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Just curious WWYD - other kid's potty accident


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Suppose you are at a McD's PlayPlace and you see a kid about to get on the equipment. He stands there and pees his pants and then proceeds to climb up the slide. You don't know who his parent is, as the place is fairly crowded.


What I did: I gathered my own kids and left. I sure would not want to embarrass anyone. But that means other people's kids continued playing on the equipment. I don't consider pee to be the end of the world, but I wouldn't want my kids playing in it . . . at least not with my knowledge . . . . .


What would you do?

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I would have approached the little one and asked him/her to point out his caregiver, then looked apologetically at the adult and said..."I think we have a wee accident here." Sometimes parents get busy talking or dealing with other children and are simply unaware. I probably wouldn't ignore it but that's just me. I'm forward like that.:D

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Wow, I'm pretty rude compared to you all, LOL.


I'd probably start walking around to the parents asking who was in charge of 'the little boy with the orange dinosaur shirt' or whatever. Once I located his caregiver, I'd quietly explain the issue.


I'd keep my kids away from the 'accident' area until a worker came and cleaned it up. I'd be watching to see if the other parent went and alerted a worker to clean it up. If they didn't, I'd do it myself.

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Wow, I'm pretty rude compared to you all, LOL.


I'd probably start walking around to the parents asking who was in charge of 'the little boy with the orange dinosaur shirt' or whatever. Once I located his caregiver, I'd quietly explain the issue.


I'd keep my kids away from the 'accident' area until a worker came and cleaned it up. I'd be watching to see if the other parent went and alerted a worker to clean it up. If they didn't, I'd do it myself.


:iagree: Yep, that's me too.

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Bethany, I don't think you're rude. You just aren't nearly as shy as I am!


Ha! Well thanks Pamela. I just was reading everyone else's responses, and started feeling like maybe my reaction would be percieved as rude IRL. I would never intend to be rude; that's so the opposite of who I am. I was just struck by the fact that my reaction was so different from what others had posted. :tongue_smilie:


I guess I really try to treat others how I would want to be treated. And if one of my boys had done what the OP described, and I didn't notice, I'd want someone who *did* notice to alert me so that I could get my child and the area cleaned up.

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I figure there is pee and a lot worse at a McD's PlayPlace whether there are kids there or not. I try not to think about it. However, in the situation you mention, I'd have a hard time NOT thinking about it. I think I would have told the staff so they could have helped the boy to his mama.
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I probably would have died if someone came and told me my kid peed on the equipment, so I was kind of at a loss. The kid had climbed into an area where I could not easily reach him (you know how that big slide ladder is enclosed by fencing). Then the little boy didn't re-appear for a while so I wasn't really sure which part of the equipment he'd gone to (I'd focused on getting my kids' attention so they'd get off the equipment).


I guess I probably should have mentioned it to the staff (though that would mean mentioning it to everyone waiting for their food at the counter, eew). My thought was that this was surely not the first or last kid to pee on the slide, so hopefully they clean it periodically.

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I guess I really try to treat others how I would want to be treated. And if one of my boys had done what the OP described, and I didn't notice, I'd want someone who *did* notice to alert me so that I could get my child and the area cleaned up.


Bethany, I would have done the same. If my child had an accident, I would want to know immediately, for his/her sake.

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Bethany, I would have done the same. If my child had an accident, I would want to know immediately, for his/her sake.


I would have told an employee, and then we would have left. Based on my experience in situations like this, telling the parent of said child would most likely result in a "So?" and an icy glare. :glare:

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I would tell the child, "Let's go find your mommy or daddy" and walk with him to their caregiver. I'd let the caregiver know and then alert the staff. I wouldn't expect the parent to alert the staff since they are now busy with their child, nor would I be surprised if the staff didn't do anything about it.


I honestly don't believe the tunnels get cleaned much at all. Can you imagine crawling through there with a spray bottle and rag cleaning all those surfaces? Huge, difficult, uncomfortable job.

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I would tell the child, "Let's go find your mommy or daddy" and walk with him to their caregiver. I'd let the caregiver know and then alert the staff. I wouldn't expect the parent to alert the staff since they are now busy with their child, nor would I be surprised if the staff didn't do anything about it.


I honestly don't believe the tunnels get cleaned much at all. Can you imagine crawling through there with a spray bottle and rag cleaning all those surfaces? Huge, difficult, uncomfortable job.


:iagree: Considering my that my kids got sick just days after visiting the play place both time that we went I would guess that the tunnels do not get cleaned very often lol. Alerting the staff so they can avoid a lawsuit would be good though in case the staff does want to clean it up.

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I would have told an employee, and then we would have left. Based on my experience in situations like this, telling the parent of said child would most likely result in a "So?" and an icy glare. :glare:




Exactly. That is why I answered the way I did. We were at Mcd's a few months ago and my boys and their 3 friends were the only ones playing when we first got there. A mother came with her daughter, and the mother was yaking away on the phone. My 7 yo comes up to me and goes "Uhm mom, theres a little girl climbing over there with no pants on." I smiled at the mom and said I think your cutie lost her pants.


The mom's reaction?? NEver got off the phone, said to whoever she was talking to really loud "Apparently my 4 yo not wearing her pants, is OFFENSIVE. She's only 4 for Fu&*'s sakes! Get over it." :001_huh:


Yeah, no thanks. I don't need to be hassled at Mcd's. No, a little girl taking her pants off is not necessarily offensive but the mother was.



ETA: Let me be clear on the no pants. I mean bare butt walking around.

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:iagree: I'm going to assume a staff member would go into the play area and handle it, but I wouldn't be surprised if they chose to let it go. Eww!!

yeah I probably would have just left too--Everytime we would take kiddo to play there that would always cross my mind- "I wonder how many kids have peed/or worse in the play area"--and then "I wonder when the last time it was cleaned".....highly doubt it's done CORRECTLY on a regular basis--

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