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Thoreauvian Living - Tiny Homes

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It is a video on simple living, tiny homes.

I can imagine how life would be to own so few items and to have cooking be so simple - life be so pure ... Sigh ...

Of course I would need a cluster of tiny homes so all my children and grand babies could visit often :lol:

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I have absolutely no desire to go smaller than we have now. We have 5 people and a large dog is 750 square feet. It does not work well.


I lived in a 450 square foot house when it was just my oldest when she was 8 or 9 and myself. One bedroom, galley kitchen, bathroom with shower stall and no tub. It might be okay for a single person with few possessions but it can be very uncomfortable otherwise.

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The tiny house thing does appeal to a part of me, but I can't see it as realistic for my actual life. Even if my kids had moved out - well, I just really enjoy my dreams of big Thanksgiving dinners at my house and everything like that.

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We lived in 450 square feet in downtown Ottawa. It was just me and hubby and I loved it. I could see adding a kid to that space easily.


I was actually looking at cabin house plans. I dream of retiring back down to a place that small. Right now we have about 2000 square feet with 3 young kids and it's way too much. We only use about a 1/3 of the space. If I could build a house for all 5 of us it would be around 1200-1400 square feet.

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We did it temporarily...400 square feet, for 3 1/2 years in a fifth-wheel trailer. It was do-able, but not preferential (for us). We only did it to build our 2,800 sq. ft. victorian-style farmhouse (2-story, plus basement) largely out of pocket. Privacy was our biggest sacrifice...well, next to hot water. The water heater was only 5 gallons, which necessitated one to: wet down, turn off the water, soap up, rinse off...about 5 minutes of pseudo-luxury. House cleaning was like making one's bed while still lying in it. There were 5 of us: 2 adults, 2 teenagers and a preschooler.

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My DH is obsessed with Tiny Homes, and we plan to live in one after retirement. I'd be happy with a small home with kids, but couldn't possibly do a tiny home with the kids, we need more bedrooms and space for homeschooling. Our currrent place is around 1200-1300 square feet and I think that's perfect for our family knowing that we'll be adding a couple kiddos soon.

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I think that is darling. Very calm and peaceful. We live in a small house and it gets tight in winter, especially when all of the children are home, when they all have friends over, or we host parties or other gatherings.


One thing I'll say that isn't very crunchy -- smoke toxins from candles (even beeswax) and fireplaces can negatively impact health. I've always been a bit concerned about my fireplace. I love it, but I do worry about it. I've been known to open doors and windows (yep, in winter) when I've had a fire going for a long time.


OTOH, she has elminated a lot stress in her life, and eveything else seems super -healthy. She's still ahead of the game.


To regain crunch cred: We're putting in solar panels this spring. :) Very excited.

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No, I would not want to.

We live in a 1700 or less ft2 house. It is too small.

Where would I put all my books in a smaller place?

I don't have room for all of them now.

Not to mention yarn.

And weaving looms and woodworking tools.

Big hobbies require big space.

That is all.


No, it's not.


What I would really like:


A big, rambling, 3 story house with a tower. And lots of mature trees. And solar heating and AC. The first floor would be kitchen, breakfast nook, formal dining room, master suite, guest half bath, formal living room, and library with baby grand piano. One of those old looking libraries with wooden shelves and lots of heavy velvet drapes.


The second floor would have bedrooms--maybe 4 of them. And two full bathrooms. It would have the main master suite.


The third floor would have offices for DH and I, and a lot of open space for funky projects, and my weaving looms and supplies. It would have skylights.


The tower would be mine. It would have window seats at every level, and fireplaces too. (As would the library and living room on the first floor.) It would have a gorgeous view--lawn and an herb garden on level one, and the fruit trees beyond that on level two, and the landscape off into the distance on level three.


The heck with small.


I want enough room for all my interests and my stuff, and to be able to be very hospitable.

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Right now we have about 2000 square feet with 3 young kids and it's way too much. We only use about a 1/3 of the space. If I could build a house for all 5 of us it would be around 1200-1400 square feet.


Wow, you must be so incredibly organized and clutter-free! We have considerably more space than that and we need more room. I feel like we're using every last inch and then some, in both of our houses. (And there are only three of us -- dh, me, and our ds.)


I am always secretly in awe of people who can live in less space. I wish I wasn't such a pack rat. :glare:

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Where do I put my books???!!!!!!!!


Lol! I know, this is actually my one hang-up and I brought this up with DH when he was all into the Tiny Houses. We decided we'd need to cut back to maybe a small bookshelf of reference/collectible books and put everything else on the kindles. The issue I have with that is I HATE to read nonfiction of any sort on the kindle, I prefer to take notes, highlight, and just use the formatting of larger reference books (I'm thinking like TWTM with its easily viewable lists or my teaching books with pictures and charts and graphs).


My other issue even in retirement is having our grown kids and their kids over. My desire for hermit-like simplicity wars with my desire for the stereotypical fun, loud, large family gathering. Basically I'm too picky to use one of the pre-made designs, I need to design my own home for retirement, it'll be perfect but very very quirky and particular to our likes and dislikes, lol!

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I'm thinking a person who loves that level of simplicity and organization would not have a Duggar house full of kids as a goal. :)


For large families and party people, tiny houses work better in CA. My summer parties are less stressful than my winter parties. Although nobody else seems to mind the cozy quarters. :)


The woman in the interview lives N CA, where it can get very, very cold! She does need heating, hence the fireplace, but in the woods like that, in N CA, she wouldn't need cooling...and she doesn't seem to be the type who would want AC, no matter.


"The longest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." Who said that?

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We have 2400 sq. ft of space right now. The foyer is 8x10ish and wasted space. We have a double parlor and the second room is pretty useless for furniture because of window, door and fireplace placement. So that 12x12ish room is useless. There is a maid's room up on the 3rd floor which is heated so therefore counted as sq. ft. It is about 16x10 and unused.


So we could do okay with less space. But I don't want a tiny house. If we go alternative housing I'd rather have a yurt.

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We could do the tiny space thing pretty easily. I definitely need electricity, but that size would be manageable for us. Our apartment now isn't too much bigger than that. Our bathroom is about the same size, with only a shower stall, and our bedrooms are only a bit bigger than their loft, though we have two. Our kitchen is definitely bigger, and our living room is a bit bigger. It works just fine for three of us. I'm not sure of the exact square footage of our place, but it's definitely well under a thousand.


And, tbh, her demeanor creeped me out a bit.

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So we could do okay with less space. But I don't want a tiny house. If we go alternative housing I'd rather have a yurt.


I had no idea what a yurt was, until I saw Sarah and Tommy decorating one on an episode of Design, Inc. a few years ago. It was pretty cool, but I wouldn't want one.


So now I'm pretty much a yurt expert. :tongue_smilie:


Well, assuming that nobody else I ever meet has seen that particular episode; otherwise, I'm toast. ;)

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On a Kindle!!!! Or IPad. Or Nook. Take your pick. They take up no space!




Kindle does not have the feel or smell of a good book. There is no settling back in a chair and opening a beautiful book, inhaling the scent of old leather and imagining those who have read it before you.


Giving up my library for a piece of plastic is no different from those who would use the internet and claim that they have seen a Caravaggio because they googled one.


Reading is more than a glowing screen.

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i love love love the tiny house movement. it is a real passion of mine. i don't want to live off the grid, but i do want to build a tiny home. we still want a 3 bedroom & 2 bath (i think personal space is important). i'm looking at this plan, which is still under 800 square feet. i love

for decorating ideas. i also really love tiny house blog! lots of inspiration there.
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Kindle does not have the feel or smell of a good book. There is no settling back in a chair and opening a beautiful book, inhaling the scent of old leather and imagining those who have read it before you.


Giving up my library for a piece of plastic is no different from those who would use the internet and claim that they have seen a Caravaggio because they googled one.


Reading is more than a glowing screen.


Ouch! Okay. I get that books are great read from the actual book. But, I don't like my house to look like a library. I truly appreciate that when I take my dd to gym, I have a choice of thousands of books to read.


But, I have to disagree with you about looking up a piece of art on the internet is the same thing as reading a book on a Kindle. The emotion of looking at a piece of art in a museum is totally missed on a computer or on a screen. Words read on a Kindle/iPad/Nook are the same words read in a real book.


I'm not good with words. But, I see the two as totally different.

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Once my kids are grown and gone I could see myself down sizing to a place about half this size. I am in right around 1000sq ft right now with 4 kids. Once I am on my own i could see dropping down to 450-500sq ft. Almost all my "stuff" is kid or homeschool related to once it is all gone most of my current house will be quite empty.

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I'm all for simpler living, but that small would bring me stress. That's not to say there's a lot to take from it. I just wish I could find simpler living that wasn't stark or so small it would give me hives. I want simple and homey.


I'd like 1200 sq feet with a basement that didn't require cleaning. Perfect!

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Ouch! Okay. I get that books are great read from the actual book. But, I don't like my house to look like a library. I truly appreciate that when I take my dd to gym, I have a choice of thousands of books to read.


But, I have to disagree with you about looking up a piece of art on the internet is the same thing as reading a book on a Kindle. The emotion of looking at a piece of art in a museum is totally missed on a computer or on a screen. Words read on a Kindle/iPad/Nook are the same words read in a real book.


I'm not good with words. But, I see the two as totally different.


It was tongue in cheek, I was having a little fun, that being said the plastic pieces do degrade the reading experience for me. I even prefer to read a hardback than a paperback.

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Guest submarines

Love it. We live in a smal house now, but almost bought even a smaller, tiny actually, fixer upper on a property with a brook. That was a crazy week, when we seriously considered moving into that space. Lots of fun and excitement. :D


But then we decided we couldn't handle two fixer uppers in a row.


Every time I watch a tiny house video, I declutter like crazy! I should make this a weekly exercise. The best part is, DD9, who tends to be attached to her belongings, is getting inspired to simplify as well.


I just realised I don't need 14 types of teas in my cupboard. :tongue_smilie:

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We are in our small house. It's about 1000 sf. There is no way we could buy a tiny house for the price we are paying here, and it it the perfect house for us. I plan to grow old in this house.


I would want to put my tiny house on a large piece of land. No idea where it would be best to do that though.

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I would want to put my tiny house on a large piece of land. No idea where it would be best to do that though.


We have a small corner lot in the city. For us, it's perfect. My dog has grass allergies, I do too, dh doesn't like a lot of yard work, and I can walk to our downtown. I can also sit on my porch and watch the twice yearly parades queue on our street.


I used to think I wanted country, but I like the small town. In the morning I get up and watch the sunrise over the old antiquated high school building. I've never been this happy with a home.

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