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Poll: Do you like your job?

Do you LIKE it?  

  1. 1. Do you LIKE it?

    • Yes, I like it.
    • No, I don't like it.

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Anonymous poll....


Clarification: Sorry to be so confusing. :001_smile: For the following poll, consider homeschooling your JOB. :001_smile:


Honestly folks:


Do you like your job? Really? Do you like it? Apart from the whole mothering thing. Helping them to learn X. Helping them avoid Y. Etc, etc, etc. Apart from all that, do you LIKE it?


I guess what I mean is this: Apart from the benefits your receive from DOING the job (of homeschooling your kids), do you like the job (of homeschooling your kids)?


Do you actually like homeschooling your kids?




Edited by Janice in NJ
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Janice, are you asking about our job as a homeschooling parent?


If I had been asked the question last yr, I would have responded that I like teaching my children but I am so tired that if I could have zapped my perfect vision of education into existence I would have gladly surrendered the reins.


But this yr, now that the youngest is 2 and I am getting more sleep, and our Aspie is calmer and not draining every ounce of energy I have, we are having a fabulous yr and I can't imagine changing a thing. This is the best yr we have had in several. I needed it. I think my batteries might be recharged enough to face the 16+ yrs ahead of me!! :D

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... and I love homeschooling too? Or were you only looking to poll those parents who DON'T have a job outside of homeschooling?:D


I'm not trying to be snarky -- just to toss my name in to encourage others who may be doing BOTH jobs. There were times it was very, very hard. Especially when I didn't know anyone else in that situation. Now, not so much.


Now that my son is of high-school age I am am really enjoying reading literature and learning history that I never did before. It really balances out my life.





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I absolutely love it!!!!


Homeschooling (and parenting) has been the job I've kept at for the longest, and it is the BEST job I have ever had: it is new every day, and it changes over the years. It has stretched and grown ME and I have more confidence than in the past.


Really, I get to work with the best co-workers in the world! (DH and DC). I really do like the teaching aspect. I enjoy the researching. I love that *I* keep learning. I love the mentoring/advising and relationship with my children. I enjoy the networking the job provides (with local and online homeschoolers). I love the flexibility and unexpected opportunities the job has offered; and I like being my own boss. :)


The only aspect I hate is grading; and because I'm not naturally organized, record keeping is not fun.


Looking back, yes, our first 4 years were ROUGH (me trying to learn the job, plus a strong-willed child with an attitude and trying to figure out his LDs), and I almost threw in the towel. But you know, EVERY job has seasons like that; and either you love the job (or aspects of it) enough to keep at it until that cycle passes, or you move on to a job that is a better fit. I can see from having taken that Strong-Campbell Interest Survey many years ago that the JOB of homeschooling is an almost perfect fit for my job temperament, strengths and interests. I am so sad that our 12 year journey is ending with the graduation of our younger DS in May. I am already looking ahead for ways to keep this job of homeschooling going in some way! :)


Thanks for the poll, Janice! Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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Yes, I love. I feel like I am doing something worthy of the time I put into it. I've held many regular jobs where I didn't feel that way.


Honestly, I get a kick out of the research sometimes more than the actual schooling part, but that's my perk about homeschooling. I love me some good details. :D


I love the interaction with ds and seeing him discover new things.

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I love it! Lori D. sums it up for me.


Really, I get to work with the best co-workers in the world! (DH and DC). I really do like the teaching aspect. I enjoy the researching. I love that *I* keep learning. I love the mentoring/advising and relationship with my children. I enjoy the networking the job provides (with local and online homeschoolers). I love the flexibility and unexpected opportunities the job has offered; and I like being my own boss. :)


Although, I am not sure I always enjoy my co-workers:glare:, but most days they are sweet :thumbup:. I'm on again off again with organizing, but when I'm on, I love that too.


My daughter will most likely be taking most classes through the cc next year and this really weighs on my heart. I guess it's just hard letting go. Then again, my son wants to go to college at home :tongue_smilie: - silly boy.

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Hey, where's the "other?"


I love homeschooling, I love teaching. BUT, it's been a long 2 years. I feel hammered a LOT. Christmas was kinda cr8ppy with little break between assignments due. My 12 yo is a tweener AND sick this week. The house is still 1/2 done, the only shower is in the basement and we have no closets. I'd really like to be somewhere WARM instead of on weather house arrest.


Right now, I am thanking God for on-line classses, DVD's, Tutoring Center and can't wait for Co-op to start.

So, I'm committed to my job but love is not the word I'd use to describe what I do right now.

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Hey, where's the "other?"

I love some things about hs'ing. I like some things about hs'ing. I dislike some things about hs'ing.

Love: learning myself, knowing ds is getting a "great" education

Like: researching and selecting the "best" curriculum for ds

Dislike: working with an unmotivated student


I would say the pros outweigh the cons.


I also work as a programmer. I would say that I love, like, and dislike things about that job as well. I don't know that there is a perfect job for me. My reality.



Edited by Sue in St Pete
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I love being a homeschool teacher, tutor, mentor, activity director, researcher, curriculum designer, buyer, cataloger, guidance counselor, librarian, and office manager. I have a MBA, have owned and operated several businesses, and consider myself a life long learner (I keep figuring out reasons to go back to school for another degree). These traits are perfect fit for this job!!!! I literally sit up late into the night planning, I dream about curriculum, and I can't wait to get up in the morning to implement a new learning opportunity. I am now thinking about how to turn all of this love an excitement into a new business and get my son and nephew involved with it.


But with all of that mentioned above the best part is when I see the expressions on my boy's faces when something has clicked, when we are laying around reading or listening to a great book, or giggling and acting silly while doing an activity. You just can't beat all the extra time you get to know your child and how these moments translate into great memories!!!!!

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I need a "sometimes" option.


I enjoy homeschooling, but it's coming to an end for me. I enjoyed most of it. It's bittersweet that it's coming to an end. I loved sharing knowledge with my boys. I never really cared for doing grades. I prefer discussions.


My ps teaching/subbing job I generally enjoy, but I don't really care for the full time 8th grade math long term job I have right now (mainly because I detest the curriculum they use).


Overall, I enjoy working with teens and education.

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Only I wish it paid better.... :glare:


Me too. Seriously.


Most of the time I enjoy homeschooling, but the thing I hate the most often is not having enough funding to make my job easier or better in other ways.


They are getting a pretty good education IMO, but it takes a lot of work just to budget it and something is always left off the list because of funds.

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No. Right now I don't like it. I LOVE my dc. I don't like homeschooling anymore. I've been schooling my dc for 12 years, and I'm just burned out. The toughest part is that dh works in a different state, so I am also RAISING my dc solo. We see dh maybe once/quarter, and we're all together during the summer. I am exhausted. Sometimes I think that homeschooling is ruining my relationship with my dc. Daddy is fun; I'm the bad guy.... always hounding them to get their work done. But I also know that NO ONE loves my dc as much as I do. And NO ONE cares about their education and their future as much as I do. So I feel trapped, and compelled to continue. But almost every day I dream of going back to my professional career, and dealing with adults. No, it wasn't perfect. But at least I could feel some success there.


There. I said it.

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I used to LOVE my job....now that I have another job on top of the homeschooling one...and a VERY resistant 7 yo...I really do not like my job anymore. I would like to quit...but instead keep trying to make it work for us.


My kids are on or above grade level...so I am still being efficient...but I would like to find the joy in it once again.



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Janice, are you asking about our job as a homeschooling parent?


If I had been asked the question last yr, I would have responded that I like teaching my children but I am so tired that if I could have zapped my perfect vision of education into existence I would have gladly surrendered the reins.


But this yr, now that the youngest is 2 and I am getting more sleep, and our Aspie is calmer and not draining every ounce of energy I have, we are having a fabulous yr and I can't imagine changing a thing. This is the best yr we have had in several. I needed it. I think my batteries might be recharged enough to face the 16+ yrs ahead of me!! :D


Please share how you got back here...I am still burnt, and my "baby" will be 8 next year. I need a pep talk....I am exhausted!


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I can't answer this....LOL


I have two jobs. Homeschooling and full time job outside the home.


Before working, I loved homeschooling. Now....sigh! very difficult to answer. If I wasn't working, it is great. Working and homeschooling is very difficult. I love homeschooling now just because I am the main teacher and love teaching my kids. However I do not love the planning, the buying, the figuring out high school kid (who is flipping between medical dr or business major).


So it is a love hate relationship for me right now due to my full time job.



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After 11 years of homeschooling, yes, I still love it.


There are times when my enthusiasm wanes, and I have to just push through, but overall, I still love doing it.


My relationship with homeschooling has matured over the years. The honeymoon stage is over, and I no longer get all giddy about planning in January for the next school year. I don't worry about what other people are doing, what the "best" method is, or which curriculum is shiny and new. I'm lucky if I think about planning before July.


On the other hand, my satisfaction has deepened. I enjoy conversations with my kids, as they mature into young adults that I really like. I'm starting to see the fruits of years of work, and it's very cool.

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With twelve years of homeschooling nearly done, I'm 2/3 of the way through this project.


My goal was always to work myself out of a job, and we are getting there, so my role involves organizing, cheering them on, and troubleshooting here and there. The days of having to think through the details are mostly over. So it is a different role than a decade ago, but it reflects the transition to adulthood.


It is bittersweet indeed. Not so far away, it will be over.

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Yes, most of the time. In fact, I've often thought I'd enjoy the challenge of starting over with a few young kids (someone else's, of course - I'm 55yo). I'd like to experiment with all the things I've learned over the years.


I've thought about babysitting/after-school care just so I could do that. But our house would need some serious interior work before that would ever happen. Oh well.

:iagree: Funny, you sound like me, I've thought those same things! :001_smile:


I have always LOVED and felt so blessed to be able to homeschool! Of course there were a few bad days in there that I could've done without, but overall, it's been a great 14 years!


Only my dd is left homeschooling now. The boys are home, but they're going to the local CC--ds20 for an AA, and ds18 for dual credit.


I recently started my first job since I subbed at a local Christian school when the kids were little (my stipulation was that I took all 3 of them with me, or I wouldn't sub). I now work 20-40 hours a week as a Caregiver, and I LOVE my job!!! I was trying to figure out what to do, and my sister suggested caregiving. It was the perfect thing for me! DH or the boys are home with dd when I'm not here so it just works out so well! I'm so happy with how things are going now! :D

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Well, it depends...on the kid, on the age, and on the year. I love discussing literatue with my children. I hate slogging through math with the younger two. I LOVE how independent and wonderfully helpful my 16yo has become. I love having conversations with him. You work and work and work to get them where you want them to be and when they are finally mature, fun and interesting, they leave!!!!


What I don't love: the constant worrying.. Did I make the right choice??? Did I ruin his life by not having him do AOPS??? Would it have been better socially if he was in ps??? Or would he have been bullied and committed suicide? Will he flunk English in college? Would my middle one just do much better in high school? Would are relationship be better????


There is absolutely no way to know the answers to any of these questions. I like getting A's. I want to do it perfectly... With parenting and homeschooling there isn't any objective measure of that. It is really frustrating. I like plug this in, study this, do it this way and you get an A and everyone is happy... That is another frustrating thing. If your goal in life is for everyone around you to be happy, it ain't happening.... Very frustrating.


So I didn't vote. My vote would change minute by minute.. Sometimes I LOVE it and sometimes I'm crying in my closet because I am the biggest failure in the world.

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