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What temp. do you keep your house?

What temp. do you keep your thermostat?  

  1. 1. What temp. do you keep your thermostat?

    • less than 64 degrees....we could hang meat in here
    • 65-67 degrees
    • 68-70 degrees
    • 71-73 degrees
    • 74-76 degrees
    • 77+ .....just sweatin' out the impurities
    • we have separate daytime/nighttime temps.
    • we try to conserve energy & are cool in winter, warm in summer

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Well, the thermostat is set at 69 during the day (62 at night) BUT this is an old two-story house (1906). The thermostat is downstairs close to a heat vent...which I have to keep closed, or the thermostat will think the whole house is warm when only the area by the vent is warm. Sigh. Upstairs can be cold or hot, depending on which kid opens or closes which room vent. Nighttime we close the living room vent to encourage the heat in the ducts to go upstairs to the bedrooms. I'd say there is no time at which the entire house is at 69 degrees :glare:


Come summer, I will be using a blowdryer near the thermostat to make it think the house needs cooling as I can never get the vent closed enough to prevent cool air from reaching the thermostat - which would NEVER let the a/c kick in as the blasted thermostat is in the ONE spot in the house that NEVER gets hot in the summer. We will be dying upstairs while the thermostat is thinking to itself "Lalala my the house is cool today lalalaladeeda" and not turning on the a/c.

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I turn the heat to 66 at night in the winter, and usually 64 when we leave the house for any length of time. During the day, I'll turn it up anywhere between 67-69, depending on how cold I feel.


We don't have AC, so in the summer, it can get very warm. . .

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You do realize that heat rises, and it would be more efficient to set the lower level to 67 and let that help heat the upstairs? :D I think you keep it at 58 just so those people won't come visit! :lol:




I really wish I had a dual system (upstairs and downstairs). Unfortunately, we have a single HVAC system. It just happens that the thermostat is upstairs. We set the upstairs temp and just have to live with the downstairs being about 10 degrees cooler.



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Like some other posters, my DH grew up in a cold house and insists ours will never be that way. I grew up in a house that was warm enough during the day, but my folks dropped the temp at night. I actually would prefer that, because I like the feeling of snuggling under the covers at night. But my husband is miserable whenever we visit my folks in the winter and would NEVER go for that in our house.


So, our winter temp in the house is usually between 71 and 74. I keep it on 71 during the day at home, but DH jacks it up to 74 in the evenings or on the weekends. I cannot sleep with the temp that high, so I usually turn it back down after he goes to bed :blushing: or we sleep with the ceiling fan on and I only use the sheet. We fought about temps a lot early in our marriage, but after 20 years, I've just learned to adapt. Fortunately, we live in the south and have gas heat. If we lived up north and/or had to pay for heating oil, we'd be broke.


In the summer, it's the opposite. I cool the house to 78 or so during the day. Since we live in the land of 100+ temps most of the summer, that's expensive enough!! But when DH comes home, he drops the temp sometimes as low as 72.


Thermostat wars are just part of our crazy life. :lol:

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You do realize that heat rises, and it would be more efficient to set the lower level to 67 and let that help heat the upstairs? :D I think you keep it at 58 just so those people won't come visit! :lol:




I really wish I had a dual system (upstairs and downstairs). Unfortunately, we have a single HVAC system. It just happens that the thermostat is upstairs. We set the upstairs temp and just have to live with the downstairs being about 10 degrees cooler.




Ahh, that stinks! I had to buy space heaters last year during our freak cold snap (teens) when our system went out. I bought little oscillating ceramic heaters that also have a fan setting. Our heat bill went way down, and we were warmer due to the heat being at floor level. Just throwing that out as an option. We used those this year instead of the central, and my kids used them over the summer when they got hot. I got them at the dollar store for about $30 each I think.

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70-73. When dh is home it's 73. When he is not, it's 71. I dislike being cold or hot, but he likes it slightly warmer.


In the summer we set it about the same. I sweated many long nights as a child and froze in the winter. I swore I would never subject myself or my child to that as an adult. Ds's room is the attic so it's warm all the time. He wears shorts even when it's cold outside.


:iagree: This was how my childhood was. Old, huge house with crazy high ceilings and picture windows everywhere. I like ours set to 73ºF

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During the winter, we keep the house about 68 degrees. It drops down to 65 around 9pm, and then starts heating up around 4am, because dh needs to get ready for work.


During the summer the house will stay around 75 degrees on the main floor. We have ceiling fans in the bedrooms, and turn those on for more air circulation if we need it to sleep at night.

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