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wearing phone thingy in ear/am I being oversensitive

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Dh has a new cell phone and he wears one of those thingies in his ear (I don't know what they're called) all the time at home now. I asked him to remove it because I think it's rude. For example, he walked into the room I was in and started to talk, and I thought he was talking to me, but he was on the phone. Is this considered normal in this age of technology. I'm just not liking it and he doesn't see the problem.

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Would you have the same reaction if he walked into the room with a phone held up to his ear? If it is a time reserved only for family or you were in a deep discussion which shouldn't be interrupted then I could see wanting to put all phones away and disconnecting from them. Otherwise, I see it as simply another type of phone.

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I hate those things. :glare:


I'm also not entirely sure how safe they will prove to be, over the long term, but mostly they are annoying.


Additionally, the ear thingies make it a lot harder to play Spot the Lunatic at Walmart. It used to be that if someone was walking around talking to himself, a mom would tell her kids not to look at him and not to go near him because he was a deranged loon. Now, it might just be some guy on the phone with his mom.


And one day, I was right there in the bread aisle at Walmart and the guy next to me was having a very animated conversation on his little earbud headset thingie. Only when I looked more closely at him... no earbud headset thingie. :eek:

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I hate those things. :glare:


I'm also not entirely sure how safe they will prove to be, over the long term, but mostly they are annoying.


Additionally, the ear thingies make it a lot harder to play Spot the Lunatic at Walmart. It used to be that if someone was walking around talking to himself, a mom would tell her kids not to look at him and not to go near him because he was a deranged loon. Now, it might just be some guy on the phone with his mom.


And one day, I was right there in the bread aisle at Walmart and the guy next to me was having a very animated conversation on his little earbud headset thingie. Only when I looked more closely at him... no earbud headset thingie. :eek:



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I asked dh to let me know when he is on the phone if he is wearing his. Usually he will go outside or in another room though. I can’t tell you how many times someone walks by me in the store wearing one, talking loudly, and looking right at me. :confused: I’m convinced certain people do that on purpose, like it makes them feel important or something. :tongue_smilie:

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I hate those things. :glare:


I'm also not entirely sure how safe they will prove to be, over the long term, but mostly they are annoying.


Additionally, the ear thingies make it a lot harder to play Spot the Lunatic at Walmart. It used to be that if someone was walking around talking to himself, a mom would tell her kids not to look at him and not to go near him because he was a deranged loon. Now, it might just be some guy on the phone with his mom.


And one day, I was right there in the bread aisle at Walmart and the guy next to me was having a very animated conversation on his little earbud headset thingie. Only when I looked more closely at him... no earbud headset thingie. :eek:


EXACTLY! :lol:


Would you have the same reaction if he walked into the room with a phone held up to his ear? If it is a time reserved only for family or you were in a deep discussion which shouldn't be interrupted then I could see wanting to put all phones away and disconnecting from them. Otherwise, I see it as simply another type of phone.


I can't speak for the OP, but I hate the earbud because it isn't obvious the person is on the phone. If someone walked in with a phone held up to his ear, I know he's on the phone. I've answered a few people before I've realized they weren't talking to me. I'm mean, they are standing right there next to me, looking at me and talking out loud. I'm supposed to know they aren't talking to me? :glare: It's just very awkward!

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EXACTLY! :lol:




I can't speak for the OP, but I hate the earbud because it isn't obvious the person is on the phone. If someone walked in with a phone held up to his ear, I know he's on the phone. I've answered a few people before I've realized they weren't talking to me. I'm mean, they are standing right there next to me, looking at me and talking out loud. I'm supposed to know they aren't talking to me? :glare: It's just very awkward!


Yes, that's how I'm feeling.

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I hate those things. :glare:


I'm also not entirely sure how safe they will prove to be, over the long term, but mostly they are annoying.


Additionally, the ear thingies make it a lot harder to play Spot the Lunatic at Walmart. It used to be that if someone was walking around talking to himself, a mom would tell her kids not to look at him and not to go near him because he was a deranged loon. Now, it might just be some guy on the phone with his mom.


And one day, I was right there in the bread aisle at Walmart and the guy next to me was having a very animated conversation on his little earbud headset thingie. Only when I looked more closely at him... no earbud headset thingie. :eek:


LOL The bluetooth thing! I think it's called a bluetooth anyway, I don't have one. I find them weird because they are so inconspicuous. I always think the person is talking to me. I'll be in a store and someone near me will say, "Hi! How are you today?" and I smile and answer, "I'm fine thank you! How are you?" and they look at me like I'm nuts and I realize then that they are on the phone. :glare:

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I'm with you, OP. There's the thing you mentioned, about not knowing how many people are in the room--is it me and my husband, or me, my husband, and his invisible friend? Then there's the issue that I don't want to share my living space with an android. or the Bionic Man, or whatever it is people become when they live with an electronic gadget as part of their anatomy.

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EXACTLY! :lol:




I can't speak for the OP, but I hate the earbud because it isn't obvious the person is on the phone. If someone walked in with a phone held up to his ear, I know he's on the phone. I've answered a few people before I've realized they weren't talking to me. I'm mean, they are standing right there next to me, looking at me and talking out loud. I'm supposed to know they aren't talking to me? :glare: It's just very awkward!


:lol: I've carried on entire conversations with people, not realizing that they were on the phone and not talking to me ... commenting on the poor selection of Christmas cards this year ... looking for treat bags so I can give away my yummies, etc. The bluetooth thingie was in the ear I couldn't see. One woman looked at me like I was the weirdo - hey, she started it!


I think it would be rude to wear it walking around the house. If I worked from home, I would wear it during "office hours" in my "office" and not around the family.

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Oh, gosh, I just find it FUNNY. I crack up when the one person I know who does this (not my dh) walks in the room talking. We joke with him and make fun of him (family friend). We LAUGH. Why get all irritated about it? Just laugh that a funny situation was created. It's just a phone, one that operates differently.


Now, if you're talking to him and a call comes in and he starts talking to the other person out of the blue, then, sure it's worth a mention. But otherwise, oh well.


Just -----> :tongue_smilie: and :lol:

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I use mine in the car and when I need to talk to my mom, my MIL, or my sister when I am at home. They are really good for allowing you to do other things while on the phone with those people in your lives who have a hard time ending phone conversations. :D

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Now, if you're talking to him and a call comes in and he starts talking to the other person out of the blue, then, sure it's worth a mention. But otherwise, oh well.


Just -----> :tongue_smilie: and :lol:


well, yes, this is the kind of thing he does. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:

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EXACTLY! :lol:




I can't speak for the OP, but I hate the earbud because it isn't obvious the person is on the phone. If someone walked in with a phone held up to his ear, I know he's on the phone. I've answered a few people before I've realized they weren't talking to me. I'm mean, they are standing right there next to me, looking at me and talking out loud. I'm supposed to know they aren't talking to me? :glare: It's just very awkward!


Especially with some of the conversations DH & I have :001_tt1: He really doesn't want his boss to hear what I plan to do later.

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whenever I see someone with the ear thing, I think they've been assimilated by the Borg.


Well, I know that's not exactly right because the Borg had their electronic attachments near the temple.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



That's almost reason enough for me to start wearing one of those stupid things. But I just want to clear something up first -- If I get assimilated by the Borg, Patrick Stewart is going to come and rescue me, right? :D

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My father quit wearing his in the house when we made him get rid of it lol. He was in a serious accident (think bend the frame on a large pick up major) while in a screaming match with his wife. She heard every bit of the accident. When the thing went flying she couldn't hear him say he was ok. Now he has one of the ones that works with his car's audio system so if anything like that ever happened again she would be able to hear him tell her he is ok. If he wants to use his phone in the house he has to put it to his head. THis also makes conversations between me and my 7 year old sister easier because he can hand her the freakin phone lol.

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