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Raw milk?

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I'd buy raw milk in a heartbeat if I could get it here. :glare:


Do you think it would be better to buy your milk from a dairy where the cows are healthy, and fecal samples are taken daily to be sure that they are, or would you rather buy your milk from a dairy where the cows might not be quite so healthy but it's ok because they're given drugs to take care of any health issue?


Both of my dc were lactose intolerant, and they reacted even to raw milk (my raw-milk proponents never believe me when I say this, but it is true nevertheless), so although many people believe they are healthier when they drink raw milk, that was not my reasoning. I just prefer to have food that is as little processed as possible, where the source is as healthy as possible.

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Does anyone here drink raw milk? Do you buy pasteurized or completely raw? I keep reading information for and against, but it's it's hard to tell what is truth and what is hype. What do you think?


If it's pasteurized, it's no longer raw, correct? I would like to try raw milk for some of my stomach troubles, but it's not easy to get here.

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Our lego league group The Organic Republic organized their project around Raw Milk. They did a lot of research on the topic. 1/2 of our family drinks it- the other half is fairly lactose intolerant, but likes milk for tea and cereal so we buy both. The raw is a bit more expensive. I do think it's more healthy. There is research they links pastuerization to higher incidents of cancer.

Plus it's whole milk so you get the cream and butter milk. At some point I'm going to try cheese but I've been too busy.

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We drink it. I've been buying it for my big family for over 20 years. My husband grew up on and so did his 10 siblings. We love it and if I were ever in a position to NOT be able to get it I wouldn't buy milk at all. It's just that good for you whereas the store bought milk is so nutritionally bad for you I just don't think I could give it to my fam! I'm not knocking anyone who uses it by any means it's just that we won't.

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We buy raw milk directly from a local farmer. (We take 1 gallon glass containers and fill them right out of the tank.)


IMO, raw is far more healthier for you. My husbands cholesterol has dropped significantly since switching to raw milk and farm fresh eggs. (vs. milk and eggs from the grocery store)

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We used to buy raw milk from a dairy farmer who went to our church, and dh liked it (I don't drink milk - just use it in cooking/baking, or ice cream). We've since moved to a different state and don't have access to raw milk anymore. If it was available, I'd still buy it.

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Do you think it would be better to buy your milk from a dairy where the cows are healthy, and fecal samples are taken daily to be sure that they are, or would you rather buy your milk from a dairy where the cows might not be quite so healthy but it's ok because they're given drugs to take care of any health issue?




This. I buy raw milk regularly, and if I couldn't get it, I wouldn't buy milk at all. Having researched how most commercial milk is produced....ick.

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Dh’s sister has a dairy farm and they drink it. I tried it, and it tore my stomach up. (Sorry, tmi.)

I am planning to, if my Jersey's EVER have their calves. I ahave heard that you need to ease into it, to avoid intestinal issues as your bowel adjusts to the different bacteria and enzymes present.

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I'm very interested in raw milk, and I live in a state where it is legal.


However, I know that there can be real risks if the sanitary conditions are not met or the animals are not properly cared for/in good health. (which is why it is supposedly good to tour the farm from whence you buy your raw milk...except I would have no idea of what I am supposed to look for, other than something totally stupidly obvious)


Does anyone have any resources as to how to become an educated consumer of raw milk? What the risks are & how to minimize them?


I get that raw milk is much better for you. I just wish some of the raw milk proponents didn't sound so cavalier about the risks....I want to KNOW, and know how best to protect myself and my family.


Don't mean to hijack...just trying to "hitch-hike" I guess....

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There is also some debate about A1 and A2 milk - basically some people who cannot even handle raw milk can drink it if the milk comes from a cow that produces A2 milk (typically Jersey cows and the older, traditional breeds). To know whether a cow produces A1 or A2 their milk has to be sampled. Right now we get milk from a farmer who has Holstein/Jersey mixes and I do not know if they are A1 or A2 but it doesn't seem to make much difference for us. My kids will not drink store-bought milk anymore (even organic). They say it tastes rotten or off.


This is a little article about it.

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We love our raw milk. Living on a dairy farm has messed with my kids heads. We were at a friend's home in the city and their child commented that Mom had to put milk on the grocery list. My special needs son (age 6) asked where their pitcher was. He offered to go out and get some milk from their bulk tank for supper. I never realized until that moment that he actually thought everyone had a bulk tank of milk sitting in the milk house in the back yard.:lol:

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I am planning to, if my Jersey's EVER have their calves. I ahave heard that you need to ease into it, to avoid intestinal issues as your bowel adjusts to the different bacteria and enzymes present.



We never had any problems adjusting to raw milk.

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Does anyone here drink raw milk? Do you buy pasteurized or completely raw? I keep reading information for and against, but it's it's hard to tell what is truth and what is hype. What do you think?


We used to buy raw milk from a farmer at our farmer's market but it was slightly inconvenient to do so (where it was located). But, if it was more convenient, yes, I'd go back to buying it again. We loved it!

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We never had any problems adjusting to raw milk.


No problems here either. We had access to it in our last home in WA state. It was the most delicious milk I have ever tasted. I haven't found anything in our new place yet but I hear the next town over has dairy farm and sells both raw milk and raw honey. Unfortunately I don't speak the local language yet so I have been too nervous to go investigate. Hopefully I'll build up the courage soon.

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We don't buy it because it's sooooo expensive around here. However, I grew up drinking raw milk and I don't see why it's so problematic. I remember spending summers at my relatives country house and our neighbors would milk the cows straight into our bell pepper made (gutted bell pepper) "cups". We used to stand around with jars during milking :)


Just wanted to add - Whole Foods carries it at least in CA.

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Our family of 8 has been drinking mainly raw milk for several years now. We get it from a milk co-op, a local farm. We love it! No one had to adjust to it :confused: and no one has ever been sick.


It is illegal in TN to sell it for human consumption, so we purchase pet food raw milk. :lol::lol:



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We get it from a local farmer who has several delivery points in our area. He's in my neck of the woods every two weeks, in a church parking lot. 50-60 people each time there picking up.


We didn't have any adjustment time. I'm not a big milk drinker but two of my children would drink it constantly...no tummy issues.


I get for the same reason someone else mentioned, just knowledge of food source. The health benefits are good too, but secondary.

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I would *love* buy cream that wasn't ultrapasteurized and had carageenan added, but no, can't find it in Texas, where it's against the law to sell raw dairy products in stores. There are some co-ops, and I forget what the loophole is that allows that; I used to belong to one, but it was quite a drive to pick up my milk, and we had to buy a minimum of two gallons--it's only Mr. Ellie and me in the house, and we just don't drink a gallon of milk a week--and they didn't have cream. ::heavy sigh::


There is a relatively new health-food in the area that sells milk that is *not* labeled "raw" but if you read the description, yeah, it is. No cream, though, and not sure I want to drive that far just for milk. I can buy h/p milk at the neary-by Sprouts that's supposed to come from healthy cows; I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with that...but still only ultrapasteurized/carrageenan-filled cream. ::more heavy sighs::

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