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Who said boys were easier than girls?

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12 was hard with my oldest, very easy son. We butted heads a lot that year. He was my first teen, and for me learning not to take the bait, waiting until we were BOTH calm helped -even if we had to wait 24 hours. The same applies for my 14dd, but oh how she can push my buttons so much better and hurt my feelings. LOL I am one of those that say teen boys are easier, but it really depends on the kid and their personality and temperament.


I currently have 4 teens, and a 11dd going on a hormonal 29 in the house. It's not easy sometimes. Breathe. Take breaks. Count your blessings. Think positive. Time outs for everyone! :)

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well that is only part of the saying. I heard that boys are hard in the beginning/easy at the end. Girls are easy in the beginning and hard at the end.


Which means with one of each I am always going to have a hard time, lol.


But I totally agree with that statement. My son is an emotional mess and has been for years with no sign of stopping as puberty comes in the future. My dd is pretty easy going but is slowly starting to have those moments like I did when a preteen. :tongue_smilie:

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Not me saying it! It may change as they get older but DD was very mellow & easygoing and still is for the most part. Sometimes I think I have PTSD from DS1's babyhood...all my memories of him as a baby are of him screaming at the top of his lungs and puking like a fountain. He's very strong-willed, very intense, and climbs like a monkey to boot. I really cannot imagine having a more difficult child. DS2 is sort of in-between the other two. I would not consider him to be a mellow child, but he's not as intense as his brother. He's a climber too, unfortunately. If we have another I want another GIRL!

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I don't have a girl, but FWIW my 9 (almost 10) year old can be moody too (as moody as I ever was). I don't mind it though. At this point he is a walk in the park compared with my 6 year old. There is no pleasing him these days! :D


Sorry your son is giving you a hard time. :grouphug:


Nine is AWFUL for boys!! It was the absolute worst. Twelve wasn't great either, and there are currently days where 14 is a booger-bear as well! However, it does get better.


This, too, shall pass. Hang in there, OP. :grouphug:

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All I can say is they were wrong!


I have the most difficult 12 year old son on the planet.


His mood changes about every 30 seconds and it is driving me crazy.




I think its time for me to go back to bed.


:iagree: I have two adult girls, and two adult sons. (hang in there, they all grow up eventually.)


My sister (only two daughters) used to believe all the "the only difference between boys and girls is the equipment". then she took three 12yo boys out in a canoe.:smilielol5::lol::smilielol5:


that dissuaded her of that falsehood.


eta: there was a study out of denmark where they went through and looked at birth/death records going back 500 years. porportionaltly, mother's of sons had shorter life-expectancies. gee, why is that?

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We have 3 boys and whenever dh and I are around girls we always look at each other and are very thankful for our boys. I think our family fits the cliche. :D


Hope your guy moves past this stage soon.


:iagree: I have 4 boys but I was raised with only sisters. Give me boys any day! Maybe I understand them because I was such a tomboy :D

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All I can say is they were wrong!


I have the most difficult 12 year old son on the planet.


His mood changes about every 30 seconds and it is driving me crazy.




I think its time for me to go back to bed.

No, I'm sorry. I have that "honor", though I feel your pain.


Mine is the most obnoxious, argumentative 12 year old in the universe. I'm told it passes. I'm praying.


He's only exceeded in the stress he causes by my daughter.

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My son turned 13 this year, and it has been an incredibly difficult year for us too. He has started asking to go to school... I have heard from many veterans that the relationship btw the mom and son at this age is changing, and sometimes tough. I just have the hope that we will get through this and be in a better place soon.


I have a 16 yr old daughter, and we never went through any of this stuff!! She was much easier!

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