book from the library that was for ME! With the kindle, I read heaps! I read when exercising, I read at night, I read when I want some 'me' time. I love that I can have hundreds of books to choose from at any given moment, and it takes up very little space. I have been decluttering/simplifying, and this is great to just not have books stacked all over the house/car/etc.

I still prefer for my children to have loads of real books...I will never substitute reading childrens picture books for the kindle/nook. I want them to adore BOOKS, not the e-version. But, I do like that when we travel, I could carry just a kindle for them instead of bags of books.

Also, I love that the kindle does text-to-speech. I don't have an mp3 player, haven't figured that out yet. but my kindle can read to me while I am driving, cooking, running, etc.

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When I first had the kindle app on my iphone I couldn't imagine ever going back to a regular book. Now I hate it and have been reading more from the library. If I had an actual kindle, I might be singing a different tune, but there's only so many ebooks to borrow, and I won't pay for an ebook unless its one that I know I'll read again and again.

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When I first had the kindle app on my iphone I couldn't imagine ever going back to a regular book. Now I hate it and have been reading more from the library. If I had an actual kindle, I might be singing a different tune, but there's only so many ebooks to borrow, and I won't pay for an ebook unless its one that I know I'll read again and again.


The real Kindle is FAR easier to read on than the phone app. I liked the phone app until I got the real kindle and now I rarely read on my phone.


As to free ebooks, http://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Kindle-Store/zgbs/digital-text is where I have gotten about 150 free books--everything from classics to modern fluff romances, to memoirs, devotionals, etc. The list changes hourly though so you need to check at least once a day if possible to get the most books. Some are trash but there are some real treasures to be found as well.

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The real Kindle is FAR easier to read on than the phone app. I liked the phone app until I got the real kindle and now I rarely read on my phone.


As to free ebooks, http://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Kindle-Store/zgbs/digital-text is where I have gotten about 150 free books--everything from classics to modern fluff romances, to memoirs, devotionals, etc. The list changes hourly though so you need to check at least once a day if possible to get the most books. Some are trash but there are some real treasures to be found as well.



I don't buy books for it....there are thousands that are free. The only books I bought were the Yesterday's Classics...I bought a couple hundred for $99.95 and I LOVE those books. In fact, that is the reason I bought a kindle to begin with, to take advantage of that offer.

I don't think you can compare reading on a phone to reading on a kindle device. The kindle (e-ink) is just like reading a paper page...no eye strain, no backlighting. The phone would be another experience entirely, with backlighting, tiny fonts, etc.

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Absolutely. Although I've always been a heavy reader having a Kindle has made me even more of a reader. I can toss it in my purse and read a bit here and a bit there. It's easier to read in bed. It's easier to read in the car while waiting 15 minutes for theatre class to get out. Plus it's easier to get the next book I want to read. I don't have to wait for a delivery or the next trip to the bookstore.



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It is to the point of the ridiculous how much I read now. I've always read a lot, but I've been through about 400 books since Christmas 2009. And I've actually read them all. Tons of them were free - I've found so many amazing authors that I would have never gotten at the bookstore. Wilkie Collins, Edith Wharton, Maria Edgeworth, all of the Bronte sister books, etc. I love it!

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Yes (Nook owner, however). I am reading a lot more. I had a bad habit of skimming books and skipping sections. Now I read the whole thing. I have been reading so much more since I got my Nook!


I have a couple of friends whose children struggle with reading. Reading on the Kindle/Nook has helped because they aren't intimidated by the size of a book.

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I bought a Kindle over Thanksgiving weekend. I *love* that thing. I read a lot more than I used to.


- It's easier on my hands. I would get numb fingers from reading heavy books.

- The grey background and adjustable font are easier on my eyes.

- I can bring a library along with me.

- I can read without getting carsick. I'm not sure why this one is true.

- Library books often instantly, and without any "ICK" factor. No red flags. :lol:

- Free samples of first chapters. That helps me decide against quite a few.

- Ziplock bags make it a good option for bathtub reading. :)

- I love the dictionary feature.

I could go on and on, but the fact is that the Kindle got me reading again. I'm reading like I did as a carefree teenager. :)

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I love that I can put pdf docs on it. I find it so much easier to get through all those free e books and documents of information I download and never have time to sit at the computer to read (and I don't want to print them all off - too much paper). I can take it with me and easily read all those things I wouldn't get to otherwise.


I don't buy books for it. I've downloaded some free ones but I think I'd rather have a book I can mark and refer to later. But for documents, I've really liked it.

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