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What are some things that noone else in your family seems to know how to do?

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For my family, it is amazing the things that I know how to do that nobody else knows how to do.


These include:


Changing a toilet paper roll


Throwing away empty bottles in the shower


Emptying trash cans




What are your amazing specialized skills that are too complicated for other people to figure out in your house?

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DH knows these things, but the kids apparently do not:


1) flush a toilet


2) separate their dirty underwear from their pants before throwing them in the laundry



As to things dh doesn't know how to do either:

clean a toilet before it is coated in red/green slime,

clean a kitchen sink

clean a bathroom sink


I guess he knows HOW, it's just not on his radar to do until the bacterial ooze stands up and begins trying to communicate. :D


In terms of things I don't know that (thankfully) he does:

how to whip a room into order when company is coming. I get overwhelmed with what to do first, but he just gets it done.

Edited by ChandlerMom
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Find things :glare:


I'm really bad at it too.


Uh, yeah. Except I'm GOOD at it, but apparently no one else in the family can EVER find ANYTHING.


I'll add mine:



cleaning toilets


cleaning counters



So, uh, yeah, pretty much cleaning anything in any way.

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Put anything, even the smallest thing, back where it belongs. This even extends to items of clothing being just dropped where they're taken off. And before anyone tells me I shouldn't allow this, I don't. But it's certainly very wearying and annoying to have to tell four boys and one grown man, every day, all day, to pick up, put away, put back, in the laundry basket ... every. little. thing.


Whew, that feels better. I really needed to get that off my chest :001_smile:.


Best wishes



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well they can do it but they pretend stupidity and know eventually it will drive me crazy and sure enough I will do it at some point...usually yelling about it to them, lol.


But honestly, no one knows how to 'pick up'. I walk into a room and see tons of things that need to be picked up and put in a place or another room, etc. No one else can do that. I could stand and point it out to them, but none of them would ever see the room the same way as I do :lol::tongue_smilie:


the toilet paper thing is huge for the kids

dh can't put dirty clothes 3 feet farther into the basket

wiping down the kitchen counters escapes them all

wiping down the table too


but I am bad about leaving shoes all over the place. I trip someone up every week :D

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I am the miraculous Finder. I can easily Find missing things when no one else in my family can do it. What is the secret to my super powers? I have the bionic instinct to pick up items that may be blocking or covering the missing item! Despite regularly trying to pass on this amazing secret ability, no one in my family wishes to join me as a Finder Apprentice.

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Cleaning properly. :glare: It's annoying because my husband DOES know how to clean a room, but when he does do it, we end up losing the things he "put away."


:lol::lol::lol: My dh resembles that remark!


My dh packs them in a cardboard box and puts them up high on a shelf.


We call them Mystery Boxes now.

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My dh packs them in a cardboard box and puts them up high on a shelf.


We call them Mystery Boxes now.


My DH does that too! Such boxes also get shoved into cupboards. Anywhere out of the way. Anything but actually deal with the disorganisation and put it away properly. It's usually his mess though, so I stay out of it :D.



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Find the laundry hamper. The dirty clothes do no go next to the hamper. They do not go on the floor 3ft away from the hamper. THEY GO INTO THE HAMPER!!!!!!!!!



Put anything, even the smallest thing, back where it belongs. This even extends to items of clothing being just dropped where they're taken off. And before anyone tells me I shouldn't allow this, I don't. But it's certainly very wearying and annoying to have to tell four boys and one grown man, every day, all day, to pick up, put away, put back, in the laundry basket ... every. little. thing.


Whew, that feels better. I really needed to get that off my chest :001_smile:.


Best wishes




:iagree: This drives me completely nuts. If I had just a tiny little penny for every time I have to tell someone to "put that back where it belongs" I would have enough money to buy a professional football team.

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No one in my family knows how to...


Clean a bathroom

Do laundry, other than their own

Put clean dishes away

Sweep, mop anything


Put things away on the counter

Wipe down the diningroom table

Wipe off the can opener

Clean a faucet

Vacuum anything

Use glass cleaner



... without being asked first.

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There's only one thing that none of the kids seem to be able to do -- and that is to put the sticker from the fruit directly into the trashcan, which I've conveniently located just centimeters from the countertop onto which they currently place said sticker.


To be fair, it does require one to slightly open a cabinet door. That may be where the true inability rests.



Someone Who Doesn't Know How to Put TP on a roll :blush:

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My kids don't ever seem to be able to locate the handle to flush the toilet. Disgusting.

And (and I don't know why this bugs me so much, it is sort of stupid...)the arm rest covers for the couch - they NEVER are on the couch. I probably put them on (or ask someone to replace them) 50 times a day. I mean really, how do they end up on the banisters???

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Wash pots and pans. :glare: Not sure why I alone possess the ability to tell if there is still burnt scrambled egg or cooking grease remaining on a pan. Even dh cannot clean a pan 100%.


To be fair, there are things I am equally unwilling to master, like how to feed the furnace with wood. NOOOOOO!!!! I can also say I've never cut the grass or done the weed trimming.

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Close kitchen cabinets .

I am the miraculous Finder. I can easily Find missing things when no one else in my family can do it. What is the secret to my super powers? I have the bionic instinct to pick up items that may be blocking or covering the missing item! Despite regularly trying to pass on this amazing secret ability, no one in my family wishes to join me as a Finder Apprentice.

:iagree:with this too!

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Putting away clean and folded laundry. :glare:


Washing pots or pans when cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. They seem to be able to handle everything else -- except pots and pans.:glare:


Replacing the roll of toilet paper.:glare:


Hanging up coats. :glare:


Knowing when the dog MUST be taken outside.:glare:


Lowering the volume on anything.:glare:


WHERE anything is. :glare:


The meaning of the word NO.:glare:

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Put things in their logical place in the refrigerator. You know, like condiments in the door shelf where all the other condiments are or cheese in the drawer with the rest of the cheese. Instead they think it's best to stack the cheese, jam, and mustard on top of each other right in the middle of everything.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I am the miraculous Finder. I can easily Find missing things when no one else in my family can do it. What is the secret to my super powers? I have the bionic instinct to pick up items that may be blocking or covering the missing item! Despite regularly trying to pass on this amazing secret ability, no one in my family wishes to join me as a Finder Apprentice.


You mean, walking into a room and staring at the wall directly in front of you doesn't qualify as LOOKING for something? Sheeeesh. You expect so much ;).

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