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Does this word bother you?

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I think some people have way too much time on their hands. Somebody is always complaining about something, kwim? :glare:


No need to take it personally. Instead of being offended by this thread, why not think of more creative ways to tweak with the minds of people who detest the "hubby" moniker (I love it way better than DH) and join us in subtle usage of adjectives for hubby:



stud muffin

God of Love

Big Kauhuna

love muffin


If someone throws in a picture of a man in kilts, then we're good to go, que no? ;)


Hmmm... How about Daddy?

My hubby likes to be called daddy. He loves to sit back and imagine legally changing it, and all the amazing situations where judges, teachers, police, men , women, everyone would have to address him as daddy.


It sounds pretty good with our last name too!




I'm typing on my phone, please excuse typos

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I think some people have way too much time on their hands. Somebody is always complaining about something, kwim? :glare:


No need to take it personally. Instead of being offended by this thread, why not think of more creative ways to tweak with the minds of people who detest the "hubby" moniker (I love it way better than DH) and join us in subtle usage of adjectives for hubby:



stud muffin

God of Love

Big Kauhuna

love muffin


If someone throws in a picture of a man in kilts, then we're good to go, que no? ;)


Um, yes.

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HAAAAAA!! :smilielol5:


Oh, I love ya, Impish! I was also thinking of Emperor of the Porcelain Throne, too. :D

Resident Love God.


I think Wolf would like it.


Beats my other nic for him..."The Sperminator", said in Arnie's voice. :D


(and yes, I called him that, to his face, after we found out Boo was on his way :tongue_smilie:)

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I absolutely detest it when someone uses the word...hubby! I think that word is SO dumb!


I just find the word totally :ack2:

Honestly, I don't know anyone who says it IRL. If they did, it would sound so cutesy and sick that I would probably look at them sideways... :ack2: (I'm picturing some over emotional weirdo talking in casual conversation about her 'hubby'. That's the only way I could picture anyone using it in real life.) If they choose to call them that behind closed doors, whatever.


I actually do say "my husband" in casual conversation. I never call him by his name, so referring to him as such feels stranger than just saying "my husband". "hubby" sounds fine coming from other people, but dh and I just don't use such irreverent or endearing terms for each other in conversation with other people. It would feel too "familiar", almost disrespectful.

I say my husband, too. On here I say DH because it's quicker, obviously. But when I'm talking to people I always refer to him as either 'my husband' or by his name (because most people know both of us). On my blog he's called 'The Man'. :D

In person we hardly ever call each other by names. I usually call him honey and he has several terms of endearment for me. :blush: We won't go into those, though.

Yes, it bugs me! So does hubs, which I've been seeing more online lately.

I've seen it too. It doesn't bother me as much as 'hubby' though.


I think it annoys me in general because adding the 'ee' sound to anything automatically baby-fies it, IMO. I hate baby talk to babies (with.a.passion.), and to me hubby sounds like baby talk for adults. Does that make any sense? To me it is the same as calling them something really overly syrupy sweet like schmoozie poo or something. In a whiny, baby voice. Ugh.

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I absolutely detest it when someone uses the word...hubby! I think that word is SO dumb!


Ugh! I do not care for it. I also dong like 'breaky,' or 'kindy' when spoken by American women who didn't grow up saying this but decided as adults it was a good idea. I also dislike 'sposies.' Adult baby talk is annoying. I scream on the inside and will my eyes not to roll.

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I say "my hubby" all the time online. I think of it as a cutsie word...like honey or darlin'. But I am southern and that may make a difference. I also call him "hubs" and "hubby bubby" to his face. LOL


Now, 'hubby' I don't use, but I'm definitely going to use "hubby bubby", a lot. And on the odd occasion when he lets his irritation with this be known, I'll quickly change it to 'Sperminator' :D.


Thanks girls!



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I just find the word totally :ack2:

Honestly, I don't know anyone who says it IRL. If they did, it would sound so cutesy and sick that I would probably look at them sideways... :ack2: (I'm picturing some over emotional weirdo talking in casual conversation about her 'hubby'. That's the only way I could picture anyone using it in real life.) If they choose to call them that behind closed doors, whatever.


I say my husband, too. On here I say DH because it's quicker, obviously. But when I'm talking to people I always refer to him as either 'my husband' or by his name (because most people know both of us). On my blog he's called 'The Man'. :D

In person we hardly ever call each other by names. I usually call him honey and he has several terms of endearment for me. :blush: We won't go into those, though.


I've seen it too. It doesn't bother me as much as 'hubby' though.


I think it annoys me in general because adding the 'ee' sound to anything automatically baby-fies it, IMO. I hate baby talk to babies (with.a.passion.), and to me hubby sounds like baby talk for adults. Does that make any sense? To me it is the same as calling them something really overly syrupy sweet like schmoozie poo or something. In a whiny, baby voice. Ugh.

:D I am that overemotional shmoozie poozie woman of which you speak :D


We also partake in pda :p



Ugh! I do not care for it. I also dong like 'breaky,' or 'kindy' when spoken by American women who didn't grow up saying this but decided as adults it was a good idea. I also dislike 'sposies.' Adult baby talk is annoying. I scream on the inside and will my eyes not to roll.

Dong bugs me way more :lol:

I hate when the kids call each other "dumb" or "stupid."

I agree (ran out of room for smileys), those words raise hackles. But then, this thread seems all in good fun once you get past the "dumb" part.

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Now, 'hubby' I don't use, but I'm definitely going to use "hubby bubby", a lot. And on the odd occasion when he lets his irritation with this be known, I'll quickly change it to 'Sperminator' :D.


Thanks girls!



Make sure you do it in the Arnie voice :D

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:D I am that overemotional shmoozie poozie woman of which you speak :D


We also partake in pda :p




Dong bugs me way more :lol:


I agree (ran out of room for smileys), those words raise hackles. But then, this thread seems all in good fun once you get past the "dumb" part.


:lol: I'll bet you prefer "Dongy Wongy Sweetums!"


I think I need to add this to my signature line:


"I type on an iPad. Editing is too much to ask."

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No it doesn't bother me. In fact I use that word. The first two posts on this thread made my heart sink...


What's so repulsive about it? I actually have no idea what's wrong with it?


I don't think it's repulsive. I use it online; I don't think I use it in real life. To his face I call him Pootie Pie. If some people don't like it, oh well. I'll file that under "not my problem."

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It makes me cringe. But so do all the other options you presented. I know some women like it. That is ok. I think is find terms of indearment emasculating somehow. "Hubby" seem particularly emasculating to me, but I am not sure why. Language is very personal.


Cracks me up that anyone would say that they use it because ' my husband' takes too long to type. Really. You have time to kill on Internet boards, but typing 'my husband' is a strain? But while that makes me smile, I do get that no one needs a reason to use a term like this. It's just part of their language.

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It makes me cringe. But so do all the other options you presented. I know some women like it. That is ok. I think is find terms of indearment emasculating somehow. "Hubby" seem particularly emasculating to me, but I am not sure why. Language is very personal.


Cracks me up that anyone would say that they use it because ' my husband' takes too long to type. Really. You have time to kill on Internet boards, but typing 'my husband' is a strain? But while that makes me smile, I do get that no one needs a reason to use a term like this. It's just part of their language.


Yes, this is the camp I'm in.


I often say to dh, 'hello Husband.' And he smiles. We are very happy to be Husband and Wife. Hubby seems emasculating to me as well....but I don't find it 'repulsive'...


I agree...language is personal. Sometimes I respond to my dh, 'Yes, My Lord.'...but that is a Sarah to Abraham inside....joke?. He gets it. He smiles.

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I will occasionally use it here, and no it doesn't bother me. I would never in a million years call my spouse "dear husband" or "darling husband" to his face but use the abbreviation DH on here all the time.


Now to his face I'll call him Hun, Honey, or Pook (short for pookie bear) and he's fine with all of them. Usually he calls me Hun or Honey, but occasionally I'll get a "hey sexy"



I do love the list Imp and others have come up with, maybe I'll start using those now.:tongue_smilie:

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Hmmm... How about Daddy?

My hubby likes to be called daddy. He loves to sit back and imagine legally changing it, and all the amazing situations where judges, teachers, police, men , women, everyone would have to address him as daddy.


It sounds pretty good with our last name too!




I'm typing on my phone, please excuse typos


Or how about, "Big Daddy"? ;) I cannot however use the nickname, "Big Poppa" as that reminds me waaay too much of Kim Zolciak from Real Housewives of Atlanta. *((SHUDDER))* :lol:

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Or how about, "Big Daddy"? ;) I cannot however use the nickname, "Big Poppa" as that reminds me waaay too much of Kim Zolciak from Real Housewives of Atlanta. *((SHUDDER))* :lol:


Some things are only OK in Texas, like saying Big Daddy or using dinner-sized utensils.


Just because I find this thread inspirational, I'm going to start introducing my DH as my Baby Daddy :D

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:lol: I'll bet you prefer "Dongy Wongy Sweetums!"


I think I need to add this to my signature line:


"I type on an iPad. Editing is too much to ask."

:smilielol5: Actually we don't use words like dong in our house, I find them dumb and repulsive ;) I do call him Mr. Big Head at times. (teehee)

I don't think it's repulsive. I use it online; I don't think I use it in real life. To his face I call him Pootie Pie. If some people don't like it, oh well. I'll file that under "not my problem."

I need one of those files. Where did you get that?

Yes, this is the camp I'm in.


I often say to dh, 'hello Husband.' And he smiles. We are very happy to be Husband and Wife. Hubby seems emasculating to me as well....but I don't find it 'repulsive'...


I agree...language is personal. Sometimes I respond to my dh, 'Yes, My Lord.'...but that is a Sarah to Abraham inside....joke?. He gets it. He smiles.

We call each other Mr. lionfamily1999 and Mrs. lionfamily1999 at times. We also call the kids, the girl, the boy, the little one. :lol:


Some things are only OK in Texas, like saying Big Daddy or using dinner-sized utensils.


Just because I find this thread inspirational, I'm going to start introducing my DH as my Baby Daddy :D

Ach! We use that one too!





I wonder if dh even remembers my name at this point.... Oh wait, he mocks me with it. That's about the only time we use each other's first names... when we're mocking or angry. Go figure.

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Or how about, "Big Daddy"? ;) I cannot however use the nickname, "Big Poppa" as that reminds me waaay too much of Kim Zolciak from Real Housewives of Atlanta. *((SHUDDER))* :lol:


I prefer "O Captain, my captain" :D (Which we use occasionally around the house to whoever is being most bossy at the time.)

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